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Chapter 958 Sun and Moon

There are two reasons for this.

One is that the local officials don't want to cause trouble for themselves.

After all... Emperor Wu, who has been in power for a short time, is not an easy person to serve.

Such a big mess has occurred in the area under his jurisdiction, and he will definitely be in trouble.

In the best case, he will be fined a little salary, and in the worst case, he will be directly separated from his head...

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

There is also a more important reason. The people above him have spoken.

The person who spoke is none other than the high official of the dynasty, Hu Wei.

Hu Wei's official position can be said to be the highest. If he wants to move up one step, he can only be the position of Emperor Wu...

But obviously, this idea is impossible.

The reason why Emperor Wu of the dynasty can hold his current position is only one of the reasons for his own excellence.

The most important thing is the supporters behind Emperor Wu.

The controller of the Jiantian Division, the leader of the Tianyan Sect of this generation, Yuan Tiansuan.

To put it bluntly, even if Yuan Tiansuan rebelled and wanted to be the emperor, they could only obey.

Yuan Tiansuan is no less than ordinary extraordinary people.

In this world, it seems that it has come to an end.

There is no rival to match him, maybe his senior brother from the same school can be counted... that is, Li Chungang.

Yuan Tiansuan is the biggest support behind Emperor Wu, as long as Yuan Tiansuan has no intention of giving up support.

These people below them, even if they have a lot of dissatisfaction with Emperor Wu.

It can only be in their hearts...

They dare not show it.

Once they show it, they will be greeted by Emperor Wu's sharp butcher knife.

Perhaps there are still many strange people scattered among the people, who can be used as part of the force to resist Emperor Wu.

But such power is really too small.

The example of the player can be used as a good reference.

Behind the player stands the extraordinary game, although the extraordinary game will not directly intervene in the tasks in which the player participates.

But it still provides some basic guarantees.

Such guarantees prevent players from being carried away directly as soon as they enter the game.

But in the distorted Datang, in this task world, the role of the extraordinary game is very limited.

As the world's most powerful warrior, Yuan Tiansuan suppressed all the extraordinary people.

No matter what you are.

Whether you are an alien or a player, the consequence of messing around is like an evil spirit.

It is obviously a product of the extremely terrifying distortion of the world's rules.

As a result, under Yuan Tiansuan's suppression and erasure, it has almost completely disappeared from the world.

Yuan Tiansuan truly achieved the power of one person to suppress the people of the entire world.

At the same time, he is also the first extraordinary person who made Su Bai feel powerless.

Fault-like power.

It doesn't look like a product that should appear in this era at all, but more like an old monster left behind from an unknown era.

The facts may be similar.

Rather than saying that Yuan Tiansuan is very strong, it is better to say that the people of Tianyanmen are very strong.

The originally powerful Tianyanmen, now only has two people left.

One assisted the Emperor Wu and became the national teacher, showing his terrifying strength to everyone without reservation.

The other one is wandering around the world, looking for a suitable successor, but so many years have passed, and there is still no result.

Until later, he met an amazing monster...

He didn't know whether his choice of taking the other party as his successor was correct.

But he knew that if there was anyone in the world who could be the last successor of his Tianyan Sect.

That must be him!

The person who divided the whole world into two, completely separated Yin and Yang, was the founder of Tianyan Sect.

The specific time could not be speculated, and the information left was very limited.

Even, whether the other party was still alive was a question mark.

The reason was very simple. Whether it was from the oral accounts of the predecessors or the records of related books, there was no definite news of the death of the leader of Tianyan Sect.

The only two descendants had completely different views on whether the ancestor was dead.

Li Chungang believed that the other party should have died a long time ago. After all, he and his junior brother Yuan Tiansuan didn't know how many generations of disciples of Tianyan Sect they had been.

It was also unknown how long their master had been.

In the sect, all the people Li Chungang knew were gone.

The last person to leave him was his junior brother, Yuan Tiansuan...

Perhaps in the near future, he, Li Chungang, will also die in an unknown corner.

This is Li Chungang's view, but Yuan Tiansuan does not.

Yuan Tiansuan once spent a lot of effort to speculate on the future and direction of the sect.

At that time, there were only him and his senior brother Li Chungang left in the sect.

Logically speaking, in the future, apart from the two of them, there would be no stronger people.

Even Yuan Tiansuan's own disciple, Di Yun, is the same.

Even if he reaches the end in the future, it is very likely that he will not catch up with Yuan Tiansuan himself.

He can only be regarded as a fire that is passed down by the sect.

As for his senior brother Li Chungang... Yuan Tiansuan did not hold any hope.

He knew that his senior brother's vision was too high, and Di Yun was at most a barely acceptable garbage in his eyes...

Although compared with the two of them, it was indeed the case.

But this is probably the limit of this world...

Di Yun is already considered to be a relatively outstanding person. Compared with other people, Di Yun is also outstanding.

Unfortunately, even if he is so outstanding, he still has no future...

Yuan Tiansuan saw it. He spent decades to calculate the future.

In the dark future, there are two huge light spots.

If you compare him and Li Chungang, it's like a light bulb and the moon at night...

He and Li Chungang are light bulbs at night, and one of the huge light spots is the moon.

In comparison, the two are just a bunch...

How can the light of a firefly compete with the bright moon!

The uncertain light spot is the person from their Tianyan Sect, but... Yuan Tiansuan can't be sure whether it is a person from the past or a person who will appear in the future.

This huge "moon" should be their ancestor...

The appearance of the moon illuminates the unclear "road" around. As long as it still exists, the future will still have infinite possibilities.

Whether it is Yuan Tiansuan or Li Chungang, even if they amazed their entire era, it is only their world.

In front of this huge "moon", the two of them are worth nothing, just a small wave in the long river of time.

It's fleeting...

While it sounds a bit sad, it also makes Yuan Tiansuan feel relieved...

But if it's just like this, it's not enough for Yuan Tiansuan to give up everything, or even take the initiative to die.

As a disciple, Di Yun is not qualified, as an emperor, Emperor Wu is not qualified...

Even the entire Tang Dynasty is not qualified!

The only reason is because of another huge light spot.

If the light spot "moon" that has been confirmed is the ancestor of Tianyanmen, then the other light spot...

is the real "sun"!

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