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Chapter 962 Human Skin

Why should I hit you...

Who knows why I hit you!

The owner of the bun shop was so scared that his brain crashed at this time. How could he have the mood to answer the other party's questions?

The only thought in his mind now was to run away quickly and get out of the sight of this "ghost".

Without answering, the shop owner finally came to his senses at this time.

He stood up, gave up his bun shop, and ran towards the most crowded street.

But... he didn't take two steps, and his movements became slower and slower.

Finally, a snap-

A piece of human skin stood up, along with a lot of rotten meat.

The owner of the bun shop died in an extremely weird way.

He didn't have time to express the fear in his mouth, and died on the way to escape.

Perhaps, if he was given another chance, he would definitely regret it...

But he didn't regret giving the beggar in front of him a stick.

Instead, he would regret why he had to come out to set up a stall today. Wouldn't it be better to stay at home honestly?

Such things are not accidental.

Maybe the person who appeared here today was not an evil spirit like human skin, but someone else, and the bun shop owner would still hit him with a stick.

At that time, the result would be completely different.

Now the bun shop owner is lying on the ground, and if it was a real beggar, at this time, it would be the other person lying on the ground...

The bun shop owner's human skin began to fall off, and finally became extremely full from shriveled.

Finally, it recovered to the appearance of a person. As for the rotten meat on the ground...

No one cares, maybe it will be regarded as a "gift from heaven" by the passing refugees...

It may also be eaten by passing wild dogs.

In this world, there are many ways to make this pile of rotten meat disappear.

No one cares.

Just like those refugees who were beaten to death by people like the bun shop owner.

Their death, in this cannibalistic world, is just an ordinary thing that cannot be more ordinary.

Evil spirits, giants, aliens, players...

There is always a way to die for these ordinary people.

For ordinary people, the extraordinary is a dimensionality reduction attack, which is no different from pinching an ant to death.

Just like the human skin now.

After "eating" the shop owner in front of him, he obtained the other party's memory.

And the psychological activities in the other party's heart when he saw him just now.

The human skin understood the shop owner's malice towards him.

The human skin began to be affected, affected by the shop owner's malice.

Before, the human skin didn't know what he should do.

What he should do.

Even, he himself was not very clear about who he was.

But... now the human skin knows, he knows who he is and what he should do.

He is a "ghost", and what he needs to do is to keep harming and eating people like this...

That's right, it should be like this.

So, the human skin spent one night to complete "what he should do".

The whole market town has become weird under the evil spirit.

But the strange thing is that the "people" in the market town are still living according to their original lifestyle.

It seems that there is no difference from before.

The human skin ate all the memories of these people, obtained all their memories, and inherited everything from them.

In a sense, they were "resurrected" in a weird way on the human skin.

But... it's not clear whether this kind of resurrection is what they want.

But unfortunately, they have no choice.

The human skin has made a choice for them.

And this choice is not the origin of the human skin, but the choice made by the owner of the bun shop he met.

For this choice, the human skin has never considered right or wrong.

But he knows that he should do this.

Slowly, after devouring the people in the entire market town, the human skin's cognition has become more perfect.

He knows that in addition to the identity of "ghost", he has another more decent name.


That's right, he has his own identity, he is the evil.

All he needs to do is to keep killing people, because that is what the evil needs to do.

It's not about right or wrong, but when everyone thinks so, he... has no choice.

Everything about him comes from the memories and prejudices of these people.

He thought that evil spirits should be like this, they should kill people, eat people, and finally die at the hands of those strange people in the Tianshi.

At the same time, Renpi also felt the weight of the word "strange people" for the first time.

These strange people... seem to be their natural enemies?

Well... yes, they are natural enemies.

It's like the world of small insects is those birds that eat insects.

As an evil spirit, he is a small insect, at least in front of strange people, he needs to be low-key.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that he will disappear from this world like those "insects" eaten by him.

Although he doesn't know where he will go after disappearing.

But instinct still gives the answer. Renpi knows that he can't do that.

At least he can't be caught by strange people.

Renpi began to be very cautious, no longer committing crimes, and even left the original market town and ran to another place.

Not long after, Renpi heard the news.

It was because of the previous incident in the market town that someone had discovered something was wrong and reported it to the Heavenly Supervisory Department.

The alien had already passed.

During that time, Renpi also felt what anxiety was for the first time.

If he was caught... he would be killed directly, right?

A little curious, what would it feel like to be killed?

Ahem... Of course, it was just curiosity. Renpi was not really desperate and had to die.

Although he didn't know what fear was, his instinct still told him not to do it.

After Renpi felt anxious, he began to look for his own kind.

That's right, other evil spirits.

Although Renpi could disguise himself as other people, it was obvious in his heart that he was not the same kind as those people.

As long as he was discovered, there was a high probability that the other party would turn against him directly...

It was dangerous, it was too dangerous, and he had to think of a way.

So, Renpi began to look for his own kind, other evil spirits...

That's right, he heard about evil spirits.

Renpi was very excited, he could finally see his own kind.

He rushed over non-stop, just to see his own kind as soon as possible.


A thunderbolt fell, not far away, not far from Renpi, on the body of an evil spirit.

Renpi's brain buzzed, and everything went blank, watching his own kind just like this...

Just died at the hands of the thunderbolt.

This is... the method of the aliens!

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