Welcome to the amazing game!

Chapter 964: Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west...

It turns out that the world can be so wonderful.

That person is not the same as him. He is an evil spirit who wants to eat people.

That person is on the side of being eaten, but the other party does not seem to care and has never opposed this matter.

Renpi is very happy, at least he will not die inexplicably because he is labeled as an evil spirit.

Following that person, it seems that he will not be eaten?

It's good...

Renpi gradually has a comprehensive understanding of that person through memory.

From the perspective of humans, that person should be... a villain or something like that?

After all, he is an evil spirit who wants to eat people, and the other party not only does not object, but even uses a large number of people to feed him.

If this is not a villain, what is it?

The word villain, Renpi is an alien who was eaten in the mission world...

Although these aliens seem to be a little different from the world where he was born.

After Renpi's impression, almost all aliens come from an organization, Jiantiansi.

But these aliens are different. They seem to come from an organization called Chaofan Game.

They have a unified name, players.

That person is also a player...

The word "villain" is what Renpi gets after eating a player.

In fact, after eating the first player, the weirdness has already appeared.

Usually, after being swallowed by him, no matter if he is an alien or an ordinary person, he will get all the memories of the other party.

It's just that the player is very strange...

There are many things that are blank. Such blankness does not mean that the other party has lost his memory.

It's more like being blocked and restricted by something?

He can't see it, and he can't open it. These blank memories will soon disappear completely.

Later, Renpi realized that these blank memories should be everything about the extraordinary game.

After the player died, the rest of the memories were not restricted.

But all memories about the extraordinary game will be locked up.

It's like protecting something?

As for what it is, Renpi doesn't really care, after all, he is not so interested in other people's memories.

He has too many memories, so this is not a big deal.

Extraordinary game... It sounds so powerful.

I heard from that person that as long as he eats the player, he can also become a player?

Renpi was a little excited... He ate it, but failed.

He was not included in the judgment of the extraordinary game, and he did not even have the qualifications to be a player.

In theory, the extraordinary game should treat all creatures equally.

Even if he is a bug, he is qualified to be a player.

But when it comes to him, it seems... there is a deviation?

Eh... it seems that he failed to become a player?

Renpi did not feel much, and there was a little regret at the beginning, but it was gone in a flash.

All the abnormal emotions in his body came from the memories he ate.

There was no emotion belonging to Renpi himself...

Renpi felt that he seemed to have followed the right person, and the two of them were simply like-minded.

He was evil and ate people indiscriminately, and that person was a villain who killed people everywhere...

The two were simply a match made in heaven!

It was from this time that Renpi recognized this boss from the bottom of his heart.

After all... the other party could do what they should do together.

What evil spirits and villains should do is to kill people...

But soon Renpi found out that he seemed to be wrong.

That person...he didn't seem to be a pure villain?

He was obviously more ruthless than him, but when he arrived in a fixed world, he seemed to be a different person?

He was not allowed to do anything wrong, not to mention eating people, even scaring people was not allowed.

So boring...

Later, Renpi knew that this fixed real world was called Dragon Country.

There were many aliens under the extraordinary game, that is, players, all gathered here.

It was also the first time he saw so many players.

Instinctively, he resisted a little, maybe he would be killed by these people.

But it seemed that worry was unnecessary?

Every time he caused trouble and couldn't clean it up, it was that person who came out to clean up the mess...

Those aliens that he feared in his heart seemed...not to be his opponent?

Later, he also saw that that person was not omnipotent, and he would also have things that he couldn't solve.

He wanted to help that person, but...

He seemed to be unable to do anything?

What can he do if even that person can't do it?


Later, Renpi saw a "thing" that looked very similar to him?

The other party was not a human either, but seemed to be some kind of evil ghost.

Anyway, he felt that it was not as good as his evil name.

Renpi felt the same thing on the evil ghost, confusion...

But the two people seemed to be very different.

The evil ghost seemed to have emotions, but was affected by something, and finally showed a cold and terrifying look.

But the confusion in the other party's eyes was exactly the same as the confusion Renpi felt when he first opened his eyes and saw the world.

He was very happy that he met someone like him for the first time.

They both worked under that person.


Ahem...but that fierce ghost doesn't seem to like him very much?

Why is this happening?

Shouldn't they two be the same kind?

Why is this? Shouldn’t similar people help each other?

At least the human skin looked like this evil ghost had a brain and could think, unlike the idiot evil spirits he had met before.

Even if he can't speak, he still wants to eat him. He is really a bunch of evil people...

But it doesn't matter. Although the evil ghost ignored her, Human Skin had already decided to take good care of her.

From the perspective of a senior, take care of this newcomer who doesn’t understand the rules...


No, it seems he can't defeat the unruly newcomer.

Damn, you don’t talk about martial ethics.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi...

Grandma, you'd better not let your grandpa and I take the chance...


Renpi couldn't remember how many days he had followed that person.

But he felt that such days were very good and interesting.

This time he followed that person to another mission world.


The mission world seems a little different this time?


What is that?

Is it tasty?

I'll find a chance to try it out later, secretly...hehe...


No way, this time the difference in strength is really too big and we can't beat them.

The human skin has already been seen. He and that person have encountered a serious problem this time.

If you don't run away, your pants will be taken off later...

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