Manjomu said with an unhappy face.

The people around him looked at each other, feeling helpless. Manjomu really disliked the Manjomu in the parallel world, but there was nothing he could do. It was the Manjomu in the parallel world, and Manjomu was defeated by the other party. If it wasn't for the fact that not much time had passed and Manjomu felt that he had not grown enough, he would definitely challenge the other party again.

In the 5DS area, several people didn't pay too much attention to the situation in the GX world and the parallel GX world. Qiu was busy thinking about how to help Yusei take a better photo album, Jack was busy laughing at Yusei, and Kro was really like a mother helping Long Kelongya review Yusei's previous duel.

"Okay, this is the final battle of Yusei and Mizunotsuki, what do you think?"

"Wait, Mommy Kuro, the continuous trap card Trust Chain, can't this card destroy itself to force the end of the battle phase? Why doesn't Yusei use it?"

"Don't really call me mom! Really! Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you, little brat. As for why you don't use the second effect of Trust Chain, have you forgotten the effect of Stardust Dragon?"

"Ah, so it's true. Stardust Dragon can release itself when the effect of destroying a card on the field is activated to invalidate and destroy that effect, even if it is an effect that destroys itself, otherwise Yusei would have done it before. There is no way to destroy the Heart of the Wild with the effect of Stardust Dragon, which means that even if Yusei activates the second effect of Trust Chain, it will only be negated by Mizunotsuki's Sacrifice Sanctuary of Stardust Dragon. "

"But in that case, Mizunotsuki can no longer activate Stardust Dragon...ah, I forgot that Mizunotsuki has a second Stardust Dragon on the field that was Special Summoned from the Banished Zone with Dimensional Resurrection. In this case, if Trust Chain is negated, the Jet Warrior with only 2100 attack power will really not be able to withstand the attack of the Stardust Dragon with an attack power of over 10,000. "

"That is to say, Yusei has indeed tried his best. "

"Wait, but in this case, there is another problem, right? If Mizunotsuki's last card is not Guardian Spirit Amulet, Yusei can use Trust Chain to survive Stardust Dragon's attack. Mizunotsuki can also use the effect of Gathering Wish to continuously make additional attacks, clear all monsters on Yusei's field, and then use the second Stardust Dragon to directly attack Yusei, right? "

"All I can say is, pay attention to the graveyard."

"Graveyard? Oh, I see, this card, the Disguised Guardian, is destroyed by the effect of Fragment of Hope and sent to the graveyard. When it is directly attacked, it can be Special Summoned from the graveyard in Defense Position. Although this card Special Summoned by this effect will be banished when it leaves the field, the additional attacks added by the effect of Gathering Wish can only be made against monsters. , so when all five Synchro Monsters on Yusei's field are destroyed, Mizunotsuki can only use the second Stardust Dragon for a direct attack, and at that time, the effect of the Camouflage Guardian will be activated to block this direct attack and help Yusei survive this round. "

"That's right, so there is no problem with Yusei's final choice, but it's a pity that Mizunotsuki's bond with the deck is not weak. "

Kro couldn't help but sigh, but Yusei smiled. There was nothing to regret. It was a kind of enjoyment to be able to duel with such an opponent. Of course, it would be better if there were no subsequent events and Jack Atlas who kept talking in his ears.

On the other side, when Kuro's mother was reviewing the game with the two children, Wanzhang Muzhun had already boarded the BOSS ring, waiting for the opponent to appear from the rotating golden magic circle.

Then, the golden light shone, and a muscular man with red and purple lights on his arms and back appeared on the duel field.

"Huh? Duelist Arena? Then, Lord of the Arena, are you also a god?"

After receiving the knowledge instilled in the arena, the sturdy man's reaction was different from that of all the people who were pulled here before. He actually cast a hostile look at Xingyuan. This scene instantly stunned most people. He is really a courageous man. You know, even the Gale Emperor Riza, who is the embodiment of the concept of destruction, did not show such obvious hostility to Xingyuan.

Xingyuan raised his eyebrows: "Rex Godwin? Put away your hostility. I am not a god, just a fun person with extraordinary power. You have no reason to be hostile to me. Of course, if you insist, I have no objection, and I can even replace your opponent from Manjome to me."

"Godwin?!" X7

In the audience, the seven people in the 5DS area were all shocked. Although they had guessed when they saw Godwin appear, they had no way to confirm it. After all, the Godwin they knew was not so strong. They didn't expect that he was really a Godwin from a certain world?

In other areas, everyone was looking forward to it. Is it finally time to see Mr. Xingyuan take action? I wonder what kind of deck Mr. Xingyuan will use?

However, at this time, Godwin restrained his hostility.

"No, since you are not a god, you are not my enemy, and I have no need to challenge you. You can tell how powerful you are from the fact that I was pulled in, so I don't If you plan to ask for trouble, you should abide by your rules and compete with this duelist. However, Fudo Yusei, Jack Atlas, and Crow Hogan did not expect to meet here. You who are in the parallel world."

"Us in the parallel world? Sure enough! You?!"

"That's right! Before I was pulled here, I was preparing to accept the challenge from the three of you and perform the ceremony to welcome the King of the Underworld!"

As he spoke, Godwin also showed a wild smile.

Hearing this, no one in the 5DS area was surprised. After all, they had already learned all this from the future information obtained by Qiu, but it was different for others.

In the ZEXAL area, Yuma, Astral, Kaito and Lingya looked at each other, and the BOSS that forced Yusei and others to join forces to challenge him was an existence equivalent to Dr. Fika from the future information they obtained, right?

In other areas, the duelists all looked solemn, especially Yujo Judai in the parallel GX area, who was actually one-on-three, and his opponents were Yusei, Jack, and Crow, three duelists who were not weak. , this is the first time he has seen such a guy. He seems to be a very difficult opponent. Is that guy Wan Zhangmu okay?

On the duel field, Wan Zhangmuzhun said calmly: "A ceremony to welcome the King of the Underworld? In other words, you are an enemy, right? Sure enough, it is still difficult to meet a pure opponent in the BOSS arena."

"Huh? As an ordinary human being, you don't have the slightest bit of timidity when faced with me who has surpassed humans and been promoted to a god. You even dare to say such words. You are so courageous. It seems that you should be a good opponent too!"

Godwin showed an appreciative expression.

Wan Zhang Muzhun frowned slightly. What's going on? This guy clearly showed hostility towards the gods because of Mr. Hoshihara's power. Now he claims to be a god beyond human beings. Could it be that this guy is not simply hostile to the gods? Rather, he is hostile to the existence of gods like himself?

Everyone in the 5DS area showed tangled expressions. Rex Godwin was indeed a complicated guy that was difficult to describe in words.

"Okay, let's not waste time and start the duel directly. The three people in my world are still waiting to challenge me!"

"As you wish, Rex Godwin, make the rules."

"Oh, do I, the challenger, choose the rules? Although I really want to have a mounted duel with you, you probably have no experience in mounted duels, even though this so-called arena will provide you with vehicles. , experience and high-speed magic cards are still a bit too bullying. As a god, I don’t need such a one-sided advantage, so I’ll just use the basic rules.”

After saying that, Godwin walked into the special space and quickly adjusted his deck. After all, his previous deck could be said to be completely prepared for riding duels, and it would not apply under the basic rules.

On the other side, Wan Zhangmu's code did not enter the special space, but started shuffling the deck on the spot. Since it was a basic rule, there was no need to make any adjustments. He believed in the deck that had accompanied him throughout the fight.

Soon, Godwin walked out of the special space, put a duel disk in his hand that was conveniently in the special space, and began to shuffle the deck.

Then, the two of them put the cards into the duel plate at the same time and let the duel plate unfold.

"Then, in the fourth game of the BOSS Arena Challenge, Contestant Wan Zhangmu will face off against Contestant Rex Godwin, and the duel begins!!!"

"Duel!!!" X2

"I attack first and draw cards!"

Wan Zhangmu Zhun, who got the first strike, drew cards without hesitation.

Godwin couldn't help but glance at the host. He hadn't noticed it before, but now he realized that this guy was also in the arena. He didn't expect so many people to be selected in the world and parallel world they belonged to. There are so many talented people in this place.

"I summon Samsara Dragon in attack position!"

"Huh? A monster with 0 attack power is actually summoned in attack position?"

"I'll cover three more cards to end this round."

[Extremely accurate: hand cards: 5 → 6 → 2 cards, cover cards: 3 cards, life value: 4000]

In the auditorium, in the GX area, Wan Zhangmu was suddenly filled with questions. Why the hell are you so fierce when you hit me? When you hit someone else, you attack to summon a monster with 0 attack and then cover it with a few cards before the round ends? Is your uncle playing me?

Judai touched his chin: "It seems that the other Banzhangmu is more accustomed to using his backhand, so this duel will be disadvantageous to the other Banzhangmu from the beginning."

Next door, Judai Yujo smiled and waved his hand: "The other me, don't underestimate Wan Zhangmu, he is not that simple!"

Judai was stunned and nodded with a smile. Of course, he couldn't underestimate the other Manzōme. That was the guy who completely crushed the Manzōme. How could he underestimate him.

At this time, Wan Zhangmu suddenly looked at Judai suspiciously: "You guy, are you talking bad about me in your heart?"

Judai's expression stiffened. Can you feel this? Is it possible that during this period of time, you have grown not only in your dueling level, but also in your inspiration and intuition? !

Chapter 262: Ancestral Sacrifice, the Strongest Earth-Binding God and the Ultimate Blood-locking Bird

"Is this the end? Then, bow down to the power of God! My turn, draw a card!"

"I don't think a guy who claims to be a god can make me bow down!"


"Trap card! Dragon Roar (original card)! Activate! When there are only monsters below level 4 on my field, the opponent's monsters cannot attack this turn! My Samsara Dragon is a level 1 monster, so you , unable to launch an attack!"

"I see. Is this how you feel confident summoning the Samsara Dragon with 0 attack power in attack position? However, such a struggle is meaningless!"


"I activate the field magic card, Tomb of the Dead Emperor!"

Godwin decisively displayed the card he had just drawn, causing the environment of the duel field to immediately change, transforming into a grand mausoleum.

"The Tomb of the Dead Emperor?!"

Wan Zhangquan looked at Godwin with confusion. This person, obviously from the 5DS world, used this kind of card that is more conducive to superior summons? Isn’t his deck a deck focused on Synchro Summons?

"As long as the Tomb of the Dead Emperor is on the field, both duelists can pay life points to replace the sacrifices for a superior summon! I pay 2000 life points as a substitute to superior summon the level 10 monster in my hand! Summon the monster Be extremely destructive! Come forth, Viracocha Lasca!”

As Godwin shouted, the stone heart quickly appeared in the sky above the dead emperor's tomb, blooming with dazzling purple light like the purple sun, constantly surging.

However, under the gaze of everyone, this stone heart only surged. Although it released a powerful pressure, there was no follow-up action.

"This is the god named Earthbound God?"

Wan Zhang Mingzhi fell into deep thought. Could this stone heart be the earth-bound god named Viracocha Lasca? Then isn’t this so-called Earth-bound God a bit too abstract?

In the auditorium, 5DS area, Jack suddenly slapped his thigh and showed a gloating smile: "That's right! The so-called earth-bound gods are existences that require people as sacrifices to be resurrected, but in this arena, there is no such thing. A sacrifice that can be absorbed by the Earthbound God. Therefore, even if Godwin summons the Earthbound God, he will not be able to show his true posture and power!"

Hearing Jack's explanation, Wan Zhang Mian and the audience in other areas couldn't help but be stunned, while Godwin looked at the stone heart and remained silent.

"Unexpected development!! I didn't expect Godwin's ace monster, Earthbound God Viracocha Lasca, to have such a demand for summoning. Could it be that Godwin paid half of his health to summon it? Can the ace monster just stay in the air and act as an accessory?”

Hearing the surprised voice from the head of the plane explaining the situation, Xingyuan shook his head helplessly and stretched out his right hand forward.

"There is really no other way. In order for the duel to continue, let me help a little bit."

As he spoke, a large amount of light condensed out of thin air on the top of Xingyuan's right hand, and merged into the interior of the stone heart in batches, causing the stone heart to quickly burst out with light, transforming into an extremely huge body, but with an extremely powerful attack power. There is only 1 Vulture Earthbound God.

Seeing this scene, Godwin's expression changed slightly, but Wan Zhang Muzhun and everyone in the audience were very calm. But they have been deceived so many times, how could they still be fooled again and again? This is something that couldn't be more obvious. The light released by Xingyuan is definitely not a sacrifice transformed from human beings in the conventional sense. There is definitely something wrong with it.

Sure enough, after Viracocha Lasca appeared, he immediately roared at Godwin.

Godwin was stunned for a moment, then with a cold look on his face, he directly cut off Viracocha Lasca's ability to speak. He did not become a Dark Seal to become a servant of the Earthbound God, but planned to borrow The power of the earth-bound god and the red dragon has become the ultimate god that surpasses humans and transcends both sides. Now, the strongest earth-bound god dares to roar at him, the ultimate god. It is simply ungrateful.

Viracocha Lasca suddenly felt aggrieved. Under normal circumstances, it would certainly not be able to roar at Godwin. After all, it knew Godwin's thoughts very well, but what Xingyuan did was really bullying the god. Ah, he didn't dare to yell at Xingyuan, so naturally he could only complain to Godwin. Who knew Godwin didn't even give him a chance to complain? It was too much.

After cutting off Viracocha Lasca's ability to speak, Godwin looked at Hoshihara with a strange expression.

"Lord of the Arena, what exactly are the sacrifices you prepared for the Earthbound God Viracocha Lasca? Why is Viracocha Lasca so sad and angry that he even loses his mind?"

Xingyuan waved his hand: "Don't worry, this is the ancestral sacrifice of our Xing family. It is a specially made tribute made from the soul and life energy of pests such as mosquitoes. It is not something particularly remarkable, so you don't need to think about it. Give it back to me and give it to you.”

Both Wan Zhang Muzhun and the audience fell into silence. As expected of a fun person, there are really many sexy tricks, but judging from the ancestral sacrifices, it seems that this sexy trick didn't start with Mr. Hoshihara? Is it possible that Mr. Hoshihara’s family is a family of fun-loving people?

Godwin was speechless. The sacrifices were made of the souls and life energy of pests like mosquitoes. No wonder Viracocha Lasca was so angry. If Viracocha Lasca was an ordinary vulture, it would not matter, but Viracocha Lasca was a god after all. Don't treat the earthbound god as a god. You can think of using mosquitoes as sacrifices to gods, and they are ancestral sacrifices. It seems that your family must have offended many gods, right?

Xingyuan: Is there? The gods I saw before basically accepted these sacrifices honestly.

Looking at Viracocha Lasca with pity, Godwin finally did not restore Viracocha Lasca's ability to speak. After all, the earthbound god was just a duel monster in the duel, and there was no need for it to speak.

"Ahem, let's continue the duel! The man named Manjomujum, taste the power of God and experience despair! The effect of Earthbound God Viracocha Lasca (original version) is once per round, you can skip my battle phase and turn the opponent's health to 1!"


Chapter 263: Locking Blood, the Power of the Two-speed Dark Dragon (Two-in-one)

Manjomujum was shocked, and the duelists in the audience were generally dark and solemn. Directly turning the opponent's health to 1, there is actually such an effect. Just thinking about it casually, they can come up with a lot of one-shot kill tactics with this effect as the core.

Just like the previous Dark Malik, because he used the effect of the Sun God to turn his own health to 1, he was shot directly by Yuma with the I I I Gunner. Now if the target of the effect is changed to the opponent, it will be too difficult, okay?

"Accept God's punishment! Wanzhang Muzhun! I activate the effect of Earthbound God Viracocha Laska, skip my battle phase this turn, and reduce your life points to 1! Polestar obeys!!!"

Then, as if pouring out anger, pink and purple light gushed out from the mouth of Earthbound God Viracocha Laska, and fell towards Wanzhang Muzhun with a momentum that seemed to drown the entire Tomb of the Dead Emperor.

Wanzhang Muzhun's expression changed drastically when he saw this, and he quickly entered a defensive posture, and the shadow of the two-color dragon also appeared behind Wanzhang Muzhun, protecting Wanzhang Muzhun's body with its wings.


A thunderous sound sounded, and Manzhangmuzhun and the Dragon of Light and Darkness were both pressed down and unable to stand up. Fortunately, the effect of Earthbound God Viracocha Laska was to directly turn Manzhangmuzhun's health value to 1, instead of reducing Manzhangmuzhun's health value to 1, so the Polestar Obedience of Earthbound God Viracocha Laska only lasted for a very short time before disappearing, allowing Manzhangmuzhun and the Dragon of Light and Darkness to successfully survive this wave of attacks. It can be said that this man and dragon had no losses except for health and mental consumption, and even made their own momentum even higher.

"Hahahaha, interesting, such fighting spirit, you are pretty good! Manjomu, just keep challenging me, keep challenging God! Let me see how far you can go! I'll cover three cards, and the turn ends!"

[Godwin: Hand: 5 cards → 6 cards → 1 card Covered cards: 3 cards Life points: 2000]

In the audience seats, parallel GX area, seeing Godwin declare the end of the turn, Yuki Judai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Godwin would suddenly take out a card like Fireball that gives effect damage to kill Manjomu in one second.

But it should be okay now. Although it's only been one turn and the life points have become 1, Manjomu is not a guy that can be easily defeated. As long as there is a chance to draw a card, Manjomu has infinite possibilities.

"Is God's performance over? Then, it's my turn, no, it's us humans and dragons who will raise the banner of rebellion against God!"


Manjo Mujun shouted with a cold look in his eyes, and the Dragon of Light and Darkness also roared, then turned into light and returned to Manjo Mujun's deck.

"Hahahahaha! That's it! Come on, let me see the rebellion of humans and dragons! Ultimate Gods who surpass humans and even ordinary gods, I look forward to your performance!"

"As you wish! On my turn, draw a card! I activate a face-up card, a trap card! Dragon Evolution (original card)! I sacrifice a Dragon monster on my field and Special Summon a Dragon monster one star higher from my hand or deck! I sacrifice a Level 1 Samsara Dragon on the field and Special Summon a Level 2 Dragon monster, Wish Dragon, from my deck in Defense Position!"

"Level 2 Wish Dragon? Attack power 700, now you summon this What can a small monster do! You should quickly bring out your trump card monster, the black and white dragon! "

"If it were another me, I would probably say that small monsters have their own uses! But I am different. There are no small monsters in my deck! Let me show you the power of the Wish Dragon! I activate the effect of the Wish Dragon (original card), liberate the Wish Dragon itself, and Special Summon two Dragon Tokens on my field! I liberate the Wish Dragon, Special Summon two Dragon Tokens in Defense Position, and then sacrifice the two Dragon Tokens! Emerge from the deep darkness! Dark End Dragon! ! "

Facing the oppression of Godwin and Earthbound God Viracocha Laska, Manzhangmuzhun did not hesitate to send out one of his trump cards, Dark End Dragon. Although it was not the final trump card, the Dragon of Light and Darkness, he thought it was enough to deal with Earthbound God Viracocha Laska.

"Dark End Dragon? It's getting more and more interesting! Haha!"

Thinking back to the two-color dragon that appeared behind Manzhangmuzhun before, and looking at the pitch-black dragon on the field, Godwin's smile became more and more wild. Light and Darkness vs. Sun and Moon? What an interesting duel!

"Rex Godwin, this is the rebellion between humans and dragons! Although your Earthbound God Viracocha Laska does have a very powerful effect, this cannot change a reality, that is, Earthbound God Viracocha Laska's attack power is only 1 point! Take it, you self-proclaimed god, let the Dark End Dragon test your strength! I will enter the battle phase and use the Dark End Dragon to attack Earthbound God Viracocha Laska!"

"Mu Da Da!"

Godwin waved his right hand without hesitation, and the black shock wave sprayed by the Dark End Dragon also passed directly through the body of Earthbound God Viracocha Laska, failing to cause any damage to Earthbound God Viracocha Laska.


Manjomu's face changed again. What's going on? Why didn't the Dark End Dragon's attack work?

"I told you, it's useless! As a god, Earthbound has the strongest monster effect. The effects of the opponent's magic traps are ineffective against Earthbound, and the opponent's monsters cannot choose Earthbound as an attack target! Therefore, your Dark End Dragon cannot attack Earthbound Viracocha Lasca!"

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