Therefore, even if Manjome drew the key card at the critical moment, it would be impossible to create such a handsome scene like the current Manjome Jun.

Therefore, while Manjome is trying to make himself stronger, he is also cultivating his relationship with Armed Dragon and XYZ. He wants to try to cultivate the spirits of Armed Dragon and XYZ. At least there must be an existence that can compete with the Dragon of Light and Darkness. Otherwise, when he confronts his other self in the future, the other self summons the spirit of the Dragon of Light and Darkness, while he can only summon the Disruption Trio. That's too bad.

What? Summon a large number of spirits to surround the Dragon of Light and Darkness? That's another sense of grass!

"The dragon roar resounding through the soul, it seems that you have drawn your real trump card, the black and white twin dragon!"

Back to the duel field, Godwin also showed an expectant expression, expecting Manjome Jun to show the power of the Dragon of Light and Darkness.

As for the victory or defeat? It doesn't matter, whether he wins or loses, he doesn't need to care, because this is not the world he lives in, there is no fact that humans are played by the gods, and there is no fact that humans bleed because of the gods. Even this place itself was created by a human with extraordinary power, so he doesn't need to care so much now.

If he wins, it can prove that his path is not wrong, and it can allow him to go one step further on the road to surpassing humans and ascending to gods.

If he loses, it also proves the possibility of humans. Wanzhangmuzhun can control the power of dragons with the body of an ordinary human and surpass him, a god, which is also what he is happy to see.

Therefore, he only needs to enjoy this duel purely.

"Ah! What I drew is my ultimate trump card, the Dragon of Light and Darkness! Now, I will use the power of the Dragon of Light, the Dragon of Darkness, and the Dragon of Light and Darkness to defeat you, the god, and win!"

"Hahahahaha, if you can do it, you should give it a try!"

"Of course, the so-called Ultimate God, just keep your eyes open! I activate the effect of the Reincarnation Dragon in the Graveyard, banish this card in the Graveyard, and Special Summon a Dragon in the Graveyard! I banish the Reincarnation Dragon in the Graveyard, Special Summon the Wish Dragon in Defense Position, and then activate the effect of the Wish Dragon to release the Wish Dragon and Special Summon two Dragon Derivatives Creatures! Then, I offer two dragon tokens as sacrifices! Reappear from the deep darkness! Dark End Dragon!!!"

"Choose to summon Dark End Dragon instead of Light and Dark Dragon? ! Is this what you want me to see?"

"Kami SAMA, it's not good to be too impatient! I told you that if you want to win from you, you must use all the power of the three dragons! The effect of Dark End Dragon reduces the attack and defense of Dark End Dragon by 500, and sends a monster on the opponent's field to the graveyard! I activate this effect four times in a row, and all the Moon Shadow Dragon Kiria, Phoenix Amaryllis, and two sacrificed stone tablet tokens on your field are buried in the darkness! Darkness evaporates!!!"

Then, the big mouth on the chest of Dark End Dragon opened again, spewing out darkness, swallowing all four monsters, and the attack power of Dark End Dragon was reduced to only 600 points.

"Hehe, are you going to destroy Moon Shadow Dragon Kiria as well? If Moon Shadow Dragon Kiria is destroyed, you can activate its effect to Special Summon Sun Dragon Inti from the Graveyard. If Sun Dragon Inti is destroyed by battle, you can destroy the monster that destroyed Sun Dragon Inti by battle and inflict damage equal to the attack power of that monster! And Phoenix Lycoris will inflict 800 damage to you when it is destroyed! With the effect of Dark End Dragon, you have completely avoided all the traps! But, that's not enough. The remaining power of Shining End Dragon and Dark End Dragon is not enough to defeat me!"

"Of course I know this! But don't forget that I still have the last face-up card on the field!"

"Oh? The last face-up card, then quickly offer God's Eyes!"

"Hehe, I'll do as you wish! Quick-attack Magic Card, Inside and Out (Original Card)! Activate! Use a monster on the field as Sacrifice, summon a monster from your hand! When the sacrifice monster you use is a dark attribute, you can only summon a light attribute monster from your hand! When the sacrifice monster you use is a light attribute, you can only summon a dark attribute monster from your hand! I use the dark attribute Dark End Dragon on the field as a sacrifice, and call this dragon in my hand, which has both light and dark but is classified as a light attribute, to the field! This is my strongest dragon, appearing from the gap between light and dark! Dragon of light and dark! Summon! ! "

Accompanied by a roar of ten thousand feet, a white light bloomed from the body of the Dark End Dragon, turning into a pillar of light that reached the sky, guiding the black and white twin dragons to descend, staring at Godwin who released the pressure of two gods without flinching.

"Dragon of Light and Darkness, is this your trump card? Hahahahaha, wonderful! Sbarasi! Come on, aim high, use your trump card, give me the final blow, as proof that you surpass the gods!"

"Ah! I will also put the Glorious End Dragon into attack mode! Enter the battle phase! Glorious End Dragon, Dragon of Light and Darkness, launch a direct attack on the Ultimate God! Flash of Sublimation!! Breath of Light!!!"

Chapter 266 Firm Belief, O'Brien Enters the Stage, Undead (Two-in-One)

Amidst the loud shouts of thousands of feet, white light streams spurted out from the mouths of the two dragons. Even though Godwin still stood firm and did not waver in the wash of the light streams, he finally failed. Still engulfed by the white light flow, his health dropped to 0.

"Oh wow!! Wan Zhangmu really won!"

Yujo Judai waved his fist excitedly, causing everyone in the GX area next door to look sideways. O'Brien directly started the memory killing, while Judai showed an expression of envy. Well, envy can still be carefree and simple. Enjoy dueling with your other self.

In the 5DS area, Yusei and others were relieved. Although Godwin was not a real villain, they did not want to see Godwin take a step further on the road to becoming a god, even if it was just a brother from a parallel world. Same with Devin.

"The winner has been decided! This duel, the fourth match of the BOSS Arena Challenge, was won by the challenger Banzhangmu Quasi! Therefore, Banzhangmu Quasi will accept the reward from Mr. Hoshihara next. Player Rex Godwin will receive a special punishment designated by Player Hoshihara!”

"How about it? Classmate Wan Zhangmu, what is your choice?"

"Strengthen the card pack."

Wan Zhangmu Zhun made the choice without hesitation. After all, the incident on his side has been resolved for the time being, at least in his opinion, so now he only needs to keep moving towards the goal of championship and keep getting stronger. That's enough.

"Okay then, Banzhangmu-san, I'll give you this."

Xingyuan waved his hand, and the card pack with the Dragon of Light and Darkness printed on the outside appeared in front of Wan Zhang's eyes.

Wan Zhangmuzhun took the card package and raised his eyebrows. He didn't have any chance to choose the series? Is it because his deck is a dragon mashup deck? So what would an enhanced card pack suitable for this deck look like?

With doubts, Wan Zhangmu opened the enhanced card pack, and five cards appeared in front of him.

The OCG version of the quick attack magic card is integrated inside and outside, the OCG version of the magic card is Shadow of Light, the OCG version of the synchro monster Dark Terminator Dragon, the OCG version of the synchro monster Radiant Terminator Dragon, and the normal magic card with electric light adjustment.

Seeing these five cards, Wan Zhangquan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Are there other matching cards for the other versions of Light Final Dragon and Dark Final Dragon? This is really interesting!

"Then it's your turn, Godwin, are you ready for a special punishment?"

"Come on, I'm curious about what kind of special punishment you have prepared for me."

Godwin crossed his arms and looked indifferent.

Xingyuan touched his chin: "Indeed, most of the punishments are meaningless to you, so let me try to shake your belief."

There is no way. Although Rex Godwin has also shouldered a lot of sins, all of those sins can be redeemed. All humans who were sacrificed by Rex Godwin to the Earthbound God They will all be resurrected after the Earthbound God is completely defeated. Even the Dark Seals chosen by the Earthbound God can also be resurrected. In addition, Rex Godwin also did a lot when he took office as the Chief of Public Security. There are few things, so Rex Godwin's sins are actually not particularly many, and it may even be the case that the merits and demerits outweigh the merits.

Rudger Godwin is completely different. The zero-point reversal he triggered more than ten years ago has indeed killed countless people. Even if there is the influence of the Earthbound God, Rudger cannot be exempted from this. ·Godwin’s own sins.

Therefore, if the person who came was Rudeg Godwin, Hoshihara would have made the dead Rudeg Godwin work overtime to pay for his sins like his father Starwhisper, but instead Rex Godwin, this is a bit inappropriate, after all, Rex Godwin is not as sinful as his brother Ludger Godwin.

Therefore, Xingyuan decided to start with faith.


And after hearing Xingyuan's words, Godwin couldn't help but change his expression, shaking his belief. What on earth is this man planning to do?

"Rex Godwin, if I said that according to your original destiny and original trajectory, you would eventually be defeated by Fudo Yusei, what would you think?"

Everyone in the 5DS area felt nervous and quickly looked at Godwin.

Godwin was stunned for a moment, then laughed again: "In the original trajectory, would I have been defeated by Fudo Yusei? This is indeed something that surprises me, but this kind of thing is not enough. Make me shake! I will lose to him. It just means that the path he chooses can surpass the path I choose. It does not mean that the path I choose is wrong. Therefore, I want to go all out with him. The winner is determined!"

"So, what if you add all of this to it? This is the future created by Fudo Yusei and his friends after he was defeated in the original destiny. Do you have the courage to see it?"

"Why don't you dare? If you say this, it means that the future created by Fudo Yusei and the others is a very good one. It is even enough to shake my belief. In this case, I want to see it with my own eyes."

After taking the ball of light created by Xingyuan and integrating it into his own body, Godwin closed his eyes.

Then, Godwin saw the so-called future. After the Earthbound God incident was resolved by Yusei and others, the Taichi trio who manipulated the Machine Emperor appeared in front of Yusei and others as a new enemy. Even behind the Taichi trio was the three-in-one Aporia and the ZONE who manipulated the Time Machine God to completely destroy the New Domino City. But even in the face of such an enemy, Yusei and others still went on tenaciously, surpassing the fate of destruction and creating a new future.

Soon, Godwin opened his eyes and looked at the people in the 5DS area with a complicated expression.

"Yusei, you are really a group of amazing guys."

Hearing this, Yusei and others were full of question marks. What did Godwin see? What exactly is the future in the original destiny? Godwin actually showed such an expression. This is very problematic, isn't it?

"How is it? Godwin, has your faith been shaken?"

"No, my faith has not been shaken at all. On the contrary, it has become more firm thanks to this! If I win, the future will also be changed. The difficulties and obstacles that Fudo Yusei and others need to overcome will no longer exist! Therefore, I should go all out to fight Fudo Yusei and others!"

"Even if you defeat Fudo Yusei and others, will you still face new obstacles in the future?"

"Of course, if I can defeat Fudo Yusei and others, then I can naturally overcome the difficulties that Fudo Yusei and others have overcome in their original destiny! And if Fudo Yusei and others surpass me, then they can naturally overcome those obstacles as their original destiny! No matter what the result is, it's a good thing!"

Xingyuan shook his head. Sure enough, this kind of person who is not a villain, but a person with lofty beliefs but who has taken the wrong path, is more difficult to change than ordinary villains.

"Okay, then you go for it, let's go."

Leziren lost interest. After all, Leziren's ability to talk back is not particularly strong, so Leziren simply sent Godwin back to the original world, and also considerately recovered Godwin's duel disk, so that the adjusted deck returned to its original state.

So, in the blink of an eye, Godwin found himself back to his original position, facing the already high-spirited Yusei, Jack, and Crow.

Godwin's face became serious, and he immediately prepared to start an all-out duel with the three.

However, after seeing the future, he also had an idea. Perhaps, while dueling, he could also prepare some things in advance.

If Yusei Fudo and others still defeated him as originally destined, then the things he prepared would most likely provide some help to Yusei Fudo and others in the future, allowing them to deal with Taichi and ZONE more smoothly.

Although without his help, Yusei Fudo and others can also transcend the fate of destruction and create a new future, but with his help, Yusei Fudo and others should not have to deal with it as difficult as in the original destiny, and they don't have to make such sacrifices.

Of course, this premise is that Yusei Fudo and others can really defeat him as in the original destiny. If they can't defeat him, then there is no need to think about everything.

With this idea, Godwin manipulated the power of the red dragon while fighting with Yusei and the other three, preparing to leave a lot of hidden hands.

Sensing Godwin's thoughts, the red dragon naturally cooperated with all his strength. After all, the red dragon already understood Godwin's ideas, otherwise it would not let all the dragon seals gather on Godwin. Now Godwin is suddenly ready to provide some help to Yusei and others in the future, so it is even more impossible for the red dragon to have any opinions.

However, Godwin's hidden hand will play a role, which is already a matter of the future. Now, let's turn the perspective back to the arena.

Seeing Godwin being sent away, Wanzhang Muzhun also thanked Xingyuan, put away the five cards, and turned to the audience.

At the same time, O'Brien, the only one who had not yet appeared, stood up after watching so many games and prepared to take action.

"O'Brien, although you were pulled in by the Tenth Generation with the reward for the Self-Ring Challenge, you do not belong to our world, so you are not restricted to challenge only the BOSS Arena. You should be very clear about this."

"Ah, I know."

"Then which arena are you going to challenge?"

"BOSS Arena."

"BOSS Arena? Well, after all, the difficulty of the Self-Ring is indeed higher under normal circumstances, although the BOSS Arena may pull in people like the Fierce Wind Emperor. "I can't win against an opponent like Ryza who has a huge deck strength advantage, but the self-contest also has the same possibility. So for you who urgently need to win, it is indeed more appropriate to choose the BOSS contest."

"Not only that, there is a more troublesome point."


"If I choose the self-contest, then there is a possibility that I need to face myself in the parallel world, but for the sake of our respective companions and our respective worlds, we have to fight to the death. Although it is a good thing no matter who wins, it is also a bad thing no matter who loses. It is better to avoid such a situation as much as possible."

After speaking, O'Brien left the audience and walked towards the BOSS contest.

Looking at O'Brien's back, Judai scratched his head and smiled bitterly.

Although they are mutually recognized companions, his and O'Brien's thinking modes are completely different. If he were faced with the situation O'Brien faced, he would deliberately choose because of the reasons O'Brien said. Let's challenge ourselves. After all, whether he loses or wins, it means that a world will be saved.

However, this may not be a bad idea. People with different modes of thinking and even different concepts but walking on the same path should be friends.

Under the gaze of Judai and everyone else, the golden magic circle opposite O'Brien began to rotate. Finally, what appeared in the golden light was another man even stronger than O'Brien, but , unlike Godwin who had no clothes on his upper body, this strong man was wearing clothes, and he looked a bit unreal.

"Professor Cobra?!"XN

O'Brien and everyone in the GX area couldn't help but exclaim, and even everyone in other areas had their eyes fixed, because they had all seen the overlord encounter that Yujo Judai experienced, so for Professor Cobra This existence is certainly not unfamiliar.

If the previous Godwin was not a villain, but a being who had lofty beliefs but took the wrong path, then Professor Cobra is the real villain. He sacrifices others for the sake of his loved ones and even takes refuge in the devil. This kind of thing is something that everyone is afraid of. It's not that it's incomprehensible, but understanding is understanding, but it can't change that such behavior is evil.

"This is, the Duelist Arena? There is such a magical place that even I, who was already dead and was punished by the priest, can be brought here?"

Professor Cobra looked at his hands with a look of astonishment.

And when he heard Professor Cobra's words, O'Brien was also shocked.

"Wait a minute, Professor Cobra, what are you talking about? Being punished by a priest after dying?"

Professor Cobra raised his head and sneered: "I see, my opponent is you, Osin O'Brien. Can't you understand what I say? That's the literal meaning. I am a dead existence. After the duel with Yujo Judai, I died under the control of that demon. Although you didn't witness this scene with your own eyes, you shouldn't be completely unaware of it, right?"

O'Brien fell silent. Does this mean that his opponent is the ghost of Professor Cobra? !

Chapter 267 O'Brien VS Cobra (two in one)

In the auditorium, everyone looked at each other in shock. They were actually undead. The types of duelists brought to the arena were really getting more and more diverse.

"So, what does it mean to be punished by a priest?"

O'Brien continued to ask, hoping to find out as much information as possible.

"The priest is the person who handles affairs under the controller of the underworld. After I entered the underworld after I died, I was punished by the priest for my evil deeds during my lifetime. I had to work hard to make up for my sins and make up for my mistakes."


"Okay, there is no need for the living to know too much about the world after death, and I am not from the same world as you. There is no need to continue communicating. Let's start the duel directly!"

Professor Cobra simply interrupted O'Brien's words and did not let O'Brien continue to ask.

"Last question, Professor Cobra, if you win and receive a reward, what wish will you make! Will you resurrect yourself?"

"Resurrection? There is no need at all. To me, the human world without any hope is a hell worse than the underworld! Instead of living in such a hell for decades and then entering the underworld to accept punishment, it is better to bear the punishment now. ! The only thing I want to do is to revive Rick!"

"Resurrection of Rick? Wait, Professor Cobra, I remember that Rick is your deceased son, right? Could it be that you have not found his whereabouts in the underworld?"

Professor Cobra glanced at Judai in the audience with a complex expression, then glanced at the dark game in the DM area calmly, and said solemnly: "Normally, it is impossible to find it. After all, there is not only one place in the underworld. , and I need to bear the punishment, it is impossible to go to various underworlds to find the location of Riku, but because I am a dead soul related to Yucheng Judai, and Yucheng Judai has something to do with a certain underworld controller, I am punished. The priest was so merciful that he sent Rick to my side. To a certain extent, I still need to thank Judai Yujo."

"Huh?! I have a relationship with a certain controller of the underworld? Why didn't I know?"

Amid the surprised looks of others, Judai looked confused.

"But now, this choice makes me feel extremely regretful. Even in the underworld, there are still different circles. However, as the son of a sinner like me, Rick has been ostracized from all circles and is completely helpless. After integrating into the new life, my life is even worse than before I came to my side. Therefore, since I have the opportunity, I will resurrect Rick no matter what, let him live another life in the world, and wait until he dies in this life. He should also pay for his sins in the underworld, so that my identity as a father will not have any impact on him. "

Professor Cobra continued with a regretful expression.

Everyone fell into silence. Although Professor Cobra was indeed not a good person, as a father, he did consider his son wholeheartedly, but...

"Professor Cobra, your idea is good, but have you ever thought about one thing, how will Rick survive without his parents and resurrected alone in the human world? For you, the human world without any hope is a hell worse than the underworld. Then for Rick, is the human world without any relatives another hell?"

"Heh! Osin O'Brien, my good student, do you underestimate me too much? Although the world of the living and the world of the dead are separated from each other, the world of the dead is not without any legal means to interfere with the world of the living! Dreaming, have you never heard of this idea? Although I am indeed an evil People, but I have left assets and friends in the human world. It is enough to entrust Rick and his assets to my friends through dreams. As for whether the human world will be a new hell for Rick, I don’t think Rick in the human world will be rejected by everyone like in the underworld! "

O'Brien sighed: "It seems that your attitude is very firm. I can't convince you, but I also have reasons to win! I won't hold back, Professor Cobra!"

"Oh, I couldn't ask for more. As for the rules, let's use the ones we are most familiar with!"

"No problem!"

"Then, the fifth game of the BOSS Arena Challenge, DUEL STRAT! ! "

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