"Just like you said! I choose to activate the second effect. This round, all the combat damage I received becomes 0! Therefore, even if your front barrel dragon can still attack, it cannot cause any damage to me! The Explosive Gun Bullet Dragon, which can cause effect damage, has already used its effect this round, and has even been returned to your hand. You have no way to defeat me this round!"

"Did you even calculate this step? You took advantage of my caution against you! You really were tricked!"

"No, no, no, you can't blame us, right? If you have to say it, it should be a matter of luck, right? Unfortunately, Revolver, your luck doesn't seem to be very good!"

Ai breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head pretending to be regretful.

The corner of Zuolun's mouth twitched, God is not very lucky, although this is indeed true, but can you not poke people's pain like this? It is indeed the abominable Ignis!

Yusaku looked at the revolver in silence. The opponent was indeed unlucky. If he chose one of the two options, if the opponent chose not the strike barrier but the transaction rollback, he would lose the duel because he suffered the monster's attack.

However, from a certain perspective, it seems that Zuolun's bad luck is inevitable. If Zuolun was lucky, he would not have saved himself, a very vengeful person, and Dr. Hongshang would not have become a That way, the Hanno Knights in control would not be blocked by him all the time.

Of course, compared with Revolver, I am only a handful. If I were lucky, I would not have been abducted in the first place, and my whole life would not be like this. Therefore, this is a battle between unlucky people. The rest of the duel may be determined by one's own strength and card drawing ability, but in a situation like choosing one of the two, it really only depends on who has worse luck now.

"Phew! Even if I can't defeat you this turn, I can't let the Recycle Bin Hacker stay in your graveyard. Although I really want to say this, the effect of the Recycle Bin Hacker that negates monster effects has no duration limit. Right, and it still doesn’t take the target’s effect. Now if I attack with the Fore-butt Barrel Dragon, the effect of the Fore-butt Barrel Dragon will be completely negated. Next round, I can only sit back and wait for death.”

"Hoho! So you are planning to give up, right?"

"Give up? Sure enough, you are also the unexpectedly unreliable one among Ignis!"

Ai (angry): "Tie Baa!!"

"Haven't you seen it yet? Your blockade on me is no longer effective, because in order to use the effect of the three-strike barrier, you have already bounced my handguard Barrel Dragon back to my extra deck!"

"Ah!! Master Playmaker!"

"Phew, shut up!"


"I end the battle phase and activate the effect of the rotating guidance sector. Because I only have one monster left on the field, the Fore-barreled Dragon, but you still have five monsters on the field, so I can do whatever I can. Possibility of special summoning bullet monsters from the graveyard!"

"However, because one of the main monster areas is blocked by the effect of the Code Talker, you can only special summon three bullet monsters at most!"

"Three are enough! I special summoned the Silver Bullet Dragon, Bullet Loader Dragon, and Bullet Caliber Dragon in the graveyard in defense position. Then, I activated the Bullet Caliber Dragon's effect to free the Bullet Caliber Dragon, and then Special Summoned Hand in defense position. The sniffing dragon of the card, and then the sniffing dragon's effect, I added the third sniffing dragon from the deck. Then, come on, light up the future circuit of my path! Arrow, the summoning conditions are! There are two dragon-type monsters including the Bullet Monster. I set the Silver Bullet Dragon and the Sniffer Dragon on the field to the link mark! Link Summon, appear! Link 2, Shortened Barrel Dragon!"

"Obviously, using the Silver Bullet Dragon and the Bullet Caliber Dragon can link to summon the Shortened Barrel Dragon, but I still used the Bullet Caliber Dragon's effect to specially summon the Sniffer Dragon in my hand. In order to compress the deck and improve the ability to draw the desired card The probability?”

"But he should only have one Sniffer Dragon and one Explosive Bullet Dragon in his hand, right? How to supplement... Ah! The effects of Shortened Barrel Dragon and Bullet Reloading Dragon!"

"Oh, it's just like you said! I activate the effect of the Barrel-Shortened Dragon. This card name is used once per turn. I discard a card in my hand and target a face-up monster on the field. It can be activated. That monster is destroyed! If this effect destroys the Link Monster, I can select up to that number of combo mark bullet monsters with different card names from my hand and graveyard to Special Summon them. After this effect is activated, I cannot use it until the end of the turn. Monsters with Link 2 or lower are Special Summoned from the Extra Deck! I discard a card from my hand and destroy the Short Barrel Dragon itself. Since the Short Barrel Dragon is a Link Monster with Link 2, I can Special Summon two from my hand and the Graveyard. A bullet monster!”

"You have cards in your hand and graveyard, and you plan to Special Summon Explosive Barrel Dragon again, right? However, now that Handguard Barrel Dragon has retired, there is only one monster left on your field, Front Barrel Dragon, that can be used during my turn. activates the effect, and once you choose to activate the effect of Forehead Barrel Dragon on Explosive Bullet Dragon, I can once again copy the previous chain and use the effect of Firewall Dragon to bounce Explosive Bullet Dragon back to your hand. If not summoned If there are other barrel dragons with more than 4 links, this chain will be meaningless! "

"Then just wait and see if I can summon other Link 4 Barrel Dragons! I special summon Gun Bullet Dragon and Silver Gun Bullet Dragon from the graveyard in defense position! Then! The effect of Gun Bullet Dragon is activated. This card name can be used once per turn. , if the dark attribute monster on my field that was specially summoned from the extra deck is destroyed by battle or effect, send this card from your hand or field to the graveyard, and it can be activated by targeting the destroyed monster. In my graveyard, I select a dark attribute monster with a different card name from that monster and special summon it! Short Barrel Dragon is a dark attribute monster that was specially summoned from the extra deck, so I send Bullet Loader Dragon from the field to the graveyard. , activates the effect with Shortened Barrel Dragon as the target, and special summons the dark attribute monster Dangulong from the graveyard in defense position!"

"It's indeed a drum dragon."

"Drumming Dragon's effect, I draw a card from the deck! This is, in the end, the card draw that determines everything, draw a card!!!"

Concentrating on it, roaring, and pouring all his energy and energy into his right hand, Revolver pulled out the top card of the deck and displayed it, making both Revolver and Ai's expressions change.

"I actually drew this card at this time?!"

"As expected, Revolver, you are undoubtedly a strong opponent!"

"The card I drew is a magic card, The Beginning of the End! If there are seven or more dark monsters in my graveyard, I can only activate it by excluding five of them. I draw three from the deck! My monsters They are all dark attribute monsters, so naturally there are more than seven dark attribute monsters in my graveyard! Except for dark attribute monsters!"

As a result, Revolver's hand increased to four cards in one go, causing Yusaku to look solemn and Ai to have a toothache on his face.

"Huh? Did you come just now? It's not too late. In this case, there is no need to try every means to summon the Barrel Dragon of Link 4. I have not used the normal summon opportunity this round. Now , I used the Gun Bullet Dragon and the Silver Bullet Dragon as sacrifices, and summoned the Explosive Gun Bullet Dragon! Then, I activated the field magic card, the Prison of Heavenly Fire!"


"Isn't it? Here you go again?! You're cheating! There's nothing you can do about it, Playmaker. From now on, all I have to do is, please."

Looking at the prison unfolding on the field, Yusaku couldn't help but scream out in surprise. Ai quickly sank into the duel disk, his voice became weak, and he gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 277 I will open up the future with the electronic community who support me (four-in-one)

"Prison of Heavenly Fire, did you actually bring this card with you!"

Yusaku's face turned ugly, and now the situation was not good.

"Hahahaha! Isn't this natural? The opponent is you, how could I not bring this card! As for the cheating mentioned by Dark Ignis, of course it is completely impossible. If it is cheating, I can still wait. I just drew Prison of Skyfire now? This is just my deck responding to me! Okay, Playmaker, fall into the bottomless abyss! I activate the effect of Prison of Skyfire, on the field, in the graveyard, and in my hand. All the Electronic World monsters are invalid and cannot declare attacks! At the same time, the Electronic World monsters cannot be the target of effects, nor can they be selected as attack targets. In this way, the Electronic World monsters cannot be used as a duelist's shield! It doesn’t exist at all!”

Following Zuolun's words, golden light shone down on the gorgeous cage-like venue, causing all the monsters on the Yuzuo field to disappear, and the purple light on the Yuzuo duel disk to completely dim.

Seeing this sudden development, everyone in the audience except Caiqian brother and sister were stunned. What is going on? Is there something wrong with the field magic card called Prison of Sky Fire that Revolver activated? It’s enough that Playmaker’s monsters disappear from the field. It can also be understood as the effect of the field magic card, but why is the Ai on the Playmaker duel disk also affected? This is not a dark duel, so why can field magic cards directly affect the duelists?

However, this situation seems to be extremely unfavorable for Playmaker. Judging from the effects mentioned by Zuolun, this field magic card is obviously a card specifically targeted at electronic realm monsters, and Playmaker's deck is purely electronic realm cards. Group, there are no cover cards on the field, and there are no cards in hand. This is dangerous no matter how you look at it.

"However, judging from the situation in the last duel, as long as I use all the electronic monsters on the field as link materials to summon new monsters, your Prison of Skyfire should be out of the field due to its own effect! "

"Oh, that's true, but you have to have that chance! Don't forget, before I activated Skyfire Prison, I also summoned Explosive Gun Dragon on the field! In addition to the Fore-Barrel Dragon on my field, that is to say, in the next round, during your preparation phase, I can activate the effect of Fore-Barrel Dragon to trigger the effect of Explosive Gun Dragon! If you can't draw a Quick-Play Magic Card that can deal with Explosive Gun Dragon in the next draw, you will suffer 2000 points of damage and lose this duel directly! What do you think, Playmaker, last time, you drew the Quick-Play Magic Card Taboo Cloth with two card draws. This time, there is only one chance left. Can you still draw the corresponding Quick-Play Magic Card?"

"Of course! Only one chance! I will definitely seize it!"

Yusaku's answer was unusually firm. After going through so much, he finally got to this point. How could he fall down at this most critical moment!

"What a decisive answer! Then let me see your final struggle! I'll cover two cards and end this round!"

[Revolver: Hand: 1 → 2 → ... → 0 Covered card: 2 HP: 2400]

"Then, this is the final card draw that will determine the outcome of this duel! Revolver, my card draw this time will decide everything!"

"Try it if you can! I will never show mercy!"

"Of course! My turn! Draw!!!"

"The effect of Fore-Barrel Dragon is activated. I activate the effect targeting Silver Gun Dragon in the Graveyard and Explosive Gun Dragon on the field, Special Summoning Silver Gun Dragon in the Graveyard in Attack Position, negating the effect of Explosive Gun Dragon! Then I chain the effect of Fore-Barrel Dragon to activate the effect of Explosive Gun Dragon, causing Explosive Gun Dragon to self-destruct, and both sides will suffer 2000 damage!"

"Don't even think about it! Quick Attack Magic Card, Code Conversion (Original Card)! According to the effect of this card, until the end of the turn, only once, I can convert the type recorded on the card "Change the race to the race of my choice!"


"That's right! What I want to change is the race recorded on your Skyfire Prison! I change all the Cybertronic monsters recorded on Skyfire Prison to Dragons! In this way, Skyfire Prison changes from a card that targets Cybertronic monsters to a card that targets Dragons! All my Cybertronic monsters are restored to their original state, and all your Dragon monsters disappear, which is equivalent to non-existence! Of course, the effect of Explosive Bullet Dragon can no longer be activated!"


Looking at the three Dragon monsters that dissipated in the golden light, Revolver was speechless. Code Conversion, where did Playmaker get this card from? If his Skyfire Prison is a card he prepared specifically for Cybertronic monsters, then Code Conversion is the card that Playmaker prepared specifically for Skyfire Prison, right? Fortunately, Playmaker was able to draw this card at this time!

"What! Revolver, this is my struggle!"

"Your struggle is beyond my imagination! However, your code conversion can only last for one round! If you can't knock me down this round, then all this is also meaningless!"

"Hey, who are you looking down on? It's just two face-up cards! How can Playmaker not deal with it!"

Revolver and Yusaku looked at Ai who emerged from the duel disk again because of the change of Skyfire's prison effect, and chose to ignore Ai at the same time.

"Then, let me knock you down this round!"

"Come on!"

"Hey! You two, I finally woke up by myself! Don't you have any special reaction?"

Automatically blocking Ai's shouting, Yusaku looked at the face-up cards on Revolver's field solemnly.

Because of the effect of Revolver, the Transcoder and Firewall Dragon currently in the Revolver Link Zone will not be destroyed by the effect, so even if there is a Holy Shield - Mirror Force- in the backfield of Revolver, Transcoder and Firewall Dragon can still survive, but if there are two Holy Shield - Mirror Force- in the backfield, then his monsters really can't survive.

And the worst case is not to encounter two Holy Shield - Mirror Force-, but to encounter one Holy Shield - Mirror Force- and a Magic Cylinder.

The deck can have up to three cards of the same name, and Revolver has only used two Magic Cylinders so far, so the possibility of a third Magic Cylinder is not low. Although the Codetalker can prevent itself and the monsters in the Link Zone from being the target of the effect when it is in the Linked Monster, as long as Revolver activates Holy Shield -Mirror Force- first, then only the Codetalker and Firewall Dragon, which are not linked to each other, will be left on his field, and the effect of the Codetalker will be invalid. Even if the monster he chooses to attack is the Codetalker, he cannot avoid the effect of the Magic Cylinder.

Since the effect of the Firewall Dragon has been used up in the last turn, and it has not reappeared to reset, if it is hit by a Magic Cylinder, he will really lose.

Therefore, even if there is a possibility that a card like Mirror Force will be activated among the two face-up cards in Revolver's backfield, he must clear it!

"Then! Show up, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning condition is two or more effect monsters. I set the Link Cross, Firewall Dragon and Link 2's Recovery Wizard on the field to the Link Marker, and the circuit is combined! Link Summon! Harness the wind that connects to the unknown world! Link 4, Access Code Talker!!!"

"Oh!! The Access Code Talker is finally here!"

With Yusaku's call and Ai's excited voice, the platinum and gold Code Talker holding a giant gun appeared.

Revolver's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this, but he still spoke without panic: "Did you really summon the Access Code Talker? But is this really okay? My face-up card is likely to activate the mirror force!"

"Even so! I will also deal with your face-up card! The effect of the Access Code Talker is activated. When this card is successfully Link Summoned, it can be activated by targeting the Link Monster that is the Link Material. This card's attack power increases by the number of Link Markers of that monster multiplied by 1000! I activate the effect of the Firewall Dragon that is the Link Material, and the attack power of the Access Code Talker increases by 4000, becoming 6300! Then, another effect of the Access Code Talker can be activated by banishing a Link Monster from my field and graveyard, and selecting a card on the opponent's field to destroy! I banish the Link Cross in the graveyard and destroy the face-up card on the right side of your backfield! Access Intergration!!"


As Yusaku shouted, the Access Code Talker decisively threw the giant gun in his hand and smashed a face-up card in Revolver's backfield.

"Heh, Playmaker, I've already warned you!"


"Although my luck is not very good, your luck is not much better! The cover card destroyed by your Access Code Talker's effect is exactly what I warned you about before, the mirror force is activated!"

"Ah!!! It's really the mirror force activated!!!"

Ai hugged his head and began to shake it wildly, looking crazy.

"Hmph! It seems that you have already anticipated what will happen next, Playmaker, Dark Ignis, congratulations on falling into my trap! At this moment, I activate the effect of the continuous trap card Mirror Force Activate. This card can only be activated when it is destroyed by the opponent's effect and sent to the graveyard. Choose this card in the graveyard and a Holy Shield - Mirror Force - in my hand, deck, and graveyard. Both cards are set on my field together. And the card set by this effect can also be activated during the turn it is set! I set the Mirror Force Activate in the graveyard and a Holy Shield - Mirror Force - in the deck together on the field!"

"It's useless! The Transcode Talker and Access Code Talker on my field are both in the same state as the Remaining Code Talker Interlinked state, and the effect of the Code Talker is to prevent the monsters in the Link Zone from being destroyed by the effect! If it's just a Holy Shield - Mirror Force -, it can't pose a threat to me! "

"But, I have another face-up card on the field."

"I know this very well, but the Reflector Force Activation and Holy Shield - Mirror Force - that are placed on the field again cannot be changed with the original face-up card! And the second effect of the Access Code Talker can be activated any number of times in one turn as long as the attributes of the excluded Linked Monsters are different! Before, I excluded the Light attribute Link Cross, and now I exclude the Wind attribute Linked Monster Phase Elf in the Graveyard, and activate the effect again to destroy your face-up card! Access Intergration! ! "

"Bang! ! ! "

The Access Code Talker threw the giant gun in his hand again, destroying the only unknown face-up card on Revolver's field, but seeing this scene, Revolver did not have any dissatisfaction, but laughed instead.

"What?! Why is that guy laughing? Master Playmaker, are we being fooled again?"

"Could it be that that card can also be activated in the graveyard?!"

Ai and Yusaku's faces changed. Is Revolver such a jerk?

"Who knows? Maybe I'm just bluffing!"

Revolver replied with a smile, but did not reveal any information, nor did he choose to activate the card that had just been destroyed and sent to the graveyard at this time.

"What should I do, Master Playmaker, I'm a little panicked!"

Ai looked at Yusaku with some sincerity, and Yusaku also frowned and fell into deep thought.

He had no way to guarantee that Revolver was really bluffing. If the card destroyed by Revolver was a card that could activate other trap card effects in the graveyard like his transaction rollback, then the current situation would be even more dangerous. Sure enough, he still had to destroy the Holy Shield - Mirror Force -. There was no other choice.

"Then go ahead! Choose one of the two! I continue to activate the effect of Access Code Talker, banish the Dark Link Monster Penetration Test Shovel in the Graveyard, and destroy the face-down card on the right side of your backfield! Access Intergration!!"

"Unfortunately, fate seems to be saying that it will defeat you mercilessly! Playmaker, you still chose to activate Mirror Force! I activate the Mirror Force in the Graveyard and the second Holy Shield in the deck - Mirror Force -! Face it again!"

"Ah!!! Master Playmaker, your luck is a little too bad! Is it that you are also weak at drawing ghost cards?!"

“Shut up! The effect of Access Code Talker is activated for the fourth time. I banish the Water-attribute Link Monster Code Talker in the Graveyard and destroy the confirmed Holy Shield - Mirror Force! Access Intergration!!”

“Oh? You choose to destroy the confirmed card? But you still have to face the result of choosing between two options. Playmaker, there are still two effects of Access Code Talker left. Can you choose the right card? I am looking forward to it!”

“Then give it a try. I will not give up no matter what! However, before continuing to activate the effect of Access Code Talker, I have to take other steps first! I activate the effect of Dual Compiler Wulong (original version) in the Graveyard, banish the Dot Matrix Jumper and Alert Switch Bird in the Graveyard, and Special Summon Dual Compiler Wulong in Defense Position! Then, show it, the circuit that guides the future!”

“I see, there are no more Fire and Earth attributes in the Graveyard. Link monsters?"

"The summoning conditions are two Cyberse monsters. I set the Remaining Code Talker and Dual Compiler Wurm on the field to the Link Marker and Link Summon! Link 2, Splash Screen Mage! Then, the effect of Splash Screen Mage, this card name, can be activated once per turn with a Cyberse monster in my graveyard as the target, and the monster effect is negated and Special Summoned in Defense Position! I Special Summon the Exchange Priest in the graveyard in Defense Position!"

Revolver's expression suddenly froze. If he only operated with the existing cards on the field and in the graveyard, he wouldn't have to worry about Yusaku breaking through his defense, but if Yusaku could continue to replenish resources, it would be completely different. And this Exchange Priest is the monster that can help Yusaku replenish resources.

Although he knew this very well, Revolver couldn't do anything to Yusaku now, because now, except for the unknown card in the graveyard, all other cards are already known.

"Appear again, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning condition is a Cyberse monster of level 2 or less. I set the level 2 Cyberse Exchange Priest on the field to the Link Marker! Link Summon, Link 1, Intercom Lancer! Then, the effect of Exchange Priest reduces Intercom Lancer's attack power by 500 points, and draws a card! I haven't used the number of Normal Summons this turn. I summon ROM Cloud Ewe in Attack Position and activate the effect of ROM Cloud Ewe. When this card is successfully summoned, it can be activated by targeting a Cyberse monster in my graveyard other than ROM Cloud Ewe, and that monster is added to the hand! I add Delay Angel in the graveyard to my hand, so it triggers the effect of Delay Angel, and I Special Summon Delay Angel in Defense Position!"

Looking at the six monsters on Yusaku's field, Revolver couldn't help but twitch his mouth. It was indeed as bad as he thought, and Delay Angel was also a monster that could help Yusaku replenish resources like Exchange Priest.

"Appear, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning condition is a Cyber ​​Link monster, and I set the Link Marker on the field to Access Code Talker! Link Summon, Link 1, Safety Guardian!"

"Because of the effect of Intercom Lancer as a guarantee, you decisively use Access Code Talker as a link material? However, Access Code Talker's effect should not be reset with the re-appearance!"

"Of course I know this, but my goal is not that! The effect of Safety Guardian, the turn this card is Special Summoned, the effect damage I receive becomes 0! In this way, you can't use the magic cylinder in the graveyard to cause damage to me! Then I will activate the effect of Intercom Lancer, release Safety Guardian, and Special Summon Access Code Talker again! Then, appear again, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning conditions are two Cyber ​​monsters, and I set ROM Cloud Ewe and Delay Angel to the Link Marker! Link Summon, Link 2, Link Bufferer!"

"Yo!! Here comes the Earth attribute!!"

"Delay Angel's effect, draw a card! Show up, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning conditions are two Cyber-type monsters, and I set Link Bufferer and Intercom Lancer to the Link Marker! Link Summon, Link 2, Flame Frame Manager!"

"Is the Fire attribute coming too?"

"Not yet! Show up for the last time, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning conditions are two effect monsters, and I set Flame Frame Manager and Splash Screen Wizard on the field to the Link Marker! Link Summon, Link 2, Code Talker!! Then, the effect of Transcode Talker is activated, and I Special Summon the remaining Code Talker in the graveyard! That's it! "

"Oh? You're not going to destroy the face-up card in my backfield? I didn't say that! The effect of Access Code Talker is activated, and I banish the Earth attribute Link Monster in the graveyard! Destroy the face-up card on the right side of your backfield! Access Intergration! ! "

"Heh, Playmaker! As expected, luck and fate have completely abandoned you. The card you destroyed is still Mirror Force. I activate the Mirror Force in the graveyard and the third card in the deck, Holy Shield-Mirror Force-Set!"

"OMG!!! Master Playmaker, how come you can never guess right! Why do you always choose the right side!"

"Dharma! The effect of Access Code Talker is activated for the last time. I banish the Fire-attribute Link Monster Flame Frame Manager in the graveyard and destroy the confirmed Holy Shield-Mirror Force-! Access Intergration! ! "

"It's pointless to struggle, Playmaker. You have completely lost hope!"

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