As a result, Yugi, Kaiba and others were trapped on the island, and they were in a stalemate with Kaiba Naia on the surface and Kaiba Gozaburo secretly.

Fortunately, the duel airship carried sufficient resources, otherwise, they would not only look a little embarrassed now.

Of course, Yugi and Kaiba have not forgotten the power of the elves they obtained, the Super Magic Knight-Black Magic Cavalry and the Abyss-Eye White Dragon. Rather, it is precisely because Yugi and Kaiba have the power of these two elves that they are able to He continued to stay on the island despite the threat of Kaiba Naia and those weapons.

Obviously, since the weapons in the base can attack duel airships and Blue-Eyes White Dragon fighter jets, they can naturally attack that island. If it were not for the power of the Super Magic Knight-Black Magic Cavalry and Abyss-Eyes White Dragon, Yugi and Kaiba, etc. People might not even be able to stay on the island, and would be directly threatened to enter the base.

It is precisely because of this that Yugi and Kaiba cannot rashly order the Super Magic Knights - Black Magic Cavalry and Abyss Eye White Dragon to attack the base. After all, they only have two elves, and the number is still a bit too small. If one of them is sent to attack the base, the remaining one will not be enough to provide complete protection, let alone they cannot be sure whether one elf is enough to destroy the base.

Therefore, in order to prevent Kaiba Naia from jumping over the wall and dying with them, they can only choose to remain in this stalemate and wait for the opening of the third round of duelist arena. As long as one of them can be defeated in the third round of random duels. If selected as contestants, they can obtain the third elf by virtue of the Inka rules. In that case, they can completely reverse the current situation and launch a counterattack against Kaiba Naia.

As for what they should do if they are unlucky and get a bye in this round of random duels, they can only find a way to get rewards and use the rewards to escape. Although this is very luxurious, they cannot always stay on the island and fight with each other. Kaiba Naia continued the stalemate. After all, the signals near the island were cut off by the base controlled by Kaiba Naia. There was no way to contact the outside world, and maintaining the existence of the elves was costly. These days, Kaiba and Yugi could only alternate. When resting, they must be prepared to be awakened and summon spirits immediately. If this continues, an accident may happen one day, so they can only find a way to solve it as soon as possible.

"Wow, Mr. Yugi and the others don't seem to be doing well. Is there something wrong?"

In the GX area, Judai couldn't help but look to the next door worriedly.

Caesar said helplessly: "Judai, I don't think Mr. Yugi and the others need us to care about it yet. We should take care of our world first! For example, the white dormitory suddenly appeared inside Duel Academy. Even I, a graduate, have heard about it. ”

O'Brien nodded solemnly: "The branch where we are located has also received the news. What is the situation on your side? Didn't you already get the information from me in the parallel world? Why are you still being tricked?"

Judai was a little embarrassed: "Well, you can't actually blame us. We have already taken precautions and even made Ed more vigilant. But who knew that Fubuki-senpai would suddenly turn white."

"What? Fubuki?!"

Caesar was stunned.

Wan Zhangmu said helplessly: "According to the information provided by O'Brien in the parallel world, I should be the first to be tricked in the original destiny. Later, Tianshangyuan and Misawa were also tricked one after another. We also targeted this. However, our precautions failed completely. It seems that due to the butterfly effect of our entry into the arena, Saiou did not choose me as the first target, but took advantage of Fubuki-senpai's date with the girl. At that time, we directly attacked Fubuki-senpai. Then things got out of hand. Although we also wanted to stop Fubuki-senpai, he kept avoiding us and even turned Coach Napoleon white. In this case, even if there is Without the help of Professor Kuronos, we can't solve the problem in a short time. After all, the principal is not here, and Professor Kuronos and Coach Napoleon are at the same level."

Caesar looked at Principal Samejima faintly, "Teacher, why are you not here every time something happens?"

Principal Samejima couldn't help but laugh. Although he was the principal, he couldn't stay in the academy all the time. He had to have some private space. Otherwise, he wouldn't even have time to date Tami.

Caesar sighed, forget it, he knew that Shifa was unreliable, but that guy Fubuki was really miserable. He turned black last year and turned white this year. He was a pure tool. He was selected by hostile forces every time, but It's a pity that Fubuki's strength can only be shown when he turns black and white. Under normal circumstances, that guy is completely unreliable, which makes people extremely helpless.

Jim casually applied for a piece of food and fed it to his crocodile Karen, and asked curiously: "SO! The current situation is completely different from the original destiny, isn't it?"

Misawa nodded: "Yes, neither Manzangmu nor I, who were supposed to be albino, became albino. Asuka also got our reminder and successfully escaped. On the contrary, Asuka's two best friends, because they are Fubuki-senpai Fubuki-senpai was turned white by his fans.”

"So, how is Marufuji Sho?"

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Ryo Marufuji, who came from the comic version of the GX world next door, came over and spoke rashly.


Misawa's expression was a little subtle, and he didn't know how to speak.

Caesar was stunned when he saw this. Isn't Xiang okay? Why does Misawa have this expression?

Professor Kuronos shook his head: "Sho Marufuji was too timid, and he was spared Noone's death because of it."


Ryo Marufuji was also stunned, but Caesar showed a look of surprise and helplessness.

"Judai, what's going on?"

John asked in a low voice very cooperatively. Well, although it was a low voice, it was enough for everyone around him to hear.

Judai's expression was also a little strange: "Well, as Caesar's younger brother, Xiang is naturally targeted by Fubuki-senpai. After all, through Xiang's channel, Caesar might also be able to turn albino. But Xiang, well, it's too much After learning about the albino incident, he was extremely worried about being targeted, like a frightened rabbit. Therefore, during this period, whenever Xiang saw someone challenging him, he would immediately turn around and retreat, no matter what. Whoever challenged him, he didn't accept it, and he didn't even take the monthly exam, so Fubuki-senpai couldn't do anything about it."

Well, Judai still saved a lot of face for Xiang. He paid special attention to the vocabulary and chose to use the words vigilance and retreat instead of timid and escape, but everyone could still understand the meaning.

"Ah this..."

John was also speechless. This way of coping could not be said to be wrong. In some cases, it could even be said to be the most appropriate method. However, they were duelists, and the school they attended was still It's really surprising that Sho Marufuji uses such a method in a place like Duelist Academy.

"What kind of character does your Xiang have?"

At this time, Marufuji finally realized something was wrong and looked at Caesar suspiciously.

Caesar also looked at Marufuji in surprise: "Your Xiang over there, doesn't have such a personality?"

Both parties fell into silence, walked aside to have a private conversation, and then came to the conclusion that Marufuji Sho on both sides were indeed people with completely different personalities, even since they were children.

Sho Marufuji on Caesar's side once had a duel with someone who bullied him when he was a child. Then during the duel, Sho Marufuji was so complacent that he ignored the opponent's Gaika, relied on the power of his hand to weld and made nonsense, and planned to immediately Make a bet and say that the loser will stand on his head and run naked, but bully him back.

Such behavior is not wrong. After all, the courage to resist school violence is also very good. But the problem is that Sho Marufuji ignored the opponent's cover and attacked directly, which was his own destruction.

Therefore, in order to prevent Marufuji Sho from running upside down and streaking, Caesar had to intervene in the duel midway, taking a card to his opponent as an apology, and asked Marufuji Sho to weld and seal his power before he could become a decent duelist. After all, duelists outside the A5 world view still value their agreements.

But Caesar also didn't expect that this incident directly led to Sho Marufuji's current timid character, which has never changed. Of course, Sho Marufuji's nature of easily getting carried away has also never changed.

On the other side, in the world where Marufuji lives, Marufuji's character is completely different.

Sho Marufuji here is not prone to getting carried away easily, nor has he ever been bullied by his peers, but he is too kind.

When he was a child, Sho Marufuji often dueled with his friends, but as soon as he saw his friends showing disappointment or sadness after falling down during the duel, Sho Marufuji couldn't do anything, and even let him go. , lose the duel.

Easily get carried away and nature and overly kind nature, this is the fundamental difference between the two Sho Marufuji, although both Caesar and Ryo Marufuji believed that the former Sho Marufuji was not suitable to become a professional duelist because of Marufuji Sho's nature. , but the underlying causes are different.

Therefore, after the exchange, Marufuji also understood the difference between the two worlds, and gave up the idea of ​​​​causing trouble with Caesar. Of course, if there is a fight, we don't know who will lose and who will win.

In the parallel GX area, Yucheng Judai and Wan Zhangmu looked at each other, both feeling helpless.

It felt like the two teammates they brought in were a bit unreliable. As soon as Marufuji Ryo came in, he ran directly to discuss his younger brother's affairs with himself in the parallel world. Hibiki Midori also looked at Hoshihara eager to try as soon as he entered the room. His expression was completely It was based on his son's expression. Wouldn't this really anger Mr. Hoshihara? Wait, why do you feel that Mr. Hoshihara is a little restless? It’s a bit weird!

5DS area.

"Dig? Crow, why are you still looking like Yamato Nadeshiko? You won't just change your gender, right?"

Because he was the only one in the OCG area, and with the pink fur cover as cover, Minazuki transformed into a social terrorist (social terrorist) and continued to run around, and now he has reached the 5DS area with ease. Next, he discovered Crowe, who was still wearing his skin, and his face was filled with horror.

Yamato Nadeshiko Crow rolled his eyes and replied depressedly: "You think I think, if a month has not passed, what can I do?"

"Oh, I almost forgot that it will last for a month, which means it hasn't been a month over there yet?"

Long Ya smiled and spread his hands: "Although the matter of the Earthbound God has been completely solved by Yusei and the others, there are still a few days until a month, so Mother Crow is naturally still like this."

"I told you not to call me Crow's mother, you little brat."

Minazuki blinked and suddenly had a bad idea: "Mom Crow, yes, Yusei, Jack, how about you let Crow challenge himself to the arena this round?"


"Interesting! What a great suggestion!"

Yusei couldn't help but was startled, while Jack laughed out loud. If Yamato Nadeshiko Crow met Crow from the parallel world in the self-challenge, and Crow from the parallel world misunderstood, Crow from the parallel world would How will you be frightened?

Chapter 290 Punishment Display Session (Two in One)

Crowe nodded, but frowned: "It is indeed a very good suggestion, but even if I choose to compete with myself this round, there is no guarantee that I will be able to meet me in the parallel world, right? There is no way to solve this problem Solve it.”


Qiu, Carly, and the Long Ke Longya siblings all looked at Crowe blankly, "Wait a minute, is there something wrong with your reaction?"

Yusei and Jack were not surprised at all. Although Crow was not a pure fun person, he was actually quite willing to have fun. This was a rare opportunity to see his own fun in a parallel world. How could he want to miss it? .

As for Paradox, he doesn't bother to care about Crowe. He just hopes to play quickly, get rewards, and save the future.

However, despite thinking this way, Paradox also discovered the trouble. Neither the rewards from random duels nor the rewards from the arena challenge were enough to directly save the world. It seems that he can only save the world at this moment. He has worked hard on this round of Special Cup competition, but he just doesn’t know what the theme of this round of Special Cup competition is. I hope he will not be among the targets... Wait, there is a big problem with the motor, he All the monsters taken from the duelists have been returned. In this case, even if the theme of the Special Cup Competition is not targeted at him, he has almost no chance of winning!

Paradox's face changed suddenly, and he felt numb all over. The Sin deck he currently held only had three usable Sin monsters: Sin Parallel Gear, Sin True Dragon, and Sin Contradiction Dragon. This How to fight, temporarily borrow the Stardust Dragon from Yusei when it's time to go on stage? With Yusei's character, it's not impossible to agree, but as the master of the arena, would Hoshihara allow such a temporary transfer of cards to happen? Even if allowed, he only has one set of operations left to use. If this set is removed by his opponent, he will lose directly.

Paradox fell silent, Paradox fell into autistic isolation.

On the side, Minazuki continued to discuss with Crow and others the possibility of persecuting Crow in the parallel world, but he couldn't help but glance at Paradox. What's going on? Does Uncle Paradox have such a character? This all makes up an emoticon package!

‘Human beings’ joys and sorrows are not the same, I just think they are noisy. ’

ZEXAL area, this area is different from other areas. After all, the current plot of the ZEXAL world has ended. Vector, whose alias is Balian, was repelled by three warriors, and the invasion plan of the Seven Emperors of Balian has not yet begun. In addition, none of the duelists in the ZEXAL world received special punishments, so Yuma and others were just chatting.

The ARC-V area is really noisy here.

Because you can get rewards if you win a duel, Sawatari naturally asked for the right to appear without shame, but how could the right to appear be so easy to get? You know, even if you don’t count Yugo and Rin who are ordinary spectators, three duelists were brought in in the last round. Among them, Kaito, who hates the destruction of his family and country, is naturally impossible to give up the fight for the right to appear. , Serena, who has a strong personality, is equally impossible. In addition, Reiji also needs rewards to suppress the outbreak of war as much as possible, and both Yuya and Yuto need rewards to solve the problem of Zack's soul in their bodies.

Therefore, the ARC-V area is completely in chaos. No one can give up the right to play. In the end, they can only decide to allocate the right to play based on the candidates who are randomly selected in the random duel. There is no way, who can let them all Your tone has attracted so many people to join as official members, this is the consequence.

VRAINS area, here is noisy in another sense.

"Wow!! Playmaker, we're just a little bit behind. I'm just a little bit too late to make it back in time! Fortunately, I can also receive a countdown reminder over there, otherwise I would really be left behind by you this time!"

Ai shouted with a look of alarm.

Yusaku, on the other hand, spoke calmly: "So, what's going on over there in the electronic world?"

As soon as the words fell, Kogami and his son, the Three Knights of Hanno, Kusanagi Shoichi and Zaizen Kou also turned their attention.

Ai's face was a little helpless: "Playmaker, you really don't understand people's hearts at all! Forget it, you are like this anyway, but the result may disappoint you. The electronic world has been completely destroyed. , I have been searching there for a long time, but I haven’t been able to see even one of my kind.”

Zuolun crossed his arms and said, "Hmph, it's just as Mr. Hoshihara said. The electronic world has been destroyed by Ignis of Light. Playmaker, it seems that there was something wrong with your plan from the beginning."

Yusaku shook his head: "I have also considered this possibility. After all, I heard Mr. Hoshihara's words. But we have no way to determine the time when Ignis of Light destroys the electronic world, right?"

"I see, that's what you think, but unfortunately, Ignis of Light seems to have taken action earlier than you thought, and judging from the performance of Ignis of Darkness, he didn't Can you find any clues in the wreckage of the electronic world?"

Ai was a little embarrassed, but still pretended to be strong and said: "So what, although I really couldn't find any clues, I didn't gain anything! Playmaker, here, this is my experience in the electronic world The companions found in the wreckage should be able to add a lot of strength to you and us!"

With that said, Ai took out several cards, including the Link Kurigo Ball, and put together the last piece of the puzzle for Yusaku to become the Duel King.

You Guxing and You Ya:? ? ?


Following the familiar voice, the link chest ball also materialized next to Yusaku, causing Revolver to fall into deep thought.

But Yusaku just calmly put away the card and turned his attention to the revolver.

"So, Revolver, what's the situation on your end?"

Zuo Lun came to his senses and shook his head: "Unfortunately, the prototype of Ignis of the Wind has encountered an incident, and the plan to wait and see is completely impossible to implement."

Kusanagi Sho touched his chin: "That's troublesome. In this case, can't we just wait for the other five Ignis to come to us on their own?"

Zuo Lun showed a sneer: "That's not necessarily true. Isn't there a reward provided by Mr. Xingyuan? The rewards you receive may need to be used for your relatives and friends, but my rewards are different. As long as you can win, I can definitely use the rewards to get clues about other Ignis.”

Dr. Hongshang also nodded: "Yes, on our side, everything is focused on resolving the incident. In my case, we are not in a hurry to deal with it."

Yusaku and Kusanagi Shoichi directly ignored Dr. Kogami. It was none of their business whether they were in a hurry or not. Who cares? They could live in harmony with Revolver, but that didn't mean they forgave Dr. Kogami, the culprit.

"Asshole, don't go too far!"

At this time, Cai Qiankui's angry voice sounded from the other side, making everyone look sideways.

Cai Qiankui immediately rushed over and stood between Cai Qiankui and the undead. He looked at the undead with a cold expression and asked questions.

"What are you going to do to Aoi?"

The undead spread his hands and showed a Yan Yi smile: "Blue Angel's brother? Don't worry, I have no intention of doing anything to Blue Angel. I am just thanking her. She is actually willing to drag me, Specter, into the duelist arena. I am so grateful for such a wonderful place! ”

Aoi Zaizen fell into silence. Yusaku, Zuo Lun and others all had subtle expressions on their faces, but they actually thanked them. No wonder Aoi Zaizen, a stupid kid who did something stupid, was so excited that his hair was blown. It was obviously to pay homage to the undead. The undead were brought in just for revenge, but in the end they received thanks from the undead. It must be really bad. This is the consequence of being stupid.

Akira Tsaizen sighed, and reluctantly pulled Tsaizen Aoi away from the location of the undead.

"Okay, Aoi, the time is almost up, so don't talk to that guy. If you want to duel, go find that guy in your last free time!"

On the other side, Zuolun also gave some instructions to the undead.

"Spectre, let's stop here. That woman's strength is not worthy of your special stimulation. Now that you have arrived at the duelist arena, let's focus on those powerful duelists in other worlds."

"Of course, Master Revolver, of course I understand the target I should choose, so I have no intention of irritating Blue Angel. I really just want to thank her."

The undead looked innocent.

Ai covered her face: "But, for Blue Angel, the more sincerely you express your gratitude, the more irritating it will be to her!"

"Oh? There is such a thing? That's really interesting. It seems that something interesting happened to Blue Angel before I came here!"

The undead showed an interested expression.

Looking away at the undead, Yusaku, Zuolun and other insiders chose to remain silent. At this time, it was better not to cause trouble to the Zaizen siblings. After all, the Zaizen siblings were not their enemies, and time was almost up.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Duelist Arena again! According to Mr. Hoshihara's instructions, this is already the third round of the Duelist Arena, so in this round of duels, after the random duel ends! The Duelist Arena will hold special cup rewards with extremely generous rewards. As for the theme of the special cup, we will have to wait until the official start of the special cup competition! Now, let us proceed with the inherent steps before the random duel begins. Show the duelists’ special punishments! Okay, Muto Yugi, Kaiba Seto, Fudo Yusei, and Revolver players, please submit your works!”

In an instant, Kaiba, Yusei and Revolver's expressions froze, and everyone around them looked at them with strange expressions. They almost forgot that these three people were also burdened with special punishments. The faces of Kaiba and Revolver Art, and Yusei's photo album, which should be carefully appreciated.

But Yugi shouted in panic: "Wait! Host, and Mr. Xingyuan, how can I hand in my punishment? Is there a problem?"

Xingyuan was surprised: "Can't hand it in? Didn't you record your confession?"

Yugi's face turned black, and the others were powerless to complain. Who would have nothing to do when they confessed? And Mr. Xingyuan, you didn't tell me in advance, how could Yugi record it in this case.

"Forget it, since there is no video, then I will check the records of your world. Who did you confess to?"

Yugi opened his mouth, but was speechless. Instead, Xingzi beside him patted his chest with a red face and took the initiative to speak.

"It's me!"

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