"It's not over yet, activate the trap card, Trickster Star's Carnation Reincarnation! Eliminate all cards in the opponent's hand, and the opponent will draw the same number of cards from the deck as the number of eliminated cards!"

"Nani?!" XN

In the audience, the expressions of many duelists changed. Such an effect, coupled with the monster named Naughty Fairy Star Manzhu Shihua, is this completely a rush to kill, right? Such a deck can be said to be particularly strong even in other modes, let alone in a mode like Action Duel·Change. What kind of ideas does Hoshihara have for fun? Assigning such a duel mode to these two women? Did the female duelist named Izayoi Akira offend him in any way?

In the V6 area, Yusaku breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Very good. It seems that Zaizen Aoi has learned some lessons after losing the last duel. At least he has learned to activate the Naughty Fairy when the opponent has just finished drawing cards. Star's Carnation Reincarnation Technique. In this way, the opponent will need to bear 1200 points of damage twice, and the health value will drop to only 400 points in one breath. It will be impossible to draw cards or activate magic traps. This game The duel will come to an end.

"Don't even think about succeeding! According to the rules of Action Duel·Change, once per round, I pick up an action card!"

Qiu quickly used telekinesis to add an action card on the ground to his hand.

Aoi was stunned when she saw this. She actually drew a card at this time. What on earth was the opponent doing? There were a lot of confusing operations. In this way, wouldn't the opponent's health points be directly cleared to zero?

"Although I don't know what you want to do, because you drew a card again, the effect of Manzhu Shihua was activated, giving you 200 points of damage again! Then the effect of the lighting stage also gave you 200 points of damage again!"

"Gu! Because your damage effect seems not to be chained, I will accept these 400 points of damage, but don't think about the rest! Chain your trap cards, Trickster Star's Carnation Reincarnation, and Action Magic , the effect goes berserk, activate! Select one of the opponent's monsters, negate its effect, and inflict 500 points of damage to the opponent! I activate this effect with your Naughty Star·Manjushihua as the target. The effect is invalid! In this way, your Naughty Star Manjushihua will not be able to give me effect damage. Although the action magic effect is activated, the light stage of Naughty Star Candina and Naughty Star will be affected. Compared with my 200 points of damage, but compared with the effect damage of Naughty Star Manzhu Shihua, this is completely acceptable!”

"How is that possible! How do you predict the type of action card you pick up in advance?!"

Aoi couldn't stand it any longer. Could it be that the other person's super power also includes predicting the future?

Qiu Ze showed a witch-like sneer: "Didn't you see it? I am a telekinetic duelist. Why do you think I activated Mirror Barrier from the cards in my hand last round? Isn't it because the action was stuck in my hand? You can only have one of these restrictions! Although the rules do not allow duelists to interfere when the opponent picks up action cards, nor do they allow duelists to use their own power to directly attack the opponent's duelist, but they can interfere with their own actions when picking up action cards. Is it still not restricted? Under this premise, why do you think I waited until you picked up the action card before starting to pick up the action card? During that time, I had already used telekinesis to block the action cards around me. I opened it all and checked the effect!”

Aoi was stunned for a moment, is there such an operation?

In the auditorium, in the 5DS area, Yusei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It turns out that the opponent has the advantage in the deck, and Izayoi has the advantage in telekinesis. In this way, there is still room for this duel. Even if he fights, it's not like he has no chance of winning. However, in this state, Izayoi shouldn't have entered Black Rose Witch mode again, right? In that case, it would be a bit troublesome.

In the V6 area, Yusaku frowned. Sure enough, there was a reason for Hoshihara to assign these two female duelists together. In this way, it was indeed impossible for Zaizen Aoi to win easily. However, In terms of winning rate, Zaimae Aoi is still higher. After all, the duelist named Izayoi Akira has used up all the action card pickup opportunities in these two rounds. Even if he has the super power of telekinesis, It won't work in a short period of time. As long as Cai Qiankui plays steadily and maintains her advantage, she should still be able to win. I hope she won't lose her mentality due to the telekinesis revealed by the other party.

"Due to the effects of Trickstar Candina, Trickstar Manjushihua and Trickstar's light stage, I need to suffer a total of 800 points of damage. As a result, my health dropped to only 2000 points, and then the settlement For the effect of your trap card Trickster Star's Carnation Reincarnation, I will exclude six cards and draw six more cards. However, at this time, the effect of your Naughty Star's Manju Shihua has also been invalidated and cannot be used again. Because of the effect of my card draw, your performance ends here!"

As he said that, Qiu's hair began to dance without any wind, which scared Aoi and took two steps back involuntarily.

"Izayoi! Calm down! Don't get lost in the power! Don't you want to change everything you've experienced? If you keep being manipulated by the power and don't change, then even if you change everything you've experienced through victory, you won't be happy! How to face life and duels after losing the power, you must think clearly, from now on!!"

Chapter 44 Synchro Summoning! Rose's gorgeous performance!

At this time, Yusei in the 5DS area in the audience suddenly stood up and shouted, attracting everyone's attention.


Qiu turned to look at Yusei, revealing a complicated expression, but after a moment of hesitation, her hair stopped dancing and returned to its original appearance.

Seeing this, Yusei was barely relieved and sat down again, but attracted Jack's weird eyes.

In the DM area, Yugi also showed a look of realization: "So that's how it is. The first rule can be interpreted in this way. I thought that as an audience, we can only cheer our friends up when they are in a desperate situation and have the idea of ​​giving up. I didn't expect that we can also help our friends regain their consciousness in this way."

"I really didn't expect it, but are the relationship between those two people just friends?"

Jounouchi's expression was also a little subtle. On the one hand, he was suspicious of the relationship between Yusei and Akira, and on the other hand, it was because Yugi just mentioned him by name. After all, he had had several experiences in the past when he wanted to give up and was cheered up by Yugi and others.


On the side, Kaiba, who was still doing two things at the same time, watching the game and studying at the same time, simply snorted coldly. Of course, compared to snorting coldly, Kaiba now wanted to say "boring bond game", but considering that he was also affected by Keipi in the duel, Kaiba could only take this sentence back in his heart and snorted coldly.

On the duel field, in the vampire courtyard, Akira, who had regained his calm, turned his eyes to Aoi opposite again.

"Then, next, it's really my turn. I summon the Knight of Night Rose in attack mode!"

Instantly, a little knight wearing black armor and a white cloak, holding a dagger, appeared in front of Qiu.

"The special effect of the Knight of Night Rose can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned. Special summon a level 4 or lower plant monster from the hand card. I special summon a level 4 plant monster from the hand card, and then a big rose!"

The Knight of Night Rose swung the dagger and drew a circle in the air. The monster formed by three roses gathered together appeared on the field, but it was different from ordinary roses. The center of these three roses was a round pupil, which made people feel cold.

"Attack power 1000 and attack power 1300 are no match for my Candina and Manjushua. Are you still going to continue summoning?"

"That's right! Next, you will see the power of the black rose! I will use the level 4 re-opening large rose and the level 3 night rose knight to synchronize! The cold flame will devour everything in the world! Black flowers, bloom! Synchro summon! Appear, black rose dragon!!"


In the clear dragon roar, the red rose petals were scattered all over the field in the sudden gust of wind. Like a blooming flower, the red and black dragon waved its vines and descended into the vampire courtyard, casting a cold gaze on the naughty fairy stars.

[Black Rose Dragon: Synchro/Effect Monster, Seven Stars, Fire Attribute, Dragon Type, Attack: 2400, Defense: 1800]

[Synchro/Effect (original early game): Synchro/Effect: Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn, exclude 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard and choose 1 monster on the opponent's field to have its Attack reduced to 0. ]

"It's actually a Synchro Summon!"

Seeing the appearance of the Black Rose Dragon, Aoi couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

In the audience, the duelists in the DM, GX, and Z4 zones were also discussing.

"Synchro Summoning, a summoning method I've never seen before!"

"It seems very interesting!"

"Sure enough, different worlds have different summoning methods!"

While the duelists were discussing, Qiu also raised his right hand forward.

"Black Rose Dragon's special effect, when this card is successfully Special Summoned, it can destroy all cards on the field! Black Rose's trick!!"



Aoi was immediately shocked, and the duelists in the audience were also shocked. It only takes a successful Special Summon to destroy all the cards on the field. It's really a powerful effect!


Amid the surprise and amazement of the crowd, Black Rose Dragon roared again, transformed into a storm carrying rose petals, sweeping across the field and engulfing everything.

Seeing this, Aoi's face also became ugly. Her remaining face-up cards and action magic cards in her hand were not targeted at this effect, and there was no way to activate them at this time, so she could only watch the rose storm sweep across the field.

After a while, the Rose Storm dissipated, and the figure of Black Rose Dragon disappeared from the field, but Mischievous Star Candina, Mischievous Star Light Stage, and the remaining cover card of Aoi all disappeared from the field, leaving only Mischievous Star Manjushihua, which was protected by the effect of Mirror Barrier but had its effect invalidated, the Vampire Courtyard, which was nominally an action field, and the action card blown all over the sky by the Rose Storm.

Seeing this result, Aoi finally understood why Qiu chose the action magic card Mirror Barrier to add to his hand last round, because the effect of Black Rose Dragon would destroy itself together, so Qiu wanted to use the effect of Mirror Barrier to protect Black Rose Dragon, but the effect of Mischievous Star Manjushihua gave Qiu a bad premonition, so Qiu was forced to use the action magic card Mirror Barrier on Mischievous Star Candina in advance to avoid the situation where the only action magic card position was stuck.

"This way, I can start with a little more ease! Magic card, one-on-one, activate! Send a monster from your hand to the graveyard to activate, and Special Summon a Level 1 monster from your hand or deck! I send the Grown Bulb from my hand monster card to the graveyard, and Special Summon the Level 1 monster Evil Thorn from my deck in Defense Position! Come on, Evil Thorn!"

As Qiu called, a plant with withered flowers and meteor-like fruits passed through the hole that appeared out of thin air and landed on Qiu's field.

"Then, you will also taste the effect damage! The special effect of the Evil Thorn, release this card to deal 300 damage to the opponent, and you can Special Summon up to two Evil Thorns from my deck in Attack Position, but the Evil Thorns Special Summoned by this effect cannot activate their effects. I release the Evil Thorn, deal you 300 damage, and then Special Summon another two Evil Thorns from the deck in Attack Position!"


As soon as the voice fell, the fruit of the Evil Thorn fell to the ground, exploded, and turned into countless spikes, flying towards Aoi, causing 300 damage to Aoi.


"It's not over yet! I'm activating a magic card, Aroma Storm! Destroy a face-up Plant monster on the field, draw a card from the deck, and if the card drawn by this effect is a Plant monster, you can confirm that card to both parties, and draw another one!"

Aoi looked helplessly at the Mischievous Star Manjushihua on her field. If the effect of Mischievous Star Manjushihua had not been invalidated, she could have hurt the opponent now.

"I destroy Thorn of Evil and draw a card! Very good, the card I drew is a Plant-Type monster, Phoenix Seed. I will show you this card, and then draw another one! Draw a card! That's it. I activate the Quick Play Spell, False Seed! The effect of this card allows you to Special Summon a Level 2 or lower Plant-Type monster from your hand. I Special Summon a Level 2 Plant-Type monster, Phoenix Seed, in Defense Position. Then I activate the effect of Growing Bulb in the Graveyard. This card can only be used once per Duel. It can only be activated if there is a card in the Graveyard. It can only be activated by sending the top card of my deck to the Graveyard. This card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard. I send the top card of my deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon it in Defense Position." Growing bulbs. Then, I activate the Equip Magic Card, Rose Mark, from my hand. I can only activate it by banishing a Plant-Type monster in my Graveyard, and gain control of the equipped monster! "

"What? !"

"That's right! I equip Rose Mark to your Mischievous Star Manjushihua, and then banish an Evil Thorn from the Graveyard to take control of your Mischievous Star Manjushihua! Finally, I use the Level 1 Growing Bulbs, Level 2 Phoenix Seeds, and Level 3 Mischievous Star Manjushihua to synchronize! The gorgeous Thorn Hunter hiding in the Sacred Forest, holding the Whip of Discipline, shows off your attitude here! Synchro Summon! Come out, Gorgeous Rose! !"

Chapter 45 Not everyone is a card picker like Yusei

As Qiu chanted, the growing bulb turned into a green halo, enveloping the Phoenix Flower Seed and the Naughty Fairy Star Manjushua, forming a green light column that shot up into the sky, causing the bright red petals to fly out of it, and also causing a green-clad, green-haired girl with thorns on her back to fly out of it and land in front of Qiu.

[Gorgeous Rose: Synchro/Effect Monster, 6-Star, Wind Attribute, Plant-Type, Attack: 2200, Defense: 2000]

[Synchro/Effect: Tuner + 1 or more monsters other than Tuners

Once per turn, remove 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard from play to activate. Select 1 monster on your opponent's field, and its Attack is halved until the End Phase. In addition, during the Battle Phase that this card attacked, remove 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard from play to activate. The Attack of this card is halved until the End Phase, and this card can only attack once during that Battle Phase. 】

"You actually used my Manjushri as a sync material!"

Aoi also showed a helpless expression. Indeed, Manjushri, who was given damage resistance by the mirror barrier, would not be destroyed by the effect, but in addition to combat destruction, taking control and using it as a sync material can also get rid of Manjushri.

"That's it, it's over!"

Qiu confidently made a declaration. There were no wall monsters or cover cards on the opponent's field. The previous effects of Rampage and Evil Thorn also caused a total of 800 points of effect damage to the opponent, leaving the opponent with only one health remaining. 3200 points, but Gorgeous Rose's two attacks can cause a total of 3300 combat damage, which is completely enough to clear the opponent's health.


Aoi's heart suddenly tightened. The combined attack power of the two monsters on the opponent's field was only 2300, but they made such a declaration. Does this synchronized monster named Gorgeous Rose have any special effects?

"Fight! I will use the Gorgeous Rose to launch a direct attack on you, Blue Angel!"

Following the command, Gorgeous Rose immediately jumped up, pulled out a green thorn out of thin air, and threw it towards Aoi.

"Don't even think about it! At this moment, I activate an action magic card from my hand, evade! It can only be activated by targeting a monster on the field, and the attack of that monster is invalid! I activate this effect by targeting the gorgeous rose on your field, and it is invalid. Her attack!"

As soon as the words fell, Gorgeous Rose suddenly tilted her body, and the green thorns that were about to hit Aoi's body were deflected and hit the ground beside Aoi, making Aoi finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Aoi is not able to use telekinesis to cheat like Qiu. She cannot choose cards at will. The action cards she gets are only the most common evasion, but in this case, the most common evasion is enough.


Seeing this, Qiu couldn't help but feel a flash of displeasure in her eyes, because Aoi had been holding the action card in her hand and not using it. She thought that the action card was a card that Aoi couldn't use or a card that caused damage to herself. , I didn’t expect it to be evasive. In this way, there was no way to end the duel in this round.

"It's not over yet! Even if I can't clear your health this round, I will try my best to inflict damage on you! The special effect of Gorgeous Rose is activated. In the battle phase after this card attacks, a plant-type monster in my graveyard will be destroyed. It can only be activated by banishing, and the attack power of this card is reduced to half until the end phase. During that battle phase, this card can only attack once more! I banish the second Evil Thorn in the graveyard, so that the attack power of Gorgeous Rose is It becomes 1100, and then uses Gorgeous Rose to launch a direct attack on you!"

Then, Gorgeous Rose quickly twisted her body and began to spin at high speed, turning her whole body into a green tornado and rushing towards Aoi.

Seeing this, Aoi finally understood why Qiu had made such a declaration before, but she didn't intend to accept the attack honestly.

"I'm not finished yet. I haven't added the action card to my hand this round. According to the rules, I pick up an action card once per round!"

With that said, Aoi picked up the action card closest to her as quickly as possible. Because there were no monsters on her field anymore, and she didn't have telekinesis like Qiu, so she had to do it herself. .

However, after seeing clearly the card she picked up, Aoi had a bitter look on her face, because what she picked up was an action magic card that could only be activated if there was a monster card on her field, but there were no monsters on her field now. Obviously, if you only rely on luck to pick up cards, you will still have bad luck, and not everyone is a star. In the absence of cheating by the screenwriter, it is normal for luck to be good or bad.

"It seems like your luck has run out! Come on, Gorgeous Rose!"

Under Qiu's order, the green tornado once again began to rush forward at high speed. Seeing this, Aoi could only choose to use the last resort.

"Then, another effect of the Trap Card, Trickster's Carnation Reincarnation, is to banish this card from the graveyard. It can only be activated by targeting a Trickstar monster in my graveyard. That monster is Special Summoned! I banish the graveyard. The Carnation Reincarnation Technique of the Trickstar, special summoning in attack position, Trickstar Manzhu Shihua!”


Seeing the Naughty Fairy Star Manzhu Shihua appear on the field again, Qiu was stunned. Since there was a trap card with such an effect in the graveyard, and he also had an action magic card in his hand to evade, why didn't the opponent use it in advance? This trap card revives Trickstar Candina from the graveyard? As long as Trickstar Candina is on the field, it will be impossible for her to continue to use magic cards so smoothly.

In the auditorium, V6 area, on Yuzuo's duel board, Ai, who was also watching the duel as an audience, helplessly spread his hands. Sure enough, the identity of Blue Angel's duel leader was all determined by the strength of the deck. But Blue Angel In other words, if Zaizen Aoi's duel level is higher, she and Yusaku have no chance of victory in the last duel. This time, too, as long as Zaizen Aoi's duel level is higher, this duel will not be delayed at all. It's been so long, but now, the winner has finally been decided. With a weakness as big as the Thorn of Evil on the field, if Cai Qiankui still can't win, it will really doubt Cai Qiankui's fate. Will there be a duel?

Chapter 46 Qiu: Is the other party a good person? No, it’s better not to eat it!

"How about that, do you want to continue attacking with your monster?"

Aoi, who was forced to use the last resort, also looked at Qiu with some indignation, but she didn't know that the duelists in the audience had basically begun to doubt her dueling skills.

After looking at Aoi, Qiu still forced herself to suppress the thought of "Is the opponent really weak?" After all, if the opponent is really weak, then wouldn't she be even weaker after being forced to this extent by the opponent?

"I will stop the second attack of Gorgeous Rose and end this round!"

[Qiu: Hand cards: 5 cards → 7 cards → 0 cards → 6 cards → 1 card → 3 cards → 0 cards Life Points: 2000]

"Is the turn over? Then, I win! My turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, I activate the effect of the trap card Black Rose's Blooming, which is sent from the deck to the graveyard by the growing bulb. This card name is once per turn. If this card exists in the graveyard, it can be activated by targeting a Black Rose Dragon or Plant-Type monster on my field, and that monster is excluded. This card returns to the bottom of the deck, and the monster excluded by this effect returns to the field during the next standby phase. I activate this effect targeting Evil Thorn, exclude Evil Thorn, and return Black Rose's Blooming to the bottom of my deck."

So, Evil Thorn, with only 100 attack points, turned into rose petals and disappeared from the field, which disappointed Aoi. Her rare weakness was gone.

"It's not over yet! According to the rules, once per turn, I will add an action card to my hand!"

"Adding an action card to your hand at this time? Then, the effect of Mischievous Star Manjushua is activated, giving you another 200 points of damage!"

"It doesn't matter, I activate the action magic, Fire Wall! During this turn, all the effect damage I receive becomes 0!"


Aoi was shocked. There is actually an action magic card with this effect. No wonder the opponent would rather bear the effect damage of Manjushua and add that card to his hand. In other words, he can only attack with monsters?

Thinking of this, Aoi looked down at her hand. Her Mischievous Star monsters rarely have monsters with an attack power of 2200. Even if they have the effect of increasing their own attack power or reducing the opponent's attack power, they need to be used in conjunction with the effect of causing effect damage. Therefore, now that the effect damage has become 0, it is still difficult for her to take out a monster that can break the gorgeous rose, but the premise is that she does not have the action card she got before.

"Then, let's go! I'll activate the Field Magic Card from my hand, the Light Arena of the Trickster!"

As before, Aoi's opening move was still the Field Magic, but this time, it was not a small stage that appeared in the vampire courtyard, but a small arena full of spectators, and even the crazy shouts of fans could be heard from it.

"Next, I summon the Trickster Lilibelle in Attack Position. Then, rush in one go! Come out, the circuit of dreams and hopes!"

While shouting, Aoi raised her right hand to the sky, shooting out a beam of light, causing the Link Circuit to appear in the sky, causing the surprise of all duelists outside the V6 world.

"The summoning conditions are two Trickster monsters. I set Manjushihua and Lilibelle to the Link Mark, Link Summon! Appear, Link 2! Trickster Holly Angel!"

As Aoi explained, with Yusaku's expressionless face, Trickster Manjushihua and Trickster Lilibelle simultaneously turned into light, lighting up the lower left and lower right marks of the Link Circuit, allowing the blonde angel to fly out of the Link Circuit.

[Trickster Holly Angel (Trickster Likui Angel): Link/Effect Monster, Link Value 2, Link Mark: [♦][♦], Light Attribute, Angel Type, Attack Power: 2000]

[Effect: 2 "Trickster" Monsters

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