Rin pulled Yugo away helplessly: "Okay, you idiot, stop arguing with the other two idiots, let them solve the problem of the two Tyrannosaurus first."

Yuya and Yuto's mouths twitched. Yugo and the others could refute, but they really couldn't say anything about Rin's words. But what the hell is a Tyrannosaurus? With that said, it's a lot less cool!

"No, there's no need to skip the material problem of Odd-Eyes Blaze Dragon and Odd-Eyes Rebellious Dragon. After all, there is a redemption store. You just need to redeem it from the redemption store. Although Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Dark Rebellious XYZ Dragon are both UR cards, the price is a bit expensive, but you can also redeem a cheap card that meets the conditions to deal with it first."

"Then why do you still say we are idiots?"

Yuya looked at Ling'er with a bad look.

Ling Er pushed his glasses and replied calmly: "Because you are indeed idiots."


"Although the exchange shop can indeed solve the material needs of Heterochromatic Fire Dragon and Heterochromatic Rebellious Dragon, it does not mean that your choice is not problematic. You can obviously choose a better and more convenient combination, but you made such a choice because of the idea that XYZ Dragon is more suitable for XYZ summoning and the idea of ​​tit-for-tat. This obviously shows that you are not rational enough and may do more irrational things in the future. That's why I say you are idiots to remind you."

"......So, we should thank you for saying we are idiots, right?"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

"......(a plant)!" X2

While the inexplicable conversation was going on in the ARC-V area, the second round of the Bad Luck Cup also began.

The first match was Jonouchi vs. Caesar, which made Mizunotsuki and KD Master say that this was not metaphysics. Although the influence of luck will be eliminated in the duel of the Bad Luck Cup, the influence of luck should not be eliminated when drawing duelists. With Jonouchi's luck, shouldn't he directly draw the bye spot when there are 17 players who advance?

Then, the performance of Jonouchi and Caesar in the duel made Mizunotsuki and KD Master fall into silence. Although there was no bye, Jonouchi's luck was still not bad.

As mentioned before, Caesar's card drawing ability is still in a sealed state. He can barely gain the upper hand against opponents with insufficient hard power like Kusanagi, but he is a little powerless against Jonouchi. Therefore, after a few rounds, Caesar was eliminated by Jonouchi neatly, and the GX world became the first world where all duelists were eliminated.

The second match was Revolver vs. Hibiki.

Although Xiang Lu's strength is not bad, facing the duelist like Zuo Ling, who is close to OCG card master in VRAINS world, it is still too much for Xiang Lu. In addition, Xiang Lu's deck does not have many elves, but Zuo Ling holds the elves of Forward Barrel Dragon, so Xiang Lu still lost the duel.

And this result also made the elves with girlish appearance in the special audience look at Xingyuan with surprise. This person actually did not give any help and let Xiang Lu's mother be eliminated in the second round?

Xingyuan: I said this is not my mother! And... forget it, I won't say it.

The third game, Crow vs. Jack.

So, Crow started the second 5DS civil war in a row, and then eliminated Jack whose deck was not stable enough.

Back to the audience, Jack suddenly felt a toothache. If it was not the rules of the Bad Luck Cup, he would not lose to Crow so quickly. You know, in the duels within the satisfaction team, he was always the winner. Now he was overturned by Crow. This is really unwilling!

However, this guy, Kuro, actually eliminated Yusei and him in succession. If he fails to continue to advance, he will definitely not let this guy go!

Well, the latter part of the sentence was not Jack's inner thoughts, but Jack said it in front of Kuro, causing Kuro to show dead fish eyes. Damn, this guy, he lost the duel and still talked so much.

The fourth game, Yugi vs. Amagi Kaito.

Because of the victory in the first round, Oto Yugi did not make too many adjustments to the deck, and Yami Yugi continued to give control of the body to Oto Yugi.

Then, Amagi Kaito, who used the strong attack deck, was pitted and was directly pitted. There was no way. After all, the light wave deck's ability to deal with the red pit is really not very strong, not to mention that it is still under the rules of the bad luck cup.

The fifth game, KD Master vs. Linger.

So, Rei died very simply. Although Rei's strength is indeed not weak, Master KD is good at the DDD deck in addition to the magician deck. In the situation where the deck is already stuck, the tactics and ideas are mostly seen through by Master KD, so it is natural that Rei died.

The sixth game, Yuma vs. Kaito.

Well, this time it is a civil war in the ZEXAL world.

Then, with Kaito's speechless expression, Yuma and Astral used ZEXAL fusion at the beginning, and used the flash card draw from the beginning.

In fact, it is not that Kaito cannot understand this. After all, when he first met Yuma and Astral, the sense of oppression and psychological shadow on these two people was too strong, and in the subsequent duel, these two people also They have never been able to defeat him, and Mr. Hoshihara also said that Nakama has never defeated him in his original destiny, so it is normal for these two to go all out from the beginning.

However, isn’t it a bit unfair to do this in the Bad Luck Cup?

Looking at the bad cards in his hand, and then looking at the luxurious place in front of ZEXAL, even Kaito couldn't help but think this way.

And the result is naturally very obvious. He is jamming his hands like crazy and drawing like crazy at the same time. It will be crazy if Kaito can win.

So, Kaito resigned helplessly.

Regarding this victory, Yuma was very happy at first, but after being happy for a while, Yuma felt empty again, and finally decided not to count the outcome of this duel into his duel with Kaito. , because even he felt a little defeated.

Of course, Yuma and Astral don't calculate, but that doesn't mean Kaito himself doesn't calculate. With the defeat of this duel etched in his heart, he has already made up his mind to give them a surprise the next time he faces Yuma and Astral.

In the seventh game, Kurosaki Hayabusa fights against Lingya.

Well, with strong will and determination, Kurosaki Hayabusa once again forced the deployment when his hands were stuck. However, unfortunately, Lingya's endurance was much stronger than Sawatari, and the result was Kurosaki Hayabusa. After one wave, Ling Ya could not be completely defeated, and then Ling Ya turned defeat into victory in the next round.

After this scene, there were no other survivors in the ARC-V world, becoming the second world after the GX world in which all duelists were eliminated. After all, the two important combat forces, Yuya and Yuto, were both in trouble. Went there, but other people's luck was not very good, so it was quite normal.

The eighth game, Kaiba versus Yusaku.

Needless to say about this match, Kaiba might still be able to fight Yusaku if the rules of the Bad Luck Cup were removed, but in the Bad Luck Cup, there was no need to consider it at all. Yusaku easily won the duel.

Therefore, after the duel, the AI ​​started to be angry with Revolver again. After all, Revolver only tied with Kaiba, while Yusaku defeated Kaiba.

Regarding this, Zuolun said that he didn't care at all. There was nothing to be angry with an AI, let alone an idiot among the AIs. Therefore, Zuo Lun didn't take it to heart at all, and even planned to introduce a few AIs to Yusaku after the incident. A beautiful girl asked Yusaku to try to talk about love. Well, neither male ketosis nor human-machine love is a good thing. Sure enough, heterosexuality is the best. He was thinking about Yusaku.

Thus, the eight duels in the second round ended like this, and the bye candidate was determined. It was Judai Yujo from the comic version of the GX world.

Regarding this, both Minazuki and Master KD felt a little confused. Is Yujo Judai's luck actually better than Jounouchi's? If it were the early tenth generation of the GX world, this doesn't seem to be completely impossible, but the tenth generation of the comic version of the GX world doesn't seem to have particularly good luck, right?

Then comes the third and final knockout round, followed by the semi-finals and finals.

In the first game, Yusaku versus Crow.

Well, Crowe easily hit GG and the 5DS world was completely eliminated.

Jack's face turned black with anger, and he even wanted to grab Crow's shoulders and shout, "Are you awake?"

But because of Crowe's appearance, Jack was unable to take action in the end and could only sulk in Carly's comfort.

Crowe scratched his head. He didn't expect that this appearance could have such benefits.

In the second game, Master KD faced off against Ling Ya.

In the last game, Lingya used his battery life to kill Kurosaki Hayabusa, and in this game, it was Master KD's turn to use his battery life to kill Lingya. Lingya could only helplessly think that this might be a cycle of cause and effect.

In the third game, Yugi played against Revolver.

It’s another sustained battle. Relying on the bullet monster’s special move effect, Revolver managed to withstand the waves of traps in the game. In addition, Revolver’s own mastery of trap tactics is also very good, and he is still in the growth stage. The table game was unfortunately defeated again.

But this defeat also made Biao Yuxi understand his shortcomings, so for Yu Yu, he actually made a profit.

In the fourth game, Yuma versus Judai Yujo.

Because of the emptiness of the previous scene, Yuma and Astral did not combine with ZEXAL from the beginning this time.

But after a few rounds, Yujo Judai expressed that he wanted to fight against them who were going all out, and asked them to use ZEXAL. Yuma and Astral had no choice but to help Yujo Judai, and then smoothly The tenth generation of Sending Youcheng has withdrawn from the game, completely eliminating the comic version of GX World.

After experiencing the comparison of these two rounds of duels, Yuma and Astral also discovered one thing. Using ZEXAL Fusion at the beginning was actually the least expensive option for them. After all, they only needed to prepare the opening hand. You can search and create your own scene without having to draw flash cards one by one, let alone draw cards that can replenish your hand resources again and again.

However, while the cost was reduced, the fun of dueling was also reduced, so Yuma and Astral decided not to do this under normal circumstances.

However, the Bad Luck Cup does not seem to be a normal situation, and the remaining opponents do not seem to be ordinary opponents.

Thinking of this, Yuma and Astral could not help but look at Jonouchi who was selecting opponents. The bye spot in the third round fell on Jonouchi. They originally thought that Mizunotsuki's statement that Jonouchi had particularly good luck was just an exaggeration, but now it seems that it is not an exaggeration! The reason why there was no bye in the second round was to get a bye spot in the third round, right? After all, two consecutive byes would easily make people think that there was something wrong with the random selection mechanism, so the goddess of luck helped Jonouchi choose the more valuable bye in the third round?

Mizunotsuki \u0026 KD Master: We have said that Jonouchi is the mistress of the goddess of luck! You still don't believe it! Now you understand!

Jonouchi's position, as the last survivor of the DM world, Jonouchi was a little entangled looking at the four opponents in front of him.

The combination of Yuma and Astral, the combination of Yusaku and AI, chosKD, and Revolver, who should be chosen as the opponent?

Jonouchi fell into deep thought, and then began to use the elimination method.

The first to be eliminated was the combination of Yuma and Astral. The flash card drawing that was not affected by the rules of the Bad Luck Cup was too buggy. Even if Jonouchi was not afraid of dueling with strong opponents, he did not want to run into Yuma and Astral now. After all, it was a special cup competition, so it was natural to get a better ranking as much as possible, even if only the champion of the special cup competition could get rewards.

Then the combination of Yusaku and AI and chosKD were eliminated, because the duels of these two groups of opponents were too stable. On the contrary, Revolver, although it also had a similar stable style, felt a little worse than the previous two groups. If Jonouchi had to rank the duelists of this Bad Luck Cup, then ZEXAL, the combination of Yuma and Astra 幹l, would undoubtedly be T0 level, while Yusaku and chosKD would be T1 level, and Revolver would only be T1.5.

As for Jonouchi himself, he couldn't give an accurate evaluation of himself, but at least under the rules of the Bad Luck Cup, he felt that he should be below T2.

Therefore, Jonouchi chose to challenge Revolver, who was relatively low in level, but he did not take it lightly. Not to mention that Revolver was stronger than him in his opinion, the fact that Revolver defeated Yugi was enough to make him be on guard.

However, the result was somewhat beyond Jonouchi's expectations. Revolver's deck seemed to be restrained by Jonouchi's deck.

Before the powerful Red Pit had time to activate a few cards, Jonouchi took out the android, and the gun monsters with special effects were also turned into equipment cards by the Sword Hunter that Jonouchi got from Yuga. If it was normal rules, Revolver would certainly have other means to deal with it, but under the rules of the Bad Luck Cup, this multiple restraint directly led to Revolver's defeat.

In the end, Zuolu was unfortunately eliminated, and Jonouchi successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

But Jonouchi's good luck ended there, because in the first game of the semi-finals, he ran into Yuma and Astral.

Although Yuma and Astral did not use ZEXAL from the beginning, Jonouchi's performance in the duel was still honored to face ZEXAL, and was eliminated by the flash card drawing.

And this duel also made Yuma feel more guilty. He always felt that they were cheating in the Bad Luck Cup with ZEXAL and flash card drawing. Although this is indeed their own ability, it is still a bit too much. If Yuma Judai and Jonouchi were not true duelists with integrity in their hearts, and if the opponents had not actively asked him to open ZEXAL in the third round and semi-finals, he might have already thought about withdrawing.

So, in Yuma's entanglement, the second game of the semi-finals, KD Master vs. Yusaku and AI, also began.

"Duel!!" X3

Watching both sides draw five cards from the duel disk at the same time, Mizunotsuki in the audience also showed a serious expression. The duel between Master KD and Yusaku was a duel between the strong. For them, even the rules of the Bad Luck Cup should only limit them for a few rounds at most. After accumulating all the resources, both of them should be able to launch a raging wave.

"I attack first, draw a card! I summon Frame Buffer Fire Bull in attack position!"

"Sure enough, the monster with this effect is the opening!"

Looking at the blue-black Electric Bull that appeared on Yusaku's field, Master KD was not surprised at all. After the previous rounds of duels, he was very clear about Yusaku's choice. For the sake of stability, he suppressed the possibility and eliminated most of the weird cards. He filled up three cards such as Frame Buffer Fire Bull, Exchange Priest, and Computer Network Mining. Therefore, even in the Bad Luck Cup, the possibility of Yusaku's starting hand with these cards is not low. After all, the number is there. At most, Yusaku has a small number of cards, but for Yusaku, it is enough to have one or two cards in hand at the beginning.

"Come on, guide the circuit of the future! The summoning condition is a level 4 or lower Electronic World monster. I will set the link mark on the level 3 Electronic World monster on the field, the Fire Ox! Link Summon! Link 1, Link Disciple ! ! Then, the effect of Frame Buffer Fire Ox can be activated once per turn. This card can only be activated when the face-up card is removed from the field. I discard an Electronic World monster from my hand and draw it from the deck. Two pieces! I discard the electronic monster in my hand and surpass the dragon in parallel to activate this effect!"

"Parallel Beyond Dragon?"

Master KD couldn't help but be stunned. He actually gave up Parallel Transcendence Dragon to draw cards? Are there no other Cyberkaikai monsters in Yusaku's hands?

"It's not over yet. I chain-activate the effect of the second Parallel Transcendence Dragon (original version) in my hand. It can only be activated when my Link Summon is successful. This card moves from my hand to my field to defend the area where the Link Monster is linked. means special summon. Therefore, I special summon Parallel Dragon in defense position and draw a card!"

Seeing Yuzu's special summon of Parallel Transcendence Dragon but not activating the second effect of Parallel Transcendence Dragon, Master KD also fell silent. Well, he now understands why Yuzu used Parallel Transcendence Dragon as a frame cache fire bull. COST, stability is stable, unlucky still has to be unlucky. At the beginning of the game, I surpassed the dragon in parallel and got it all, so Yusaku was probably helpless.

"Reappear again and guide the circuit of the future! The conditions for summoning are two Electronic World monsters. I will set link marks on the two Electronic World monsters on the field, Link Disciple and Parallel Transcendence Dragon! Link Summon! Link 2, Electronic World Witch!"

"Witch of the Electronic World? Did you add the Ritual Monster to your deck?"

Master KD was suddenly stunned. In the previous rounds of the Bad Luck Cup, Yusaku didn't use any summoning methods other than link summoning at all, but now he suddenly pulled out the Witch of the Electronic World?

"That's right! It's ritual monsters and ritual summons! This is one of the secret weapons we specially prepared. How about it! Are you scared?"

The AI ​​put its hands on its hips and looked proud.

Master KD blinked and took out one of his secret weapons right at the beginning of the duel. It seems that Yusaku and AI really think highly of him!

However, one of the secret weapons, that is to say, the summoning methods such as Fusion Summoning, Synchro Summoning, and XYZ Summoning are probably mastered by Yusaku, right? Then I really want to thank you, AI, for revealing the information to me!

In the audience, Kaiba's face immediately darkened, while Mai and Crow both showed wry smiles. Unexpectedly, they couldn't even force out any of Yusaku's secret weapons. Under the rules of the Bad Luck Cup, the gap between them and Yusaku Is it that big?

"Shut up!"


"I activate the magic card, dynamic code! I can only activate one in one round. On my field, I place a level 4 light-attribute Electronic Realm Security Token derivative with an attack power and defense power of 2000 in defense position. Special Summon! I special summon the Security Token token in Defense Position in the Electronic World Witch's link area, and then activate the effect of Electronic World Witch. This card name is used once per turn. If there is a monster in the link area of ​​this card, It can be activated by banishing a magic card in my graveyard, and adding a Cyber ​​Ritual Monster and a Cybernet Ritual from my deck to my hand! I banish the dynamic code of the magic card in my graveyard, and add a Cyber ​​Ritual from my deck! Ritual Monster Electronic World Magician and Computer Network Ritual are added to your hand!”

Chapter 331: Intelligence Advantage and Attack Blockade (Including Storytelling) (Three-in-One)

"As expected, he is an electronic magician! However, the electronic magician is a level seven ritual monster. Where are you going to get a level seven sacrifice?"

Yusaku was silent for a while, then showed the two cards in his hand.

"I activate the magic card, Cybernet Ritual, and the total levels are equal to or higher than the level of the ritual summoned monster. I release the monsters in my hand and on the field, and ritual summon a Cyber ​​Realm Ritual Monster from my hand. The Electronic Realm Magician is a Level 7 Electronic Realm Ritual Monster, so I release the Level 8 Parallel Transcendence Dragon from my hand! The contract has been concluded, and the soul of the Transcendent will be inherited by the Sage who controls the power of darkness! ! Come on, the magician of the electronic world!”

"Ah this..."

Looking at the electronic magician who appeared amidst Yusaku's loud cheers, Master KD didn't know what to say. It turned out that Yusaku didn't just put two Parallel Transcendence Dragons in the deck, but directly put them There are three cards, but all three of them were actually used at the beginning. Yusaku used Ritual Summoning at the beginning. This may be a factor. It is indeed a cup of bad luck!

"It's not over yet! Another effect of the Electronic World Witch. This card's name is once per turn. During my main phase of the turn when the first effect of this card is activated, I use a level 4 or lower Electronic World monster in my graveyard as the main phase. It can only be activated by targeting the target, and that monster is Special Summoned! I activate this effect by targeting the Frame Buffer Fire Ox in the Graveyard Level 3, and Special Summon the Frame Buffer Fire Ox in defense position. Then, it will appear for the third time and guide the future circuit! The conditions are two Electronic Realm monsters, and I set the two Electronic Realm monsters on the field to the link mark! Link Summon 2, X-Ray Slayer!

"What? Use Link 2's Electronic World Witch as a material to link to summon a monster that is also Link 2? X-ray Slayer?"

Master KD couldn't help but frown. He had no impression of this Link Monster. In other words, is it the original card without O-ization? It looks a bit similar to Link Slayer, but I don't know what kind of effect it has. But since Yusaku lost a Link Value to summon it, it proves that the effect of this monster should not be simple, right?

"I cover two cards and end this round!"

[Yusaku \u0026 AI: Hand: 5 cards → 6 cards → 3 cards → 5 cards → 4 cards → 6 cards → 1 card Cover card: 2 cards Life value: 4000]

"Then, it's my turn next, draw a card! Well, this time the hand is okay, not too bad! Then go ahead, I will set the Pendulum scale of the entertainment partner Pendulum Magician of scale 2 and the Black Fang Magician of scale 8!"

Seeing Master KD's operation, Yuya in the audience was also confused. He had been forced to use the Pendulum Magician to set the scale, and he actually said that the hand was not too bad? ......Well, compared to the previous few games, it doesn't seem to be that bad.

"Then, I activate the pendulum effect of Black Fang Magician. Once per turn, it can only be activated by targeting a face-up monster on the opponent's field. The attack power of that monster is halved until the end of the turn. After that, this card is destroyed!"

"The effect of Cyber ​​Magician, as long as there is a Link Monster on my field, you can't choose other monsters on my field as attack targets, nor can you use them as effect targets!"

"I know this very well! So, I activate the effect of the Link Monster X-Ray Slayer on your field, halving the attack power of X-Ray Slayer, and then destroy Black Fang Magician and send it to the Extra Deck! Although the attack power of X-Ray Slayer is only 1000 points, my goal is not to reduce the attack power, but to destroy Black Fang Magician!"

"What? Destroy? Could it be?"

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