"Oh? Haven't given up yet? Then, let's continue to increase the chain! Link your grave's designator, I activate the effect of the house boy in my hand. This card name can only be used once per turn. The effect of adding a card from the graveyard to the hand, deck, or extra deck, the effect of special summoning a monster from the graveyard, and the effect of banishing a card from the graveyard. When the effect of any of the above magic, trap, and monster effects is activated, this card can be discarded from the hand to activate, and that activation is invalid! Your grave's designator is the one who banishes a card from the graveyard. Effect, therefore, I discard the House-boy in my hand and activate its effect to negate the effect of your Named in the Grave! "

"There's more?!"

ZEXAL frowned, this is troublesome. Although Named in the Grave does not have the restriction that this card name can only be activated once per turn, he can still continue to use Reconstruct All Things to rewrite other cards into Named in the Grave to try to negate the effect of G of Proliferation, but he only has three cards left in his hand now. After all, he won't be able to leave even the unfolded cards? After all, it's unknown what effects the cards in Xingyuan's hand have. Maybe they are all the same three cards that can be activated in the hand, so we have to be on guard!

In the audience, Mizunotsuki and Master KD also looked at each other. If you don't know, you would think it's a duel between two OCG card guys in this level of hand pit battle! But what kind of card deck is Xingyuan using? There are so many hand pits in the beginning?

"What's wrong? Don't you have any other means to use?"

"Huh! Since you said so, I will continue to use my means! The overlapping passionate emotions will rebuild the world into a hopeful future! Reconstruct everything!! I will chain the second quick-play magic card, Named by the Grave!"

After a moment of brainstorming, ZEXAL finally chose to continue the chain. After all, the multiplication of G and House Child used by Xingyuan are the effects of this card name once a turn, and the effect of PSY Skeleton Equipment · γ can only target monster effects, so the possibility of the second Named by the Grave is still very high! Moreover, there is one more important thing, that is, Xingyuan only has two unknown cards left in his hand, while ZEXAL, who has the first move, still has three cards in his hand. This is a clear advantage. This alone is enough for ZEXAL to continue the chain!

"You're using the same trick, so I'll use something similar! Chain Activation, PSY Skeleton Equipment·δ! I have no monsters on the field, and can only be activated when the opponent's magic card is activated. I select a PSY Skeleton Driver from my hand, deck, or graveyard to Special Summon, and the activation is negated and destroyed! Of course, all monsters Special Summoned by this effect will be banished at the end of the turn! I select PSY Skeleton Equipment·δ in my hand and PSY Skeleton Driver in my deck to Special Summon in Defense Position, and negate the effect of your Grave Designator!"

"How is that possible? Shouldn't you have it on the field?! Wait!"

"That's right! The effect of PSY Skeleton Equipment·γ is that I have no monsters on the field, and can only be activated when the opponent's monster's effect is activated. So, before the chain is resolved, PSY Frame Gear γ and PSY Frame Driver have not been Special Summoned to my field, and there are still no monsters on my field, so I can activate the effect of PSY Frame Gear δ! "

"So, what's the matter! Overlapping passionate emotions will rebuild the world into a hopeful future! Reconstruct everything! ! I activate the third Quick Play Spell Card, Named in the Grave. Although your PSY Frame Gear δ and Named in the Grave do not have the restriction that this card name can only be activated once per turn, our Main Monster Zones are only five! If you chain activate another PSY Frame Gear δ again, then two PSY Frame Gear δ and two PSY Frame Drivers will be in the same place. Frame Driver will occupy four of the Main Monster Zones, and the remaining Main Monster Zone will not be enough for you to Special Summon PSY Frame Equipment·γ and the third PSY Frame Driver. In that case, can your PSY Frame Equipment·γ still activate its effect? ​​"

"Oh? That's your plan, it's a pity, my last card is not a PSY Frame Equipment series card! Chain activation, Relic-Holy Lance!"

"What? !"

"During the opponent's turn, you can activate it by releasing this card in your hand or on the field. This turn, both sides cannot exclude cards! I release the Relic-Holy Lance in my hand and activate this effect. In this way, your Grave Designator cannot exclude monsters in my Graveyard, and cannot exclude monsters in the Graveyard. , the effect of invalidating the monster effect will naturally not take effect! How about it, ZEXAL, you have one last card left in your hand, do you have any last resort? "

ZEXAL fell into silence, Ancient Relic - Holy Lance, how to deal with such an effect? ​​Because of the chain, if he chained the Named of the Grave again to invalidate the Ancient Relic - Holy Lance, he could invalidate the banning effect of the Ancient Relic - Holy Lance, but the deck can only have three of the same card. Even if he has mastered the ability to reconstruct everything, he can't violate this rule. The Named of the Grave that he just activated is already the third Named of the Grave he has activated. Therefore, he can't rewrite the fourth Named of the Grave to invalidate the effect of the Ancient Relic - Holy Lance.

Of course, even if he could rewrite it, he would not do it. After all, he only has one card left in his hand. If he rewrites this card into the Designator of the Grave, he will not be able to perform other operations this turn. There is only one Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia in attack position on the field. Doesn't this leave everything to Xingyuan's next card draw? That risk is too big.

"Huh, there is no way. This time, you win. I don't have a card that needs to be chained to the effect of Ancient Relic-Holy Lance. Start resolving the effect!"

"Then, chain ten, the effect of Ancient Relic-Holy Lance is resolved. This turn, neither of us can exclude cards!"

"Chain nine, because of the effect of Ancient Relic-Holy Lance, the effect of the third Designator of the Grave is invalidated."

"Chain eight, although the effect of the second Designator of the Grave will still be invalidated by the effect of Ancient Relic-Holy Lance, the effect of PSY Skeleton Equipment·δ will not be completely ineffective. I special summon PSY Skeleton Equipment· δ and the PSY Frame Driver in the deck!"

"Chain 7, the effect of the second Grave Designator is negated."

"Chain 6, the effect of Houseboy."

"Chain 5, the effect of the first Grave Designator is also negated."

"Chain 4, the effect of PSY Frame Equipment·γ, I special summon PSY Frame Equipment·γ and the second PSY Frame Driver in the deck in defense position!"

"Chain 3, the effect of Gray Flowing Beauty is still negated."

"Chain 2, the effect of G of Proliferation, this turn, every time you special summon once, I must draw a card from the deck!"

"Chain 1, the effect of Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia..."

ZEXAL stopped talking halfway, looking at the last card in his hand and fell into deep thought. Should he use the effect of Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia to special summon this card in his hand? If he chooses to special summon, what card should he rewrite this card into and then special summon it?

When ZEXAL started brainstorming again, Mizunotsuki and KD Master in the audience all had subtle expressions. Wow, I didn't expect that after the Internet Dragon was cut by nine hands, even Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia could be cut by nine hands. I really want to take a screenshot and record it!

Chapter 340 Four God Old Men, similar to the flash card drawing card drawing·modified (two in one)

After thinking for a moment, ZEXAL finally made a decision.

"Overlapping passionate emotions will rebuild the world into a hopeful future! Reconstruct everything!! Next, the effect of Hope King Onomatopoeia will Special Summon a monster that meets the conditions from my hand, but I don't have any monsters that meet the conditions in my hand, so the effect of Hope King Onomatopoeia is invalid, and I can't Special Summon a monster from my hand!"

"Oh? You gave up drawing cards just to prevent me from replenishing my hand? Then, what are you going to do with the last card left?"

"Of course, I will use it to replenish my hand! Magic card, Magic Flower Pot (original version)! Activate!"

"Send a continuous magic card on my field to the graveyard to activate, and I will draw two cards from my deck!"

"I will send the continuous magic card Onomatopoeia on the field to the graveyard, and flash draw!!"

ZEXAL shouted and flashed the card, but in the audience, Mizunotsuki and KD Master were stunned.

"Doesn't Magic Flower Pot require a Continuous Trap Card as a cost to activate? How did it become a Continuous Magic Card? Is it another version of the card?"

"Yes, Magic Flower Pot does have two versions of the effect. ZEXAL is using our version now, but I didn't expect the other version to come from you."

Yusei nodded and explained.

"I see."

Mizunotsuki and Master KD both showed a look of understanding. It seems that someone in the 5DS world has used this version of Magic Flower Pot in the previous duel, and Yuma and Astral wrote it down, so ZEXAL rewrote it now based on his impression. After all, the restricted card table used in this duel should still be based on the restricted card table of each world. Cards from other worlds like Magic Flower Pot are impossible to be included in the restricted card table, otherwise ZEXAL would not have been able to use three Designated Graves in a row before. Therefore, when using cards from other worlds, ZEXAL does not need to worry about violations and can use them with confidence.

This is also the reason why ZEXAL chose the Magic Flower Pot that can only draw two cards instead of the Life-Reducing Treasure Card that is exclusive to Kaiba and can draw five cards. After all, the world of ZEXAL inherited the worldview of DM and GX. At that time period of ZEXAL, the O-version of the Life-Reducing Treasure Card should not have appeared yet. Therefore, for ZEXAL, the Life-Reducing Treasure Card should be a banned card. In this way, ZEXAL naturally cannot use the Life-Reducing Treasure Card.

However, after coming to this conclusion, they had a new doubt. If ZEXAL wanted to draw a card, why not just rewrite the card into a multiplied G and then activate the effect of the multiplied G in the chain eleven? In that case, ZEXAL can draw two cards just by the effect of the multiplied G. If one of the two cards is rewritten into a treasure card of the buried spell, ZEXAL can have three cards in hand. Isn't that more profitable than now?

ZEXAL: Ahem, I was mainly thinking about what card to print to deal with the ancient relic-Holy Lance, and I didn't think about that aspect, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it doesn't have much impact.

"Next! I activate the magic card, monster recovery!"

"To activate, select a monster card on my field whose original owner is my own. The selected monster and my hand cards are all added to the deck and shuffled. After that, draw the original number of cards in the hand from the deck!"

"I will put the Hope Emperor on the field Onomatopoeia and my remaining hand card are returned to the deck, and then a card is drawn! Flash Draw! ! "

Looking at the flashing arc again, Xingyuan couldn't help but smack his lips: "Returning the only monster card left on your field to the deck, it seems that you want to use some cards with special conditions! However, Reconstruct Everything and Flash Draw are used alternately, you are really not afraid of being exhausted again! "

"There is still such a worry, so we have decided to decide the winner in a short time!"

"That's right! Facing you, Mr. Xingyuan, we can't afford to hold back at all! Magic card, Reversal of Treasures (original card)! Activate!"

"We have no cards on the field, and we only have this card in our hand. We can draw the number of cards indicated on the opponent's field from the deck!"

"Because Onomatopoeia was sent to the graveyard by us using the magic flower pot, I hope the emperor We used monsters to recycle Utopia back into the deck, so now our field is empty, and the only card in our hand is the Reversal Treasure Card we just drew, so the activation conditions of Reversal Treasure Card are met! Mr. Xingyuan, you have four PSY monsters on your field, so I can draw four cards at once! Flash Draw! ! "

In an instant, ZEXAL's hand was replenished to four cards, but this style of play made Kaito and Ryoga in the audience twitch their mouths, feeling that ZEXAL was a bit shameless to use this duel mode.

"It's not over yet! Magic card, Treasure of Adversity (original card)! Activate! It can only be activated when the opponent has a special summoned monster on the field and I have no monster on the field. I draw two cards from the deck! My field is still empty, and all the PSY monsters on your field, Mr. Hoshihara, are special summoned monsters! Therefore, I draw two more cards, flash draw!!"

Hoshihara touched his chin: "Five cards in hand, you are not going to cover all five cards directly, right? It will be very troublesome if I don't deal with the four monsters on my field!"

"Of course I know this, so! Magic card, Black Hole, activate! Destroy all the monsters on the field! There are no monsters on my field, so the only ones that will be destroyed are the monsters on your field, Mr. Hoshihara!"


As ZEXAL's words fell, the four PSY monsters on the field were swallowed up by a piece of black in the roar, and not even a slag was left.

"That's it. I'll cover four cards and end this turn!"

[ZEXAL: Hand: 5 cards → 6 cards →... → 0 cards Covered cards: 4 cards Life points: 4000]

Seeing this, the duelists in the audience all looked solemn. ZEXAL's operation was a bit cruel. He didn't let Xingyuan draw a single card, and he also covered four cards. With ZEXAL's ability to draw flash cards, wouldn't all four cards be counter trap cards?

"Is it over? Then, it's my turn next! My turn, draw a card! I activate the magic card, Light Reinforcement! Send the top three cards from my deck to the graveyard to activate, and add a Light Path monster below level 4 from the deck to your hand! I send the top three cards from the deck to the graveyard, and add Light Path Assassin Leiden from the deck to your hand!"

As he said this, Xingyuan decisively picked up the top three cards of the deck and sent them to the graveyard, and then a card popped out of the deck.

"It's actually the Light Path?!" X2

Mizunoe and Master KD looked at each other in surprise. You started with five hand traps, and you actually said it was a Light Path deck? Is this true or not!

"Don't even think about it! I activate the face-up card, counter the trap card, God's Proclamation! You can pay half of your life points to activate the effect!"

"It can only be activated when the magic and trap card is activated, and the activation is invalid and destroyed!"

"I pay half of my life points, activate the effect of God's Proclamation, and invalidate and destroy your magic card Light Reinforcement!"

But before Xingyuan picked up the card that popped out of the deck, ZEXAL shouted on the spot, making the Whitebeard God appear on the field immediately, stretching out his left hand to the Light Reinforcement, making a gesture of prohibiting passage, directly blocking the arrival of the reinforcements.

So, the card that popped out of Xingyuan's deck was immediately retracted into the deck.

"This way, I won't be able to add Light Path Assassin Leiden to my hand, but it doesn't matter! My goal was not to add Light Path Assassin Leiden to my hand!"


"The effect of Light Reinforcement is just to add a Level 4 or lower Light Path monster from the deck to the hand. As for the part of sending three cards from the top of the deck to the graveyard, it is a COST! Therefore, even if your Divine Proclamation invalidates and destroys Light Reinforcement, it cannot stop me from sending those three cards to the graveyard!"

"Is that your purpose?!"

"Come on, let me show you the power of the three cards I sent to the graveyard! First, I activate the effect of Cyber ​​Fishman-Cultivator in the graveyard. This card name is once per turn, and it can only be activated once when this card exists in the graveyard. I send the top card of my deck to the graveyard. If the card sent to the graveyard is a Water monster, then this card is Special Summoned from the graveyard! Screw, ZEXAL, do you want to activate your cover card for this effect? ​​This time, the effect of sending the card to the graveyard is not a COST, but a part of the effect. If you can send the effect of Cyber ​​Fishman-Cultivator If it is invalidated and destroyed, you can still stop me. If you don't plan to stop me or can't stop me, I will Special Summon a monster and send another card to the Graveyard! "

"In that case, I will stop you no matter what! I activate the second face-up card, the Counter Trap Card, God's Notice! You can pay 1500 life points to activate the effect!"

"It can only be activated when the effect of the monster is activated, and that activation is invalidated and destroyed!"

"I pay 1500 life points to activate the effect of God's Notice, making the effect of Cyber ​​Fishman-Cultivator invalid and destroyed! Although the Cyber ​​Fishman-Cultivator that already exists in the Graveyard cannot be destroyed again, its effect will still be invalidated! "

In an instant, ZEXAL's life value dropped to only 500 points, and the old man of God appeared on the field again, waving thunder and shattering the shadow of Cyber ​​Fishman-Cultivator.

"Is that so? Then, the next is the power of the second card! I activate the effect of Growing Bulb in the Graveyard. This card can only be used once in a duel. It can only be activated when it exists in the Graveyard. Send the top card of my deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon this card! Just like Cyber ​​Murloc - Cultivator, sending a card from the deck to the Graveyard is also an effect of Growing Bulb. However, ZEXAL, you don't seem to have enough life points to activate the second Divine Notice!"


ZEXAL's face also became solemn. This situation was really beyond their expectations. They prepared four counter-trap cards but were still broken by Xingyuan. Xingyuan's strength seems to be stronger than they imagined!

Mizunotsuki and Master KD are more and more confused. Five hand pits, Light Reinforcement and Light Road Assassin, and now Cyber ​​Murloc - Cultivator and Growing Bulb. What deck is Xingyuan using? Hand pits and grave pits?

"Well, since you can't stop it, I won't be polite! I will send the top card of the deck to the graveyard and special summon the Growing Bulb in defense position!"

ZEXAL's eyes moved slightly, and finally gave up using the third face-up card at this time. After all, they still remembered the effect of Growing Bulb. If it was just the monster Growing Bulb, they wouldn't have to be afraid at all. Instead, they had to be careful of the other two unknown cards in Xingyuan's graveyard.

"Next, I will activate the effect of the Shaddoll sent to the graveyard by the effect of Growing Bulb. This card can only be activated when it is sent to the graveyard by the effect. Of course, you who can't activate God's Notice can't invalidate this effect, so I draw a card from the deck! Draw a card!"

"Oh no!" X2

ZEXAL's pupils shrank suddenly, and Xingyuan actually added a card to his hand. If the card Xingyuan drew was the second Light Reinforcement, they would have no chance to play!

"Yes, it seems you have guessed it! The card I drew through the effect of Shaddoll is the second card, Light Reinforcement!"

"With such a card drawing ability, Xingyuan, have you also mastered the power of flash card drawing? No, that's not right, it's not flash card drawing, it should be said that it is similar to flash card drawing ability?"

"Well, if you want to say something similar, you can say that, but specifically, my card drawing ability is still very different from flash card drawing. The most important difference is that your flash card drawing is to draw cards from the deck you are currently using. In addition, there is the ability to print cards, so you can even create new cards! My card drawing ability does not have the ability to print cards, and I can't draw the cards I want from the deck I am currently using. I can only draw the corresponding cards from other decks!"

"Other decks?!"X2


ZEXAL was stunned, and the duelists in the audience were also full of disbelief. Drawing cards from other decks, is it true? Isn't this cheating? Xingyuan is not kidding, right?

"Huh? You all look very surprised. Do you think I'm joking? But unfortunately, I'm not joking about this! Of course, this card drawing ability that I learned with great difficulty is not cheating! It's a real card drawing ability similar to the flash card drawing, so you can rest assured. If I'm cheating, then your flash card drawing is undoubtedly cheating as well!"

The bug in the previous chapter has been corrected, ZEXAL's operation process has been changed, and the number of times of using the reconstruction of all things has been greatly reduced, and the look and feel has been optimized. However, the result has not changed. In the end, ZEXAL ended the round with four cover cards. So it doesn’t matter whether you want to refresh the chapter and read it again, it’s up to you to decide.

Then there is the BUG of the Dominator of Color in the last duel between ZEXAL and Yusaku. This BUG is not that I don’t want to correct it, but that I really can’t correct it. I can only make mistakes, so readers, you don’t have to keep doing it. I scrolled through the post area and comment area repeatedly.

Mainly because that BUG appeared at the beginning of the duel, and it also affected all subsequent duel processes. If I wanted to change it, I would have to rewrite the entire duel with nearly 20,000 to 30,000 words, even if I was willing to change it. , then I have to take at least four or five days of leave, and temporarily stop updating the text to make changes. Even if you don't mind, even if I am willing to make changes, Maoke will not send me four or five leave requests for such reasons. .

Therefore, it is true that we can only make mistakes. After all, Yuma and Astral won in the end, and the BUG of Dominator of Color did not affect the result.

In short, as for bugs, if they are small bugs, I can change them immediately if you bring them up. For big bugs that affect the duel process, it can only depend on the time you bring it up and the time I see it. Like the last chapter, I can The worst case scenario can be corrected by just working overtime the next day, but if it was already a lot of chapters short of the last one, there really isn't anything you can do about it.

Chapter 341 The ace comes on stage, Sky Striker - Zero Clothes, Patch (three-in-one)

Looking at Xingyuan's playful smile, ZEXAL also fell into silence. Indeed, if Xingyuan's card drawing ability is considered cheating, then their flash card drawing is undoubtedly cheating. After all, when they use flash card drawing , the order of the deck will definitely change. In many cases, there will be some inexplicable extra cards in the deck that were not originally there, or some cards will be inexplicably changed to other cards, even if you don’t count the reconstruction of everything. The act of changing the card in person is enough to sound like cheating.

And since the flash card drawing that looks like cheating is not cheating, then the ability that Xingyuan masters to draw cards from other decks is naturally not cheating. Of course, the premise is that the ability used by Xingyuan is really a card drawing ability.

"The ability to draw cards from other decks, that is to say, the cards you just used are all from different decks, right?"

"That's right, in order to compete with your flash card draw and reconstruction of all things, I used a lot of decks, including PSY deck, light path deck, aquatic synchro deck, plant deck, and shadowdoll. The deck is waiting, but there’s nothing you can do about it. After all, when it comes to dueling abilities, you are actually the one with the advantage!”

ZEXAL couldn't help but be stunned, and then showed a look of surprise. That's right. As far as dueling abilities are concerned, they do have an advantage. After all, Xingyuan's card drawing ability cannot print cards, but can only prepare them in advance. No matter how much preparations are made for drawing cards from other decks, they can only be barely equal to the flash card drawing ability that has the ability to print cards. There is no need to consider competing with Reconstruct All Things.

"I didn't expect to be targeted like this by you, Mr. Hoshihara. Shouldn't we say we are honored?"

ZEXAL showed a helpless smile.

However, at this time, Xingyuan showed an expression that was inexplicably horrifying: "Honoured? It doesn't matter. You can say that, but when it comes to targeting, you think too much. I am not targeting you! In fact, I had the opportunity to learn the abilities of Destined Draw, Flash Card Drawing, and even Reconstruction of All Things, but I gave top priority to mastering the ability to draw cards from other decks. Do you know why? "


ZEXAL couldn't help but wonder. Although he didn't know what the ability of "Destined to Draw" was, it should be comparable to flash card drawing. At least, the so-called ability to draw cards from other decks, faced with flash card drawing and There is no advantage in reconstructing all things. If they had a choice, they would definitely not give priority to mastering the ability to draw cards from other decks.

"It's destined to be a draw..." X2

Minamitsu and Master KD were speechless again. Although they have basically transferred to MD now and have less time to play DL, they are not so easy to forget the most famous skills in DL.

"Because I can't compete with my opponents in terms of proficiency. Since I was a child, the opponents I have faced have basically mastered similar abilities. Each one of them can print cards easily. The most extreme one even mastered all the abilities. Not only can he decide what card he wants to draw, but he can also decide what card I want to draw! In a duel with such an opponent, even if I can draw whatever I want, even if I master the card printing ability, You can't beat the opponent at all. Only with the ability to draw cards from other decks can you overtake in corners and get a few lucky wins with your tactics!"

Following Xingyuan's words, ZEXAL and everyone in the audience also saw the change in Xingyuan's expression. It was an expression that clearly showed that his mentality was a bit broken.

So, everyone fell silent. Although they didn't know what kind of world Xingyuan was born in, most of the opponents he had encountered since childhood had mastered the ability to duel. What kind of human suffering is this? Xingyuan didn't win a single duel when he was a child, right? No wonder Xingyuan was a little repulsive when Yuma said he wanted to challenge Xingyuan before. After all, ZEXAL also mastered the ability to draw flash cards and reconstruct everything, which might have directly caused Xingyuan's PTSD!

"Okay! That's it! It's time to end this duel. Light Reinforcements does not have the limit of one card name per turn, so! I activate the magic card again, Light Reinforcements, send three cards from the top of the deck to the graveyard, and search the deck for Light Assassin Leiden!"

"Although I know this is bait, I can only eat it! Counter Trap Card, God's Proclamation, activate! I pay half of the life value again, invalidate and destroy the effect of Light Reinforcements!"

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