"Draw cards! Five bullets in a row!!"


"Draw a card! Six consecutive bullets!!"


"Draw cards!!"

After roaring and drawing cards, Hell Caesar's face darkened a little as he looked at the six cards in his hand. With his ability to draw cards, he drew six cards in a row but still couldn't get the card he wanted. Could it be that all the cards were sent to the graveyard by the Wall of Power?

Thinking this, Hell Caesar Ryo couldn't help but glance at the cards on the ground.

On the other side, Hibiki Midori couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that you haven't been able to draw the card you wanted. What do you think, Hell Caesar Ryo, do you want to continue? There is only one last card left in your deck!"

"A meaningless question! Chimera Convergence Terminator Dragon launches an attack on Thiss tokens! Evolution Convergence Explosion! Seven consecutive bombs!!"


"It doesn't matter what form it is! I want to win! I bet everything! This is my struggle to survive! Activate the effect of Lamented Treasure and draw a card!!! Hahahahaha!! Just use this card, I want to take victory away from you! Quick attack magic card, activate the fusion!"

"Initiate fusion release at this time?!"

"Hehehehe! Don't forget, the Armored Black Dragon-Electronic Dark Dragon is also equipped with the Imperial Soaring Wind Dragon!"


"In order to win, I can give up my old friends, I can give up everything! The effect of fusion cancellation, I will return the Armored Black Dragon - Electronic Dark Dragon to the extra deck, and the Imperial Soaring Wind Dragon will also be destroyed and sent to the graveyard because the equipped monster leaves the field! Then, the effect of Imperial Soaring Wind Dragon is activated, and if this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, it can be activated by targeting a monster on the field, and that monster is returned to your hand. The target activates the effect, so the monster will not be returned to your hand, but will be erased! Disappear! "

As Hell Caesar Ryo roared, the Emperor Shoufeng Dragon, which had been released from the restraints by the Armored Black Dragon-Electronic Dark Dragon, turned into golden light and crashed into the Thiss token, disappearing from the field with the Thiss token. No trace.

"This way, there is only one final obstacle left for me to reach the throne of victory! The Chimera Convergence Terminator Dragon launches an attack on the Asmon derivatives! Evolution Convergence Explosion! Eight consecutive bombs!!"


"The final blow!! Chimera Convergence Terminator Dragon launches a direct attack! Evolution Convergence Explosion!! Nine consecutive bullets!!!"

"The last thing, it's still early! Don't forget that I still have three cover cards on the field! Activate the cover card, the quick attack magic card, and the dark mist (original card)! The turn this card is activated, I can choose it from the deck Send a dark attribute monster of the same level as the attacking monster to the graveyard to invalidate the monster's attack! Chimera Aggregation Terminator Dragon is a level 9 monster, so I send the level 9 Fallen Angel Tezcatlipoca from the deck. Graveyard, invalidate Chimera Aggregation Terminator Dragon’s attack!”

"Then, I want to see how many level nine dark attribute monsters you have in your deck! Chimera Polymer Terminator Dragon, Evolve Polymer Explosion! Ten consecutive bombs!!"

"Due to the effect of the dark mist, I sent the second level nine fallen angel, Tesscatripoca, to the graveyard to invalidate the attack of the Chimera Convergence Terminator Dragon!"

"Evolutionary convergence blast, eleven consecutive bombs!!"

"Trap Card, Fallen Angel Arrives (original version)! Activate! I pay half of my health and special summon two dark angel-type monsters of the same level as the attacking monster from the graveyard! I pay half of my health and special summon them from the graveyard in defense position. Summon two level 9 fallen angel Tezcatlipoca!"

"Chimera Convergence Terminator Dragon, the attack targets are changed to two fallen angels, Tezcatlipoca! Evolution Convergence Explosion, eleven consecutive bombs, twelve consecutive bombs!!"

In the continuous jet of white light, the two new fallen angels quickly disappeared. Only the last cover card was left on the field of Xianglu, and only the Chimera Convergence Terminator Dragon of Hell Caesar was left. The last two chances to attack.

"Come on, Chimera Convergence Terminator Dragon, Evolution Convergence Explosion, thirteen consecutive bombs!!"

"I activate the final cover card, trap card, Angel Tears (original card)! Exclude the four Angel-type monsters in the graveyard, and special summon an Angel-type monster from the graveyard!"

"What?! Are you planning to resurrect the fallen angel Asmodeus?!"

"No! The fallen angel Asmodeus has the restriction that he cannot be specially summoned from the deck or the graveyard. Therefore, I cannot resurrect the fallen angel Asmodeus from the graveyard!"

Hell Caesar was startled. So, the fallen angel Asmodeus that was specially summoned by the opponent before was indeed specially summoned from the hand through the trap card of the angel who fell into darkness, but in this case.

"That's really a pity. If you can't special summon the fallen angel Asmodeus, your monsters won't be able to withstand the last two attacks of the Chimera Fusion Terminator Dragon! I won't be polite if you win this duel. Got it!"

"That's not necessarily true! There happens to be a monster in my graveyard that can only activate its effect at this time!"


"I banish the Fallen Angel Asmodeus, Fallen Angel Edi Alaye and two Fallen Angels Tezcatlipoca from the Graveyard, and Special Summon the Fallen Angel Subervia from the Graveyard in Defense Position! Then activate the effect of Fallen Angel Subervia (Original Version), and this card Special Summoned from the Graveyard can Special Summon another Dark Angel-Type monster from the Graveyard! Through this effect, I Special Summon Fallen Angel Geralt in Defense Position!"

Hell Caesar Liang's face froze, and he actually blocked all fourteen attacks. This is really...

Shaking his head, Hell Caesar Liang's expression quickly returned to his usual crazy smile.

"Haha, it seems that I still underestimated you, Mr. Xiang Lu! Then, let me make the final struggle! Chimera Convergence End Dragon, Evolution Convergence Blast!!!"

Chapter 375 Sister Shui is on the field again, VS Godwin (Red Dragon) (Two-in-One)

With the final struggle of Hell Caesar Liang, the monsters on Xiang Lu's field were also swept away, but this also meant the end of this duel, because Hell Caesar Liang's deck was completely empty. Even if Xiang Lu did nothing in the next turn and directly declared the end of the turn, Hell Caesar Liang would lose because he could not draw cards.

Of course, Hell Caesar Liang did not completely prepare cards that could recycle resources. Although he did not have OCG exclusive cards such as Electronic Load Fusion, he still had cards such as Pot of Great Desire. However, unfortunately, the previous Wall of Power had already piled all the cards he had that could recycle resources into the graveyard. Oh, yes, specifically, they should all be scattered around Hell Caesar Liang, so Hell Caesar Liang's previous order was indeed the last struggle.

"The winner has been decided. The winner of this duel is Xiang Lu!"

As the host of the airplane head declared, Xiang Lu looked at the Hell Caesar Liang on the opposite side with a subtle expression.

"Next, we will enter the stage of rewarding and punishing. Don't you plan to recycle your deck?"

Hell Caesar Liang looked down at the cards around him and fell into silence. When launching the electronic dark impact before, he only needed to add one card from the ground to the deck. He could also use his arms and the wind from his windbreaker to roll the card into his hand. Now if he wants to recycle more than a dozen cards, that routine will not work.

With two twitches at the corners of his mouth, Hell Caesar Liang finally squatted down and picked up the card silently. Although picking up the card under the gaze of so many people made him feel a little upset, he couldn't not pick it up. He didn't have the courage to throw away half a deck in a duel.

Aside, looking at the slightly embarrassed Hell Caesar Liang, Xiang Lu felt relieved. You threw away the card so coolly before, now the retribution is here!

Soon, Hell Caesar Liang collected all the cards and returned to his original state, but in the eyes of the audience, Hell Caesar Liang no longer had the same madness as before, after all, they had just seen Hell Caesar Liang's embarrassed appearance.

"Okay, it's time for the usual award ceremony. Miss Xiang Lu..., what kind of reward do you want?"

Xingyuan took the initiative to ask as usual, but Xiang Lu still keenly felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, there was something wrong. Even the address was Miss Xiang Lu, which was obviously completely different from the previous person!

But forget it, it is more important to solve Hongye's problem now, and those things will be considered later.

"Mr. Xingyuan, I hope you can help my brother Xiang Hongye recover and return to normal life."

"Simple, just affected by the dark duel, it's easy to solve, here, you put this on him, he will be back to normal."

Xingyuan quickly rubbed out a small golden ball and threw it into Xiang Lu's hand.

Then, Xingyuan immediately turned his eyes to Jigoku Caesar Liang, not giving Xianglu a chance to speak again. There was no way, he really didn't want to hear Xianglu say Mr. Xingyuan again.

"Then, it's your turn, Jigoku Caesar Liang, you should also know that as a defeated BOSS, you need to accept special punishment. So, in the next two weeks, you can have a good rest."

"Have a good rest?!"

Jgoku Caesar Liang was stunned, not understanding what Xingyuan meant.

"Could it be?!"

In the audience, Judai reacted immediately and his face changed.

"Well, specifically, in the next two weeks, you will be banned from dueling. No matter what means you use, there will definitely be accidents that prevent you from dueling."

"This kind of punishment?!"

Jgoku Caesar Liang's face also changed suddenly. Now he is extremely eager to enjoy the feeling of snatching victory from other duelists. This sudden punishment of being banned from dueling for two weeks is equivalent to asking him to quit drugs!

"Sure enough."

Judai in the audience had a helpless look on his face. His guess was right. It was the same special punishment as his.

On the side, after listening to Yusei's explanation, the OCG trio had a subtle look on their faces. Even the special punishment was the same. Caesar, you still said your name is not Yusei Ryo?

"Although this punishment should make you feel very uncomfortable, unfortunately, you are not qualified to refuse. Moreover, it is a punishment after all. If you can't even make you feel uncomfortable, then the so-called punishment is meaningless."

Hell Caesar Liang's mouth twitched. Whatever you say is what it is. Since you lost, you naturally have to admit defeat.

"Okay, the rewards and punishments have been issued, and it's time for you to leave."

After saying that, Xingyuan waved his hand, and the golden magic circle reappeared at the feet of Hell Caesar Liang.

Seeing this, Xiang Lu also hurriedly operated the light curtain, applied for two small bottles, and threw them to Hell Caesar Liang.

"Marufuji, take it."

"What is this?"

Hell Caesar Liang caught the two small bottles and looked at Xiang Lu in surprise.

"Heart treatment medicine and heart maintenance medicine, you should understand what I mean."

Hell Caesar Liang's eyes moved slightly, that is, is there something wrong with his heart? Although Xiang Lu, the teacher, does not exist in his world, the guys in the audience also exist in his world. If one of the two Marufuji Liang over there has a heart problem, or even both of them have a heart problem, then he may indeed have the same problem.

However, this Xiang Lu obviously disliked him who had fallen into Hell Caesar Liang, but he still took the initiative to take out these two medicines. This is really, a good teacher.

"Thank you, Mr. Hibiki."

Before being teleported by the golden magic circle, Hell Caesar Ryo's eyes also became much gentler, and he recognized Hibiki as a teacher.

But Hibiki looked at Marufuji Ryo in the audience with a bad face, thinking in her heart that if this guy also degenerates into Hell Caesar Ryo, she will have to consider how to let Principal Samejima clean up the door, but it is still unknown whether Principal Samejima can defeat the current Marufuji Ryo.

In the audience, Marufuji Ryo also noticed Hibiki's gaze and sighed helplessly. This is really an unprovoked disaster. That Hell Caesar Ryo is obviously a parallel individual of the Caesar next door! Why is he involved again? It's really unlucky!

In the 5DS area, seeing Hibiki's end, Mizunotsuki also stood up and prepared to leave the audience.

But before leaving the audience, Mizunotsuki suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Master KD.

"Master KD, which arena are you going to choose?"

"Ah? Which arena? I don't care."

"Okay, the ego arena is yours, and the boss arena is mine. If you meet another you in a parallel world later, don't let yourself be picked off!"

"To be honest, if there is a chance to meet another me in a parallel world, I really want to see it."

"That depends on your luck. Anyway, I'll go first."

Waving his hand, Mizunotsuki walked towards the boss arena.

Aside, RS touched his round chin, revealing a thoughtful expression.

"So, I seem to be pulled into the duelist arena by the boss arena, right? Then, is it possible for Sister Shui to run into other people in our world? For example, Mr. J? For some duel monsters, Mr. J can be regarded as a boss, right? As long as Mr. J sings a song, it won't take long for him to enter the table. It's completely okay to regard Mr. J as a boss of the Assassin class, right?"

Master KD scratched his head: "It shouldn't be the case. There are so many duelists with boss status, and there are also experiences that may encounter duel monsters. He shouldn't be so unlucky to run into his peers, right?"

"Then, do you want to make a bet?"

RS suddenly became interested.

"What to bet on?"

Master KD suddenly felt that RS had some bad intentions.

"Let's bet on the image. If the loser, he must listen to the winner's request and change the image in the arena to the corresponding image. How about that?"

Master KS rolled his eyes: "Do you think I'm a fool? Even if you lose, you have no right to change your image at all!"

"How can you say that, Master KD? Look, Mr. Xingyuan's special punishment for me is also time-limited. After the punishment is over, can't I change my image?"

RS tried desperately to argue and tried to drag Master KD into the water.

"Then I won't bet either. I don't have to change my image like you do. I am very satisfied with my current image."

However, Master KD was not fooled at all, so RS could only turn his eyes to the 5DS people on the side with a look of regret.

Before RS could speak, Kro quickly reached a consensus with RS and looked at the others with shining eyes.

"Ahem! RS, Mizunotsuki's opponent has appeared."

"So fast?!" X2

Yusei quickly interrupted the two people's tricks, which made everyone else breathe a sigh of relief, and also made RS and Kro exclaim at the same time.

Master KD showed a speechless expression, because you have been talking for a long time!

On the BOSS stage, opposite Mizunotsuki, in the golden light, a duelist driving a dragon-headed D-wheel appeared out of thin air, which surprised everyone. It’s not that there is anything wrong with the dragon-headed D-wheel. The people in the arena now have some understanding of riding duels, and they are not surprised by a D-wheel. What surprised them was the sturdy figure driving the dragon-headed D-wheel.


"What's going on?! Why is it him again?!"

"Rex Godwin, isn't the probability of this person appearing on the BOSS stage a bit high!"

"Wait, no, this Godwin seems to be completely different from the previous Godwin!"

During the brief exchange, everyone else cast doubtful glances at the sturdy figure on the BOSS stage, while Minazuki and the other OCG duo showed astonishment. So, this Rex ·Godwin is not the early mini-boss in the 5DS animated version, but the final boss in the 5DS comic version.

"There is still such an existence in the Duelist Arena. It seems that my vision before was still too narrow!"

After receiving the message transmitted from the arena, Godwin opened his eyes and looked at Hoshihara in the special auditorium with fear. You know, he had just received the power of God and was preparing to fight Fudou Yusei. The ultimate duel began, but he was dragged to this place without the ability to resist. This proved that the power possessed by the creator of this arena was still above his divine power.

"Ahem, um, brother Godwin, I am your opponent in this duel. It's useless for you to stare at Mr. Hoshihara!"

Seeing that Godwin completely ignored his own existence, Shui Wuyue could only speak helplessly, strengthening his sense of existence.

However, one thing he said was that he actually didn't understand why some people always tried to commit suicide. This was the case with the King of Light before, and the same is true with Godwin now. Do they all feel that they have lived too long?

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