"Ah, it's an idiot."

Yuya nodded helplessly.

Kurosaki Hayabusa sighed: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with the idiot. Since he's already on the field, I'll wait for other opportunities. Anyway, now that Kaito has received the reward, we don't need any rewards urgently."

"But, is it really possible for Sawatari to win if he goes on the field? I don't think I've ever seen Sawatari win a duel."

Yuzu was worried.

"So, Sawatari seems..."

Yuya was also frozen. Sawatari didn't seem to have won. Since Rei directly kidnapped Akama Zero King with the reward, the invasion of the fusion dimension to the basic dimension did not arrive on time, and Sawatari naturally had no chance to brush up his record on the Obelisk troops. Therefore, Sawatari's current record, whether facing Yuya or Yuto, or even in the arena, is a complete defeat.

"Hey, are you serious? Letting someone who has never won play, it's better to let me play! Who dragged this guy in!"

Serena couldn't hold it anymore. Even if the reward was not particularly needed, there was no need to waste it like this!

Yuya immediately felt guilty because he was the one who dragged Zedu in.

Zero said calmly: "Don't worry, Zedu still has a certain strength. In addition, he is challenging his own arena, so he shouldn't be crushed. As for the others, it depends on luck."

Gongenzaka hesitated: "Well, Zedu's luck doesn't seem to be very good. I saw before that he seemed to have lost all the exchange points issued in this round of the arena."


So, Zero also fell silent, not knowing what to say.

"Come on, come on, come on! Sawatari Shingo's legendary duel is about to begin! My opponent, show up quickly!"

On the self-stage, Sawatari was still unaware of his teammates' pessimistic views of him, and just kept shouting while looking at the golden magic circle happily.

Then, in the golden magic circle, a figure exactly like Sawatari appeared.

"Hey? Another me in a parallel world? Interesting! But no matter which world you come from, you are definitely not my opponent, because I am definitely the strongest Sawatari Shingo in these countless parallel worlds!"

Seeing the other self opposite, Sawatari was also stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered and confidently said something fierce.

On the other side, Sawatari Shingo also opened his eyes.

"Duel Arena, interesting, I can actually come to such a place, and there is a chance to duel with another me, it's so interesting! As long as I can officially join this place, I should have the opportunity to duel with that guy again, and I can also have the opportunity to duel with that guy and the duelists in the parallel world, this can't be missed! So, other me, sorry! I'm going to take your official membership!"

"Gu! What an arrogant guy!!"

"Same here, other me!"

The two of them immediately looked at each other with disgust, making many people in the audience couldn't help laughing. With the personalities of these two people, it is indeed very likely that they are unhappy with the other self, and the conversation between these two people is also inexplicably interesting. Is this an entertainment duelist?

"Okay, stop talking, let's start the duel! I can't wait to get the reward, let me easily get rid of you and get the reward!"

"Unfortunately, I thought so too, then, let's use the action duel to decide the winner!"

"No problem! It's just right, I will defeat you in the action duel!"

Zedu agreed without hesitation and directly unfolded the duel disk.

"Then! The action venue is unfolded! The devil's lair, the Demon Subduing Hall!!"

As Zedu Shingo said, the venue under the feet of the two immediately transformed into the devil's lair, the Demon Subduing Hall.

Zedu was shocked and confused: "What?! Can't the challenged only choose the duel mode? How can the venue be chosen together?"

Zedu Shingo looked at Zedu in surprise: "What stupid things are you talking about? The party who starts the action duel can choose the action venue. Isn't this the basic rule of the action duel?"


Zedu was dumbfounded. When did the action duel have this basic rule?

In the audience and ARC-V area, duelists couldn't help but cover their faces. They had guessed what was going on. It seemed that this idiot Zedu was in trouble!

"You don't even know the basic rules of action duels?"

Zedu looked at Zedu suspiciously, and began to guess in his heart.

Zedu's face immediately changed: "What a joke! How could I not know the basic rules of action duels! I was just teasing you!"

Zedu replied with a strange look: "It's better to be true, otherwise, I will bully you too much, and then I will be a little embarrassed."

"Don't be so arrogant, bastard, it's not certain who bullies whom!"

"Then come on!"

"Duel!!!" X2

"I get the first attack! My turn!!"

After declaring his round, Sawatari Shingo turned around without hesitation. With a few jumps, he and Sawatari were separated by a long distance. The OCG trio in the audience were extremely embarrassed. This physical fitness is worthy of being said. Human beings with a world view of King of Cards, if they were to face duelists from other worlds in an action duel, they would probably be turned into scum. It seems that they need to think of some ways to deal with it in advance.

"Turn around and run? What are you doing? Go and pick up the action card? Even if you want to pick up the action card, there's no need to be in such a hurry, right? The action card is here anyway, and it won't run away! So, where is the action card? "

Zedu looked around in confusion, but didn't see any action cards. Where was the promised action duel?

"Are you an idiot? There are only four action cards in the Devil's Lair, the Demon-Subduing Hall, in this action venue! If you continue like this, I will take away all the action cards!"

"What?! There are only four action cards?!"

Zedu was stunned. What was going on? How could there be only four action cards? etc! Could it be that the action duel in another world and the action duel in his world have completely different rules? !

In the ARC-V area, the duelists all sighed helplessly. This idiot must have just reacted! This is too careless. The other party said that the outcome will be decided by dueling with actions, not by using basic rules. In this case, this idiot dared to start the duel without reading the rules at all. Isn't this looking for defeat? ! The last duel already showed that there is more than one rule for a mounted duel. Why does this idiot think that there is only one rule for an action duel?

"not good!"

After being stunned for a while, Sawatari finally came to his senses. If there were only four action cards, there was a real possibility that all of them would be taken away by the opponent, so he had to act quickly.

So Sawatari quickly turned around and started looking for action cards. Since there were action cards on the opposite side, he should also have talents on his side. No matter what the action venue was, at least the most basic fairness should be there.

Then, Sawatari discovered that the action field was indeed quite fair. Shingo Sawatari, who knew the rules, searched for a while but still couldn't find the action card. However, he turned around and saw where the action card was.

"Lucky! Great, I accept the first action card of this duel!"

"Do you think I will let you do that? I summoned the Emperor of Hades' servant Erdos with an attack gesture!!"

In an instant, the dark servant appeared out of thin air and stood between Sawatari and the action card.

"You even use monsters to get in the way! You are so despicable!!"

Chapter 384: Card version, theater performance and acrobatic performance (two in one)

Zedu's face turned dark immediately and he shouted angrily.

"What do you mean by being despicable? This is allowed by the rules, you idiot!"

Shingo Sawatari complained as he took the card he finally got in his hand.

"Damn it! If that's the case, then I won't be polite! I summon-"

"You summon a ball! It's my turn now!"

"Me! You!"

Sawatari pointed at Sawatari Shingo and was completely speechless, stomping his feet in anger.

"Okay! Just accept this blow! I activate the action magic I just got, the Charming Sulfur of the Demon-Suppressing Palace!"


"You cannot use monsters to attack first, but the attack of magic cards is another matter! The effect of the Charming Sulfur of the Demon-Suppressing Palace will cause 1000 points of damage to the opponent! Fire it!!"

Amidst Sawatari Shingo's shout, a missile shot out from the card and sped towards Sawatari.



With a scream, Zedu was blown away directly, and his health dropped to 3,000 points.

"It's not over yet! The Emperor of the Underworld activates it when the effect of Riding Aidos, the summoning and special summoning of this card are successful. This round, I can add only one normal summon in addition to the normal summon, and I can advance the summon in my main phase! Therefore, I Free the Emperor of Hades from riding Aidos, and summon the level six imperial monster, Demon Emperor Angmar!"

As a result, the Emperor of Hades rode Aidos, who was immediately wrapped in the whirlwind and gradually dissipated, leading the dark emperor to descend on the battlefield.


But Zedu was not a complete fool. Seeing Emperor Hades disappear from Ridos, and there was no monster that could stop him for the time being, Zedu rolled forward decisively and approached the action magic card.

Then Zedu was stunned.

"Hey?! Why can't I get this action magic card? Ah!! You despicable guy, you are still tampering with the action magic card! You are violating the rules! I demand that your duelist status be revoked!!"

Seeing that his fingers could not touch the action magic card no matter what, Sawatari couldn't bear it anymore, pointed in the direction of Sawatari Shingo and shouted angrily.

Sawatari Shingo sighed helplessly: "I said, idiot, are you really me in the parallel world? Since you don't know the rules of action duels in my world, you should read the rules carefully before the duel. Bar!"

"Huh? What do you mean?!"

"What I mean is that you can't get the action magic card because of the rules of the action duel, idiot! In the action duel, only one duelist can get the action magic card in each round. Since I got the action magic card in this round, you can't get another action magic card! That's why I asked Hades's Knight Edos to stop you!"

"Ah this..."

Ze Du was still confused, but everyone in the audience and ARC-V area was thinking about it. Such rules are indeed more reasonable. Although it can't be said to be completely fine, it is at least much fairer and more reasonable than the rules of the action duel in their world.

"The effect of Demon Emperor Angmar (original version), when this card is successfully summoned, you can banish a magic card from the graveyard and activate the effect of that magic card! I banish the action magic card Charm of the Demon Hall in the graveyard, and activate the effect again, giving you 1000 damage!!"


Ze Du screamed and flew out again.

In the audience, the OCG trio looked at each other in bewilderment. They directly banished magic cards from the graveyard to activate the effect, and it seemed that it was not limited to their own graveyard? Was the original version of the Demon Emperor Angmar so buggy?

"Damn it! You're so cruel! If you have the guts, just clear my life points this turn, otherwise, just wait and see!"

"Oh, then I'll wait and see! I'll cover two cards and end this turn!"

[Sawatari Shingo: Hand: 5 cards → 4 cards → 5 cards → 1 card Covered card: 2 cards Life points: 4000]

"Hmph! Is it finally over? Then, my entertainment theater is about to begin! During my turn, I draw a card! I use the Demon World Troupe - Extras with a scale of 3 and the Demon World Troupe - Fashionable Comedian with a scale of 8 to set the Pendulum scale!"

"Pendulum scale?! In other words?!"

Sawatari Shingo's eyes lit up immediately. Because of Sawatari's previous performance, he thought this duel would be boring, but he didn't expect that he in the parallel world actually mastered the Pendulum Summoning, which was interesting.

"Hehe! Demon Emperor Angmar, I can tell from this monster that you are using the Emperor deck. You are already two versions behind me! Got it!"

Sawatari said as he came to the side of the action magic card, decisively took the action magic card in his hand, and then his face darkened again.

Demon Subduing Hall's Closing Card I: This card can only be used with Demon Subduing Hall's Closing Card II to increase the attack power of a monster by 200 points.

"What the hell! Why is there such an action magic card? You can only take one action magic card in your hand. Isn't it impossible to use it at all!"

"Don't think too much. Substituting your rules into this duel will lead to a terrible loss. In my action duel, there is no limit on the number of action magic cards that the duelists hold! Okay, don't worry about the action magic card, let me see your action duel!"

Completely attracted by Sawatari's Pendulum Summoning, Sawatari Shingo was too lazy to look for the remaining action magic cards, and began to urge with an anxious look.

"Hmph! So that's how it is. Since the audience wants to see the show so much, I will satisfy their demands! The Demon Troupe - Extras and the Demon Troupe - Fashionable Comedian are Pendulum Monsters of Scale 3 and Scale 8 respectively, so I can summon monsters of Level 4 to Level 7 at the same time! Pendulum Summoning! Appear, my servants!!"

Shouting loudly, Zedu slapped the two cards on the duel disk, then raised his right hand in the air, and then a pink hole appeared out of thin air between the Demon Troupe - Extras and the Demon Troupe - Fashionable Comedian, and two streams of light descended.

"First, the Demon Troupe - Big Star! Then, the Demon Troupe - Reckless Newcomer! How about it! This is the first act of my entertainment theater! The rondo of the big star and the newcomer!"

"Interesting! With an attack power of 2500 and an attack power of 1700, these two monsters were summoned so easily, worthy of being a Pendulum Summon!"

"It's going to get even more lively! I will activate the Pendulum effect of the Demon Troupe - Extras (original version). This card can only be activated when there is a monster on the opponent's field. Special Summon this card in the Pendulum Zone! There is a monster called Demon Emperor Angmar on your field, so I Special Summon the Demon Troupe - Extras in Attack Position! Okay, the Extras are in place!"

"What? A monster with an attack power of 100?"

Sawatari Shingo frowned, a little confused. What is the purpose of special summoning a monster with an attack power of 100 at this time? Although the attack power of Demon Troupe - Superstar is 100 points higher than that of Demon Emperor Angmar, the combined attack power of Demon Troupe - Reckless Newcomer and Demon Troupe - Extras cannot clear his life points. In this case, Special Summoning a monster with 100 attack power in Attack Position will only become a breakthrough, right? Or does this monster with 100 attack power have some powerful special effect?

"It's not over yet! I activate the effect of Makai Theater - Big Star (original version), once per turn, and add a Makai Script magic card from the deck to my hand! Also, the card this effect adds to my hand will be added to my hand during this turn. At the end of the turn, it will be sent to the graveyard, but it doesn’t matter. As long as I activate the card before the end of the turn, it will have no effect! I activate this effect, add the Demon World Script Opening Ceremony to my hand, and then Activate the magic card, the opening ceremony of the Makai Script! For every Makai Troupe monster in attack position on my field, my life points are restored! There are three Makai Troupe monsters on my field, so my life points are restored by 1500. point!"

In an instant, a large number of fireworks shot out from the card, and a fireworks ceremony was held in front of everyone's eyes. Sawatari, surrounded by three demon troupe monsters, was like a big star, with a face full of enjoyment. Hands up, he took a few steps forward.

"I see, that's why you specially summoned the extras from the Demon World Theater Troupe in attack mode? In this way, the damage caused by the Charming Sulfur of the Demon-Suppressing Palace to you will only be 500 points. It's really difficult to deal with!"

Seeing Sawatari quickly reverse the situation, Shingo Sawatari stopped continuing OMO, quickly turned around and rushed towards the location of another action magic card.

"Hmph! It's too late to escape now! I'm going to avenge the previous one! Entering the battle stage, the Demon World Troupe - Big Star, launches an attack on the Demon Emperor Angmar!"


"Then, the reckless newcomer of the Demon World Troupe launches a direct attack on me in the parallel world!!"

"Don't ignore my Gaika. Open the Gaika, Trap Card, and Dark Superior Summon (original version)! Superior Summon the Emperor Monster that was destroyed by the battle this round. Resurrection, Demon Emperor Angmar!!"

"Hey! Have you prepared such a method? However, there are no other magic cards in your graveyard. Even if the demon emperor Angmar who was resurrected by you comes back to the field as a superior summon, you can no longer use it. The effect of Demon Emperor Angmar!”

"But, there is no need for me to activate Demon Emperor Angmar's effect! Don't forget, you also have the Demon World Troupe - Extras with an attack power of 100 on your field! Next turn, I can use this The monster used as a breakthrough point to inflict heavy damage on you!"

"How naive! Don't you know what extra means?"


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