Seeing this, Yuya couldn't help but froze: "You're not really planning to give up on Sawatari completely, are you?"

Kurosaki Hayabusa curled his lips: "It doesn't matter whether you pull him in or not, but that guy has to accept some punishment. He took the quota from me. It doesn't matter if he wins, but if he loses, then he doesn't accept any punishment. No."

"Indeed, he must be punished a little, so Yuya, at least until the end of this round of arena activities, don't drag him in."

Reiji finally gave a definite answer, and Yuya immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"If that's the case, then I don't have any objection, but you also know Zedu's character very well. Since we don't plan to bring him in this round, then you can all take the rest time from this round to the next round. Be prepared to be harassed by him.”

Yu Dou silently complained: "You are the one who needs to be mentally prepared the most, right! After this round, we should have official members from four dimensions, including Yu Go and Rin from the same dimension, and Serena from the fusion dimension is not very familiar with Sawatari! In our XYZ dimension, I gave Sawatari a lesson. Hayabusa was taken away by Sawatari again, and Kaito is not in the basic dimension at all, so He should not dare to harass us. The only ones left are Chima and you, and between the two of you, you are the one who talks better, right?"

Yuya was stunned for a moment. So, this is really the case. After working on it for a long time, is he the only one who will be in trouble? No wonder Ling'er and the others made such decisive decisions. It turned out that they had no worries at all!

"Yo! What are you talking about!"

At this time, Sawatari Shingo also arrived at the auditorium and came directly from the next door.

"Talk about another you."

"Ah, haha, hahaha, by the way, President, the other me, you, and Falcon are all in this arena, why is Suliang the only one not here? Could it be that before the other me left, Suliang was also captured by others? The duelist was defeated and then took away the status of a full member?"

Sawatari Shingo changed the topic while observing Yugo, Yuto and Yuya calmly.

After hearing this, everyone was stunned, and Reiji also asked directly: "Are you friends with Shiyang Suliang from another world? And the other me and the other Kurosaki Hayabusa also have a lot of friends with him. contact?”

This time, it was Sawatari Shingo's turn to be stunned.

"What do you mean by this? I, Sora, and Kurosaki are you, the three generals under another president. I am Unit 1, Hayabusa is Unit 2, and Sora is Unit 3. , We are all working people working hard to help another president capture the phantom and capture Sakaki Yuya."

"Huh? Phantom? Capture another me?"

Yuya was confused again.

Ling'er showed a thoughtful expression: "It is true. Just like the relationship between the GX world and the parallel GX world, the parallel ARC-V world you are in also has many differences from the ARC-V world we are in. . But this is normal. After all, Mr. Hoshihara is a fun person. If two worlds with the same direction join the arena, there won’t be much fun. Therefore, in this case, for Mr. Hoshihara, it should be It must have been expected. ”

Thinking of the situation in the GX world and the parallel GX world, everyone except for a few idiots and Shingo Sawatari, who had insufficient information, also showed a look of surprise.

After a quick explanation, Sawatari Shingo also suddenly understood.

"I see, it's a completely different direction. That's why Sakaki Yuya here and the two over there can exist alone."

"Wait! We on your side are also merged?"

Yuya couldn't hold himself any longer, and even Yuto and Yugo couldn't help but turn dark. Their directions were obviously different, so why couldn't they escape the fate of being merged.

Sawatari Shingo touched his chin: "Rather than saying it is a fusion, it is closer to switching personalities. At least in my opinion, my Sakaki Yuya is completely like a duelist with multiple personalities. It's just that , when he switches personalities, he also uses some special ability to change his hairstyle and hair color."

Hearing this, the three fruits and vegetables all looked at each other, and they actually changed their hairstyle and color according to the change of dominant will? This doesn't sound like a fusion between them!

"Well, if you ask me as an outsider to tell you, I can't explain it very clearly, so you should wait until he comes in on his own before asking him. Anyway, I have decided to bring him in at the end of this round of activities. , as for now, let’s watch the duel first! This is my first duel after entering this duelist arena, and I can’t miss it!”

Shingo Sawatari waved his hand with a smile and turned his gaze to the ring. Seeing this, others also shifted their gazes one after another. To be honest, if the topic did not involve the key figure Sakaki Yuya, they would have shifted their gazes long ago. , after all, the person standing in the self-challenge now is Master KD, a powerful duelist from the OCG world.

"Well, in the self-contest, due to some well-known special reasons, it should be impossible for me to meet another me from a higher dimension, but if it is another me from a different world in the same dimension, that is still no problem, so , this time, can I really meet another me? Or will I meet a duelist who uses the same deck? "

Standing on the ring, Master KD looked curiously at the rotating golden magic array and analyzed it to himself.

Then, seeing the figure appearing in the golden magic circle, Master KD also showed a strange expression, and decisively turned sideways to look at the ARC-V area.


"That guy?!"

"Don't tell me?!"

Sure enough, Yuya, Yuto, and Yugo, the three fruits and vegetables, covered their chests at the same time. Although they did not show any uncomfortable expressions, they all had serious expressions, as if they had sensed something.

Seeing this, everyone else in the ARC-V area also understood that the duelist who now appeared in the self-challenge and became Master KD's opponent was definitely someone related to the soul in Sanguoshu, and was even very likely to be that soul. Parallel individuals.

"Hahahahaha!! Duelist Arena!! Interesting!! I didn't expect that I, Zach, would encounter such a thing after becoming the apex. I am so lucky! More intense! More demanding battles! This should be There is such a duel! A duelist named chosKD should be able to satisfy me!"

Laughing, the duelist named Zac stared at Master KD with a wild face, which made the duelists in the audience couldn't help but think of Caesar Ryo from Hell. These two duelists are indeed somewhat similar. , but they are not exactly the same. After all, Hell Caesar is more eager for a more valuable victory, while Zach is eager for a stronger opponent.

Therefore, the three members of the Satisfaction Team in the 5DS area also saw a bit of someone in Zach, well, someone who left Shindo Sano City bearing the sins and dark history of the Dark Seal.

"It's hard to say."

Looking at Zach, Master KD's expression also became serious. This performance must be that Zach has reached the peak of the unified world period and has fallen into madness. In that case, it will be troublesome. In terms of pure dueling strength, he He is indeed confident to satisfy Zack and confident to defeat Zack, but he can't stand a more fierce and demanding duel. As a human in the OCG world, his physical strength can't match the worldview of Poker King. Compared to humans!

Although it is true that there is no need to worry about life safety in a duel in the arena, but just like Minazuki's previous duel, if the duelist is attacked to the point that he cannot continue the duel, he will still be considered a loser! That’s a bit bad!

Chapter 388 Master KD VS Zach, mixed fruit and vegetable deck (two-in-one)

"Don't you even have such confidence? Then hand over your victory crown and your status as a full member!"

Hearing Master KD's uncertain answer, Zach immediately turned cold and simply raised the duel disk, obviously treating Master KD as a trash fish.

Master KD's mouth twitched. He was actually treated as a trash fish. It seemed that he had nothing to say. He had to give Zach a little OCG shock.

"Okay, it seems that I can't communicate with you normally. So, it's okay to use the basic rules for the duel!"

"Hmph! To deal with a guy like you who has no self-confidence, there is no need to choose any rules. No matter what the rules are, I can defeat you and make you kneel on the ground!"

Master KD’s brows slightly twitched, he really had an irritating statement. However, although he didn’t give a direct answer, he must have agreed, so he wouldn’t be polite.

"Duel!!!" X2

"First attack goes to me! It's my turn! I activate a magic card and draw a card (original card) quickly! This can only be activated when there are no monsters on my field. I draw two cards from my deck. After that, I draw a card from my hand. Send a Speedy Robot monster to the graveyard. If there are no Speedy Robot monsters in your hand, all cards in your hand will be returned to the deck! I have no monster cards on the field, so I draw another card from my hand! The three-eyed dice of the speeding robot are sent to the cemetery!"

"A speedster? And it was a three-eyed dice from the beginning?"

"Oh? Do you know anything about my deck? It doesn't matter. For a duelist like you who is not confident, no matter how much intelligence advantage he has, it is meaningless! I will activate the continuous magic card again and shoot continuously ( Original card)! Once per turn, it can only be activated by sending a predatory plant monster below level 4 from the deck to the graveyard. It will cause 300 points of damage to the opponent, and the attack power of all monsters on the opponent's field will be reduced by 600 points. There are no monsters on the field, so the attack power cannot be reduced. However, the effect damage will not be avoided because of this! I activate the effect of Seed Cannon Burst and send the level 3 predatory plant Iron Cannon Lily Lizard from the deck to the graveyard. You get 300 points of damage!"

As Zach shouted, a large number of seeds shot out from the cards like machine guns and flew towards Master KD.

Seeing this, Master KD's expression also changed, and he quickly used a light screen to apply for a huge shield in front of him, protecting his whole body. However, he was still hit by the huge impact and even the person and the shield kept retreating. Obviously, if no protection is taken, the end of Master KD will not be much better.

Seeing this situation, Zach's expression became colder and colder: "You actually use such a boring method to resist harm! Then, I want to see how long you can last with that kind of thing!"

Master KD's eyes narrowed slightly. Indeed, it was fine if it was just an effect damage of less than 500 points. If it became a higher effect damage, or a monster attack from the fourth-dimensional dragon, it would not be able to be blocked by this shield. In this case!



Master KD shouted decisively, and Mizunotsuki immediately responded, pulling out the card of the Raptor-Death Vulture from the deck and throwing it at Master KD.

Then, the spirit of the Death Vulture appeared out of thin air, and in the slightly confused eyes of Zach and the audience, it flew towards Master KD with the card it was hosting.

Soon, the card fell into Master KD's hands, and the spirit of the Death Vulture also temporarily disappeared. Just as Zach was about to angrily rebuke Master KD for cheating, he saw Master KD directly put the card into his pocket.

Instantly, the entire arena fell silent. After more than ten seconds of silence, everyone realized that KD did not intend to add the card thrown by Mizunotsuki to his hand out of thin air, but to use the power of Mizunotsuki's spirit to resist the attack.

After realizing this, everyone in the audience except the OCG duo didn't know what to say. As expected of the OCG world, they can always come up with operations that they can't think of at all. Borrowing the spirits of the duelists outside the field to resist the attacks of the opponent's monsters is simply unheard of.

As for the OCG duo, there was no such emotion. Mizunotsuki was only worried about whether his power could last until the Death Vulture protected KD until the end of the duel, while RS was surprised that KD, who was in the image of the heterochromatic dissolver, actually had a pocket.

"You actually borrowed other people's monsters to resist the attack! You guy! Don't you have any pride as a duelist? Do you have so little confidence in your own monsters?"

Zach's eyes became colder and even showed disgust.

Master KD curled his lips. If he had a Pokémon himself, he wouldn't have asked Mizunotsuki to borrow one. The timing of Zac's appearance was indeed a bit unfortunate. If Zac had the ability, he could come back in the next round of the arena event. By then, he would have probably participated in a random duel, and he might even let Zac see the Pokémon of Tyrannosaurus Rex Zac and experience the feeling of fighting himself.

"Hmph! I'm more disappointed than I expected! Forget it, I'd better defeat you as soon as possible! I activate the magic card, Weapon Hole! The turn this card is activated, I cannot perform a Normal Summon. I can only activate it by sending the top card of my deck to the Graveyard. Select an Equip Magic Card from my deck or Graveyard and add it to my hand! I send the top card of my deck to the Graveyard, add the Equip Magic Card Predator Graft from my deck to my hand, and then activate the Equip Magic Card, Predator Graft (Original Version)! You can only activate it by targeting a Predator Plant monster in my Graveyard, Special Summon that monster in Attack Position, and equip this card! When this face-up card is sent off the field, the monster equipped with this card is destroyed! I activate the effect of Predator Plant Lily Lizard in the Graveyard as the target, and Special Summon Predator Plant Lily Lizard in Attack Position!"

So, the Plant-Type monster that was just launched as ammunition at Master KD grew again on the field and revived.

"The effect of Predator Plant, Lily Lizard (original card) can only be activated if this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard. I draw a card from my deck! Draw a card! Then, I activate the effect of Entertainment Partner, Spring Goose (original version) that was sent to the Graveyard by the effect of Weapon Hole, and banish this card from the Graveyard. I can activate this effect by targeting two cards on my field, and return those cards to their owners' hands! I banish Entertainment Partner, Spring Goose from the Graveyard, and activate the effect by targeting the Continuous Spell Card Seed Cannon Burst and the Equip Spell Card Predator Graft on my field, returning those two cards to their hands, and Predator Plant Lily Lizard was also destroyed because of the departure of Predator Graft! "

"Speeding Robot, Predator Plant, Entertainment Partner..."

Master KD shook his head. Sure enough, Zac's deck was a combination of the decks of the four protagonists of A5. Zac was really amazing to be able to be invincible in the entire unified dimension with this almost card-heavy deck. Although his duel strength may not be particularly strong, at least in terms of the bond with the deck and monsters, it is indeed nothing to say.

In the audience seats, ARC-V area, based on the Speeding Robot card and Entertainment Partner card shown by Zac, everyone once again confirmed Zac's identity, and guessed that Zac's deck should also have cards from the Phantom Knights series and the Four-Dimensional Dragon card. As for the Predator Plant, well, after all, the original owner is no longer there, so not many people pay too much attention to it.

"Then, since Predator Plant Lizard is destroyed, I activate the Quick Play Spell Card, Phantom Balloon! It can only be activated during the turn when a monster on my field is destroyed. I flip over the top five cards of my deck, and I can select a Fun Partner monster from them to Special Summon. The remaining cards are returned to the deck and shuffled! I flip over the top five cards of my deck. The first one is Fun Partner Sky Magician! The second one is Fun Partner Telephone Longhorn! The third one is Fun Partner Thunder Rhino! The fourth one is Fun Partner Barrier Balloon Tapir! The fifth one is Fun Partner Raincoat Goat!"

"Fuck, five cards in one go, what a bond!"

"I select Entertainment Partner Telephone Longhorn from five cards and Special Summon it in Defense Position, returning the remaining four cards to the Deck! Then, the effect of Entertainment Partner Telephone Longhorn (Original Version) can only be activated when this card is successfully Normal Summoned and Special Summoned, and add a Entertainment Partner monster with an attack power of 1000 or less from my deck to my hand! I add Entertainment Partner Barrier Balloon Tapir with an attack power of 1000 from my deck to my hand, and then I activate the Magic Card, Speedy Regeneration (Original Version)! The turn this card is activated, I cannot Normal Summon! You can activate it by targeting a Speedbot monster in my Graveyard, and Special Summon that monster! I activate the effect of Speedbot Three-Eyed Dice in the Graveyard, and Special Summon Speedbot Three-Eyed Dice in Defense Position!"

"Level 3 and Level 4, are they coming?"

"I use Level 3 Speedbot on Level 4 Entertainment Partner Telephone Longhorn Three-eyed dice to adjust the stars! Flip those beautiful and magnificent wings and defeat the enemy at the speed of light! Synchro Summon! Show up, level seven! Phantom Wing Synchro Dragon! ! "

"Synchro Dragon..."

In the 5DS area, the duelists couldn't help but look at it sideways. This name is really interesting. If they hadn't seen Heterochromatic Pendulum Dragon and Dark Rebellious XYZ Dragon, they might have mistaken it for a dragon representing Synchro.

"It's not over yet! I activate the Continuous Spell Card again, Plant Cannon Burst! I send the level 3 Predator Plant Bee Scorpion from the deck to the graveyard, and inflict 300 damage to you again!"


"Next! Equip the Spell Card, Predator Graft! I Special Summon the Predator Plant Lily Lizard from the graveyard in Attack Position again, and then activate the effect of the Predator Plant Lily Lizard, draw a card, draw a card! Very good, this is it, the Continuous Spell Card, Tsutsuki Castle, activate! I cover two more cards and end this turn!"

[Zack: Hand: 5 cards → 4 cards → 6 cards → 3 cards → 4 cards → 3 cards → 6 cards → 5 cards → 6 cards → 3 cards → 4 cards → 1 card Cover card: 2 cards HP: 4000]

"Is it finally over? Then, it's my turn to perform! I got 600 points of effect damage in the first round, so I have to return it several times! My turn, draw a card!!"

Throwing the shield aside with force, after drawing a card, Master KD also looked at Zach's field.

Predatory Plants Iron Cannon Lizard and Seed Cannon Continuous Shot are not threatening. The only things that need to be guarded against are the Phantom Wing Synchro Dragon and the cover card and the unknown effect of the continuous magic card Tsutsuga Castle. Among them, he roughly knows the effect of the Phantom Wing Synchro Dragon, which is only slightly different. Therefore, the puzzle of victory has been gradually completed!

"That's it! I'll use the Magician of Wisdom Eyes with a scale of 5 and the Magician of Purple Poison with a scale of 1 to set the Pendulum scale!"

"What?! Scale?! Place the monster card in the magic trap area?!"

Zach's face also changed slightly. Although he did dislike and even looked down on Master KD who was unusually unconfident, it didn't mean that he would look down on the cards used by Master KD.

"Don't mind, this is just the basic operation of the Pendulum Monster, but when it comes to Pendulum Summoning, this is also a summoning method that has a very important connection with your future!"

Looking at Zach's startled look, Master KD couldn't help showing a weird expression. After all, in the world view of the Card King, Pendulum Summoning was a summoning method created by Zach's clone Yuya Sakaki, and the first and second Pendulum Monster cards, the Magician of Time Reading and the Magician of Star Reading, were also cards printed by Yusho Sakaki with the help of Zach's power. But now, Zach looked at the Pendulum Monster and Pendulum Summoning with great surprise, which looked very funny.

"My future self? A very important connection? Humph! You want to disturb my thoughts in this way? That's too true! Do you think such a method will work on me?"

"That's true. No one believes the truth! Forget it. It's useless to tell you more now! In this case, I'd better unfold it first! I activate the Pendulum effect of the Magician of the Eyes! This can only be activated when there is a Magician or Entertainment Partner card in my Pendulum Zone on the other side. This card is destroyed, and a Magician Pendulum monster other than the Magician of the Eyes is selected from the deck and placed in my Pendulum Zone. Place it in the pendulum area!"

"What?! Entertainment partner!? You guy!"

"Yes, similar decks! Zac, don't forget that the stage we are in now is a self-stage! Okay, the Purple Poison Magician is obviously a magician card, so I will destroy the Magician of Wisdom Eyes and choose another magician pendulum monster from the deck to place! What I want to choose, of course, is——"

"Mu Da!!"


"Although I don't know what you want to choose, and I don't know what the pendulum effect is, your activation is invalid!"

Chapter 389 Powerful Purple Poison, a combination that makes people think wrongly (two in one)

"Activation is invalid..."

Master KD's expression gradually became subtle. He dared to say such a thing without knowing what the pendulum effect is. Three-color counter or three-color seal?

"The effect of the Continuous Magic Card, Tsutsuki Capture (original card), as long as this card exists in the Magic Trap Zone, the effects of face-up cards on the opponent's field are negated, and the opponent's monsters cannot attack! Therefore, no matter what the so-called pendulum effect of your Magician of the Insightful Eyes is, it will be negated!"

"A single card that negates all effects and blocks attacks, is there such a difficult card in the Plant Predator series?"

Master KD frowned slightly. If it was just to negate the effects on the field, it would not be impossible to solve. After all, the scale of the Pendulum Monster would not disappear because the effect was negated. He only needed to put out a Purple Poison Magician to actively send it away, but it was a bit difficult to block the attack. At least with his current resources, he could not solve this sticker in this round, so there was no chance to complete OTK!

"What's wrong? Is your performance over? You can't handle this level? This is far from my limit! Please give me more satisfaction!"

"You are so bold! Such excessive stickers are not so easy to deal with! Forget it, let's defend first. Because the pendulum scales of the Purple Poison Magician and the Wisdom Eye Magician are 1 and 5 respectively, I can use the pendulum to summon monsters from level 2 to level 4 at the same time!"

"What? The effect of the Tsutsumi Castle has been invalidated, but the so-called scale still hasn't disappeared?"

"Unfortunately, the scale of the pendulum monster is not an effect! When Of course, Pendulum Summoning is not an effect, but a basic rule. Therefore, your Tsutsuki Castle cannot block my Pendulum Summoning! "

"So what? No matter what monster you summon, you can't use its effects or launch an attack, and you can't fight against my Phantom Wing Synchro Dragon at all!"

"Then let's see who can laugh last! Swing, Soul Pendulum! Draw an arc of light in the sky! Pendulum Summon! Appear! My monster! Iris Magician! Then, I summon a monster in face-down Defense Position, and finally cover a card to end this turn! "

[chosKD: Hand: 5 cards → 6 cards → 1 card [Face card: 1 HP: 3400]

"Hmph! You said so much, but this is the end? Then I'll do as I said before and finish you off as soon as possible! My turn, draw a card! During my Standby Phase, I activate the second effect of Tsutsumi Capture, targeting a Predator Plant monster on my field, and release that monster! Or, I don't release a Predator Plant monster and destroy this card! I release the Predator Plant Lily Lizard on my field to maintain the existence of Tsutsumi Capture! Then I activate the effect of the Continuous Magic Card Seed Cannon Burst again, and send a Level 1 Predator Plant from my deck to the deck. Send Cordyceps to the graveyard, inflict 300 damage to you, and reduce the attack power of your Rainbow Magician by 600 points! ! "

"Bang! ! ! "

Seeing a large number of seeds coming again, Master KD could only raise the shield placed aside as quickly as possible, and was forced to retreat again and again. At the same time, he felt helpless. He had been thinking about winning without any injuries before, but he had been beaten three times. It seems that he still underestimated Zac. Next, he can only take winning without any injuries on his body as his goal. As for the health value, tsk.

"Next, I summon Speedbot Magnet Devil in Attack Position and activate the effect of Speedbot Magnet Devil (Original Version). During the Main Phase of the turn this card is successfully Summoned or Special Summoned, you can activate this effect by targeting a non-Tuner monster on your opponent's field, and use that opponent's monster and this card as Synchro Materials to Synchro Summon! I will use the defense monster you summoned with great difficulty! Activate the effect of your Level 4 Rainbow Magician on the field, and tune the Level 4 Rainbow Magician with Level 1 Speedbot Magnet Devil! Synchro Summon! The soul of the sword drama overflowing with vitality! Show up, Level 5! Speedbot Blade Rider!!"

"You actually used a monster on my field as a Synchro Material!"

"It's too early to be surprised! Speedbot Magnet Devil The effect of Sword Rider allows this card to attack twice in the same Battle Phase! This way, this Duel is over! Enter the Battle Phase! Synchro Dragon, attack the face-down Defense Position Monster!! Whirlwind Dive Slash!!!"


Under Zac's command, Synchro Dragon soared into the sky, spun around in a big circle, and swung its wing blades with a whirlwind around its body to smash the face-down Defense Position Monster, which also revealed its true form, the second Purple Poison Magician.

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