Dazi suddenly had a bad feeling. After all, he couldn't have done any investigation after seeing the red dragon. He still had a lot of knowledge about the red dragon and the so-called dragon sealer. So, this guy was not going to cheat next, right?

"I activate the effect of Dark Production Plant, send the monster card Strong Wind Dragon in my hand to the graveyard, draw a card, and then, I activate the magic card, Resurrection of the Dead! Special Summon the Strong Wind Dragon just sent to the graveyard in attack position!"

"2400 attack power, no, it's a level 6 monster! Level 6 and level 2, you still have the means to special summon monsters from the banished zone?"

"Hmph! My deck does have that means, but it's not needed now! Strong Wind Dragon and Dark Mechanic, just these two cards meet the conditions! Come on, I'll use the level 6 Strong Wind Dragon and the level 2 Dark Mechanic to adjust the stars! The shock of the king is now presented here, look at the power of the roar of the world! Synchro Summon! My soul, Crimson Dragon!!"

"How is it possible?! Crimson Dragon, this card should have been banished by your Synchro Soul! You guy!"

Dazi rarely showed an expression of disbelief.

"Heh! Who said I only have one Crimson Dragon?"

Looking at Dazi who couldn't keep calm, Jack also showed a mocking sneer.

"A second Crimson Dragon? That's even more impossible! As the dragon corresponding to the Dragon Sealer under the Red Dragon guy, there is no way there can be a second identical card! Wait, is it this Duelist Arena?!"

After being shocked for a while, Dazi finally reacted.

"Heh! It's too late to understand now. The puzzle of victory is only one piece away! The effect of Dark Mechanic (original version) is activated. Because I sent Dark Mechanic to the graveyard as a synchro material, I can draw one from the deck! This is the last card to draw, Dazi!"

As he said, Jack also raised his arm above his head, and the dragon seal on his arm began to bloom with an increasingly shining red light.

Seeing this, Dazi couldn't hold back any longer. If it was a battle of actual combat power, he and his Orichagon God were not inferior to Red Dragon at all, but compared to the ability to draw and print cards, ten of him and ten Orichagon Gods might not be able to beat Red Dragon and his Dragon Sealers! No, I have to use some tricks. Although it's a bit reluctant now, there's nothing I can do.

"The last card draw, huh, it's really like this, you so-called Dragon Sealers, no matter in which era, are such a stupid posture that makes people want to laugh!"

Jack paused and looked at Dazi with cold eyes: "What do you mean by this!"

Dazi's mouth corners slightly raised, good, the fish has taken the bait.

"Isn't my performance obvious enough? I know all the information about Red Dragon and you so-called Dragon Sealers. After all, I have been observing humans since 10,000 years ago. So, the battle between Red Dragon and the Earthbound Gods thousands of years ago could not have been observed by me, right?"

"Don't waste your time, you know that's not what I'm asking!"

"Don't worry, Jack Atlas, let's talk about something else first. Do you know what the identities of those Mirror Knights you excluded before are?"

"What identities?"

Jack was stunned, and the OCG trio in the audience were also confused. What's going on? Although the identity of the Mirror Knight is indeed very special in the original plot, that's because Dashi has already mastered the souls of Jonouchi and Omote. Even if the Dashi who was pulled here is the Dashi at the time when he mastered the souls of Jonouchi and Omote, or even the Dashi who opened up a new world line and mastered the souls of Kaiba and Yami Yugi, there is no way to threaten Jack with these souls, right? What's the point of saying this?

"Haven't you figured it out yet? Didn't I tell you before I called out the Mirror Knight? I want you to see something interesting. It's really pitiful. As a senior, you were finally released from the seal, but you didn't even have the chance to communicate with the juniors, and you were directly excluded by the juniors!"

"Seniors and juniors?! You?!"

"But it's not my fault. Who knew that this junior didn't even have the courage to control the monsters and fight the seniors head-on? This resulted in the seniors not even having the chance to take off their helmets. What a pity!"

"You guy! What do you mean by that! Explain it to me!"

Putting down his arms, Jack roared in anger.

In the audience, the faces of the OCG trio all changed.

"Fuck, is it so insidious?"

"Datsu is playing psychological warfare!"

"Not only psychological warfare, but also alienation tactics. This guy, Datsu, is really despicable!"

As the OCG trio sighed, everyone in the 5DS also frowned.

"Psychological warfare? Dividing the enemy? Jack won't fall for it, right?"

Long Ya looked at You Xing worriedly, and Carly was also panicked.

You Xing restrained his expression, smiled and shook his head, and Kro was even more disdainful: "How can this method fool Jack? Don't underestimate Jack! After all, he has been the king for such a long time. How could he not know that the enemy's words cannot be trusted!"

"Then why?"

Long Ya was confused. If the enemy's words cannot be trusted, then why do they all have such serious expressions?

"You can't believe what the enemy says. This is only for Jack in the duel. But outside of the duel, we have to think about whether such a situation is possible. Even if the possibility is low, we still need to think about it. , so, can you three provide us with some information?"

Yusei set his sights on the OCG trio, which made the OCG trio dumbfounded. Provide information? How are they going to provide information? What Dazi did in ten thousand years was not completely captured in the original plot!

However, judging from the action mode of Dazi, it is indeed very possible to find ways to obtain the high-quality souls of the previous generation of dragon sealers as sacrifices to the God of Oliha Gang. However, the red dragon is really Will they watch the dragon sealer's soul being taken away by Dazi?

It's impossible no matter how you think about it, right? But Dazi is famous for his cunning and cunning, so it is not impossible for him to use any despicable means. After all, the red dragon should have a long sleeping period. After the red dragon falls into sleep, its remaining Can the means below really protect the souls of the dragon sealers from the hands of a despicable guy like Dazi?

"Oh my god, haven't I made it clear enough? You still dare to call yourself a king. You can't even understand this. Then I can only explain it again! Although you so-called dragon sealers are still alive At that time, you had a noble place, often acted as a savior, and were protected by the power of the red dragon. However, you only have that value when you are alive! After death, you so-called dragon sealers are not worthy of the red dragon. The value of protection is great, but the quality of your souls is particularly high, which makes it particularly easy to attract some strange things! Just like the so-called dragon sealers of the previous generation, they attracted a large number of special beings after their death. I am It took several battles with those evil gods to get the soul. However, it would not be a good thing if it fell into my hands. Although I will not eat their souls directly like those evil gods, I will eat these high-quality souls. His soul was sealed and kept as a sacrifice to the God of Oliha Gang, but there was still no big difference!"

"You really dare to say anything about sacrifices!"

Jack clenched his fists, and anger flashed in his eyes. Although he was not sure whether what Dazi said was true or not, the story Dazi told really annoyed him.

"Oh? Are you angry? But you can't blame me, right? If the red dragon hadn't betrayed the trust of the dragon sealers and abandoned the souls of the dead dragon sealers, I wouldn't have been able to get those souls! So, I Said, your reliance on the power of the red dragon and the dragon seal seems extremely stupid and ridiculous. After all, you will not hesitate to abandon things that are of no use to you, whether it is a human or a god in this regard! It’s no different! This is the so-called inner darkness, right?”

"I see! What a straightforward statement! After saying so much, you just want to hinder my next card draw, right? It doesn't matter whether I see through it or not, as long as I have a little doubt about the power of the red dragon , my card drawing can't be as smooth as before, you really figured it out! But, Dazi, have you ever considered what will happen if you make me angry?"

As he spoke, substantial flames appeared in Jack's eyes and right hand, and the brilliance of the dragon seal on his hand did not disappear. Instead, it flickered a few times, seemingly mocking Dazi.


Da Zi was shocked. Isn't this the ability to seal that evil god? After saying so much, not only did he not alienate the relationship between Jack and the Red Dragon, but he also activated the special ability hidden in Jack's body? Isn't this too outrageous?

"Dark Repairer's effect, draw cards!!!"

Roaring, Jack pulled out the top card of the deck. Although the brilliance of the dragon seal did not shine, the flames on Jack's right hand completely wrapped the drawn card.

"Come on! The card I drew is the Heart-Concentrating Dragon. I activate the effect of the Heart-Concentrating Dragon. When I draw this card, I reveal this card to the opponent, special summon this card from my hand, and, I If there is a Level 8 or higher Dragon-Type Synchro Monster on the field, you can Special Summon a Level 1 Dragon-Type monster from your deck! I reveal the Heart-Concentrating Dragon in my hand and Special Summon the Focusing Dragon in Defense Position. Then, reincarnate the level 1 dragon-type monster from the deck and special summon it in defense position!"

In the auditorium, in the Parallel GX area, Wan Zhangquan was suddenly surprised. Samsara Dragon, isn't this his monster? Why did Jack Atlas...wait a minute, so it seems that the last time Jack Atlas used Convergent Dragon, he didn't special summon a level 1 dragon-type monster from the deck, so this is what he did Specially prepared during this time?

"Dazi, congratulations, you successfully angered me. Now, let you taste my anger! Come on! I used the level 8 Red Lotus Demonic Dragon plus the level 1 Samsara Dragon and the level 1 card name as The Soul-Concentrating Dragon used by the Savior Dragon is synchronized! The aloof light is polished to the extreme and shines on the earth! Synchronize and summon the great soul, the Savior Dragon!

As Jack sings, in the tragic BGM, the majestic savior dragon appears again.

Seeing this, Dazi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. In the end, he still couldn't avoid the result of getting stuck in his opponent's seal. It seemed that his luck was not very good.

"So what if you summon a brand new monster? The attack power of the Savior Dragon is only 4,000. There is no way it can defeat the Snake God Yi with unlimited attack power!"

"The listed Vadokana!"


"I should have said that the biggest weakness of Snake God Yi is that Snake God Yi has infinite attack power but no resistance. It is simply asking for death! Now, I will send you on your way! The special effect of the Savior Dragon is activated once per turn. It selects a face-up monster on the opponent's field, negates the effect of that monster, and takes away the attack power of that monster, increasing the attack power of the Savior Dragon by that amount. Numerical value!”

"How is that possible?!"

"The resistance given to the Snake God Yi by the third enchantment of Oliha can only deal with magic cards and trap cards. There is no way to deal with the effects of monsters! Therefore, I choose the Snake God Yi on your field as the target to activate. The effect of the Savior Demonic Dragon invalidates the effect of the Snake God Yi, and increases the attack power of the Savior Demonic Dragon to unlimited power!"

As a result, the red light flew out from the mouth of the Savior Demonic Dragon, completely sealing the snake god Yi in the red crystal, while the Savior Demonic Dragon continued to grow in size.

"You actually use this method!"

"Although the attack power of the Snake God Yi and the Savior Demon Dragon are infinite, my health points are still 500, while yours have become 0. The Savior Demon Dragon was destroyed by the battle, and I have not It will not be affected, but the Snake God Yi is destroyed by the battle, and you will lose the duel! Dazi, this is the end! Savor the anger of me and the Savior Demon Dragon, the Savior Demon Dragon, attack the Snake God Yi. ! Ultimate power suppression!

Chapter 420: The wolf destroys Dazi, the undead VS Kui Mei, and Hai Jing appears (two-in-one)

Wrapped in flames, the Savior Dragon launched a charge with unparalleled momentum, and the snake god Yi, who was sealed in the crystal, struggled to spit out a blue-white fire pillar, breaking through the crystal blockade, and facing the people rushing towards him. The savior dragons collided.


Along with the deafening roar, an extremely powerful explosion was produced, swallowing up the Savior Dragon and the Snake God Yi, and quickly spreading to the surroundings, as if it was going to swallow everything.

However, Oliha Gang's triple barrier tightly bound the explosion within the space within the barrier, so that the flames and impact could only rage in a small area, turning into a pillar of fire that soared into the sky, further escalating the power of the explosion. Fortunately, this duel is not a dark duel, and the venue in the arena is not an ordinary venue. Otherwise, the venue may not even crystallize due to this.

"Hmph! Is this what pissed me off—Nani?!"

As time passed, the flames gradually dissipated. Jack, who was not affected in any way, looked arrogant and was about to declare victory. But before he finished speaking, he found that there was no one on the other side, and he was instantly shocked.

In the audience, everyone who also discovered that Dazi had disappeared felt confused. What is going on? Did Dazi use any means to escape from the arena? With Dazi's ability, it shouldn't be enough to escape from Mr. Hoshihara, right? Or is it that it was completely wiped out by the explosion just now, with no trace left? But this is not a dark duel, so it won’t be completely wiped out, right?

Unable to draw a conclusion, Jack and everyone could only turn their attention to Xingyuan.

Xingyuan closed the folding fan, put it against his chin, and showed a playful smile: "It is a good method to directly abandon the existence of the body, but do you think I will not be able to detect your actions?"

"Abandon the body?!"

Jack raised his eyebrows and turned to look at where Dazi was, but still found nothing.

Thinking about it carefully, Jack also took it for granted. Dazi had given up her body, how could she still be discovered so easily? In that case, wouldn't it be meaningless for Dazi to give up her body?

Thinking like this, Jack didn't intend to continue. However, at this moment, the light spots visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared, forming a humanoid existence, and then disappeared instantly and completely disappeared.

? ? ?

Rows of question marks popped up from Jack's head, indicating Jack's confusion. What the hell is going on? Could it be that Dazi was directly killed by Mr. Hoshihara?

The audience also looked at Mr. Hoshihara with the same confusion, and found that Hoshihara could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"This guy is indeed a ruthless person. He actually committed suicide just because he was not his real body. This is the so-called meaningless struggle!"

Everyone also fell into silence. Although it was not the original body, he committed suicide directly. This is indeed a ruthless person. However, as Mr. Hoshihara said, this is meaningless! It would be fine if he could escape special punishment by committing suicide. After all, for these villains, some special punishments are indeed more uncomfortable than death, not to mention that this is not the original body of Dazi. But even if you use suicide, it is impossible to escape. With Mr. Hoshihara's ability, even if Dazi's body commits suicide, he can still resurrect Dazi. Isn't it easy to resurrect the clone? Such a meaningless struggle will only make the special punishment that Dazi received become more serious, right?

Thinking of this, the OCG trio couldn't help but start to communicate with their eyes. Compared with others, they still had more information. Others only learned from Mr. Xingyuan that this was not Dazi's body, but they also knew that Dazi's body had long been dead, at least the body was dead. So, Dazi's operation was a gamble that the God of Orichagang, which was equivalent to his own body, could withstand Mr. Xingyuan's special punishment? Indeed, some special punishments that were particularly pitfalls for humans were nothing when put on a behemoth like the God of Orichagang, but the level of the God of Orichagang was obviously not at the level of Mr. Xingyuan. If Mr. Xingyuan increased the level of special punishment in proportion, wouldn't the God of Orichagang be miserable?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that Dazi and Atlantis led by Dazi would end up like that, not entirely because of the darkness in their hearts, but also because they were pitted by the God of Orichagang. So, it is actually reasonable for Dazi to counter-pit it now? Although Dazi himself did not realize it, it was only natural.

"Okay, don't worry about him. I will mercifully send him to his world for his special punishment! Although I originally planned to give him a second personality with a kind character, now he has to become a second personality with a kind character plus a second godhead with a kind character, plus completely lose the memory of the arena. But you can't blame me for this. This is his own choice."

Jack shook his head. It was indeed his own choice. If there was no suicide, Dazi would at least know how his second personality came about, so this was purely his own fault. However, what about the second godhead?

The OCG trio looked at each other and showed a gloating expression. Sure enough, the God of Olihagang was miserable. If the original God of Olihagang was a pitch-black world-devouring giant snake, he might have become a pitch-black two-headed snake now. Of course, it could also be a black and white two-headed snake, or a pitch-black Ouroboros?

"So, Jack Atlas, what kind of reward do you want this time?"

"As for the reward, can you ask Mr. Xingyuan to liberate as many souls of the Dragon Sealers as possible, with the world where I and Dazi are as the center?"

"Unfortunately, I can't do it."

"It's really like that!"

"That's right, just as you think, there are no Dragon Sealers whose souls are sealed by Dazi in your world and the world where Dazi is. As for whether there are such worlds in the countless other worlds, I can't guarantee it, but even if there are, there are definitely not many. So, I can't liberate the souls of the Dragon Sealers with the world where you and Dazi are as the center. Even if I want to liberate them, I can't do it. You can only look for that very few worlds in the infinite world, and the souls sealed by Dazi will be released sooner or later. In this case, do you still want to use the reward to release the soul? "

"That's not necessary. Since the soul of the Dragon Sealer is not sealed, the other sealed souls will be released sooner or later. Then this task should be handed over to the heroes of the corresponding world and the corresponding era. My reward should be used to make me stronger! Mr. Xingyuan, please continue to give me the enhanced card packs of the Red Lotus series!"

"Then, as you wish."

So, it was time to open the exciting card pack again. Jack opened the newly obtained card pack without hesitation, and then four brand new cards and a familiar card appeared in front of him.

Level 6 Synchro/Effect Monster Red Lotus Rising Dragon, Level 2 Adjustment/Effect Monster Red Lotus Resonator, Level 3 Effect Monster Red Lotus Magic Monster Ta Isha, Trap Card Red Lotus Designator, Level 8 Synchro/Effect Monster Red Lotus Dragon

Five cards, three SR cards, one R card, and one N card.

In general, Jack's luck is still very good, but these five cards make Jack's expression very subtle. Can the Red Lotus Beast Ta Isha and Red Lotus Designator also be counted in the Red Lotus series? It turns out that the Red Lotus series is counted according to the field of Chinese characters. And the Red Lotus Dragon, this is already the third one. Is this to adhere to the principle that the ace monster should be full of three? Of course, he didn't have any opinions on the third Red Lotus Dragon, and was even quite satisfied, but the fourth Red Lotus Dragon must not appear, after all, the same card can only be placed three.

Shaking his head, Jack thanked Xingyuan and left the ring and walked towards the audience. He decided in his heart that if he got the reward next time, he would never choose the Red Lotus series of enhanced card packs again. After all, if the fourth Red Lotus Dragon appeared, even he would not be able to hold it.

In the audience, seeing Jack leave, the duelists began to confirm who they would invite next. After all, the ring match was over. If there were no personal grudges that they planned to settle in the arena, then the next step would be to recruit people.

However, at this time, Zaizen Aoi from the VRAINS area declared war on the undead with great momentum, causing the duelists from other areas to look at each other strangely. If I remember correctly, at the end of the last round, Yusaku and Revolver from the VRAINS area also went on the free ring to settle their personal grudges, right? And this round, Zaizen Aoi and the undead needed to settle their personal grudges again. There were really many conflicts in the VRAINS area!

"Oh my, Blue Angel, are you sure you want to challenge me? To be honest, I am very grateful to you for pulling me into the holy place of the Duelist Arena. In this case, even I would not be able to bear to defeat you."

The undead said with a boastful face, but the words used to respond to the declaration of war were not false. After all, duels are what the undead are most attached to and rely on for survival. Therefore, he is grateful to Aoi Zaizen for pulling him into the Duelist Arena from the bottom of his heart, and he also believes from the bottom of his heart that Aoi Zaizen is definitely not his opponent.

"Stop talking nonsense, stop your big talk here! The real result should be that I defeat you, and I will not be reluctant at all, and I will definitely avenge the previous arrow!"

The undead pressed his brows. Was it the revenge in the original destiny? There was no way to defend himself, and that was indeed what he could do. So, let's fight. It just so happened that after watching so many duels, he was also extremely itchy and couldn't help it.

"Oh my, there's really nothing I can do, Master Revolver. It should be okay for me to be a little willful for once?"

"Just decide for yourself."

Glancing at the empty seat, Revolver finally didn't say anything to ask the Undead not to be too ruthless. Although Zaizen Akira has now become their strategic partner, as a duelist, he should have some awareness, not to mention that it was Zaizen Aoi who challenged the Undead himself to seek revenge.

However, after all, it was in the Duelist Arena, so there would be no duel involving life or data. Zaizen Aoi should only lose face at most. Even if Spectre was too excited to control the degree, it wouldn't be a big problem, and Zaizen Akira shouldn't have any objection.

Zaizen Akira:?

Kusanagi Shoichi: Is this the so-called arrogance of an only child? Revolver, you really don't understand at all!

Jonouchi, Ryoga, Kurosaki Hayabusa: It's terrible to annoy a sister-con!

"Then, Blue Angel, please teach me."

"Don't dream, I can't teach you anything, I said, I will definitely defeat you!"

Staring at the innocent-looking dead soul angrily, Zaizen Aoi walked out of the audience quickly and headed for the free arena.

Watching the dead soul leave the audience, Yusaku sighed at Zaizen Akira's original position. Zaizen Akira's brother is really hard. Although his emotional intelligence is not very good, he can still understand this. It's a pity that Zaizen Akira was taken away by Drewbe as an official member and temporarily withdrew from the duelist arena. Otherwise, Zaizen Akira should try to stop Zaizen Aoi from asking for trouble.

Zaizen Aoi: Wait, why do you all think that I can never beat that bastard Specter! Don't look down on me!

Everyone: Why? Of course it's because your skills are too bad!

Zaizen Aoi: ...Gu! !

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