Well, there really is no scumbag. Even in the eyes of the OCG trio, Kui Mei's operation is still very awkward, but that is not Kui Mei's own problem, but caused by the incomplete deck and the difference in effects, so Kui Mei The performance is still worthy of recognition. Especially this performance is focused on Kui Mei. Comparing the situation in the first round of arena activities, it can be seen that Kui Mei has indeed improved a lot. Therefore, this effort is still worthy of applause and encouragement.

As for encouragement other than applause, I'm sorry. It's not so easy to get rewards in a pure free arena.

But for Kui Mei, rewards other than applause are not that important, at least not so important now. Being able to successfully defeat the undead and successfully take revenge, and being recognized by so many powerful duelists in the audience, has already made Kui Mei The girl was very happy. The undisguised excitement and excitement on her face did not look like an old idol at all, but more like a newcomer who was on stage for the first time.

In the auditorium, VRAINS area, Revolver turned his attention to the undead who quietly returned to his seat.

"You're too careless."

The undead showed a helpless smile: "She is indeed careless. She is still so self-righteous when she has no intelligence advantage. I underestimated her too much!"

"Careless? Look down upon? What's going on?"

On the side, Ai stopped clapping and looked over curiously.

Kusanagi Shoichi frowned: "You don't mean to say there's something wrong with your last card, do you?"

The undead spread his hands: "Unfortunately, no, my last card is a trap card specially used by plant-type monsters that can inflict effect damage to the opponent's monster when it destroys the opponent's monster in battle. Facing Blue Angel's offensive, it is completely impossible to send. Useful."

"What do you mean by carelessness?"

Revolver calmly explained: "Trap card, Holy Flower Burial. This card in Specter's graveyard actually has a second effect. It can only be activated by excluding Holy Flower Burial in the cemetery. It will be activated this round by holding the cards in both graveyards." All monsters on the field with levels lower than the total number of magic and trap cards are destroyed, and the controllers of those destroyed monsters are dealt effect damage multiplied by 500."

"This effect? ​​Specter did not activate the magic trap card and sent it to the graveyard in the last turn. Blue Angel only has one Pot of Greed in the graveyard, so even if this effect is activated, it can only destroy monsters below level one, right? And the level For monsters below one, do you mean the Sea Crystal Maiden? Even if the Sea Crystal Maiden is destroyed, Blue Angel can activate the effect of the Sea Crystal Maiden again to special summon it from the graveyard, and it has no effect on the result. Any influence, right? Wait, Haijing Girl Official Service Fish, that’s it.”

"That's right, before Blue Angel used Sea Crystal Girl's Magic Bubble Great Barrier Reef to specially summon Sea Crystal Girl's official server fish, she also used the effect of Sea Crystal Girl's Blue Color Thorn Tail to specially summon the last sea fish sent to the graveyard. Crystal Girl official server fish, although saying this may seem like I can't afford to lose, if I had activated the effect of Holy Flower Burial at that time, I would still be able to survive this round of Blue Angel, but unfortunately I am arrogant. It was completely impossible for Blue Angel to clear my life points in one turn, so they failed to seize the opportunity, which led to the final miscalculation.”

"So there is such a thing. It seems that my victory this time is not completely safe!"


The undead turned around in surprise and saw Cai Qiankui with a serious face, and couldn't help but be speechless.

"Blue Angel, what you mean by this is that you still want to get another complete victory from me, right?"

"Why, can't it?"

"Really, just spare me. I've said it before. I'm really grateful to you for dragging me to this place!"

"That's your business. I brought you in just to get revenge on you. Since you are grateful to me, then you can repay me by accepting my challenge when I want to duel."


The undead fell into silence with a look of helplessness on his face. Although he really liked dueling, he still wanted to duel with a powerful duelist from another world more than the Blue Angel from the same world.

On the side, Ai's face was full of schadenfreude. You kid had such a bad taste in his original destiny, and now he must be punished.

"Okay, that's enough chatting. While we're still in the random arena stage and haven't entered the final stage of inviting newcomers, Blue Angel, Playmaker, I have something to explain to you."

"Can you tell us something?"

Zaizen Aoi showed a puzzled expression, and Yusaku said thoughtfully: "Is it because of the memory that Ai from the parallel world gave you?"

"Yes, I got a lot of information from this memory, for example, the origin of the Sea Crystal Girl deck."

"Wait a minute, what does this mean? Is there any special origin of the Sea Crystal Girl deck?"

Aoi Zaizen is getting more and more confused. Isn't this a new deck that her brother Akira Zaizen bought specially for her?

"A pure electronic realm deck with all water-attribute monsters. With such obvious features, can't you think of something?"

"Could it be that?"

"Is it really the Crystal Girl deck that Aqua provided to Blue Angel?"

"Yes, in Ai's world, Ignis of Water once became the partner of Blue Angel, and then Blue Angel got the Crystal Girl deck. We are no exception, but Ignis of Water has not met you, Blue Angel, yet. It just sold the Crystal Girl deck to Akira Zaizen through some channel, and then Akira Zaizen handed it to you."

"But why did Aqua know that I needed a new deck? Wait, ah, when I went to visit Miyu before, I talked about this matter to myself. Could it be that Aqua heard it at that time? So Aqua was by Miyu's side at that time?"

"It should be like this, so Blue Angel will invite newcomers in this round. Angel, you can try to bring Water Ignis to the arena. This will be good for you, us, and Water Ignis. "

"But, my brother..."

"I'll invite Zaizen Akira, so it's better to use your quota on Water Ignis. After all, you're the only person Water Ignis trusts the most."

"I see, leave it to me."

Revolver nodded, and turned his gaze to Yusaku and Ai: "As for Playmaker, you can try to bring in a duelist named Homura Takashi."

"Homura Takashi? Who is this?"

Ai scratched his head.

"The prototype of Flame Ignis, in Ai's world, because Playmaker over there defeated me and saved Link VRAINS, he became a fan of Playmaker over there, and later became a partner of Playmaker over there with Flame Ignis. Although you did not save Link VRAINS in our world, he should not refuse your invitation as he became a partner with Flame Ignis, and as long as he can be brought in, Flame Ignis should also be brought in as a partner, just like your relationship with Dark Ignis."

"Well, I understand, I will invite him."

Seeing Yusaku agreed, Revolver finally turned his attention to the dead spirit, and the dead spirit nodded without Revolver saying anything. The dead spirit was very clear about his own identity and Revolver's thoughts, and had completely guessed what Revolver wanted him to do, and he didn't care about that kind of thing at all, so his response was naturally very direct.

Aside, Bessho Ema fell into deep thought, so, was she ignored again? But since she was not assigned a task, it should be okay for her to handle her quota according to her own ideas, right?

In a blink of an eye, the random arena session was over. The opponents were still all small fry, and the rewards were still the consolation prizes of general cards, which made the duelists begin to doubt whether they could meet strong opponents in this random arena.

However, no one was too entangled in this matter, after all, after the random arena session, it was time to recruit people.

In the VRAINS world, as just agreed, Yusaku recruited Homura Takashi and Flame Ignis Fureyu, Zaizen Aoi recruited Water Ignis Aqua, Revolver recruited Zaizen Akira, and the Undead recruited Earth Ignis. As for Bessho Ema, no one assigned her a task, so she simply recruited her brother Michishun Kengo (Blood Shepherd) in.

In the comic version of ARC-V, Shingo Sawatari naturally brought in Yuya Sakaki, the opponent he wanted to fight again. However, the situation in the comic version of Tomato is a bit special. The souls of the four brothers are in the body of Tomato alone. Therefore, the joining of Yuya Sakaki is equivalent to the four fruits and vegetables in the comic version being pulled in.

In the ARC-V world, not all the invitations were used up.

Yuya pulled back the eliminated Sawatari in order to avoid being harassed by Sawatari, and Reiji pulled in Crow Hogan, who had previously shown to be trustworthy, from the Synchro Dimension in order to have a deeper understanding of the situation of the Synchro Dimension.

Yuto used the invitation on Yugo at the request of Yugo and Rin, turning Yugo from an ordinary spectator into an official member, while Kaito Amagi pulled in two companions, Aren Kamatsuki and Sayaka Sasayama, as ordinary spectators.

The rest are Hayabusa Kurosaki and Serena, neither of whom used their invitations.

Kurosaki Hayabusa didn't have many trustworthy companions left in the Hyper Dimension, and Allen and Sayaka were invited by Kaito Amagi, so there was no one else he wanted to invite, so he simply kept them.

Serena didn't have any trustworthy companions at all. After all, her identity in the Fusion Dimension was very special, and she really couldn't find anyone who could be trusted by Yuya and Reiji, so she simply gave up the invitation.

Then it was the ZEXAL world, Ryoga brought back Kaito, Yuma brought in Tokunosuke and the squad leader as ordinary spectators, IV brought in III, and Drube naturally brought in Mizael.

Although Drewbe wanted to bring Nash and Melagul over, he tried to invite them one after another, but unfortunately, he was unable to invite them. Drewbe naturally thought that Nash and Melagul were no longer alive, and changed his target to Mizael just in case. He never thought that he could not invite them because Nash and Melagul had already entered the arena in advance.

There was no way, after all, Lingya was in front of Drewbe and he could not recognize that this was Nash's human form, so naturally he could not associate it with that aspect.

As for why he chose Mizael, it was helpless to say that Mizael was the most trustworthy and reliable one among his current companions. Arit was too hot-blooded, Jilagul was not smart enough, and Vector had ulterior motives. Who else could he choose if not Mizael?

In the 5DS world, Yusei kept his promise and brought in the perfect Judai from another era, Jack brought in Kiyomi, Crow treated the arena as a resort and continued to bring in the children he took care of as ordinary spectators, and Qiu finally brought in his parents as ordinary spectators.

As for Paradox, he invited Antinomi, after all, Aporia was now divided into three people, and Z-ONE's situation was a bit special, so Antinomi was the most suitable person. But after bringing him in, Paradox was upset to find that Antinomi had lost his memory.

Chapter 426: End of the recruitment, the fun before leaving (two in one)

In the comic version of GX World, Hibiki Green invited Hibiki Momiji who had just been rewarded and restored. Yujo Judai chose to recruit Marufuji Sho and Amajouin Asuka as ordinary audiences. Marufuji Ryo decisively chose to recruit his friend Amajouin Fubuki after seeing Marufuji Sho being recruited by Yujo Judai. As for Manjomu Jun, he gave up inviting others to join. After all, Manjomu Jun didn't have many familiar duelists, and Yujo Judai, Marufuji Ryo and Hibiki Momiji, the three duelists he cared about, had already entered the venue, so there was no need to invite others.

Aoze Daichi:?

In the GX world, unlike the one next door, Gosawa Daichi was already invited in as a common audience in the last round, and almost everyone else who should have entered had already entered, so the crowd didn't invite too many people, only letting Ed enter as a duelist, while Asuka, Fubuki, Kenzan, and Sho entered as common audiences.

Well, this is also different from the one next door. With the presence of external aids such as John and Jim, the GX world is not short of combat power, so Fubuki, who is closer to a comedic character here, did not enter as a duelist, and in order to avoid the situation where a substitute duel is drawn but no one is available, they still need to keep some powerful duelists among the common audience, which is also part of the reason why O'Brien and Nanasawa took the initiative to retain the status of common audiences.

In the DM world, there were also not many people entering. Only Soroku, Otogi, Kajiki, and Isono were pulled in as ordinary spectators. Others such as Bakura, Bekas, Malik, and Isis were not convenient to invite for their own reasons, and Rebecca also considered the possibility of a stand-in duel and did not ask to become a formal member.

As for Isono, perhaps because the top researchers had already been pulled in in the first two rounds, Kaiba finally did not pull in other researchers, but chose his most trusted subordinate Isono, and pulled him in to record and handle some things.

Finally, in the OCG world, when Master KD had already entered in advance, Mizunotsuki naturally pulled in Chi Lao, and RS also took Master KD's quota and pulled in Burrito Cat and Mingyang together. In addition to Rikka, who should also return in the next round, there are seven people in the OCG world, and it is not suitable to squeeze in the 5DS area. However, among these seven people, there is no ordinary audience. If they are really randomly assigned to a stand-in duel mode, it will still be very troublesome.

In the VRAINS area, after listening to Revolver and Yusaku's explanation, the three new Ignis decided to join their alliance. Aqua directly chose Zaizen Aoi as her partner, and Furei also decided to fight with Homura Takashi. Although Homura Takashi did not have much confidence in himself, after seeing the combination of Yusaku and Ai with his own eyes, he also planned to give it a try.

However, Earth was different.

"I'm sorry, although you are my prototype and you are the one who brought me to this place, I don't plan to be your partner like Aqua and Fureimu."

"That's really unfortunate. I just don't have the idea of ​​becoming a partner with you, so you don't have to be embarrassed."

"If that's the case, it's great."

Watching the exchange between the two, Ai also spread his hands to Aqua and Fureimu. He knew that this somewhat perverted guy would not take Earth seriously, but it didn't matter. Anyway, both parties had no objection and there was no need to force it.

On the side, Doshun Kenkai, who joined in the form of Blood Shepherd, took a deep look at Akira Zaimae. It was clear that Knight Hanno, Ignis and Playmaker were all targets of bounty offered by SOL Company. This But this guy thought of himself and formed an alliance with all the targets with bounties on his head. He really dared to do it! However, since he has already joined such a magical place, there is no need for him to pay attention to the bounty offered by SOL Company. After all, no matter how much money SOL Company gives, it cannot be as good as any reward in the arena. He It's better to turn your attention here. Bounty hunters are just chasing profit.

In the manga version of the ARC-V area, after Shingo Sawatari's explanation, although they were still a little skeptical, Yuya Sakaki and the other three fruits and vegetables couldn't help but get excited. After making the decision to try it in the arena, I accepted Sawatari Shingo's second challenge very seriously.

However, looking at the three pairs of Yuya and Yuzu, Yuto and Ruri, and Yugo and Rin who are obviously close to each other next door, the expressions of the three fruits and vegetables except Yuri are obviously a little nervous, while Yuri is. I felt surprised. It was obvious that the parallel entities of the other three fruits and vegetables had appeared next door. Why was only his parallel entity not appearing?

In the ARC-V area, after marveling at the existence of the arena and the parallel world, Crow Hogan knew the beginning of the Entu report and exchanged information with Reiji, while Yuya and others were surprised by the appearance of Sakaki Yuya next door. They were very curious and wanted to communicate, but Sakaki Yuya took the initiative to avoid them, leaving them all feeling a little surprised.

But Sakaki Yuya and the other four fruits and vegetables are also very helpless. They have no choice. In their world, Sakaki Yuzu is their mother, but in the parallel world, she has a close relationship with Yuya. This makes them completely confused about how to face it. That's fine, I can only choose to escape first.

In the ZEXAL area, after listening to Droube's explanation, Mizael set his sights on Kaito and Amagi Kaito next door.

"I heard the voice of the Galaxy Eye. You, and that guy over there who looks the same as you, are all Galaxy Eye holders, right?"

Kaito raised his eyebrows and sneered: "So what! Balian, do you have any opinions?"

"Hmph! As a user of the Galaxy Eye, I am enough!"

"Interesting. It seems that you two are a little different from the Balian we know. But it doesn't matter. I, Amagi Kaito, accept your challenge!"

"Ha! If the holder of the Galaxy Eye doesn't even have this courage, I will be disappointed! Then, let's decide the winner in the next round. As for the other one, wait until I finish you off. Alright! Amagi Kaito, remember my name, I am the one who will one day dominate all the Galaxy Eyes!”

On the side, looking at the two people who were having a fierce exchange, and then at Amagi Kaito who was also looking at him next door, Lingya couldn't help but be speechless. So, are all Galaxy Eye users such arrogant guys? Although these guys have the ability to be arrogant.

On the other side, Droube was also speechless. This guy Mizael is good at everything, just his character. Forget it, these people are enemies anyway. It would be a good thing to be able to get rid of these people while bringing back Naxiu and Melagu.

In the 5DS area, after thanking Yusei, the complete Judai looked curiously at Yusei Judai in the comic version of the GX world.

"Yubel, there seems to be something different about me over there."

"It's indeed different. The other one you can still tell is the you who was pulled here at some point in the past, but this you seems to be a completely different person."

"A completely different me? It's interesting, it's really exciting!"

"It can't be said that he is a completely different Judai, right? His enthusiasm for dueling and his enthusiasm for his partners are exactly the same as the first Judai, right?"

"Wow! Teacher Daitokuji, why did you come with me?"

"Well, maybe the Pharaoh was brought in as your luggage, so I was also brought in."


On the side, while the complete Judai was communicating with the two back spirits, Yusei, Jack and Crow looked at Oniri with headaches on their faces, who had no intention of communicating with them at all.

"Duelist Arena, a place like this, doesn't have the death I pursue."

Jack gestured to Yusei with his eyes, "Why isn't this guy Guiliu's autism better yet?"

Yusei answered with his eyes, indicating that he didn't know. Logically speaking, the souls absorbed by the Earthbound God were resurrected when the Earthbound God was defeated. Oniriu should be able to get out of isolation soon!

Jack was helpless. The duelists they invited this round were really interesting. One had amnesia and the other was autistic. Except for the senior, they were all problem children!

Crowe glanced at the two spirits behind the complete Judai, and twitched the corner of his mouth. No, this senior is not normal, right?

Yusei sighed and spoke seriously: "Oni Liu, the rewards from the Duelist Arena can make any wish come true. No matter what you are still struggling with, it can be solved through the rewards awarded by Mr. Hoshihara. Therefore, it is time for you to step out. ”

After saying that, Yusei stopped paying attention to Oni Liu and turned to walk towards Paradox. Jack and Crow looked at each other with disgust and left separately, leaving Oni Liu to think alone, his eyes gradually brightening.

"How is it? Can the medicine provided by the arena cure his amnesia?"

"Unfortunately, our situation is too special. Medicines and the like have no effect on us."

As he said this, Paradox felt a toothache. Even if it worked, he couldn't help Antinomi recover his memory here. After all, Antinomi's choice of saving the world was different from his. If he was so easily destroyed, the first thing Antinomi would do after recovering his memory would probably be to fight him to the death.

"What should he do?"

"I can only ask you to take care of me."


"No way, I will go to another place to get another set of cards. In his current state, I can't take him with me. I can only ask you to take care of me."

In order to prevent Antinomi from fighting with him, Paradox finally learned to talk nonsense seriously.

"Well, since you said so, then, what's his name?"

"Ah, my name is Bruno, I know you, the hero who saved Shindo Mino City, Mr. Fudo Yusei, Mr. Jack Atlas, and Miss Crow Hogan."

"Hey! You guys, get it straight! What Miss? I'm a gentleman too!"


"It's okay, don't worry about it, Miss Crow Hogan just has this hobby."

"Jack! Teme!!"

In the GX area of ​​the comic version, Marufuji Sho was shocked.

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