Datsu: Shut up!!

Next, the third one.

Raphael: ...

Second atsu: Sorry... (After apologizing, he showed Raphael what he did in the past)

Raphael: KISAMA!!!

Datsu: ...I am tired.

So, under the operation of the second atsu, the three musketeers of Doma all rebelled and became the three musketeers who resisted Doma, which made the protagonists confused.

Moreover, the worst thing was not the rebellion of the three musketeers of Doma, but the fact that the god of Orichalcum also gave birth to a second godhood, which caused the god of Orichalcum to successfully transform from a normal black giant snake to a two-headed snake.

Well, the tail also turned into another snake head, and the original snake head kept devouring human souls and duel monster spirits, and the second snake head kept spitting out the swallowed souls and spirits.

Finally, in order to prevent the situation of one in and one out from continuing, the God of Orichagang could only advance from a two-headed snake to an Ouroboros, biting the second snake head with the original snake head, forming a ring, preventing the escape of the soul and spirit in the body.

However, this also means that the God of Orichagang can no longer eat new souls and spirits, and is completely restricted.

Dazhi: So what is this, a good person and a good god suddenly became schizophrenic, is this an infectious disease? Who can prescribe a medicine! !

Legendary Three Dragons and Three Fantasy Gods: No problem, the medicine is here!

Dazhi: ! ! !

The Three Musketeers who rebelled against Doma: How can I repay your careful care if I don’t take something with me when I leave!

Second Dazhi: Ah, the God of Orichagang is dead, and I am dead too, so good. Oh no, I died a long time ago, anyway, it’s so good.

Protagonists: I always feel that something seems to be wrong.

Anyway, it’s over anyway, okay, let’s earn the perspective of the next world.

In the GX world, after returning from the Duelist Arena, Ed brought Judai and Manjome to find Sai.

"Ed? What are you doing? You brought Yuki Judai and Manjome Jun here. Is there something going on?"

Sai was also very surprised by Ed's actions, but he kept his usual gentle smile and asked calmly.

Then, Ed bowed directly to Sai, which confused Sai.


"You apologize too?"


"Ahem, nothing, Ed, why are you apologizing to me suddenly? You shouldn't have made any mistakes, right?"

"No, I made a very serious mistake. As your best friend, I didn't realize the torture you suffered and that your will was affected by an external existence. This is my biggest dereliction of duty!"

"Torture, will affected by an external existence, Ed, what are you talking about?"

Sai still tried to pretend, but the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"No need to continue talking, come on, let's decide everything with a duel! If you lose, let Saiou return to his original appearance, and if I lose, my will will be infected by you, and it doesn't matter if I become your puppet!"

"I see, so you brought these two people with you just in case!"

"Yes, you are my best friend, I must stop you from making mistakes, and it is my responsibility to make you sober again, but I have no power to hurt the world, nor do I want to hurt the world, so if I accidentally fail, these two will take on the task of knocking you and me down!"

"Oh? Just the two of them?"

Saiou sneered. Although these two people have indeed become much stronger than he expected, it is really bold for Ed to entrust the task of saving the world to two students of the Duel Academy!

Seeing King Sai's sneer, Ed's expression was subtle. To be honest, apart from a few legendary duelists including the King of Duel, he didn't think there was anyone in this world who could defeat the current Yuki Judai and Manjome Jun. After all, these two people have been the main combat force in the Duelist Arena, which connects multiple worlds, and have been training for a long time. King Sai, you are a little ungrateful for saying this.

"Forget it, since you want to decide everything by duel, I will fulfill your wish. Obviously, your best friend's will has tried every means to retain your freedom, but you are so ignorant that you take the initiative to challenge me. It's really stupid!"

Without getting Ed's response, King Sai continued to talk on his own, and the smile on his face gradually lost control and turned into a facial expression, which made Judai and Manjome, who saw this scene again, difficult to evaluate.

Ed took a deep breath and raised the duel disk. Logically speaking, at this time, Judai and Manjome should solve the problem of Saiou in the safest way. However, sometimes, due to emotions, you just can't choose the safest way! However, what does Mizunotsuki in the arena mean by that? If you want to solve the problem of Saiou yourself, you must do it before retrieving Blood Demon-D?

According to the information obtained by Judai and the others, the world where Minazuki is located should be able to know the original destiny of many other worlds. However, due to the existence of Mr. Hoshihara, they cannot reveal too much at will. Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that Minazuki can know the relevant things, and the finding and recovery of Blood Demon-D is also a matter of course, it is just a matter of sooner or later. But why do I have to hurry up before recovering Bloodfiend-D? Will I encounter any trouble after recovering Bloodfiend-D?

Although he was very confused in his heart, Ed still made a decision because he valued King Zai as a close friend. Anyway, he had not recovered Blood Demon-D yet, and he had made adjustments to King Zai's deck. It should not be It’s only when the problem is too big.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, unknown will of light, it's time for you to get out of my best friend's body!"

"Huh? You really dare to say that! Then let me see how far you can struggle, Ed!"

"Duel!!!" X2

"Going first is mine, and I draw a card! I activate the magic card, and the destiny card is drawn! I discard a destiny hero from my hand to activate it, and I draw two from the deck! I discard the destiny hero Demonic Man from my hand, and draw a card!"

"Oh? You took out the Destiny Hero at the beginning, don't you plan to use the Elemental Hero to warm up?"

"To deal with you, I have to go all out from the beginning, but there is no room for warm-up! I summon the Destiny Hero Destroyer in attack position, then I cover three cards, then activate the magic card, and the hand card is wiped out! Both sides! The duelists send all the cards in their hands to the graveyard, and then each draw the same number of cards! I send this card in my hand to the graveyard and draw a card!

"Then, I will send all five cards in my hand to the graveyard and draw five!"

"Then, I activate Gai Ka, Spell Card, Too Shallow Grave (original version)! Each party selects a monster in their own graveyard and Special Summons it in defense position! And if there is no monster in your graveyard, then, you can I’m the only one who’s specially summoned!”

"Ha! That's really a pity. Because of the hand wipe you just activated, Ed, I also sent the ace monster to the graveyard!"

Ed's face slightly condensed: "Ace monster? Then, I will special summon the fateful hero Discman who just wiped out and sent to the graveyard through my hand in defense position!"

"I see, is it for the card-drawing effect of the Destiny Hero Disc Man? Unfortunately, such an effect is meaningless compared to mine! The monster I want to resurrect is of course this one, the Secret Ritual. Force 21-World! Of course, it’s the right place!”

"This is what I've been waiting for!"


"The effect of Destiny Hero Discman (original version) is activated. When this card is successfully special summoned from the graveyard, draw two cards from my deck! Draw cards! Then, I open the cover card, the magic card, and force the transfer! Each party chooses a monster on the field, and the control of those monsters is exchanged! Moreover, the form of those monsters cannot be changed this round! The one I want to choose is my destiny hero Destroyer, and you have no other choice. You can only use your secret power 21-the world as a target!”

"You guys have been eyeing my Secret Power 21-World from the beginning!"

Seeing Ed Tuqiong see him, Prince Zai couldn't help but show a mixture of shock and anger.

"Yes, I have been eyeing your Arcana Power 21-World from the beginning! This is exactly one of the things I saw there, to use the enemy's deck to deal with the enemy! Since your card The group is a Mystical Power deck, so I should use the Mystic Power to deal with the Mystic Power. In order to maximize the possibility of victory, I can only use this move!"

Listening to Ed's words, Judai and Banjomu looked at each other in confusion. Could this be something they learned from the video of Minazuki's scene that they gave to Ed? His learning ability is quite strong. Should he be considered a professional player?

King Zai, on the other hand, was numb all over. Where? Duel Academy? What the hell is this teacher who is teaching this kind of Minotaur thinking everywhere? I want to report that teacher for having ideological problems! And Duel Academy teaches students this? You are misleading me!

"Come on! King Zai, give me your Secret Power 21-World! Of course, because the Secret Power 21-World on your side is in the right position, the Secret Power that comes to my field is The Power of Instrument 21-The world is also in the right position!”

"That's why I was specially summoned by myself, Ed! You plotted against me!! Ed!!!"

King Zai roared unwillingly, while Ed frowned slightly. It felt like he had heard these words somewhere before, but the person who said these words did not seem to be King Zai of Light?

"It's not over yet! I activate the effect of the Destiny Hero Demonic Man in the graveyard again. I can only activate it by expelling this card from the graveyard. I special summon another Destiny Hero Demonic Man from the deck! I banish the Destiny Hero Demonic Man in the graveyard. Special summon the second Destiny Hero Demonic Man from the deck! This brings together the two monsters that activate the power of Arcana 21-World!”

"However, I still have the Destiny Hero Destroyer you transferred over on my field, and the attack power of Arcane Power 21-World is only 3100. Even if you skip my next turn, you still can't clear my life. value!"

"So what, have you forgotten the effect of Destiny Hero Demonic Man? My deck contains three Destiny Hero Demonic Man. Next turn, I only need to summon another monster at random, and it will be done again. There are two extra monsters! Therefore, this turn is my turn, the next turn is also my turn, and the next turn is my turn!”

Chapter 429: My turn X4, the unexpected world and Euler!

"Damn it! You actually played such a trick on me!"

"It doesn't matter what you say. No matter what method I use, I will save Prince Zai! I cover a card and end this turn! Activate the effect of Arcana Power 21-World, and in the end phase, I will save all the cards on the field. It can only be activated by sending two monsters to the graveyard. The opponent's turn will be skipped! I will send the two monsters on my field, Destiny Hero Disk and Destiny Hero Demonic Man, to skip your turn!"

[Amity: Hand cards: 5 → 6 → 4 → 6 → 0 → 3 → 2 cards, cover cards: 2 cards, life value: 4000]

"You guy! Onone!!"

"Because of the effect of Mystery Power 21 - World, now, it is still my turn to draw a card! I activate the effect of the Destiny Hero Demonic Man in the graveyard again, remove the Demonic Man from the graveyard, and special summon the No. 1 demonic man from the deck in attack position. Three Destiny Hero Demons, and then I summon Destiny Hero Demons in attack position!”

"Now, I activate the magic card, and the intervention of fate (original card) comes!"

Sai-oh revealed a magic card in his hand with a ferocious expression, which made Judai and Banzhangmu on the side stunned. Sai-oh actually had such a card hidden in the magic card that was activated from his hand during the opponent's turn?

"Hahahahaha! Ed, you didn't expect it! Your hand card wipe happened to allow me to draw the key card for this reversal! With the intervening effect of fate, when a monster is summoned on the opponent's field, you can draw it from your hand card. This card is sent to the graveyard, and a normal magic card in my hand is sent! I send the Interposition of Fate from my hand to the graveyard, and I activate another normal magic card in my hand, Sword X (original card)! You don’t know the effect!”

"Sword The effect of the reverse position, so as long as this card is successfully activated, all three monsters on my field can be destroyed, and I can no longer continue to use Arcana Power 21-World to maintain my turn, but, Do you think I would have expected such a thing?"


"Chain your sword In this duel, the magic card destroyed by this effect and the card with the same name can no longer be activated! I discard the magic card Dark City in my hand, invalidate and destroy your Sword X. In this duel, seal the Sword X. Card!"

“Tie Baa!!!”

"Enter the battle stage! Mysterious Power 21-World, launch an attack on Destiny Hero Destroyer! Beyond Disaster!!"



The power of the secret ritual 21 - The beam released by the world instantly engulfed the figure of Destiny Hero Destroyer, and then bombarded King Zai, causing King Zai to fly out screaming, and his health dropped to 1900 points in one breath.

"It's not over yet! Destiny Hero Devilman, Destiny Hero Devilman, launch a direct attack on the bastard who has taken over my best friend's body!"


Two more attacks made King Zai scream again, with only 500 health points left.

"I end the combat phase, cover a card, and end this turn! At this moment, the effect of Mystery Power 21-World is activated again. I send the Destiny Hero Demon and Destiny Hero Demon on my field to the graveyard. Skip your turn again!"

[Ed: Hand cards: 2 → 3 → 0 cards, cover cards: 2 cards, life value: 4000]

"Ku! Damn it!!"

"My turn, draw a card! I activate the effect of the Destiny Hero Destroyer who was destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard last turn. If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, it will be activated during my next preparation phase. From my In the graveyard, select a Destiny Hero monster other than Destiny Hero Destroyer to Special Summon! I special summon the Destiny Hero Discman in the graveyard again in attack position, and then the effect of Destiny Hero Discman is activated again, and I draw two cards. Draw a card! Then enter the battle stage again, the final blow! The power of the secret ritual 21-World, launch a direct attack on the Zasui who has occupied my friend's body, beyond the disaster!"

"Don't speak too soon! Right now, I activate the effect of Mystery Power 14 - Temperance (original version) from my hand, discard this card from my hand, and the combat damage to me that occurred in one battle It becomes 0! I discard the power of Mystery 14 - Temperance, and the damage caused by the attack of Mystery Power 21 - World becomes 0!"


In Ed's unsurprising eyes, the phantom of Arcane Power 14 - Temperance appeared in front of King Zai, completely blocking the attack of Arcana Power 21 - World, saving King Zai's last chance. HP.

"Hahahahahaha! Ed, in the end, I am better! Now, you only have the Destiny Hero Discman with an attack power of 300 on the field who has not launched an attack, but I still have health points left. 500, so you can't clear my life, and you can't take out the third monster, so you can't continue to use the effect of Arcane Power 21-World to skip my turn for the third time! , fate is still on my side. Next round, it will be my turn to fight back. No matter what method you use, the only outcome waiting for you is defeat!"

"That's not necessarily the case!"


"Since I have even calculated the card of Destiny, is it possible that I will not be able to calculate the existence of Arcana Power 14 - Temperance!"

"Impossible! The attack of Mystery Power 21 - World has been blocked by me with Mystery Power 14 - Temperance. If you really calculated the existence of Mystery Power 14 - Temperance, how could you just watch it? Watch the battle damage be blocked!"

"The way to deal with cards is not just to invalidate them! Zombie, what makes you think that I can't get the third monster!"

King Zai's pupils shrank suddenly, and Yan Yi's face became more and more distorted: "You guy! You clearly have a third monster in your hand but you didn't take it out. Are you deliberately teasing me! Bastard!!!"

"I didn't mean to tease you, it's just that there is no need to take it out so quickly! The hero of destiny, Yuanpan Man, launches a direct attack on the bastard!!"


"I end the combat phase, then, summon in attack position, D3!"

"A monster with 0 attack power?!"

"That's right! That's why I said, there is no need to take it out so quickly, Zai Zai, you are too happy! Whether it is the intervention of fate or the power of the secret ritual 14 - Temperance, it is completely within my calculation. My preparations are enough to break through the four lines of defense composed of one card of Destiny's Intermediation and three cards of Mystery Power 14-Temperance. I don't believe that you can break through the limitations of the cards in your hand and the rules and come up with a fourth and fifth card. Zhang Mi’s Power 14 - Temperance! I end this turn and activate the effect of Mystery’s Power 21 - World again, sending the Destiny Hero Disc Man and D3 to the graveyard, skipping your turn!”

[Ed: Hand cards: 0 cards → 3 cards → 2 cards, cover cards: 2 cards, life value: 4000]

"Damn it! I want to see if you can do what you said!"

"Then keep your eyes open and watch! On my turn, I draw a card! I open a cover card, a permanent trap card, and limit the resurrection! Select a monster with an attack power of less than 1000 from my graveyard and special summon it in attack position. ! When that monster is in defense position, that monster and this card are destroyed together! When this card leaves the field, that monster is destroyed! When that monster is destroyed, this card is also destroyed! The fateful hero Discman sent to the graveyard is Special Summoned again in attack position!"

"How can you repair it! You guy, you are obviously covered with this kind of card!"

"As I said, my preparation is to break through the four lines of defense, so it would be a waste to use this card in the last round! The effect of the Destiny Hero Disc Man is to draw two cards and draw a card! Then, I summon the Destiny Hero Diamond Man in attack position! Enter the battle stage, Mystery Power 21-World, and launch another direct attack!"

"Onone!! I activate the effect of Arcane Power 14 - Temperance again, reducing the combat damage caused by Arcane Power 21 - World to 0!"

"As expected! The second one! Then, next, you should hand over the third one! The hero of destiny, Disc Man, launches a direct attack!!"

After receiving the order, the Destiny Hero Disc Man threw out the disc in his hand without hesitation, but this time, King Zai was unable to show the last card left in his hand, but with a face full of reluctance. Yan Yi was hit by a flying disc, and her health was reset to zero.

Ed lowered his arm with a cold expression: "Don't you have the third power of the secret 14 - Temperance? It seems that I still overestimated you! Okay, I won this duel! As agreed, get out My best friend’s body, my despicable will!”

"How is it possible! How could I lose to you! Damn it!! Ed!! You went against your destiny!! One day!! You will be punished by heaven!!!"

Under the sacred duel rules, the light and shadow of a human figure gradually separated from King Zai's body, roaring and disappearing in front of several people.

Wan Zhangmu looked disdainful. If this so-called will of light really had a way to determine fate, then he in the arena and he just wouldn't have lost so miserably. Even this guy in the original destiny would have lost. Given Judai, even with this level of ability, he still has the nerve to talk about his fate. Don’t laugh to death.

Ed, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to the last deathrattle at all. He directly ignored it and ran as fast as possible towards King Zai who fell to the ground.

Later, King Zai was taken to the hospital by Ai De, and he successfully woke up in the hospital, which made Ai De completely relieved.

But at this time, King Zai also gave Ed a surprise and told Ed that the card of Destiny Hero Blood Demon-D was in the hands of Ed's adoptive father D.D.

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