Well, although KONAMI also wanted to send the lawyer's letter to the twin sisters, unfortunately, KONAMI could not find the twin sisters' residence. Of course, even if they found it, no courier company could help them deliver it.

"Wow, Lila, it's a lawyer's letter. This is the first time I've received such a thing!"

Obviously, Kiss Keeler was very excited when she saw the lawyer's letter for the first time. She said such words directly in the live broadcast, holding Lila's little hand and shaking it, which made the KONAMI personnel who were watching the two people's live broadcast room full of question marks.

"Stupid Jisi, a lawyer's letter is not something to be excited about."

Lila was helpless, which made the KONAMI personnel show a satisfied expression. This is normal.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, although most of the normal audience felt that this was indeed a problem on the part of the twin sisters, there were still a large number of brain-dead fans who had begun to express their intention to send razor blades and bombs to KONAMI. Seeing this, the relevant personnel of KONAMI were sweating. How could so many brain-dead fans be cultivated in such a short time? Even if most people were just talking, as long as there were a few brain-dead fans who really did that kind of crazy thing, it would bring them a lot of trouble.

Then, the relevant personnel of KONAMI were still thinking about how to let the twin sisters appease those brain-dead fans, but the twin sisters burst out with words that stunned everyone.

"But the lawyer's letter from their side can't affect the world on our side. It seems that there is no other meaning except to make us excited, right?"

As Kiss Keeler said, she took the lawyer's letter from the Internet directly in her hand, which made countless people stare at her eyes wide.

This doesn't seem right. Even if it is a virtual anchor, it is impossible to take out any virtual props immediately if you want them, right? Could it be that they guessed that KONAMI would send them a lawyer's letter, so they prepared it in advance? But the props prepared in advance can't have the same content as the lawyer's letter sent by KONAMI!

So, there are only two possibilities.

One is that KONAMI and the twin sisters colluded, and this is just a hype.

The other is that the twin sisters really exist in another world?

"So it seems to be true. Sorry, KONAMI employees who are watching our live broadcast room, your lawyer's letter has no effect on us. If you don't believe it, you can check our IP address?"

Lila responded casually and continued the original live broadcast, but a large number of people in front of the live broadcast room could no longer keep their inner peace. Those who had the means used the fastest way to investigate the IP address of the twin sisters.

On the other hand, Ao Ge, who was told the truth by Mizunotsuki and was watching the twin sisters' live broadcast, was speechless. These two really had no intention of covering up. I hope they will not expose the existence of the duelist arena. Even if they do, at least they should not expose Mizunotsuki and others who have joined the arena in a short period of time. Otherwise, Mizunotsuki and others might be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Ao Ge also began to consider whether to let Mizunotsuki and others contact the twin sisters after the twin sisters' live broadcast. However, Ao Ge did not know that the twin sisters' abnormality had actually been discovered by many people, including officials from various countries, and they all tried to contact the twin sisters, but the twin sisters ignored these people.

After all, the twin sisters are just live streaming in the OCG world, and they have no way to get money from the OCG world, nor can they come to the OCG world in person. In this case, there is no need to pay too much attention to the forces in the OCG world. If it weren't for KONAMI's special identity, they might even ignore the lawyer's letter.

But the way the twin sisters acted has caused countless people in the OCG world a headache. It's really helpless to encounter two people who are so stubborn when they first come into contact with the existence of other worlds.

Of course, there are people who feel lucky about this, but this book is a card-playing article after all, so I won't go into details about that aspect.

Coming to Mizunotsuki's perspective, after learning about the situation of the twin sisters from Ao Ge, Mizunotsuki also showed a depressed expression.

"How come these two are so coincidental to be exposed at this time? Niu Bao and I are planning to go to the comic exhibition later to show off."

"What? What does their exposure of their identities have to do with you showing off?"

Ao Ge was stunned.

Mizunotsuki said helplessly: "Think about it carefully. Their identities are spirits from the world of Duel Monsters. Even if they don't say it themselves, many people should be able to guess it from their appearance and actions after today. And after guessing their identities, if someone who uses the Duel Disk to summon the real Duel Monster 3D image happens to appear at the comic exhibition, Niu Bao and I will be investigated by the authorities and spies from various countries!"

"Huh?! Mizunotsuki, do you think you have lived too long? You actually plan to use the Duel Disk at the comic exhibition?"

"Isn't it natural? After finally getting the real duel disk, if you don't show off, isn't it the equivalent of walking in the night in fine clothes?"

"So you're willing to sacrifice your life to show off?"

"How is that possible? We definitely won't go with our own identities. If we disguise ourselves, we shouldn't be discovered immediately. But after those two were exposed, it was completely different."

"It's okay if we're not discovered immediately? Are you serious?"

"Of course, after all, in the next round of arena activities, I'm planning to use the rewards to fulfill a man's romance! Although I may have to make a little sacrifice to solve the problem, it's totally worth it to show off!"

"A man's romance? Which one are you talking about?"

"Now, of course, it's the transformation! I'll sacrifice myself and become a magenta hunk. In this way, if I really get into trouble, I can always take you away."

"Magenta hunk? Oh, you're talking about Kamen Rider, since If the world of Yu-Gi-Oh is real, then the world of Kamen Rider should also be real, right? "

"It should be true."

"Then, if you become a magenta macho man, will the world where Kamen Rider was born also belong to the world of Kamen Rider? "

"That seems to be possible. "

"Then you dare to talk about sacrifice? Aren't you afraid that the real person will come and blow your head off? "

"Ah this..."

"Besides, even if there is that kind of power as a guarantee, you idiot should get it first. If you don't get it, you will pretend to be cool. What if you lose the next game? Do you want to kill me?"


"Really, you are so unreliable in this matter. You are not stupid anymore. You are just being idle. You should sleep on the sofa tonight and reflect on yourself."


Standing outside the bedroom door, Mizunotsuki also fell into deep thought. That's right. Why did he suddenly become so idle? Is he possessed by a Saiyan? So, the Super Saiyan physique seems to be on the list of rewards he originally decided to obtain. Could it be that the cross-time and space has affected him now? Not really, even the Super Saiyan God should not have this ability to affect him across time and space, not to mention that he should not choose the path of the Super Saiyan God.

So, it must be Niu Bao, the vagrant, who has influenced him. Yes, it is Niu Bao's fault! Decided, I will find a way to trick Niu Bao once tomorrow, otherwise, it will be unfair to him sleeping on the sofa tonight!

Chi Lao: ? ? ?

Volume 4 Duelist Arena Fourth Round

Chapter 436 The fourth round opens, a three-on-three team match (two-in-one)

The break is over, and finally, the fourth round of the arena activities begins. The golden light also lights up in the audience area that has been increased to nine, pulling back the people who have already logged into the arena.

In the DM area, Yugi and the others were not as embarrassed as last time. During this round of rest, they had completely solved the troubles caused by Kaiba Gosaburo and Kaiba Noa, and even speed-passed Doma and Dazi. Only the King's Memory and the final BOSS Rabbit Ear Demon King were left unsolved.

However, although Doma and Dazi were speed-passed, the Legendary Three Dragons did not leave. First, the Legendary Three Dragons did not find the opportunity to appear until the final battle with Dazi, and they were embarrassed to run away after defeating Dazi. Second, Oliha Gang's body was not solved by the Legendary Three Dragons and the Three Phantom Gods, but was swallowed by a huge black shadow, which made the Legendary Three Dragons unable to rest assured.

As for the true identity of the huge black shadow, well, there is no need to say more.

In the GX area, the plot of the Light Wave ended ahead of schedule, and the Duel Academy entered a new school year. Professor Cobra brought John, Jim, O'Brien and Amon, four elites from other branches, to the Duel Academy.

However, John, Jim and O'Brien secretly surrendered to the enemy, and even secretly contacted Professor Cobra with everyone else to try to turn him over, which made Yubel behind the scenes and Amon who had ulterior motives completely unable to hold back. What the hell is going on? Why do they seem to be the only ones who don't know anything?

In the parallel GX area, Yuki Judai and Manjo Mizuki also communicated with Ed Phoenix and John Anderson who came to the Duel Academy, but the result disappointed both of them, because these people on their side were not completely trustworthy partners like in the parallel world. At least, Jim Crowdale Cook here is not a good person at all. It's hard to say about the others, but it's unlikely that they would risk their lives to save their partners like in the parallel world, so the two of them could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​developing these people into teammates and did not reveal any information about the Duelist Arena.

匨  However, Yusei Judai still felt a little regretful about this, so after entering the arena, he ran to the next area and explained what he saw and heard to John, Jim and others, and asked for their opinions.

In the 5DS area, after the perfect Judai greeted Yusei and others, he also ran to the GX area and gathered with the other two, which made Yubel, the spirit behind him, look strange.

Yusei and others looked at Paradox curiously after not seeing him for a long time.

"Hey, Uncle Paradox, where did you go to get the deck? You haven't come back for so long. The WRGP competition that Yusei and the others are participating in is about to start."

Long Ya pulled up Paradox's clothes and asked.

Casually slapping away Long Ya's restless little hand, Paradox showed a confident smile: "It has nothing to do with the destination. I spent so much time just because I collected too many cards. Don't move Yuxing, this is for you."

"What is this?"

"The database of cards I collected. If you want anything, just tell me. Turn these cards into your power and strengthen your deck as much as possible."

Looking at the equipment in Yuxing's hand, Kro couldn't help but be shocked: "This number, is it true? Paradox, you won't collect all the cards in the future, right?"

"I do want to, but unfortunately, some cards no longer exist, and some cards cannot be collected at all, so I just collect all the cards I can get."

Hearing this, everyone looked strange. This is no different from what Kro said, right? This approach, are they really not cheating?

For a moment, everyone in the 5DS area couldn't help but feel guilty.

In the ZEXAL area, Kaito and Mizael were still at loggerheads, while Ryoga went to the OCG area with a notebook.

Seeing this, Yuma was immediately filled with questions: "Sister Shark, what is Shark going to do!"

"You stupid pig horse, I should have told you long ago!"

"Ahem, I know, so, classmate Rio, where is Shark going?"

"Hmph! The notebook in his hand is the plan he and I designed to deal with Mayu Zero. We plan to ask those people in the OCG world how likely this plan is to succeed. Although they are restricted by Mr. Hoshihara and cannot reveal too much information to us, this level should be no problem."

Hearing this, Yuma, Kotori and others all had subtle expressions. They even specially designed a plan to deal with Mayu Zero. This pair of siblings really hates Mayu Zero's existence. However, is it necessary to do this to deal with an ordinary person? Even if Mayu Zero is not a good person, it is enough to just ignore Mayu Zero, right?

Thinking of this, Yuma looked at Astral again. This person also disliked Mayu Zero. Could it be that this person also contributed to the plan prepared by Shark and his sister Shark?

In the ARC-V area, Rei quickly submitted the prepared blind date record as soon as he entered the venue, which made Yuya and Yuzu, who were eyeing the record, sigh.

There was no way, because of the trouble Rei had prepared for them, they completely missed Rei's blind date. When they rushed over, Rei's blind date had already ended, and the video taken by Yugo and Zedu did not record the whole process completely. After all, these two people were driven away in the middle, so if they wanted to enjoy the complete blind date process, they could only make plans from Rei.

However, it was not so easy to make plans from Rei. Until the fourth round of the arena activities began, Yuya and Yuzu had no chance at all, and Rei immediately submitted the blind date record after entering the venue. Now they can only pray that Xingyuan will play the record on the big screen.

In the parallel ARC-V area, Yuya Sakaki and Shingo Sawatari both looked at the neighbor with strange expressions, but the two people's focus was still somewhat different, one was Yuya and Yuzu, and the other was Yuya and Reiji.

In the VRAINS area, everyone focused their attention on Kusanagi Shoichi's duel disk, and then, Windy, the Wind Ignis who had been brainwashed, came out of Kusanagi Shoichi's duel disk.

"Oh! Is this the so-called duelist arena?"

"Successful, as expected, if Windy is used as Kusanagi's subordinate Ai, we can enter the arena together."

"Don't relax too early, Kusanagi, use the physical examination function of the arena to check the situation of Wind Ignis. Although we have solved its problem, we can't guarantee that Light Ignis has not left any tricks on it."

"I know, leave it to me."

Hearing this, Windy also fell into deep thought. Can the physical examination be used to check Ai? Is this thing really still a physical examination?

In the OCG area, it was unexpectedly noisy.

"Damn Mizunotsuki! I'm going to fight you today, Master KD, RS, don't stop me, I'm going to go to the ring with him today to have a dark duel, the kind of bet on Niuzi!"

"Huh? I didn't stop you?"

Master KD, who was discussing the feasibility of the plan with Lingya, turned around blankly.

"We didn't stop you either?"

The RS and others who were surrounding Master KD were also looking at Chi Lao in surprise.

Chi Lao froze immediately, damn it, are you all so disrespectful? Where can I find a way out!

Mizunotsuki replied with a guilty conscience: "It's not impossible to have a dark duel, but forget about betting on Niuzi. Winning or losing is not a good thing. Let's bet on something else. Hmm, how about kneeling on the keyboard?"

"What the hell is betting on kneeling on the keyboard? Don't think I don't know that you will have to kneel on the keyboard when you go back today. You just want to find someone to accompany you, right? Even if you lose, you will only extend the time, so it's not a loss at all."

"You fart! How could I kneel down on the keyboard for no reason! Do you think Brother Ao will be so cruel?"

"Don't you dare say it again, I'll start recording!"

"Ahem! Let's watch a movie. The special punishment session is about to begin. We can't miss 02's blind date record!"

"Tch, don't be a coward!"

At this time, the host on the plane also raised the microphone again.

"Everyone, welcome to the Duelist Arena again! Let's stop talking nonsense. Player Akama Reiji will now publicly broadcast your blind date records. Please be mentally prepared."

"Ahem, Mr. Host, can I also apply for confidentiality like Miss Izayoeaki in the last round?"

"Unfortunately, no, the only record that will be played publicly in this round is yours. If you also keep it confidential, then this link will be meaningless."

The corner of Ling'er's mouth twitched twice. This kind of link doesn't have any meaning at all, right? Forget it, he didn't have the right to refuse anyway, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.

"Okay, I get it."

Amid the gloating smiles of Yuya and Yuzu, Reiji reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Then, Ling'er's blind date process appeared on the big screen.

In an instant, people in nine areas had the same idea, which was to call the police.

Then, there was another common thought, this is 17 years old?

Finally, there is a common doubt. If the police are called, who should the police arrest when they arrive?

Ling'er: Feeling tired.

"Oh, it was really recorded, not even a bit of editing. However, unfortunately, Ling'er, your performance is not very good. At this level, I can't give you a reward."

Ling'er fell into silence. Not to mention that he had no idea of ​​getting a reward in the special punishment. Even if he had that idea, there was nothing he could do in the face of such a blind date, right?

"It seems that you are also very aware of this fact. So, the tasting is over and the punishment display session is over. Next is a random duel session with a total of four, host."

The host of the aircraft head raised the microphone again: "Because there are no new rules in this round, 500 redemption points will be directly distributed to all the duelists who are official members present. Then, please watch the big screen!"

Following the host's words, everyone turned their attention to the jumping text on the big screen. Then in everyone's stunned eyes, the jumping text turned into the names of six people.

"It's decided! The first random duel of the fourth round of the Duelist Arena event is a three-on-three team match! The two sides of the battle are Sakaki Yuya, Yuto, and Yu from the ARC-V world. My players and Players Playmaker, Blue Angel and Soulburner from the VRAINS world!”

In the VRAINS area, Mr. Homura immediately panicked.

"Huh? Did you choose me in the first game?"

"Don't worry, I'll go with you, and there's also Playmaker and Blue Angel!"

Bu Ling Meng confidently spoke out to comfort.

Ai was hesitant to speak. If Caizen Aoi and Aqua had not formed a partnership, and at the end of the last round, Caizen Aoi proved herself with the undead, he would now be worried about whether Yusaku would need Two against three or even one against three.

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