"It's actually the card that snatches control!"

Jonouchi's expression turned ugly for a while. If Bekas had not chosen to activate the Eye of Illusion at this time, he could have used the cartoon world to put the cartoon giant ax attacker back into the book, and used the cartoon world to protect the cartoon giant ax attacker. , but when the Cartoon Giant Ax Raider took the initiative to attack the Cartoon Egg Dragon, he couldn't do it because Becas had calculated it right.

"That's right, Jonouchi BOY, all your plans have been calculated by me! Although I have no way to predict the results of the gambling cards and the cards you just drew from the deck, the cards in your hand, your Gaika, I know everything about your inner thoughts!”

"Everything is clear..."

After repeating this sentence, Jonouchi suddenly had another idea. Based on Bekas's performance during the battle with Yugi, it can be judged that Bekas's mind scanning also has a time limit, and it is impossible to scan forever, then.

Suddenly, Jonouchi used his attached light screen to apply for several things from the arena, which made Xingyuan stunned and showed a strange expression.

Then, two things that looked like books and a pen appeared in Jonouchi's hand.

"Book? Pen? Jonouchi boy, what do you want to do, study the rules temporarily?"

Becas was also stunned, suddenly having a bad feeling in his heart.

Jonouchi spread the book next to the duel table and showed a sinister smile: "Hey, Becas, didn't you say that you know everything about my heart? Then, use a mind scan to see what I plan to do. Go! I activate the magic card, Pot of Desire, draw two cards, then cover three cards, and the round ends."

[Within the city: hand cards: 5 cards → 6 cards → 3 cards → 5 cards → 2 cards, health value: 1600]

After announcing that the round was over, Jonouchi lowered his head to look at the books placed on the duel stage. His smile immediately disappeared and turned into a frown.

"AIBO, that can't be it?"

"Well, that should be it. As expected of the city, this is really an unexpected defensive method. I just don't know if this method can be effective."

Outside the special duel venue, both Yugi and Yami Yugi showed dumbfounded expressions, and even Kaiba looked stunned.

On the side, the other duelists showed curious expressions, so what method did Jonouchi plan to use to counter Bekas's mind scan?

On the duel stage, Bekas frowned. Of the three cards Jonouchi had just covered, two of them should have been drawn from the deck using the effect of the Pot of Desire. For him, those two cards were both It's an unknown number. Normally, he should use mind scanning to read the true identity of the two cards to avoid any unexpected situations. However, Jonouchi's performance and his bad premonition indicate that there is something wrong here. He If you use mind scanning directly, will you really not step into any traps?

After struggling for a while, Bekas decided to use the mind scan. After all, Jonouchi was just an ordinary person, and he did not possess dark props such as the Millennium Artifact. The two books and a pen he applied for before were also from ordinary life. Supplies, in this case, if he was frightened, he would be too cowardly. What if it was just a bluff?

With this thought in mind, Becas finally lifted up his hair and used a mind scan.

Then, Becas felt like his whole body was in a whirlpool, and he began to feel dizzy.

"Oh No! It's really a trap!"

Chapter 70 The powerful destructive power of mathematics homework

Listening to Bekas's screams, the duelists became more and more curious. Judai couldn't help but asked: "Mr. Yugi, what are the two books and a pen that Mr. Jonouchi applied to the arena?" What is it? Could it be a dark item that can deal with mind scanning and cause mental shock to the enemy? "

Yugi suppressed a smile and said: "Judai, that thing can indeed cause mental shock to people, but it is not a dark prop, it is just our math book and math homework."


Ten generations of people were stupid.


The other duelists were also confused.


Kaiba was annoyed for a while. This guy Becas was actually tricked by such a childish trick. Doesn't this make him look like a clown who tried his best to develop the duel disk? It seems that he still thinks highly of Becas! As for mediocrity, even he had to admit that he underestimated mediocrity. This was indeed not an ordinary mediocre person, but a mediocre person who could surprise everyone!

With extreme reluctance, Kaiba still had to improve Jonouchi's status in his heart, from an ordinary mediocre person to a mediocre person who could surpass everyone.

Jonouchi: Kaiba, you really can’t get along with mediocrity, right? How can there be a mediocre person in the world who can surprise everyone!

Kaiba: Hum!

Yugi smiled and added an explanation: "Jounouchi is actually very hard at mathematics. If I guessed correctly, Jounouchi should be immersed in all the math homework assigned today that he has not yet finished. Gone, so Jonouchi's mind should now be occupied by all kinds of messy formulas. Even if the information about the card has not disappeared from Jonouchi's mind, Becas must spend a lot of time on the formulas. Searching in the sea, and having to bear the chaotic dizziness while searching, that’s why Bekas said it was really a trap.”

"Surprisingly, there is still such an operation?!"

Yuya couldn't help but show an astonished expression. Such an operation was something that even a guy like him, who always thought of himself as a duelist who entertained people other than the audience, couldn't think of such an operation.

Astral looked at Yuma: "Originally, I thought it was surprising enough for an idiot like you, Yuma, to eat during a duel. I didn't expect that there would be someone like you doing homework during a duel. It seems like Yuma, your title of the most unexpected duelist is going to be taken away from you."

"Wait a minute, Astral, why do I have to be a fool to eat during a duel?! And when did I get the title of the duelist with the best unexpectedness!"

Yuma immediately became furious.

"Eating during a duel?!"

Caesar couldn't help but look at Yuma in surprise.

"Why, do you have a duelist like this over there?"

Astral ignored the noisy Yuma and looked at Caesar with some surprise.

Caesar smiled and pointed at Judai, who looked at Yuma with a surprised look on his face, having found his companion.

At this time, on the duel stage, Bekas finally had to interrupt the mind scan. There was no other way but the sea of ​​formulas, but there were still many formulas in this sea of ​​formulas that were wrong and confusing, which led to Becas's dizziness was greatly enhanced, and the burden of mind scanning was also increased to the maximum, making it impossible to maintain it.

"One of them is a gambling card, which points out the purpose, while the other one cannot be determined for the time being. Jonouchi BOY, this move of yours is very beautiful, but there are still loopholes. In your own turn At that time, you shouldn't be able to be in this state! I don't believe you can still do two things. In my turn, I draw a card, and the turn ends."

[Becas: Hand: 1 → 2 → 1 HP: 2000]

"What? You didn't launch a direct attack? Mr. Bekas, could it be that you were confused by the mental impact of mathematical formulas?"

Outside the special duel arena, Yuya once again showed a stunned expression.

The game shook his head: "The rules of the Duelist Kingdom do not allow direct attacks. Bekas was not confused. Otherwise, he would not have let the cartoon world attack the cartoon giant axe at the end of the declaration round. and Cartoon Egg Dragon put away.”

Yusei nodded seriously: "Yes, this proves that Mr. Bekas is still wary of Mr. Jonouchi's thorn wall, but the question now is not this, but whether Mr. Jonouchi can wake up from his math homework."


Yugi was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Jonouchi, only to find that after Jonouchi's round started, Jonouchi did not perform any operations. Instead, he bit his pen and continued to look at the homework with a frown on his face, his face constantly changing.

Jack couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. If this continues, the legendary duelist Jonouchi will also be defeated because time runs out. Why have these duels become so funny after the ring activities started?

Hoshihara: Jack, are you really okay with saying this?

Yami Yugi and Yugi looked at each other with helpless expressions. At this time, it was their turn to appear, right? Fortunately, the arena still allows spectators to do some things with language.

"Jounouchi, please wake up, tomorrow is Saturday!"

"Ah, yes, tomorrow is Saturday. It seems that I don't have to rush to complete these troublesome math homework!"

Jonouchi suddenly woke up, and then realized that he was now in a duel.

"Hiss, the lethality of math homework is still a bit too high. It hurts the enemy and hurts yourself. Fortunately, the game woke me up! So, Becas, it's my turn now, right?"

Becas nodded with a subtle look on his face. He always felt that he was losing his standing by trying every means to deal with such a guy.

"Hey, then, it's my turn to draw a card!"

Bekas calmly activated the mind scan, and then his face immediately darkened, because Jonouchi, the dog-hunter, actually drew another card to replenish his hand. As long as Jonouchi activates this card again at the end of the round, he will There is still no way to read the card Jonouchi just drew. After all, his mind scan has a forward motion. In the original plot, it was because the forward motion of the mind scan was too long that he was unable to deal with the game's mind exchange and was forced to I had to start a dark duel.

Fortunately, he could see all the cards that Jonouchi had placed on the field. The other card that was placed on the field turned out to be a tomb robber.

"Then, come on! I'll—"

"Wait a moment, at this moment, I activate the trap card, prophecy!"

Chapter 71: In the end, gambling is the difference between life and death! Time magic!

"What?! Activate the trap card now?!"

Jonouchi suddenly felt something bad.

"That's right, it's the trap card that is activated at this time! Jonouchi BOY, prophecy (original card), the effect of this trap card is to choose any card in the opponent's hand and guess its attack power is greater than, less than or equal to 2000. If I guess correctly, the opponent must give me that card. Of course, I will choose the card in your right hand. As for its attack power, I will not guess how much, but just say it directly! That card is Jonouchi BOY, your most trusted trump card, Flame Swordsman, attack power, 1800!"


Jonouchi's face was ugly for a while, but he could only put the card on the duel stage and let the duel stage transmit his most trusted trump card, Flame Swordsman, to Becas.

"Now, Jonouchi BOY, you don't have any monster cards in your hand, and there are no cards on the field that can Special Summon monsters. Therefore, if you don't use the magic card that can replenish your hand, Treasure of Destiny, in advance, you will lose this turn because of the rules with an empty field and no monsters summoned! What do you want to choose, Jonouchi BOY?"

"Tsk, you said it as if I have a choice. It seems that math homework can't continue to work on you. There's nothing I can do! I activate the face-up card, the quick-attack magic card, and the super stamina recovery potion. When the total attack power of the monsters on the opponent's field is greater than my life , and I have no monsters on the field, my life value doubles. Bekas, the Cartoon Egg Dragon and Cartoon Axe Raider on your field have higher life values ​​than me, so my life value changes from 1600 to 3200. Well, now I have a magic trap area that can activate this card. Magic card, Treasure of Destiny (original card), activate! Throw the dice once, draw the number of cards on the dice from the deck, and then exclude the same number of cards from the deck! "

As he said, a white dice was thrown out from the magic card that suddenly appeared on Jonouchi's field, and stopped after turning on the ground a few times.

"Four! Therefore, I draw four cards and exclude four cards!"

Jonouchi quickly began to replenish his hand, and the duelists who acted as spectators didn't know what to say. This person actually used gambling cards to replenish his hand. It was a bit too much. Fortunately, it was not six, but four was actually too much.

"Sure enough, Jonouchi BOY, your luck is really good. There is indeed a monster card among the four cards, but this way, you can't use the tactics from the last round."

Looking at the five cards in his hand, Jonouchi's expression became a little strange.

"It's true that I can't use the previous tactics anymore, but, Becas, have you overlooked one thing? There is only one card left on your field. With these five cards in hand, I can consider hammering you to death this round!"


"I activate the magic card, Hurricane! Bounce all the magic and trap cards on both sides' fields back to the hands of their holders! Although in this way, the cartoon world imitated by my Imitative Illusionist will be directly destroyed and disappear, but Becas, your cartoon world and the card will be returned to your hand. In this way, only the Great Axe Raider and the Egg Dragon who have exited from the cartoon mode but are still in attack position are left on your field."

"But I still have 2,000 life points!"

After picking up the cartoon world and the card from the duel stage, Becas said so, but his face was gloomy, because the situation was really bad. He could only hope that Jonouchi could not kill him in one go. This was just not funny. After all, he hadn't even taken out the ace monster yet, and it was too unfair to be defeated like this.

Jonouchi smiled with a cheesy smile: "No, no, no, Bekas, in your era, 2000 life points might be difficult to deal with in one round, but after the end of Duelist Kingdom, your International Illusion Club has released a lot of new cards."

Bekas' mouth twitched involuntarily, which means that the other me in the parallel world pitted myself?

"Don't be ridiculous, Jonouchi BOY, I don't see any possibility from your hand that you can deal with me in one round!"

"If I only rely on my hand, it's indeed not enough, but..."

Jonchouchi suddenly looked at Aoi outside the special arena in silence.

"Huh?! Why are you looking at me?!"

Aoi was a little confused.

Revolver and Yusaku reached a rare consensus and felt speechless.

Do you still need to ask this? Isn't it because you are the only idiot who didn't even use the card printing rules? But there should be no card printing rules in the ring activities, right? What is this man going to do?

"But, Bekas, you should not have forgotten that the fusion magic in the Duelist Kingdom rules does not require the actual cards of the fusion monsters!"

"Is that so?!"

"That's right! I activate the magic card, Fusion! I fuse the Time Magician and Iron Knight Kia Freed in my hand! Come, let me see your potential, my monsters!"

Amid Jonouchi's shout, a fusion vortex immediately appeared on the field, engulfing the Time Magician and Iron Knight Kia Freed that flew out of Jonouchi's hands.

Outside the special duel venue, Judai showed an expression of sudden realization: "So, in the duel videos I have watched, there is indeed a scene of the fusion of Mr. Yugi's demon summoning and Mr. Jonouchi's true red-eyed black dragon, and the real The Red-Eyed Black Dragon is the new Leyaka card that Mr. Jonouchi obtained from Dinosaur Ryuzaki in the Duelist Kingdom. Neither Mr. Yugi nor Mr. Jonouchi could prepare the fusion monster card of the Dark Demon Dragon in advance, so the rules of the Duelist Kingdom There should indeed be this rule in the game, it is equivalent to the card printing rule, except that the printed card cannot be materialized and can only be used in on-site duels. "

"What?! Duel video?! And this thing?!"

Yugi and Yami Yugi both looked stunned. How come they didn't know there was a duel video? This guy Becas actually secretly recorded the video?

Kaiba had a fucked-up look on his face. If there was a duel video between Yugi and a mediocre person, wouldn't his duel video also exist? In other words, the game where he used his life to force Yugi to admit defeat, and the game where he lost to Becas, are all on video? This is all black history. No, I have to find a way to force that guy Bekas to delete it after I go back!

Amidst the different thoughts of the duelists, the fusion was finally completed, and a brand-new monster also appeared on the field in the city, but this monster didn't seem to have much in common with the Time Magician. difference.

"This is the Time Wizard?!"

[Time Mage: Fusion/Effect Monster, five-star, light attribute, magician type, attack power: 2000, defense power: 1900]

[Fusion/Effect: "Time Magician" + Effect Monster

①: Once per turn, this card can only be activated when it has been Fusion Summoned. Toss a coin once and make a guess about the inside and outside. If the guess is correct, all monsters on the field are destroyed, and the opponent takes damage equal to half the total original attack power of the face-up destroyed monsters. If you guess wrong, all monsters on the field will be destroyed, and you will take damage equal to half the original total attack power of the face-up destroyed monsters. 】

Looking at the effects recorded on the virtual card that appeared on the duel stage, Jonouchi's expression gradually became abnormal, while Becas broke out in cold sweat and began to panic.

"Hey, Becas, the time magician and the time magician are different. Even if I guess the time magic of the time magician correctly, it can only destroy all the monsters on your field. At most, it depends on the duelist kingdom. The rules of the game give you damage equal to half of the attack power of those monsters in attack mode. In other words, even if the Great Ax Raider and Egg Dragon are destroyed, they can only give you 1950 points of damage. This is why you say you didn't get it from me. I see the possibility of killing you in one turn, but now, the Time Mage can not only destroy all the monsters on the field, but also give you additional effect damage. As long as you eat this shot, Bekas, your health will be reduced. It’s definitely back to zero!”

"No!! Jonouchi BOY! Chill!! Calm down!! You need to calm down! The Time Mage may wipe out the health points, and it's not just me! If you didn't guess, your 3200 health points, Jonouchi BOY, are also It’s not enough!”

"No, no, no, Becas, I believe in my luck. Now, the possibility of defeating you is right in front of me, how can I give up? I choose the front! Time Wizard! Time Magic!!! "

In an instant, everyone fell silent, staring at the time magician's wand that represented the coin.


"Oh wow!! It's the front!!!"


"Time Wizard! Time Magic!!!"

"Time Magic!!!"

Chapter 72 Within the Victory City, wishes involving countless worlds

In Bekas's wailing, this verbal duel finally came to an end.

But having said that, there weren’t many parts involving the mouth in this duel. Even skipping the round after a failed gamble would lead to defeat is just a reasonable deduction based on the rules. Only the Jonouchi mouth dropped the egg dragon. The flying ability and the ability of Becca's Mouthbeard cartoon monster to go up to the sky and into the earth are considered real Mouthbearers. Others are nothing and cannot be compared with those Mouthbearers from the Kingdom of Duelist period.

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