Li Xu applied for a fish tank with a smile on his face, picked up the octopus version of Ling Ya and threw it into the fish tank.

"It seems that because you didn't have time to let go, Lingya, I turned into an octopus with you. What a pity!"

"Wait a minute! Lixu, don't swing around, you're going to feel dizzy!"

Looking at Li Xu's back, Master Shuangliu shook his head, picked up the glasses version of Jonouchi, and walked towards the auditorium.

"What should I do? Jonouchi, do you want me to hand you over to the old man? Shizuka or Maiko?"

"Keep it? By the way, I can't move now. It seems I don't even feel hungry anymore."

"So? Who should I leave it to for safekeeping? You won't let me hold it all the time, right?"

"Ah this..."

Seeing that both parties had exited, the pilot pretender picked up the microphone again.

"So! The usual award ceremony is over here, let's start the last random duel of this round of arena events! Although the world to which the duelists to duel belongs has basically been determined, the specific duelist candidates have not yet been determined. Not decided yet, so for now, let’s watch it on the big screen!”

GX World: John Anderson + Kuronos de Medici

Comic version of GX World: Hibiki Momiji + Marufuji Sho

Seeing such a list, the duelists couldn't help but be stunned. It was actually a formal duelist and audience team-up mode? But will all the places be designated this time?

"Huh? I'm teaming up with Hongye-sensei? Is this really okay? I'll be a drag, right?"

Sho Marufuji from the manga version of GX World immediately showed a worried expression. It would be okay if he played by himself, but teaming up with Hibiki Momiji, and in a random duel that would determine the number of subsequent arena matches, he would Have to worry.

Yujo Judai smiled and patted Marufuji Xiang on the shoulder: "Believe in yourself, Xiang!"

Hibiki Hongye also smiled and rubbed Marufuji Xiang's head: "It's enough to do your best, and leave the rest to me. Moreover, this time's pattern is not ordinary. Maybe Xiang, you will behave better than I still want to be better."

"Huh? Unusual pattern?"

Sho Marufuji was stunned and looked at the big screen. Only then did he realize that the mode this time was to exchange decks and form a team duel. It was obviously another mode that could not rely on the bond of the deck.

"In other words, Momiji-sensei uses Xiang's deck, and Xiang uses Momiji-sensei's deck? No wonder Momiji-sensei said that."

Ryo Marufuji also showed a look of surprise. Hibiki Momiji's deck has been used by Yujo Judai before, and Marufuji Sho, as Yujo Judai's younger brother, can be said to be very familiar with that deck. , on the contrary, it is Marufuji Sho's deck. Even though Hibiki Momiji's knowledge as a world champion and duel academy teacher is certainly not too narrow, Hibiki Momiji has been in a coma for too long after all, and Marufuji Sho's deck is impossible. It has not been updated, so it is indeed possible that there is insufficient understanding.

"Well, it's hard to say."

Hibiki Momiji stopped smiling and looked at John and Professor Kronos next door with a slightly serious look.

In the GX area, after communicating with Professor Kuronos for a while, John also looked at Hibiki Momiji and Marufuji Sho, obviously realizing that something was wrong.

"Okay, the time is almost up for the four selected players. Please come to the duel field and exchange decks with each other!"

"Hey? Can't you use that special space to adjust your deck this time?"

"You actually went to the duel arena and exchanged decks with each other? Is it really like that?"

Marufuji Sho and Professor Kuronos each had doubts and surprises on their faces, while Hibiki Momiji and John had expressions of surprise. Just as they had guessed, the so-called exchange of decks did not mean the same team. The two duelists exchanged decks with each other, but the two teams exchanged decks with each other! Therefore, in order to avoid digging holes in the opponent's deck before exchanging decks, we deliberately did not open a special space specifically for adjusting the deck! What can I say? Even with this mode, there are really enough tricks in the duelist arena!

In the OCG area, everyone shed a cold sweat and exchanged decks. Is there still such a mode? If they were randomly chosen, they would be tricked to death! However, if you don’t think about the future and just look at the present, it seems that there is something good to watch!

Chapter 477 Hibiki Momiji + Sho Marufuji VS John + Professor Kuronos


On the way from the auditorium to the duel field, the shadow of the Jade Beast Cobalt Spiral Eagle suddenly appeared on John's shoulder, with a face full of eagerness. Since the deck was being exchanged for a duel, the duel monster elves in the deck faced each other in the duel. Is it natural for users to interfere?

However, John shook his head. Rather than using that method to win the duel, he wanted to duel with the opponent openly and fully enjoy the duel!

"Ah! I really can't do anything to you."

The cobalt-spiked eagle shook its wings and disappeared from John's shoulders. Then other gem beasts ridiculed the cobalt-spiked eagle from John's deck. They all said that John would never agree to that kind of proposal. The cobalt-spiked eagle decided to give it a try. He really didn't look back until he hit the wall.

John shook his head. He finally got the opportunity to face off against powerful duelists from other worlds again. Being randomly assigned to the mode of swapping decks was already considered bad luck. If he used any means to increase the difficulty, it would be completely unlucky. No need.

However, there was no need to increase the difficulty. He only prevented the Jade Beasts from interfering in the duel, but he did not ask the Jade Beasts who were equivalent to his family members to actively cooperate with the opponent. Therefore, whether the opponent could use this set was only The deck of seven monster cards all depends on the opponent's ability.

So, after they went to the duel arena to exchange decks, even Hibiki Momiji, the world champion, felt numb when looking at John's deck. The entire deck only had seven monster cards, plus the monster cards that had just appeared The elf next to the opponent, this duelist named John, is obviously the type of duel based on the bond of the deck, but now they using this deck do not have any bond with the elf in the deck. This requires How to deal with it?

"Teacher Hongye, what should I do with this deck of cards?"

On the side, Sho Marufuji was also numb and couldn't think of any way to use John's deck.

Hibiki Momiji took a deep breath and handed Professor Cronos's ancient machine deck directly to Marufuji Sho, and then put John's deck into his duel plate for shuffling.

"Hey? Teacher Hongye? This deck of cards should be used by you, right?"

"Xiang, make no mistake, this is a team duel. You cannot win with just one person's strength."

"That's true, but..."

"So, Xiang, you have to show your strength. Challenges with high difficulty will wait until next time."

"...I understand, Teacher Hongye, in order to repay your trust, I will definitely do my best!"

Hearing this, Marufuji Xiang also understood what Hibiki Momiji meant. He straightened his eyes and responded, making Hibiki Momiji smile with satisfaction.

In the audience, Xiang in the GX area looked confused. Is that really him from another world? Faced with such a stressful situation, it's so easy to adjust your mentality. Isn't this too unreal?

On the other side of the duel field, John and Professor Kuronos, who were communicating in low voices, couldn't help but glance at Sho Marufuji. He was a completely different type of person from the Sho they knew. It seemed that they had to fight with all their strength. That’s it.

With this thought in mind, John also picked up the Red Leaf deck and handed it to Professor Kronos, who was stunned for a moment.

"John-san, this deck is so similar to Judai-san's deck, it would be more appropriate for you to use it, Noone. I'll use another machine-type deck from Sho Marufuji-san."

John shook his head again: "Professor Kuronos, your dueling style is an aggressive style, which does not match the mechanical deck of another Sho Marufuji, and you are not familiar with this deck. , so it is more appropriate to use the hero deck of Hibiki Momiji. After all, you also understand Judai’s dueling style. In addition, the mechanical deck of another Sho Marufuji is launched by combining the power of many lower-level monsters. The offensive deck is closer to my original Jade Beast deck.”

"I see, then do what you want. However, there are no special rules for this duel. We must defeat both of them, Noone."

"Of course, let's work together, Professor Kuronos."

So, both sides made their choice, equipped the duelist's sword and shield, and entered a fighting stance.

"Very good! It seems that the four contestants are well prepared. Then, the last random duel in the fourth round of the Duelist Arena! Start now! DUEL STRAT!!!"

"Duel!!!" X4

As soon as the duel began, Hibiki Momiji immediately looked at the cards in his hand. When he saw that all the card slots in his hand were not occupied by green and red cards, he was relieved. Although there was only one monster card, it was already considered luck. Not bad, and it also proves that the duel monster elves in this deck really have no intention of causing trouble, which is really good.

"First attack goes to me, Nonet. It's my turn to draw cards. Well, this seems good, Nonet, wait..."

Professor Chronos, who got the initiative, looked at the elemental hero Iceman (original version) in his hand, and was immediately delighted. It was not affected by the effects of monsters above level 4, and would not be destroyed by monsters above level 4. Without XYZ In the case of monsters and link monsters, this seems to be a good shield!

But after picking up Iceman's card, Professor Chronos suddenly remembered something. In this duel, the decks were swapped. The opponent's deck contained a bunch of monsters with penetrating effects from the Ancient Machinery series. , if we only rely on one Ice Hero to stand in the field, I'm afraid he will be penetrated and killed!

After taking a look at Sho Marufuji opposite him, Professor Cronos decisively gave up his previous idea and stuffed the Iceman back.

"Then, I summon the elemental hero Flame Man in attack position, and activate Flame Man's effect None. This card can only be activated when the summoning and special summoning of this card are successful. I will fuse a card from the deck to my hand None! I will fuse it. Add to hand!"

After thinking about it, Professor Chronos sent out the Flame Man. Yujo Judai in the audience could not help but slap him in the face. The information and help he provided specifically for Hibiki Momiji actually became Hibiki. The biggest obstacle on Hongye’s road to victory.

"Then, I activate the magic card to fuse None! Fusion of the elemental hero Iceman in my hand and the elemental hero Flameman on the field, fusion summons the elemental hero Explosive Flameman None!"

As a newly introduced elemental hero fusion monster in the comic version of the GX world, the effect of Burst Flame Man is actually quite good. It only needs elemental hero monsters and fire attribute monsters as materials to fuse and summon, and its attack power increases when fighting water attribute monsters. With 1000 points, you can also recover a magic card from the graveyard after being destroyed, which doesn't mean there is no chance of playing.

However, unfortunately, after being transformed into O, Explosive Flame Man's loose material requirements were taken away by the Elemental Hero Nova Lord, and his appearance conditions were successfully changed to Elemental Hero Blazing Man plus Elemental Hero Flame Lady, and also added The restriction of not being able to special summon without fusion summoning, and even the effect of recycling magic cards from the graveyard has been washed away. This makes the O-shaped Explosive Flame Man a complete tragedy. Apart from the whole life and soul, there is no more. Opportunity to appear.

However, it is obviously impossible for Hibiki Momiji's Explosive Flame Man to be the OCG version, so in this duel, Explosive Flame Man still has a chance to shine, although its original owner Hibiki Momiji may not necessarily want to see Explosive Flame Man Just shine in this duel.

"Then, the magic card, Fusion Recycling, can be activated by targeting a fusion from my graveyard and a fusion material monster used in Fusion Summoning. Those cards are added to the hand of Canone. I add the fusion from the graveyard and the Flame Man to my hand. card, and then cover two cards to end the turn None.”

[Professor Kuronos: Hand: 5 → 6 → 5 → 6 → 3 → 5 → 3 Cards: 2, HP: 4000]

‘Does this mean the round is over? ’XN

Seeing Professor Chronos end the round by specially summoning a fusion monster, the duelists in the audience were stunned. It took them a long time to react. This seemed to be a normal operation? Especially in the era of DM and GX, this is already a very good development, not to mention that this duel is still using the opponent's deck. Therefore, this duel may be unexpectedly slow-paced?

"My turn, draw a card! I activate a magic card, bargain shopping, discard a level eight monster from my hand to activate, and draw two from the deck! I discard an ancient mechanical giant with level eight in my hand, and draw Card! Then, I summon the ancient mechanical turret in attack position!

"Send the ancient mechanical giant to the cemetery at the beginning and then summon the ancient mechanical turret None?!"

Professor Chronos's expression changed, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Did you guess it? But, in this case, even if you guessed it, you can't stop it! I can only say that it is indeed Professor Chronos's ancient mechanical card deck, it is indeed powerful!"


Seeing Sho Marufuji talking there, Professor Kronos couldn't help but turn dark. The idea of ​​stepping forward to give Sho Marufuji a thrill kept popping up in his mind. He could only keep telling himself in his heart that that was not the case. Sho Marufuji, who he knows well, has the qualifications based on the opponent's performance, whether he is using his ancient mechanical deck or saying such words.

"On it! I activate the magic card, Mechanical Copy! It can be activated by targeting a Machine-type monster on my field with an attack power of less than 500. Special summon up to two monsters with the same name as that face-up monster from the deck. ! I activated this effect on the ancient mechanical turret with an attack power of exactly 500, and specially summoned two other ancient mechanical turrets from the deck! "

"Summoned three ancient mechanical turrets in one breath? I remember the effect of this monster..."

John couldn't help but stare at him. Was he about to be beaten first? Sure enough, the guy opposite Sho Marufuji is not a simple guy!

"That's right! The effect of the ancient mechanical turret is to use itself as a sacrifice to inflict 500 points of damage to the opponent. Moreover, during the combat phase of this round, both sides cannot activate trap cards! Although in a team duel, all duelists' In the first round, there is no combat phase. Under normal circumstances, you cannot inflict combat damage to the opponent, but there is no limit to the effect damage! I will release the three ancient mechanical turrets on the field as sacrifices and give them to you. John Anderson, a total of 1500 points of effect damage!”

"Boom!!!" X3


Following Marufuji Sho's order, the three ancient mechanical turrets all exploded and turned into artillery fire, blowing John away and causing John's health to drop to 2,500 points in one breath.

"Classmate John!!"

"Phew! I'm fine, but Professor Chronos, your deck is indeed powerful enough!"

John smiled and joked, comforting Professor Chronos.

On the other side, Hibiki Momiji cast an approving look at Sho Marufuji. It seemed that he had indeed made the right choice, and Judai had not misjudged the person.

In the auditorium, in the GX area, Xiang's face was full of disbelief. Although Professor Cronos's deck was indeed not weak, was this powerful spirit really something he could exude?

"It's not over yet! I'll activate another magic card, Crazy Summoning Gear (original card)! Select a face-up monster on the opponent's field to activate, and the opponent will Special Summon two monsters of the same race and level as the selected monster from the deck. After that, I can Special Summon a monster with an attack power of 1500 or less from my graveyard, and Special Summon the same name card of that monster from the deck, hand, and graveyard as much as possible in attack position! Now, there is only one monster on the field, Exploding Flame Man, so of course, I'm going to choose Exploding Flame Man! However, Exploding Flame Man is a level 8 Flame-type monster. Beast, but Hongye's deck does not have other level 8 Flame monsters, so, Professor Chronos, you cannot Special Summon! But I can still Special Summon monsters with ATK 1500 or less from the Graveyard. Come on, I Special Summon the Ancient Mechanical Turret with ATK 500 from the Graveyard in Attack Position, and then Special Summon two more Ancient Mechanical Turret from the Graveyard in Attack Position! "

"Damn it!! I was actually tricked by the effect of my own card, what a shame, Noone! Wait! Crazy Summoning Gears?! Mamma Mia!! I activate the Face Card, Trap Card, Hero Rule 1 Five Freedoms (Original Cards)! Banish the five cards in both graveyards. I will banish all three Ancient Mechanical Turret, one Ancient Mechanical Giant, and one Bargain Shopping in your graveyard. Noone! "

Professor Chronos reluctantly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and was about to bite it, but suddenly found something wrong. His face changed drastically and he quickly pressed the button of the duel disk. If Maruto Sho succeeded in another round, John would be a candle in the wind.

Chapter 478: Another fake card with no card name limit

"It turns out to be a trap card that can exclude cards from the graveyard? There's nothing I can do about it. Continuous magic card, Illegal Summon (original card)! Activate the effect of Illegal Summon, select a level 4 or lower monster from my deck, and Special Summon it on the opponent's field, but the opponent decides the form! After that, the opponent must also select a monster from the deck and Special Summon it on my field, and the form is also determined by me!"

"Oh my god! Even the Illegal Summon was drawn to my hand at the beginning!"

"There is no effect with a card name limit..."

Professor Chronos felt a little panicked, and John's face changed slightly.

And Maruto Sho looked at Xiang Hongye with regret. It was a pity that teammates could not be designated as opponents in this duel. Otherwise, with this card, they could go straight to the sky with their left foot on their right foot. It can only be said that it is worthy of Professor Chronos's deck, which is indeed powerful.

Professor Chronos: Stop it. I shouldn't have adjusted my deck after watching the duel in the arena. This is too difficult, Noone!

"First, for the first effect, I select the level 2 Ancient Gear Cart from the deck and Special Summon it to your field, John Anderson. Sigh, choose the display."

"Defense display, of course. Then it's my turn. I choose, um, Type 1 Robot (original card) Special Summon to your field."

"Type 1 Robot's effect is to send two Robot monsters from the deck to the graveyard when it is destroyed. Although it is Special Summoned on my field, it is still sent to your graveyard after being destroyed. You are still the one who can activate the effect, so you deliberately chose Type 1 Robot?"

"Well! Since you are all If I am allowed to choose freely, I will definitely choose some monsters that are more beneficial to me, right? "

"That's right, let's continue! For the Type 1 robot display, I will of course choose defense display! Then activate the effect of illegal summon for the second time, and I will special summon the second level 2 ancient gear car on your field!"

"Still in defense display, and then I choose Excavator!"

"Defense display, activate the effect for the third time, and special summon the third level 2 ancient gear car on your field!"

"Continue to choose defense display, and then I choose Tank Robot!"

"Defense display ", activate the effect for the fourth time, and Special Summon a Level 4 Ancient Mechanical Soldier on your field!"

"You're planning to Special Summon again?! Wait, what's this?! Defense 1800, Defense 1500, Defense 1900! Could it be?!"

"Finally found it? John Anderson, I calculated that you would choose a monster that is good for you! What you are using now is my robot deck, and I know my own deck very well! In the entire deck, the monster that can benefit you in this situation , there are no monsters with a defense of less than 1500, but the Ancient Mechanical Soldier I Special Summoned on your field has an attack of only 1300, and the Ancient Gear Car has an attack of only 100! Therefore, as long as you keep the previous selection mode, there will be five monsters on my field that are an iron wall for you! Even if you give up the previous selection mode, it will not have much impact on me, it will just reduce the defensive monsters on my field! But your field will still be occupied by five Ancient Mechanical monsters in all the main monster areas!"

"So that's it. There aren't too many high-level monsters in this deck, and even the high-level monsters don't have any powerful effects. If you can't combine the power of many robot low-level monsters, you can't bring out the true level of this deck! But since all the main monster zones have been occupied from the beginning of the duel, and only the extra monster zone is left, the only one that can appear from the extra deck in this deck is Solid Robot α, which can't reverse the situation even if it appears. This is your goal, right! You're using Professor Chronos's deck, but you've designed this tactic with your understanding of your own deck. It's really amazing, Marufuji Sho, you're an interesting duelist!"

Although he had fallen into Marufuji Sho's calculations, John laughed instead, which made Marufuji Sho lose his mind for a while, and he almost thought he saw his big brother Yuki Judai.

"I'll explain in advance that there are no magic cards in my deck that can change the situation in that situation, so you don't have to hope to draw any magic cards to change the status quo!"

"Well! Of course I know this! But this is a random duel mode with card printing rules!"

"You plan to use the ancient mechanical monsters as materials to use the card printing rules?!"

"It's hard to say! We still have to look at the specific situation. After all, my use of the card printing rules may also be in your calculations, right? Okay, let's continue. I will let the ancient mechanical soldiers assume defense mode, and then on your field Special Summon Attack Robot!"

"Defense 400, are you giving up on expanding your advantage? However, the monsters I Special Summoned by the effect of Illegal Summoning can be in Defense Position only! Attack Robot's attack power is 1600, so I naturally choose to put Attack Robot in Attack Position! Then, I activate the effect of Illegal Summoning for the last time, and Special Summon a second Level 4 Ancient Mechanical Soldier on your field."

"Defense Position, and then Special Summon Invisible Robot on your field!"

"Of course, it is also in Defense Position. Okay, that's it, I'll cover a card and end this turn!"

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