"Have you gathered all the conditions to summon Solidrobot γ? There is nothing I can do about it. At the moment you special summon Tankrobot and Diggerrobot, I activate the face-up card, the Quick Play Magic Card, The End! It can only be activated when the opponent successfully special summons a monster. Select a Field Magic Card from my deck to activate it!"

"The End, activate it in advance to avoid being destroyed?"

"After all, we know the effect of Solidrobot γ very well! Xiang!"

"Uh, Mr. Hongye, I want to activate it too, but."

"Okay, I understand. Then for the effect of the End, I will activate the Field Magic Card Ancient City of Rainbow from my deck!"

In an instant, a ruined city that looks like an ancient arena slowly rises from the ground, changing the duel field into a brand new posture.

"It is indeed the Rainbow Ancient City. After all, my deck only has this one field magic card, but the Rainbow Ancient City cannot be used in this situation!"

"But at least, one less card will be destroyed, right?"

"That's true, let's go! I will banish the Attack Robot, Invisible Robot, and Turbine Robot on the field again! Let the three robot monsters fuse for the third time! Show up, Solid Robot γ!!"

After changing the order and core of the combination, the new Solid Robot made a brilliant appearance again, which made Xiang in the audience stare straight.

The same three fusion materials can be fused into three different fusion monsters according to the different areas, and even magic cards are not needed. From this point of view, even if the effects of the three Solid Robot fusion monsters are a bit monotonous, his Super Traffic Robot-Invisible Fusion seems to be no match.

"Then, activate the effect of Solid Robot γ. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy all the face-up cards on the opponent's field! Even if you, Hibiki Momiji, activated the Land of the End in advance, reducing Solid Robot γ's record by one, there is no way to avoid the two face-up cards on Marufuji Sho's field. Just smash them!"

"BOOM!!!" X2

The two turbojet engines on Solid Robot γ's shoulders immediately spewed out a powerful attack like a tornado, completely tearing the two face-up cards on Marufuji Sho's backfield into pieces.

"Okay, my development ends here. Although I have used up all the cards in my hand, at least I have cleared as many obstacles as possible. The rest is up to you, Professor Chronos! End of turn!"

[John: Hand: 4 cards → 5 cards → 4 cards → 5 cards → 0 cards → 2 cards → 0 cards Covered card: 1 card Life value: 3600]

"Leave it to me. Although it must be Teacher Xiang Hongye's turn before my turn, Teacher Xiang Hongye is using John's deck after all!"

"Oh? It seems that I am also underestimated. Although this deck is indeed very troublesome, I have become a teacher after all. How can I let my students bear everything!"

Hik Hongye's eyes suddenly became sharp, and Professor Chronos looked at Hibiki Hongye a lot more favorably. After all, the point that Hibiki Hongye just explained was also recognized by Professor Chronos.

"It's time to show my strength. It's my turn! Draw a card!! Very good. Although your monster and I don't have any bond, if we only draw magic cards and trap cards, we don't need such a strong bond! Magic card, Pot of Greed, activate! I draw two cards from the deck and draw a card! This is it, the continuous magic card, Gem Tree! As long as this card exists in the magic and trap area, every time a Gem Beast is placed in the magic and trap area, you can place a gem counter on this card! Next, the magic card, Rainbow's Favor! When activated, pay a multiple of 1000 life points, For every 1,000 life points paid, you can place a gem counter on the Gem Tree! I paid 3,000 life points in one go and placed three gem counters on the Gem Tree! "

"Oh my god! Paying 3,000 life points in one go, is that so cruel? And it was actually opened by Teacher Hibiki Momiji!"

Professor Chronos couldn't hold it anymore, and John's face was also solemn. This card drawing ability is really strong. If it wasn't for the bad luck cup, he would have removed the extra Gem Beasts from the deck. With the opponent's level, he might have been able to draw Gem Beasts and Jade Pegasus out of thin air to open it!

"Life points are meaningless if they are not used when they are needed. It is enough to ensure that my life points do not reach zero! Now, I have 1,000 life points left, and there are three Gem Counters on the Gem Tree! Then I activate the second effect of the Gem Tree. I can only activate it by sending this card with Gem Counters to the Graveyard. I use Gem Beast monsters from the deck as Continuous Magic Cards for the number of Gem Counters on this card and place them face-up in my Magic Trap Zone! I send the Gem Tree with three Gem Counters to the Graveyard, and send Gem Beast Rubybone, Gem Beast Cobalt Spike Eagle, and Gem Beast from the deck. The three Gem Beast monsters, Jade Pegasus, are placed in the Magic Trap Zone as continuous magic cards! This way, I have four Gem Beast monsters in my backfield that are continuous magic cards. Therefore, I activate the field magic card, the effect of the Rainbow Ancient City! "

"The Rainbow Ancient City can obtain different effects based on the number of Gem Beast cards in the Magic Trap Zone, and the effect of more than four Gem Beast cards is to replenish the hand!"

"That's right! When there are more than four Gem Beasts stuck in my magic trap area, once per turn, it can be activated during my main phase. I draw one from the deck! I activate this effect of Rainbow Ancient City, Draw a card! Then I activate the effect of Jade Beast Ruby Beast (original version). When this card is in the magic trap area, it can special summon itself and all the Jade Beasts in the magic trap area. Therefore, I will use Jade Beast! The Ruby Beast is Special Summoned in Defense Position, the Jade Beast Jade Turtle, the Jade Beast Cobalt Spiral Eagle, and the Jade Beast Jade Pegasus are Special Summoned in Attack Position!”


In the helpless cry of the ruby ​​beast, the ruby ​​behind the red leaf emitted light, which also spread to the other three gems, allowing the four ruby ​​beasts to appear together.

"It's not over yet! The effect of Jade Beast Jade Pegasus (original version) is activated. When this card is summoned, reverse summoned, or special summoned successfully, add a Jade Beast monster from my hand, deck, or graveyard to my Place it face-up in the magic trap area! I select the Jade Beast Topaz Tiger from the deck and place it in the magic trap area, and then activate the Jade Beast-specific equipment magic card, Jade Beast's Liberation, which increases the attack power of the Jade Beast equipped with this card by 800 points. ! I equip this card to Ruby Beast, and then activate the effect of Cobalt Spike Eagle. Once per turn, I put the Ruby Beast card on the field back to the top of the deck! The beast is returned to the top of the deck! Since the Ruby Beast leaves the field, the Liberation of the Jewel Beast is sent to the graveyard! The second effect of the Liberation of the Jewel Beast can only be activated when this card is sent from the field to the graveyard. Use a Jade Beast monster as a continuous magic card and place it in the magic trap area! The one I want to choose is, of course, the Jade Beast Ruby Beast that was just returned to the deck!"

"Ruby's effect has no limit on the number of card names. Do you plan to special summon it again? I special summoned five in one go..."

John couldn't help but shed a cold sweat. He felt that Alexander's attack in the backcourt was still blocked by the prohibition order. There were no other Gaikas left. There were only three defensive monsters left on the field. If it weren't for Suo Lid Robot γ's defense power is 2000 points, which should be enough to block the attacks of all the Jade Beasts, but his remaining 3600 health points may not be able to withstand it.

Chapter 482 Triple seal card, decisive victory over the ace Chaos Giant (three-in-one)

"That's right! I activate the effect of Gemmon Rubymon again, special summoning Gemmon Rubymon and Gemmon Topaztiger in attack position! And that's not all, I also activate the last card, the magic card , the circulating treasure card (original card)! Draw two cards from the deck, and you must send one card to the graveyard at the end of the round, otherwise you will suffer 3000 points of damage! Very good, this is the key! The chain is complete!”

"What?! Do you still plan to continue to expand? But I didn't add any cards to my extra deck, and now your main monster area has been filled with five Jade Beasts. In this case, you still plan to continue? "

"Of course I have to continue, but if this is the case, I can't defeat you! Magic card, prophecy (original card)! Declare the card name of a card. If there is a card with the corresponding card name in the opponent's deck, it must be Send it to the graveyard! However, at the same time, the opponent can also choose a card from his deck to send to the graveyard!"

"Huh? Canone with this effect? ​​It doesn't look like John-san's style, does it?"

Professor Kuronos looked at John in surprise, while John's face was condensed. With his dueling style, he would not deliberately send the opponent's key cards to the cemetery, but would rather see the opponent. It shows all the power of the deck, so the effect of the prophecy is not just to send the opponent's card to the graveyard, but to use it together with another card. Is it possible that Hibiki Momiji-sensei can't even use that card? Did they get it together? It really is powerful enough!

"The card I want to declare is a magic card, Surprise Fusion! Professor Chronos, your deck should have this card, so I'll trouble you to send it to the graveyard!"

"Surprise fusion? I will send the Necromancer in the deck to the graveyard."

Professor Kuronos frowned, picked up the two cards that popped up from the deck, and sent the Necromancer to the cemetery. Then he took the Surprise Fusion and looked at it carefully, but when he saw the specific effect of this card, Kulonos Professor Ronos also immediately had a bad premonition.

"Next! Magic card, Copy Cat (GX version)! I urgently need to remove the five cards at the top of my deck, and choose a card from the opponent's graveyard to add to my hand! The one I want to choose is, of course, the one I just sent to Curono Professor Si, the amazing fusion of your cemetery!”

"Mamma Mia! It really is like that Noone!"

Professor Kronos couldn't hold it any longer. After seeing the effect of the surprise fusion, he guessed that it would develop like this, but what the hell is a copy cat? Isn't this a rare item that is almost equivalent to Becas's exclusive card? Can't Leyaka be rarer? Although I know that John, classmate, you have a good relationship with Becas, but this relationship is too good, use a spy! He wouldn't be so surprised if he sneaked into the hero's effect to take away the surprise fusion!

Although he felt bad, Professor Kuronos still had to hand over the surprising fusion in his hand to Hibiki Momiji, and Hibiki Momiji put the card into the duel disk without hesitation.

"Thank you, Professor Chronos, this is the end! I activate the magic card, Surprise Fusion (original card)! Send the fusion material monster of the fusion monster from the field to the graveyard, and special summon the corresponding fusion from the extra deck Monster!"

"This effect...wait, on the field?!"

John's eyes widened and he quickly realized something was wrong.

"That's right! The effect of Surprise Fusion is to select fusion materials from the field, not just mine. Therefore, I can also choose monsters on the opponent's field and on my teammates' field!"

In an instant, countless subtle glances were directed at the ten generations in the audience. What kind of enhanced version of super fusion is this? If we don’t consider that hyper-fusion is a pseudo-four-speed and contains powerful power, hyper-fusion may not be as good as this amazing fusion. Should it be said that it is the GX world and the parallel GX world that focus on fusion? All kinds of fusions can really come out!

"In this way, there will be no problem of fusion materials! Then, I also declare here, use the Inka rules! And with the effect of surprise fusion, teach Chronos to the elemental hero Earthman on your field Fusion with the Exploding Flame Man on the Flying Field! The calm power of the earth combines with the violent power of fire to guide the coming of the fusion! Come on, Elemental Hero Sunrise Man!

As the red leaves chanted, the Earth Core Man and the Exploding Flame Man also turned into two rays of earthy yellow and crimson, and threw themselves into the fusion vortex that appeared on the original holder's field, allowing the dazzling golden light to bloom. , revealing the red figure of Sunrise Man.

"You actually chose to use the seal card rules to create Hinode Noone? But Mr. Hibiki Momiji, the deck you are using now is John's classmate's deck. There should be no miraculous fusion that can be retrieved, right?"

"The effect of Sunrise Man is not only the search for miracle fusion! What I have to rely on now is the second effect of Sunrise Man! The attack power of the monsters on my field increases. The attribute types of the monsters on my field are multiplied by With a value of 200! Now, the elemental hero Sunrise Man and the Jade Beast Ruby Beast on my field are of light attribute, the Jade Beast Jade Turtle is of water attribute, the Jade Beast Topaz Tiger is of earth attribute, and the Jade Beast Jade Pegasus and Jade Beast are of earth attribute. The Cobalt Spinel Eagle is a wind-type monster! Therefore, the attack power of all monsters on my field is increased by 800 points!

As a result, Sunrise Man emitted a warm light, causing all the monsters on the Hibiki Momiji field to increase their attack power. Even the Ruby Beast with the lowest attack power has been increased to 1100 points, and the remaining ones are 1400 points in sequence. , 2200 points, 2400 points, 2600 points, 3300 points.

"Is this the purpose?!"

Professor Chronos's face changed drastically in an instant, and John's expression didn't look any better either. Being boosted by the Sunrise Man, the attack power of the Jade Beasts also became terrifying, although they each had three on the field. There are four defense monsters, but no matter which side the defense monsters are on, they can't stop such an attack. Even with the remaining health points, it's not enough to defeat the opponent!

However, the cemetery of Professor Chronos has the undead guardians who were just sent to the cemetery through the effect of the prophecy, which can withstand an attack. In addition, the defense power of the three Trojan horses is 1200, which is the defense power of the ancient mechanical soldiers. There are also 1,300, so he shouldn’t be killed in this round. So, is it John who will be killed?

"Although you, Professor Chronos, who holds the Scrap Fusion and the Pot of Desire, are still a greater threat, but you were seized of the opportunity to accurately send the Necromancer Guardian to the cemetery. There is nothing you can do about it. ! Entering the battle stage, the Jade Beast Cobalt Spinel Eagle launches an attack on Solid Robot γ!"

"So I said John, you should be more serious!"

The Cobalt Spinel Eagle, whose attack power was increased to 2200, complained while helplessly tearing the Solid Robot γ, whose defense power was only 2000, into pieces.

John shook his head and said with a smile: "That wouldn't be me! Besides, I may not lose!"

The corner of Hibiki Momiji's mouth rose: "Are you trying to say that the effect of the Necromancer can not only help Professor Chronos resist an attack, but can also be used to help you resist attacks?"

John scratched his head: "Sure enough, it's impossible for you not to know the effect of your card? In other words, you have other means, right? Let me think about it, um, Rainbow Life?"

"That's right! After all, you can't not know your deck! Then, I activate the trap card sent to the graveyard through the effect of Rainbow Life, the effect of skill inheritance! Remove this card from the graveyard, and choose Only one monster on my field can be activated. The selected monster's attack power increases by 800 points until the end of the turn. Although this effect cannot be activated during the turn it is sent to the graveyard, and can only be activated during my turn, the skill is inherited. It was a card that was sent to the graveyard several turns ago, and it’s my turn now! Therefore, I removed the skill inheritance from the graveyard, increasing the attack power of Jademon and Rubymon by 800 points, to 1900 points!”

"Mamma Mia! I can't stop it, John-san!"

Professor Kuronos started to panic. If Hibiki Momiji chose to attack him, he could still block it with four defense monsters and the Necromancer Guardian, but John only had three defense monsters on the field. How could he block it?

John didn't reply, but the emotion in his eyes showed that he hadn't given up yet and there was still a chance.

"Let's continue! Homomon Rubymon, attack the Excavator with a defense of 1500!"


Rubymon swung his tail and smashed the Excavator into pieces. Although it was a mascot like Winged Kurikoma, it was rare for it to get a kill, but it was not happy at all because John was in danger.

"Although the Excavator can retrieve magic cards from the deck when it is destroyed in battle, it must discard a hand card to activate it. John, you don't have any hand cards now, so you naturally can't activate this effect! Then, Homomon Topaz Tiger, attack the Tank Robot with a defense of 1900!"

Homomon Topaz Tiger, whose attack power has been increased to 2400, has increased its attack power by 400 points through its own effects. After giving John a look, it casually smashed the Tank Robot with a claw.

John took a deep breath and shouted: "The effect of Tank Robot is activated. When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can draw one!"

"It's useless! My deck doesn't have a card that can be activated from the hand to resist the attack at this time!"

"That's true, but have you forgotten that I haven't used the card printing rule yet!"


"You don't want to use the card printing rule to create a chestnut ball?"

Maruto Sho was shocked, and Xiang Hongye's face also changed. If John really wanted to use the card printing rule to create a chestnut ball, this wave would really be survived by John. And if John was more ruthless and chose to learn from the previous double six old man and print a fairy dragon Mahama, then he would be the one who died suddenly. But with John's personality, he shouldn't do this, right?


In the audience, the chestnut ball spirit came out of the game's deck and looked at the duel field with curiosity and expectation. Is it going to see another self today?

Recalling Huang Yuhu's eyes, John shook his head firmly.

"No! I don't intend to use the card printing rules to create known cards. I choose to believe in my unknown possibilities and the bond between me and everyone! Hereby declare, use the card printing rules! Draw cards!!"

A stream of light as gorgeous as a rainbow was drawn as John drew the card, and the entire arena seemed to be filled with the sound of an illusory dragon roar.

In the GX area, everyone was lost in thought. The sound of a dragon roar? Could it be that the card created by John using the card printing rules is the Ultimate Gem God Rainbow Dragon that John has been eyeing for a long time in the exchange store? But the Ultimate Gem Beast Rainbow Dragon can't play a role in this situation, right? And didn't John say that he should believe in unknown possibilities and not create known cards? This is totally unexpected!

"It seems to be successful! Then let me see what kind of card you created! Elemental hero Sunrise, launch a direct attack on John! Sunwheel Slice!!"


Then, Sunrise's attack hit John without any hindrance, causing John to fly out screaming, and his health was instantly reduced to the last 300 points.

"What are you doing! John!!"

Professor Chronos couldn't hold it anymore, and even forgot to maintain his own habit. After all, John was hit by a direct attack even though he had used the card printing rules. He couldn't understand it at all, otherwise he wouldn't have been unable to activate the effect of the Dead Guardian.

And Hibiki Momiji, Maruto Sho, and even the duelists in the audience all looked strange. Could it be that the card created by John using the card printing rules could not work in this situation? Card printing failed?

Of course, the expressions of the people in the OCG area did not change much, because they had already guessed what the card John created was.

"Ahem! Don't be impatient, Professor Chronos, the fun is yet to come!"

John got up from the ground and smiled brightly again.

Hibiki Momiji was startled, but in this case, he couldn't just give up the attack, so he had to bite the bullet.

"Then let me look forward to the so-called fun! Gemmon Jade Turtle, launch a direct attack on John!"

"Right now, I activate the effect of Ultra Gemmon Rainbow Dragon in my hand. This card can only be activated when a Gemmon monster declares an attack for battle. This card is Special Summoned from hand! Even on the opponent's field, Jade Turtle is still a Gemmon monster, so I Special Summon this monster in Attack Position! Come, Ultra Gemmon Rainbow Dragon!!"


The dragon's roar sounded again, accompanied by a colorful glow, and Rainbow Dragon, which had not yet evolved from Ultra Gemmon to Ultra Gem God, descended from the sky, blocking John in front of Jade Turtle's admiring and satisfied eyes.

"Ultra Gemmon, isn't it Ultra Gem God?"

In the GX area, everyone was surprised and opened the exchange shop at the same time.

In the OCG area, the duelists began to whisper. In this way, John has completed the achievement of a deck with only eight monsters and all eight monsters have elves in advance. It may even be possible to increase eight to nine in the future. However, as both are elves, how will Ultra Gemmon Rainbow Dragon and Ultra Gem God Rainbow Dragon view their other forms? I'm a little curious!

"Attack power, 3000!"

Hibiki Momiji's expression froze. This was not an opponent that the Jade Turtle or Jade Pegasus could handle. If Sunrise hadn't launched an attack yet, he could have defeated the opponent. But even if he deliberately delayed Sunrise's attack, with the presence of Ultimate Gemmon Rainbow Dragon, who could definitely resist one attack from Gemmon, he was doomed to not be able to clear John's health in this round, not to mention that the Undead Guardian in Professor Chronos's grave could help Ultimate Gemmon Rainbow Dragon block Sunrise's attack.

"That's right! 3000 attack power! This is Ultra Gemmon Rainbow Dragon, a new possibility created by the power of me and the Gemmons! Originally, the effect of Ultra Gemmon Rainbow Dragon should be activated when I use Gemmon monsters to attack the opponent. After all, it is basically impossible for the Gemmon deck to have a civil war. But unfortunately, this random duel happened to be a deck exchange. In this way, Ultra Gemmon Rainbow Dragon can also be used to help me resist attacks!"

"What an amazing bond, there is no other way, Gemmon Jade Turtle, change the target of attack, target, the Trojan Horse on the far left!"


The Trojan Horse with a defense of 1200 was easily crushed by the Jade Turtle with an attack of 1400, but Hibiki Momiji was not happy at all, because the existence of the Trojan Horse had no effect on the development of Professor Chronos's next round. He had no other choice, so he set the Trojan Horse as the target of attack.

"Then, it's Gemmon Jade Pegasus, attack the Trojan Horse on the right!"


Another Trojan Horse was crushed, and Professor Chronos had no intention of activating Death Guardian to protect the Trojan Horse. After all, Hibiki Momiji's deck only had one high-level Earth monster, Elemental Hero Gold Blade, and there was no point in keeping so many Trojan Horses.

"Okay, I'll end the battle phase like this, and activate the effect of Gemmon Jade Turtle (original version). Once per turn, a monster on my field that has been attacked is changed to Defense Position, and I change Jade Turtle itself to Defense Position, then end this turn, and according to the effect of the circulating treasure card, send Gemmon Rubymon on the field to the graveyard."

[Hibiki Momiji: Hand: 1 → 2 → ... → 0 cards Covered card: 0 cards Life Points: 1000]

"Send all the monsters with the lowest attack power to the graveyard or change them to defense position? But it's useless, Teacher Xiang Hongye, don't forget that you only have 1000 life points left, Noone! Next, it's time to decide the outcome, draw a card! I activate the magic card, Pot of Greed, and draw two cards, Noone! Draw a card!"

Xiang Hongye also sighed. He was of course very clear about what Professor Chronos said, but John's deck was really difficult to use. It was already the limit to be able to develop a wave with his own excellent card drawing level. It was really impossible to leave a means of defense and counterattack! Now we can only see what kind of card Professor Chronos will draw and what kind of development he plans to make. If we can attract all the firepower to him and let Xiang survive until the next round, there may be a chance.

"Wow! This is a perfect card draw. Looks like I don't even need to activate the waste to fuse Nonone! Spell Card, Warrior Survive, activate! It can only be activated by targeting a Warrior-Type monster in my Graveyard. Add that Warrior-Type monster to your hand! I add the Warrior-Type monster Elemental Hero Lightning Man from my Graveyard to my hand Nonone! Then activate the Spell Card, Fusion! Fusion the Trojan Horse on the field with the Lightning Man in my hand! Fusion Summon! Elemental Hero Lightning Man Earthman None! Activate the effect of Earthman (original version), and when Special Summon, halve the ATK of an opponent's monster, and add that half to Earthman's ATK None! In addition, there is the effect of Lightningman, which retrieves a Magic Trap Card from the Graveyard! I retrieve the Surprise Fusion from the Graveyard, and then halve Sunrise's ATK to 1650 points, while Earthman's ATK increases to 3850 points None! "

"Surprise Fusion... Sorry, Sho."

Hibiki Momiji covered her face. Earthman was nothing, but Surprise Fusion seemed to have unlocked a card with a terrifying effect for Professor Chronos. In this case, it seemed that Sho's three ancient mechanical monsters on the field could not be saved.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hongye. I don't believe that there will be any powerful monsters that can be fused without the ancient mechanical giants. Moreover, even if the three ancient mechanical monsters in defense position are gone, I still have Clayman in defense position on my field."

"Oh ho! Then, let Marufuji Sho from another world see my new trump card! Hereby declare, use the Inking Rule Noone! I activate the magic card, Amazing Fusion, and use any monster on the field as the fusion material! Scatter, the machine that has been revived from ancient times, absorb the parts you need as much as you want! Fusion Summon!!!"

In the loud shouting of Professor Chronos, a fusion vortex appeared on the field, sucking in all the ancient mechanical turrets on Marufuji Sho's field and the ancient mechanical soldiers on Professor Chronos' field, letting the huge figure slowly appear with a deafening roar, and in Professor Chronos's hand, a new card was gradually constructed from purple-black lightning.

"Here it comes!! This is the new trump card Noone that brought me victory! Fusion Summon! Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant!!!"

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