
"I have a Hero token on the field. It can only be activated when the effects of magic, traps, and monsters are activated. This card is returned to the owner's deck. That activation is invalid and destroyed! I return the wandering Griffin Rider to the deck, which is invalid. And destroy your reformed dragon!"

As soon as the words fell, the body of the wandering griffon rider gradually began to fade away, but before disappearing completely, the griffin still sprayed out a wind blade from its mouth, blasting the Reorganization Dragon into pieces in the revolver's hand.

Seeing this, Zuolun's expression became more solemn: "Such a powerful effect is actually used at the beginning, and it is also when the proliferating G has already taken effect?!"

Xingyuan explained with a smile: "So, this is why I'm just a newbie killer. As an AI without self-awareness and intelligence, I'm too handsome will only act according to its own program, no matter what you do. He will try his best to prevent any operation and will not judge the importance of that operation. "

The duelists watching the battle were all aware of it, but Zuolun did not relax his vigilance because of this. His intuition told him that the opponent's field was full of threats.

"Then, I activate the special effect of the Backing Dragon in the Graveyard. This card name is used once per turn. This card can only be activated when this card exists in the Graveyard and there are no cards on my field. This card in the Graveyard and the card in my hand A dragon-type monster below level 4 is Special Summoned in Defense Position! I Special Summon the Backing Dragon in the Graveyard and the Sniffer Dragon in my hand in Defense Position!

"Stupid, watch me take advantage of you!"

Revolver was suddenly startled, come again? !

"The quick-attack magic card, Named Person of the Grave, is activated! It can be activated by targeting a monster in the opponent's graveyard. That monster is excluded. Until the end phase of the next turn, the monster excluded by this effect and the original card name and that monster The effect of the same monster is invalidated! I activate this effect on the backing dragon in your graveyard, excluding the backing dragon, and negating the effect of the backing dragon!"

"Ku! In this case, I activate a quick-attack magic card, a quick-attack spin! Special summon a bullet monster from the deck. However, the monster specially summoned by this effect cannot attack and will be destroyed in the end phase! I will summon Mag from the deck. Gungun Bullet Dragon is Special Summoned in defense position!"

"Stupid, watch me take advantage of you!"

Zuolun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, there is still one? !

"The special effect of the Loaded Barrel Feral Dragon is activated once per round. When the opponent's effect is activated, it can only be activated by removing one of the barrel counters from this card. The activation of that card is invalid!"

Following my too handsome explanation, a golden ball of light immediately flew out of the barrel of the loaded ferocious dragon's body and merged into the quick attack magic card that appeared on the revolver field, invalidating it.

Seeing this, Zuolun didn't know what to say. After all, this was the monster he owned in the future. It was naturally inappropriate to be angry, but it was also inappropriate to express emotion. He didn't know what to say. I feel like a ghost after being forced into this situation!

No matter what, the duel must continue.

"Then, I summon the Sniffer Dragon in attack position and activate the special effect of the Sniffer Dragon. This card can only be activated when the summon or special summon of this card is successful. I will add another Sniffer Dragon from the deck to my hand! Come... .Nani?”

Zuolun looked down at the bracelet on his left wrist with a surprised expression, because there was no card popping up there as he thought.

"Stupid! The special effect of Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon. As long as this card exists in the monster area, the opponent cannot add the card from the deck to the hand using methods other than drawing cards! Therefore, the effect of Sniffing Dragon cannot be activated!"

"Surprisingly, there is such a thing!"

Revolver's face turned ugly for a moment. In other words, was the only monster he could use, the sniffing dragon? But in his deck, there is no Link Monster with Link 1 at all!

"See what I can do! The special effect of the Destiny Hero to destroy the Phoenix Man can be activated by both sides during the round. Choose one card on your field and another card on the field to destroy! I choose the Destiny Hero on my field to destroy the Phoenix Man. Destroy the Sniffer Dragon on your field!"


As a result, the Phoenix of Destruction man's body was ignited with flames, he took the initiative to bump into the sniffing dragon, and disappeared from the field with the sniffing dragon.

Revolver fell silent. Well, this way, he didn't have to think about Link 1's Link Monster.

Outside the special duel venue, Judai couldn't help but swallowed: "This is how the Hero of Destiny fights?!"

Destroying Destiny Heroes Beyond the Phoenix Man: ...that leaves us with what to say.

Chapter 79: Revolver’s final struggle!

"I cover two cards and the round is over!"

[Revolver: Hand: 5 → 6 → 0, HP: 7200]

Seeing this, Yusaku couldn't help but shake his head. He no longer had any objections to Revolver running into the ring first, and even expressed that he was happy to see it to some extent. After all, it would be difficult for him to reverse the situation in this scene. Although it is not completely impossible, it is really difficult. The opponent's cards have strict requirements, and the revolver's hand obviously does not meet the requirements.

So, judging from the current situation, it is difficult for Revolver to turn defeat into victory. When it is my turn, my awesome Gunload Savage Dragon can activate its effect again, and even activate Destiny Journey to add Wandering Griffin Knight to my hand. In other words, I can have the effect of negating all effects twice, while Revolver only has two face-up cards. Unless these two face-up cards also meet some very special conditions, otherwise...

"Draw a card during my turn! The special effect of Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix takes effect. This card can only be activated when it is destroyed by battle or effect. In the preparation phase of the next turn, select a Destiny Hero monster from my graveyard to special summon! I will special summon Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix in attack position!"

Judai, Caesar and Manjomuzu all looked at each other in surprise. This Destiny Hero is even more excessive than they imagined. Isn't this effect equivalent to destroying one card of the opponent every turn?

But Revolver raised his mouth: "Right now, I activate the face-up card on the left, the Quick Attack Magic Card, Quick Attack Spin! Special Summon a Bullet Monster from the deck, and Special Summon Magnum Gun Dragon from the deck in Defense Position!"

The duelists watching the game were all stunned. It was the second Quick Attack Spin? He didn't activate it in the last round, but chose to activate it this round. What is he planning? But if he activates it at this time...

"Stupid, watch me counter it! The special effect of Barrel Loading Ferocious Dragon is activated again. I remove a barrel indicator on Barrel Loading Ferocious Dragon, and invalidate your Quick Attack Spin!"

So, Quick Attack Spin was invalidated by Barrel Loading Ferocious Dragon again, making the duelists watching the game show expressions of "as expected".

"Then, resolve the effect of Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix Man to revive Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix Man! Then, I will activate the effect of Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix Man again to destroy Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix Man and the last face-up card on your field!"

Under Judai's unbearable gaze, Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix Man once again launched a suicide charge, exploded, and left the field with the last face-up card on the field of Revolver.

"Heh! You've been fooled! Right now, I'm activating the effect of the Continuous Trap Card Reflector Force that you just destroyed! This card can only be activated when it is destroyed by the opponent's effect and sent to the Graveyard. Choose this card in the Graveyard and a Holy Shield - Reflector Force - in my hand, deck, or Graveyard. Set that card and this card together on my field! And, this card can also be activated during the turn it is set! I choose this Reflector Force in the Graveyard and a Holy Shield - Reflector Force - in the deck and set them together on my field!"

"Holy Shield - Reflector Force -?!"

The duelists outside the field exclaimed and looked at Yugi.

Yugi smiled awkwardly, and then looked at Revolver with some surprise.

'I didn't expect this duelist to use Holy Shield - Reflector Force -. What a pity. If he wasn't a villain, I could try to buy him a card that activates the so-called Reflector Force.'


Yami Yugi looked helpless.

On the field, I was too handsome and still not affected at all, but the effect of Gun Barrel Reloading Ferocious Dragon had already been used, and Wandering Griffin Knight had not yet been summoned, so I was too handsome and could not make any response to the effect of Reflector Force Activation. I could only watch Revolver cover the two cards.

After quickly covering the two cards again, Revolver finally sneered.

'Success! In this way, we can counterattack! The opponent will definitely add Wandering Griffin Knight to his hand and then Special Summon Wandering Griffin Knight, but as long as I activate Mirror Force Activation again, due to the rigid program of the AI, the opponent will activate the effect of Wandering Griffin Knight again to invalidate and destroy Mirror Force Activation. Although Mirror Force Activation in this case cannot activate the effect to cover another Holy Shield - Mirror Force -, only one Holy Shield - Mirror Force - is enough to deal with the current situation. After the effects of Barrel Reload Ferocious Dragon and Wandering Griffin Knight have been used up, as long as the opponent lets the monster attack, I can let the opponent taste Hanno's noble power! After that, when it is my turn, I can fight back with the card I just drew! The situation is reversed! ’

“I activate the special effect of Fate Journey Road, add Wandering Griffin Knight from the deck to the hand, and send Gray Flowing Beauty from the hand to the graveyard. Then activate the special effect of Wandering Griffin Knight to Special Summon Wandering Griffin Knight in Attack Position! Then, I activate the effect of the Equipment Magic Card Dragon Rider Dragon, which can be activated once per turn and can only be activated by targeting a card on the opponent's field, and that card is returned to the owner's hand!”


Revolver was shocked instantly. The Equipment Magic Card actually had such an effect. If Holy Shield-Mirror Force- was selected, he would be finished!

“I choose the face-up card on your left and return it to your hand!”

Hearing this, Revolver's face suddenly changed and he laughed wildly: "Hahahahahaha! It seems that luck is still on my side! This is my last struggle! Chain your Dragon Rider and Dragon Pack effect, I activate the cover card on the left, the continuous trap card, and activate the mirror force! At this moment, you will activate the effect of the Wandering Griffin Knight, right!"

"Stupid, watch me counter it! The special effect of the Wandering Griffin Knight is activated, I let the Wandering Griffin Knight return to the deck, making your mirror force activation invalid and destroyed!"


The mirror force activation that lost the opportunity to return to the hand was shattered by the wind blade, but Revolver's smile became more and more wild.

Yusaku and other duelists were shocked, and Ai couldn't help but exclaimed: "No way? Has this been reversed by that guy? The AI ​​over there who called me too handsome, are you a fool? In this case, how can you waste the special effect of the Wandering Griffin Knight on the mirror force activation!"

Chapter 80 Surrender to Hanno's noble power! Nani? !

"Hahahaha, it's useless, Ignis. The guy on the opposite side is not as intelligent as you. According to Xingyuan, the guy on the opposite side will only act according to a rigid procedure. In other words, he will attack next, right!"

"I summon the effect Veiler in attack position!"

"Hmm? Are you still planning to summon? But what do you want to do with a monster with 0 attack power?"

"I will activate the special effect of Destiny Hero Divine Man in the graveyard. It can only be used once per turn. If I have 0 cards in my hand, I can activate it by banishing this card and a Destiny Hero monster from my graveyard. I draw two cards from my deck! I banish Destiny Hero Divine Man and Destiny Hero Charger in the graveyard and draw cards!"

"Replenish your hand at this time?!"

Revolver's face sank, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"I activate the magic card, Resurrection of the Dead, Special Summon the Star-righteous Green Corridor in the Graveyard in Attack Position, and then use the Level 1 Adjuster Monster Effect Veiler and the Level 4 Star-righteous Green Corridor plus the Level 5 Tech Attribute Super Librarian to synchronize! Synchro Summon! Strong, invincible! Flower Baroness!"

Just like that, the non-staff member of Xiangjian, Xiangjian Baroness Flower, also appeared.

Seeing this, Revolver's bad premonition became clearer and clearer. It shouldn't be that bad, right? Just randomly summoning a Synchro Monster, it shouldn't be able to counter the Holy Shield-Mirror Force-right? His luck shouldn't be that bad, right?

And the fun man Xing Principle on the field pondered for a moment and made a decision. If it ended like this, it seemed boring. Anyway, the result of this duel was already obvious, so he secretly gave me a reward in advance. Well, the reward is to let me learn how to perform a show.

So, like the mosaic man, I am so handsome, and a strange light flashed in my eyes. From the rigid AI, there is a trend of developing into artificial intelligence. The original idea of ​​using the flower baron to directly destroy the revolver cover card disappeared.

Countless YGO players in a certain world: ? ? ? Damn, I am so handsome, how can I play the show effect? ​​Has the program been updated?

"Fight! I'm here to kill you! Loading barrel ferocious dragon! Launch a direct attack on the opponent!!"

After receiving the order, the loading barrel ferocious dragon immediately poked out a muzzle from its mouth and began to gather energy.

Seeing this, the revolver was slightly relieved. It seems that not all premonitions are accurate.

"You wish! I'll show you! Surrender to Hanno's noble power! Activate the trap card, Holy Shield - Mirror Force -! Destroy all the monsters in attack position on your field!!! Come on, Barrel Loader Ferocious!!!"


As Revolver roared, Barrel Loader Ferocious also sprayed a golden beam from its mouth, hitting the Holy Shield on Revolver's field, and then a dazzling white light burst out from the Holy Shield card, covering all four monsters on the field.

"Damn, did that guy succeed again?! And what's wrong with that tone, it's as if Barrel Loader Ferocious is that guy's monster!"

Ai held his head with both hands, looking unwilling.

Yusaku remained silent. Although Barrel Loader Ferocious was not that guy's monster, it was Barrel Loader Ferocious's attack that helped that guy reverse the situation, right? Is this the bond between that guy and the ace monster?

Yugi in the distance had a subtle expression on his face. Do you have to recite lines even when activating a trap card? This was beyond his expectations.

As everyone waited, the dazzling light gradually faded, leaving everyone stunned, and Revolver was even more incredulous, because I was so handsome. All the monsters on the field were still intact and not destroyed at all.

"This is impossible! Why aren't your monsters destroyed?! Holy Shield - Mirror Power - should be able to destroy all the attacking monsters on your field!"

"Stupid! Flower Baroness's special effect, this card can only be used once when it is face-up on the field, and can only be activated when the effects of magic, traps, and monsters are activated. That activation is invalid and destroyed, so your Holy Shield - Mirror Power - can't work at all!"


"Keep fighting! I'm here to kill you! Revolver, launch a direct attack on Revolver!"


Roaring, Revolver once again aimed its gun at Revolver.

"That's it, that's right, kill this guy! Come on, I'm so cool!"

Outside the field, on Yusaku's duel board, Ai gloated and began to cheer for me to be so cool, and even got a cheering stick from somewhere and kept waving it.



The golden light gushed out again, but this time there was no sacred shield to help Revolver resist the attack, so Revolver was directly submerged by the golden light and flew out screaming.

"It's not over yet, Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon, continue to attack Revolver directly!"


The flashing golden lightning rushed out of the Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon's mouth, and once again hit Revolver, who had not yet climbed up from the ground, causing Revolver to scream again, and his health value was reduced to only 550.

"This is the end, I want your life! Flower Baroness, launch a direct attack on Revolver!!"

Riding the warhorse, the Flower Baroness shouted and launched a reunion at Revolver. Her whole body was wrapped in the petals of flowers and the fierce hurricane, turning into a flower storm, blowing the screaming Revolver away, directly into the sky, and blowing out the special duel field.

Next to Yusaku, looking at Revolver in the air, Lingya's expression was a little dull: "I say, Playmaker, you should be in the state of virtual characters now, right? Falling from the sky like this, it shouldn't be possible to fall to death directly, right?"

"Of course not, didn't you see it too?"

"What did you see... um, I understand."

Recalling the famous scene of someone falling on his face, Lingya also showed a clear expression. Even if he didn't fall to death directly in that way, there is really no need to worry about Revolver dying directly here.

Aoi: Why do I feel like someone is saying bad things about me behind my back?


With a loud bang, Revolver finally fell on a free arena, and his health value was completely reduced to zero. It was so cool to lose to me like this, and the second round of the BOSS arena ended.

But unfortunately, Revolver didn't fall on his face.

Aoi: ? ? ?

Chapter 81 The aura of an honest man from Mr. Himuro Gentoku!

Revolver struggled to stand up from the ground, looking up at I'm So Handsome, his face full of reluctance, he actually lost again, and lost to an AI, how could he accept this, even if he lost to Playmaker before, he didn't feel so bad, even if Playmaker and Ignis stood on the same side, they were still human, and this AI named I'm So Handsome was just an ordinary AI that hadn't even been born with wisdom, he couldn't even defeat such an AI, how could he destroy all Ignis and save the future of mankind?

The other duelists looked at I'm So Handsome in shock, this level was just a roadblock for new duelists? What kind of world is the world where I'm So Handsome is located! Although I'm So Handsome did leave an obvious loophole, most duelists couldn't defeat I'm So Handsome just by relying on that loophole, right? This is no longer a problem of dueling strength, but a limitation of deck strength.

"Well, you have seen the strength of the rookie killer I'm so handsome, right? It's a pity, Revolver, you didn't defeat the rookie killer!"


Revolver's face was ugly. In other words, his strength in another world is only at the level of a rookie duelist?

"Hahahaha, Revolver, you have come to this day, it really makes me laugh to death!"

Ai rolled on the duel plate again with laughter.

Aside, Aoi couldn't laugh at all. If even a guy like Revolver is just a rookie duelist, then what is she? Even Playmaker, who defeated Revolver, is not much better. After all, Playmaker also defeated Revolver after a hard battle, not as easily as I'm so handsome.

Aoi secretly looked at Yusaku, but unexpectedly found that Yusaku's expression was still extremely calm, and was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Ai also noticed Yusaku's expression and was immediately speechless: "Playmaker, this can't make you laugh? You are such a boring guy!"

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