Looking at the health points displayed next to Sakaki Yuya who was lying on the ground, Kurosaki Hayabusa once again showed a stunned expression. What is this situation? Why are the health points deducted more and more?

Sakaki Yuya jumped up, wiped his nose, and smiled.

"Hey! This is the last escape magic! Kurosaki, it seems you didn't hear my last words just now!"

"Last words?!"

"That's right! Before the effect of Rise of the Rebel Falcon was resolved, I chained the effect of Dark Sun Dragon and activated the final effect!"

"The final effect?! Impossible! The effects of Dark Sun Dragon and Phantom Wing Speed ​​Dragon have already been used, and the fusion monster summoned using the instant fusion effect cannot activate the effect on that chain, and The pendulum effect of Phantom Wing Speed ​​Dragon cannot be activated because it is not placed in the pendulum area before the effect is resolved. In addition, the two magic and trap cards in the backfield have also been used up, leaving you with nothing left. A hand card, where do you come from - the graveyard?"

"That's right! The last thing I activated was the monster card sent to the graveyard through the pendulum effect of Entertainment Partner Ignis Hawk, the effect of Entertainment Partner Xiaojiao (original version)! On the opponent's turn, combine this card and this card from my graveyard It can be activated only if one entertainment partner monster is eliminated. My life points are restored by the total defense power of the removed monsters! I activate this effect and remove the entertainment partner Xiaojiao with a defense power of 1500 and the entertainment partner Barrier Balloon Tapir with a defense power of 2000. So, before your Rising Rebel Falcon caused damage to me, my health points were restored to 6200 points first, and then 2800 points were deducted, leaving the current 3400 points!"

Following Sakaki Yuya's explanation, a blue-haired unicorn girl who looked like a jockey girl also appeared next to Sakaki Yuya riding a purple balloon tapir, smiling and waving to Kurosaki Hayabusa.

"Ha! Have you prepared such a method? It seems that the cards you sent to the graveyard through the effect of Ignis Eagle cannot be ignored!"

"That's not all! The Hungry Gu Death Dragon Slayer that just appeared through the effect of instant fusion and was destroyed by the effect of your Rising Rebel Falcon also has an effect to be resolved! When this card in the monster area is destroyed by battle or effect To activate, this card is placed in my pendulum area! I will place the Hungry Gu Death Dragon in the pendulum area!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the purple poisonous dragon in black robes appeared next to Sakaki Yuya, shrouded in a beam of light.

"After being destroyed, it is placed in the pendulum area. It seems that this effect can be said to be the standard effect of most pendulum effects with two identities. If it is not selected as the effect object by instant fusion and pendulum switching, the Phantom Wing The Speed ​​Dragon and Hungry Gu Dragon should also have such an effect! However, in order to reduce the damage received, you have to actively retire those two monsters, resulting in your pendulum area now only having Hungry Gu Death! Dragon is a card!”

"Well! It's true that one card cannot be used for Pendulum Summoning, but I can still draw a card next turn, right? As long as I draw another Pendulum Monster, I'll be fine!"

"Then you have to be able to hold on until the next turn! My combat phase hasn't started yet! I activate the effect of the Assault Raptor - Prosperous Vulture in my hand, and there are no face-up representations other than the Birds and Beasts on my field. It can only be activated when a monster exists. Special summon this card and an Assault Raptor monster from my hand! I special summon the Prosperity Vulture and Assault Raptor - Napalm Fire Dragon Shrike from my hand! Then I activate Naso Bomb Fire Dragon Shrike! The effect of the original version) can only be activated once per round, inflicting 600 points of damage to the opponent! Sakaki Yuya, try this again, the kerosene bomb!"

"Wow!! It's so hot, so hot, so hot!!"

"Then this, the magic card, Strike Raptor-Sanctuary (original card)! It can only be activated when there are three or more Strike Raptor monsters on my field. I draw two from the deck! Now on my field I have gathered three more attacking raptor monsters, so draw a card! ! I summon another Nalotin Fire Dragon Shrike in attack position, and then activate the Nalotin Fire Dragon Shrike's effect, Fire Gas Bomb!

"Isn't it? Are you coming again? Wow!!"

After a period of panic, Sakaki Yuya pitifully touched his hair that seemed to have been burnt, and his health dropped to 2200 points.

But in Kurosaki Hayabusa's view, this is not enough. The Raptor monsters, except for the Napalm Fire Dragon Shrike and the Demon Eagle, the monsters that can inflict effect damage to the opponent basically require the effect to destroy the opponent's monsters on the field. The opponent's effect damages, but the Dark Sun Dragon uses the effect to add damage resistance to itself. It will not be destroyed by combat or effects during this round. This results in most of the damage effects of the Raptor Monster being unable to activate. It worked.

As for combat damage other than effect damage, Courageous Owl has the effect of allowing the Assault Raptor XYZ monster holding Courageous Owl as the XYZ material to gain an attack power increase equal to its level multiplied by 100, because it is an XYZ material. The effect is counted as its own effect. Even if the Rising Rebel Falcon on the field is not affected by the effects of other cards, it still successfully increases the attack power of the Rising Rebel Falcon to 5300, while the attack power of the Dark Sun Dragon is only 3000, Sakaki Yuya's health points are only 2200. If you only look at the field, directly attacking Yami Hichiryu with the Rising Rebel Falcon should be enough to completely clear out Sakaki Yuya's health points.

However, Sakaki Yuya's graveyard also has four other cards sent to the graveyard through the effect of Ignis Eagle. Those four cards should all have effects that can be activated in the graveyard, so he still has to be prepared. That’s it!

"It's not over yet! I activate the final effect of Rise of the Rebel Falcon once per round. I remove the three XYZ materials of this card and target an Assault Raptor XYZ monster in my graveyard to activate it until the end of the round. This card gets the same effect as that monster!"

"What?! The effect of copying the effect of the XYZ monster of the Graveyard's Assault Raptor? Could it be that the Demon Eagle?! No, the effect of the Demon Eagle requires the removal of XYZ materials to be activated, and after Rising Rebel Falcon removes three XYZ materials, There is no XYZ material left!”

"That's right, even if I copy the effect of the Demon Eagle, I can't activate it again! So, what I want to copy is this! I remove the three XYZ materials of the Rising Rebel Falcon and copy the XYZ of the Graveyard's Assault Raptor Monster, revolutionary falcon effect!”

"Copy the effect of the Revolution Falcon? But the Dark Sun Dragon will not be destroyed by combat and effects this round. Even the effect of the Revolution Falcon cannot destroy the Dark Sun Dragon to cause effect damage to me!"

"Hmph! Of course I know this very well, but the effect of the Revolution Falcon is not just that one! Fight! Rise up the Rebel Falcon and launch an attack on the Dark Dragon!!"

"Then let me see what other effects the Revolution Falcon has! Dark to the sun dragon, attack! Devour the eclipse!!"

"At this moment, I activate the effect of Rise of Rebel Falcon copied from Falcon of Revolution (original version). This card is activated when fighting a monster specially summoned by the opponent's field. The attack power and defense of that opponent's monster are The power becomes 0! Rise up the Rebel Falcon and reduce the attack power and defense power of the Dark Dragon to 0! "


"This way you are completely finished! Sakaki Yuya! Rise up the Rebel Falcon, the ultimate revolution of rebellion!!!"

"How could it end like this! I activated the effect of the graveyard's entertainment partner Xiaodu (original version)!"


"On the opponent's turn, you can activate this card by banishing this card and an entertainment partner monster from my graveyard. The battle damage I receive will reduce the total defense value of the removed monsters! I have removed the entertainment partner Xiao Duhe from my graveyard. Except for the partner Clay Destroyer, Xiao Du’s defense power is 1000, so the combat damage to me is reduced by 2500 points! ”

The orange-haired unicorn horse girl and her companions quickly appeared in front of Sakaki Yuya, blocking most of the impact for Sakaki Yuya, but the remaining 1500 points of damage still blew Sakaki Yuya away, causing Sakaki Yuya's The health value is locked to 700 points.

"Is it just an effect of reducing combat damage? If it's just that, it's not enough!"

"Really? So, so what! I activate the effect of the Graveyard's Entertainment Partner Classical Chestnut Ball. This card exists in the Graveyard. It can only be activated when I receive battle damage. This card is placed in my pendulum area! I Place the classical chestnut ball in the pendulum area!”

"Place it in the pendulum area? Is this the purpose? So you only prepared the effect of reducing combat damage? Combination skills?"

"It's not over yet, my combination magic has a follow-up! Another effect of Pendulum Delay (original version) of the magic card in the graveyard is activated when the pendulum monster card in the graveyard leaves the graveyard. This effect of the pendulum monster card in the graveyard can be Remove a card and return a Pendulum Monster card on my field to the Extra Deck! I banish the Pendulum Monster Card in the Graveyard and return the Pendulum Monster Card to the Extra Deck on my field!"

"Take the initiative to return the Dark Sun Dragon to the Extra Deck? But it's meaningless! Returning monsters with 0 attack power to the Extra Deck only turns the battle between monsters into a direct attack on you. Fighting The damage will not change at all! The Nalotin Fire Dragon Shrike launches a direct attack on Sakaki Yuya! "

"What I've been waiting for is now! Activate the pendulum effect of Entertainment Partner Classic Kuribori Ball (original version)! When there are no monsters on my field, when the opponent's monster declares a direct attack, I can only activate this card by releasing this card in the pendulum area. , that attack is invalid, that combat phase is over!”


"Because Hidden Dragon has retired, there are no monsters on my field now! Therefore, I free the classical chestnut ball in the pendulum area, negate the attack of your Napalm Fire Dragon Shrike, and force the end of your battle phase!"

Kurosaki Hayabusa lowered his head and glanced at the three remaining cards in his hand, and clicked his tongue. Although he guessed that the pendulum effect of the classical chestnut ball should be able to withstand attacks, he failed to guess that the pendulum effect of the classical chestnut ball would still be able to withstand attacks. It can force the end of the combat phase, making it impossible to activate the quick-attack magic cards in his hand that are ready to be used.

"Tsk! You can even withstand such an attack. You are really tenacious! Then, I will cover two cards and end this round!"

[Kurosaki Hayabusa: Hand: 5 → 6 →... → 1, Covered Cards: 2, HP: 10]

"Hehe, as an entertainment duelist, without a strong will and a strong body, there is no way to last until the end of the entertainment duel! Okay, next, it's my turn again! My turn, draw cards! Oh wow, I’ve drawn a pendulum monster! I’ll set the pendulum scale for my entertainment partner, the pendulum of fate!”

"Wait a minute, stop pendulum! You can't do pendulum summons!"

Kurosaki Hayabusa made a forbidden gesture with black lines all over his head.


"Really, have you really not noticed or are you pretending not to notice? Entertainment partners Keyboard Monkey and Hungry Gu Death Slayer. These two pendulum monsters are Pendulum Monsters with a scale of 1, right? What are you going to do with two scales of 1? put?"

"Ah!! Really!! In the past, Yuli used the vicious poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poison with the evil poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poison into the way out to kill dragons."

Sakaki Yuri's shadow appeared, and he looked at Sakaki Yuya speechlessly: "Are you stupid? The scale of the Hungry Gu Dragon is 1, and the evolved form of the Hungry Gu Dragon Slayer's scale is naturally 1 as well. Think about it and the scale is 1 If the Keyboard Monkey cooperates, you can use Yu Dou’s Dark Sun Dragon with a scale of 10!”

"I thought about it too, but isn't the Dark Hidden Dragon sent back to the extra deck? Forget it, it doesn't matter, I have another way! Keyboard Monkey's pendulum effect is activated, and I put the entertainment partner monsters below level 4 , the level 1 entertainment partner, the heterochromatic eyed manservant, is added to the hand! This way you get the pendulum monster with a scale of 8! "

"Then, how are you going to deal with the two pendulum monsters with a scale of 1 that have occupied two pendulum areas?"

"That's it! I activate the effect of the entertainment partner Odd-Eyes Butler in the graveyard. If this card exists in my hand or the graveyard, I will use an entertainment partner monster or an Odd-Eyes Monster on my field other than the Odd-Eyes Butler. This card can only be activated as a target. After that, the target card is destroyed! I activate the effect on the entertainment partner Keyboard Monkey on the field, destroy the Keyboard Monkey, and special summon the Odd Eyes Butler! Scale 8’s entertainment partner, the valet with heterochromatic eyes, sets the pendulum scale!”

Chapter 536: Accelerate XYZ, complete defense, new magic (two-in-one)

"Scale 1 and scale 8, you guy, did you accidentally use two scales 1 to set the pendulum scale before, or did you do it on purpose?"

"Ahem! Not careful, of course not careful! In short, gentlemen and ladies, let's start swinging to our heart's content! Let's depict the coming time and travel between the future and the past! The pendulum summons! Appear! Different colors Eye Phantom Dragon!”

"Use the Wings of Speed ​​to travel through the past and the future! Pendulum Summon! Appear! Phantom Wing Speed ​​Dragon!!"

"Conquer the past and future with dangerous poison! Pendulum Summon! Appear! Ferocious Hungry Gu Dragon!!"

"Use the fangs of rebellion to cleave the future and the past! Pendulum Summon! Appear! Dark to the Sun Dragon!!"

In the singing of the four Sakaki brothers, the dragons of the fourth dimension all appeared. Several people in the OCG area couldn't help sighing. This is the ARC-V they want to see. If the animated version of ARC-V If the four protagonists are combined into this mode, it will not be like that!

What? The comic version of ARC-V is also so incredible that it leaves the industry? Actually, the main reason is that the final ending is outrageous. The previous plot and the final structure are actually quite good. If the author hadn't insisted on such an outrageous ending, with the animated version ARC-V as a comparison , the comic version of ARC-V can actually be ranked in Oita, but it’s a pity.

"Sure enough, four dragons were summoned in one breath!"

"Well! Because the scales of my entertainment partner Odd Eyes Servant and Ferocious Hungry Gu Death Dragon Slayer are 1 and 8 respectively, I can special summon level 2 to level 8 pendulum monsters from the extra deck at the same time! Odd Eyes Phantom Dragon, Phantom Wing Speed ​​Dragon, and Hungry Gu Dragon all happen to be level seven monsters. Although Dark Sun Dragon is a level seven monster, it also has level seven monsters that can be pendulum summoned in the case of extra cards. This face-up card has the special effect of Pendulum Summoning, so summoning four dragons at once is no problem at all!”

"Hmph!! So what, even if you summon four dragons, none of them can defeat my Rising Rebel Falcon!"

Sakaki Yuya scratched his head and cautiously pointed out a finger: "Well, um, Kurosaki, is it possible that I can win this duel without defeating your Rising Rebel Falcon? Victory!”

"You guy!"

"The effect of Hungry Gu Dragon (original version), once per turn, negates the effect of a monster on the opponent's field, and allows Hungry Gu Dragon to obtain the effect of that monster, and then allows that monster to attack The power is reduced by 500 points, while giving the opponent 500 points of effect damage! Although the Rising Rebel Falcon on your field has a powerful effect that is not affected by the effects of other cards, other monsters on your field do not have such effects! Moreover, Kurosaki, you only have the last 10 points of life left! Use this attack to end everything! I'll target the Nalotin Fire Dragon Shrike, an attacking raptor on your field! This effect usurps the effect of the Napalm Fire Dragon Shrike and reduces its attack power by 500 points, causing 500 points of damage to you! "The final Hungry Dream Torrent!"

"Naive! Do you think I didn't expect this possibility?"


"Activate cover cards, trap cards, and Assault Raptor-Combat Readiness (original version)! It can only be activated when combat and effect damage to me occurs, and the effect damage becomes 0! I will use the effect of the Hungry Gu Dragon on me. The damage becomes 0!”

"The second Assault Raptor-Combat Readiness, is this the Gaika ambushing on the field! This is going to be troublesome!"

"Hmph! It depends on your own choice next. The Hungry Gu Dragon that has usurped the effect of the Napalm Fire Dragon Shrike can naturally activate the usurped effect and give me 600 points of effect damage. However, in that case, I will also I can activate another effect of the Graveyard's Assault Raptor - Combat Readiness to negate the effect damage and make all the combat damage I received become 0. As for paying health points, my health points are already down to the last 10. point, so there is no need to pay for the second effect of Raptor-Strike—Combat Readiness!”

"Have you calculated this far?"

Sakaki Yuya looked at the five monsters on his field with a headache. Except for the Hungry Gu Dragon, which had usurped the effect of the Napalm Fire Dragon Shrike, there were no other monsters that could deal any more damage by the effect, so he couldn't activate it again. Two effect damage effects are used to break through Kurosaki Hayabusa's defense. As for combat damage, Kurosaki Hayabusa has another cover card in the backcourt. The eight-level cover card is the card that Kurosaki Hayabusa uses to resist combat damage. Okay, what a troublesome development!

"There is no other way, so let's take it one step at a time! Entering the battle stage, the heterochromatic eyed phantom dragon launches an attack on the attacking raptor - the prosperous vulture! Dreamy spiral flames!!"

"It's useless! There's no way to defeat my monster with such a monotonous attack! Activate Gai Ka, Quick Attack Magic Card, Rapid Attack Raptor - Rapid XYZ! When the opponent has a specially summoned monster on the field, during the battle phase of both parties To activate, I summon an Assault Raptor XYZ monster XYZ from the extra deck, and the monster XYZ summoned by this effect can activate the effect of removing the XYZ material during the battle phase of this turn!"

"What?! Are you calling XYZ on my turn?! You shouldn't call it Rapid XYZ, but Accelerate XYZ!"

"You talk too much nonsense! I used the Level 4 Prosperity Vulture and the two Level 4 Napalm Fire Dragon Shrikes to build a stacked light network! O female falcon! Lift the claws that have been sharpened in adversity and flip the wings of rebellion! XYZ Summons! Level 4! Attacking Falcon!

"Flying falcon? But why is it a defensive display?"

Sakaki Yuya couldn't help but cry out.

Kurosaki Hayabusa crossed his arms and looked indifferent: "Huh! Although the Winged Falcon has a powerful effect, its basic attack power is only 100 points after all! And there are still effects on your field that can kill my monsters. The Phantom Winged Velociraptor is ineffective. In this case, it is naturally impossible for me to let the Winged Falcon appear in attack position!"

"It's true, everyone was guarded out!"

Sakaki Yuya showed a depressed expression. If the Winged Falcon appears in defense position, even if the heterochromatic-eyed Phantom Dragon has the effect of giving effect damage, it cannot be activated. After all, the premise of activating that effect is to generate combat damage, but he None of the monsters on the field has a penetrating effect. As for targeting Rise of Rebel Falcon, there is no need to think about it. Rise of Rebel Falcon's attack power is 4000, and he also has no attack from any monster on the field. Its power can match it. The only one who can increase its own attack power is Yin Xiangliu, but because he appears as a pendulum summon and does not have XYZ materials, he cannot activate the effect. There is no choice!

"It seems that you really have no other means, so you can stop it here and declare the end of the round quickly!"

"That won't work. Although I don't know if I can succeed, at least I still have to try! The strange-eyed phantom dragon continues to attack the winged falcon, the dreamy spiral flame!!"


"It's useless. Even if you destroy the Winged Falcon, the offensive of the Rising Rebel Falcon in the next round will still be enough to wipe out your last 700 remaining health points!"

"It seems that this is indeed true, but my turn is not over yet!"

"What?! You have used up all the cards in your hand and graveyard, what else can you do!"

"I have used up all the resources in my hand and graveyard, and I still have an extra deck, right? But before that, I end the combat phase and activate the effect of the Hungry Gu Dragon to usurp the Nalotin Fire Dragon Shrike, once per round, giving the opponent 600 Point of effect damage! Fire oil bomb!"

"Are you going to consume the Assault Raptor-Combat Readiness in my graveyard first? Then I will help you. I will activate the effect of Assault Raptor-Combat Readiness in the graveyard, banish this card, and negate the effects of the Hungry Gu Dragon on me. Combat damage, let all the combat damage I receive in the future become 0!”

"Alright, let's try out the new magic we learned after coming here for the first time! Show up and open up a dream circuit in the future!"


As Sakaki Yuya chanted, a square link circuit appeared instantly, causing Kurosaki Hayabusa to exclaim in surprise, what is this, a new summoning mode?

In the auditorium, everyone in the ARC-V area was also surprised. According to Sakaki Yuya's previous words, there shouldn't be a link summoning method in the parallel ARC-V world, right? So is it because Sakaki Yuya quickly mastered the link summoning method after coming to the arena? Then the Link Monster owned by Sakaki Yuya should also be a Link Monster that was redeemed in the exchange shop. In other words, it is a Link Monster that other duelists have used in the arena, has already appeared in the arena, and is adapted to the Pendulum. Isn’t that the only link monster in the deck? No, that's a UR card. Sakaki Yuya only entered the venue last round, and now he has collected the redemption points to redeem the UR card? What kind of luck is this!

"The summoning condition is two pendulum monsters! I will set the link mark on the two pendulum monsters on the field, the Phantom Dragon with Different Color Eyes and the Entertainment Partner with Different Color Eyes Butler, and link summon! Show up, Link 2, just refined Warrior·Silver and Gold Princess!”

Under the unsurprised eyes of the duelists in the audience, Princess Silver and Gold made her debut again. Obviously, Yuya Sakaki had collected the exchange points for the UR card in just one round. This was probably why he came on stage so late. The reason is, but this is probably the only UR card he redeemed, otherwise he would not have waited until now to take out the Silver and Gold Princess.

As for why they chose to exchange for the Silver and Gold Princess instead of exchange for the proliferating G, only the four Sakaki brothers themselves know this. However, if you think about it carefully, without mastering the magic draws such as flash cards, Given the ability, exchanging only one hand pit doesn't seem to have much effect. It's better to exchange for auxiliary cards that can be placed in additional decks.

"Link summon? Yuya Sakaki, you really can always come up with some new tricks!"

"Hehe! It's pretty good, isn't it? Although for duelists in other worlds, link summoning may be a very common summoning method, for us, this is a great surprise! It took a lot of effort for me to get this If you get a card, you must surprise everyone else when you go back!”

"Hmph! You'd better think about that kind of thing after this duel is over!"

"That's right, then, the effect of Silver and Gold Princess can only be activated when the link summon of this card is successful. Select a pendulum monster from the deck to be face-up and add it to my extra deck! I will entertain my friends with the pendulum monster from the deck. The card-drawing Lizard is added to my extra deck as a face-up card. Then, the second effect of Silver and Gold Princess is activated once per turn. It can only be activated by targeting a face-up card on my field other than this card. That card is destroyed, and after that, I add a face-up Pendulum Monster from my Extra Deck to my hand! I activate the effect targeting the Hungry Gu Death Slayer in my Pendulum Zone, and kill the Hungry Gu Death Slayer. Dragon Destruction, add the face-up Pendulum Monster Entertainment Partner Lizard to your hand from the Extra Deck!”

"When combined, is it equivalent to the effect of destroying a card on your field and directly retrieving a Pendulum monster from the deck? For those of you who use a Pendulum deck, this is indeed a good effect!"

"That's not all! Princess Silver and Gold, there is a third effect!"


"This card name is activated once per turn. When the card in my pendulum area leaves the field, it is activated. I draw one from the deck! The pendulum monster sent to the extra deck after being destroyed by the second effect of Silver and Gold Princess is fierce. Hungry Gu Death Dragon was the card that was placed in my pendulum area before, so I can draw a card and draw a card!”

"I see, this is the real purpose!"

"That's right, drawing cards from the deck is my real purpose! As long as we can still draw cards from the deck, our magic will have infinite possibilities! Moreover, the cards I can draw are not the only ones. Zhang! I set the pendulum scale by drawing the card lizard on the scale 6 of the entertainment partner, and then activate the pendulum effect of the card drawing lizard. This card name is once per turn. In my main phase, I have the entertainment partner draw in the pendulum area on the other side. It can only be activated when there is an entertainment partner monster other than the card lizard. This card is destroyed and I draw one from the deck! The card placed in the pendulum area on the other side is the entertainment partner odd-colored eyed manservant, which is naturally an entertainment partner monster. So, I will draw a card to destroy the lizard, then draw a card from the deck, and draw a card!”

At this time, Kurosaki Hayabusa's expression became solemn, and he drew two cards in a row. It would be bad if he drew a card that could cause him damage.

However, while Kurosaki Hayabusa was so worried, Sakaki Yuya did not expect to be able to draw a card that would directly give effect damage at this time. After all, he was an entertainment duelist, so the duel would be ruined by the effect damage at this time. At the end of the day, it was a little too unentertaining.

Chapter 537: One-on-one duel, brother’s will (5,000 words)

"Um, are these two cards? It seems that I can only bet everything on drawing cards!"

"You've already drawn two cards, and you still plan to bet everything on drawing cards. Is that possible, you guy?"

"Well! Mainly because I don't have a choice! Kurosaki, I haven't done a normal summon this turn, right! Now, I summon my entertainment partner Card Bird in attack position, and then activate the magic card, Disaster Draw card (original card)! Destroy the five monsters on my field to activate, and draw two from the deck!”

"Destroy five monsters, but you only have five monsters in total on the field. Do you have to continue drawing cards at such a price?"

"I can't help it. After all, the cards I drew are Card Bird and Disaster Draw. If I keep these two cards, I will be directly eliminated by your Rise of Rebellious Falcon in the next turn, right? I will destroy all five monsters on my field, including Silver Princess, Dark Sun Dragon, Phantom Wing Speed ​​Dragon, Fierce Hungry Gu Dragon, and Card Bird. I will draw two cards from the deck and draw cards! Then, the effect of Card Bird (original card) is activated when this card is destroyed. I draw a card from the deck, so I can draw another card! In addition, there is the effect of Fierce Hungry Gu Dragon. If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed by battle and effect, , this card is placed in my Pendulum Zone! Therefore, I place the Hungry Dragon in the Pendulum Zone and draw a card! "

"Did you draw three cards in total? If you only need to use two cards, it would be a good deal, but now you have put four monsters on the field, this is not two for three, but six for three, even with the Hungry Dragon, it is only six for four!"

"It's a big loss, right? It seems to be true, but, Kurosaki, I drew an interesting card! Wow, it seems that the next turn will be the last turn of this duel! "

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