
The blazing beam of light bloomed again. This time, the Super Thunder Dragon, which had lost all its shields, finally failed to survive and was completely blown to pieces.

Seeing this, Red Wai also expressed his respect to Super Thunder Dragon with a serious face. Although the effect of blocking the search did not work, it withstood seven attacks. Super Thunder Dragon also tried its best. It was really hard work. .

"Phew! I end the combat phase, no, I just end this round like this!"

[Pegasus Night Walk: Hand cards: 5 → 6 →... → 0 cards, cover cards: 2 cards, life value: 8000]

"Then, it's my turn to counterattack! My turn is to draw a card! The effect of Destiny Hero Destruction Phoenix that was activated in the last round is resolved. I will special summon the Destruction Phoenix in the graveyard back to the field in attack position. superior!"

"Has the immortal monster been resurrected? However, no matter what monster you summon, it is meaningless under the power of this card!"


Rhett was startled. With these confident words, could it be that Pegasus Night Walk still has some trump card that he hasn't shown yet? But Tianma Yexing only has two cards left to activate. What makes him so confident? It can’t be a fake card like Oliha Gangtian Shendang!

"Trap Card, Messenger of Peace, Activate!!"

"What the hell? You spoke so arrogantly, but in the end you took out a life card and tried to force yourself to do so?"

Red Wai couldn't hold himself any longer. He thought Tianma Yexing could come up with some super trump card, but it turned out to be Gou Ming Ka. This drama was comparable to what the old guy said at the critical moment: "Give it to Luda!"

"Hmph! Whatever you say, as long as it can help me win, it doesn't matter if I get stuck! Victory is everything! The effect of the Messenger of Peace, this round, my monsters will not be destroyed by the battle, and the battle damage I receive will All become 0! ! As long as this effect is there, even if you use the effect of destroying the Phoenix Man to destroy the Beast God Machine King Barbaros Ur, no matter how powerful the monster is, I will definitely be able to survive until the next turn. Sound the horn of counterattack again!”

After saying that, looking at the health value displayed on the duel plate, Tianma Yexing sneered. The so-called basic rules had a starting health value of 8,000. He didn't believe that Red Wai could still survive when the battle damage was cleared. This round directly caused 8000 points of effect damage to him. As for the evaluation of the life card, it didn't matter at all. He was not a duelist who cared about that kind of thing.

In the audience, Caesar's expression was a little subtle. Victory is everything. Although this sentence is not wrong when used in this situation, it always feels like something is wrong.

Rhett scratched his head. He would definitely be able to survive until the next round. I really dare to say that. It seems that although Tianma Yexing's strength is pretty good, his vision is still limited by the times. In the current environment, Even if all combat damage becomes 0, even if you don't use those special victory methods, there are still many ways to win the duel. Unfortunately, the deck he is using now has such methods.

So, what method should be used next to break the illusion of Pegasus walking at night? Forget it, let's take it step by step. No matter which method is used, there is still a key card missing. That key card must be sent to the graveyard first!

"Since you said so, I have no choice but to ask you to taste a monster that is more powerful than you imagined! I activate the effect of the Destiny Hero Demonic Man in the graveyard. I can only activate it by banishing this card from the graveyard. I will remove it from the deck. A Destiny Hero Demon is Special Summoned! I exclude the Demon in the Graveyard and Special Summon another Demon in Defense Position from the deck! Then activate the effect of the Destiny Hero Negator in the Graveyard, only once per duel. This card can only be activated when there are Destiny Hero monsters other than Destiny Hero Negator on the field and in the graveyard. This card is specially summoned from the graveyard! I have two Destiny Hero monsters on the field, Destruction Phoenix and Demonic Man, so I defend. Indicates the Special Summoning of the Negator from the Graveyard! Then activate another effect of the Negator. This card name can be activated once per turn. This card can only be activated when the Summoning and Special Summoning of this card are successful. Choose from my deck, the Graveyard, and the removed monsters. A destiny hero monster is placed at the top of the deck! I will put the excluded demonic man back at the top of the deck!"

"Do the two fusion materials sent to the graveyard by Fusion Destiny have the effect of special summons? Even the excluded materials can be recycled. This kind of strength!"

"That's why Fusion Destiny has such self-respect! Okay, we have gathered the materials, let's start surfing! Come out and guide the future circuit! The summoning condition is two monsters with different card names, and I will field The two monsters with different card names, Destiny Hero Demon and Destiny Hero Negator, are set to the link mark! Show up, Link 2, Interweave Sheep!”

Under the slightly surprised gaze of Tianma Yexing, Red Wai showed the summoning method of link summoning, but the standard summoning lines made Ai on the duel board of Yuzu couldn't help complaining, and it was also a circuit to guide the future. , don’t your OCG duelists have their own lines?

"Then I activate the effect of the magic card Thunder Dragon Fusion in the graveyard. This card name is once per turn. You can activate it by banishing this card from the graveyard, and add a Thunder monster from the deck to your hand! Although this effect cannot be activated in the turn it is sent to the graveyard, Thunder Dragon Fusion is a card that was sent to my graveyard by Big Blue last turn, so I banished the Thunder Dragon Fusion in the graveyard and added another Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon from the deck to my hand! Then I activate the effect of Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon in my hand, and discard this card from my hand to activate it, and the cards from my graveyard and the ones I have eliminated Choose a Thunder Dragon card other than Thunder Dragon from the remaining cards and add it to your hand. I discard the Thunder Dragon in my hand and fuse the Thunder Dragon I just banished from the banished zone to my hand! "

"This chain is why I searched for Thunder Dragon last turn!"

"It's not over yet! I once again activate the effect of the Demonic Man sent to the Graveyard as a Link Material, banish the Demonic Man in the Graveyard, and Special Summon another Demonic Man returned to the deck in Defense Position to the Link Zone of Interwoven Sheep! This triggers the effect of Interwoven Sheep! This card name lasts for one turn Once, this card can only be activated when a monster is Special Summoned in the Link Zone. Different effects are triggered depending on the type of monster in the Link Zone! Now, in addition to the Demonic Man I just Special Summoned, there is also a Fusion Monster, Destruction Phoenix Man, in the Link Zone of Interwoven Sheep, so the effect is triggered to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from my Graveyard! I Special Summon the Level 4 Knight of the End in the Graveyard in Defense Position, and then activate the effect of the Knight of the End. This card can only be activated when it is successfully Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, and a Dark monster is sent from the deck to the Graveyard! I send the Dark monster Deathdragon, Tremor of the Dead Dragon to the Graveyard again from the deck! Then I activate the effect of Deathdragon, Tremor of the Dead Dragon, and pay half of the life points, targeting Demonic Man, and make Deathdragon, Tremor of the Dead Dragon, become Level 1 and Special Summon it in Defense Position! "

"You dare to continue paying life points!"

"Life points are something that is not cleared to zero, which is more than enough! I haven't performed a Normal Summon this turn! I summon Entertainment Wizard in Attack Position Trickster, then use the Level 1 Deathdragon, Thrill of the Dead Dragon to Synchro Summon the Level 4 Entertainment Wizard Trickster and the Level 4 Doomsday Knight with a Level 1 Deathdragon! Synchro Summon! Level 9, Hungry Crocodile Dragon Ancient Fish Dragon!! Then the effect of Hungry Crocodile Dragon Ancient Fish Dragon, this card name once per turn, when this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, I draw the number of monsters from the deck that are used as Synchro Materials, excluding Tuners! Among the Synchro Materials of Hungry Crocodile Dragon Ancient Fish Dragon, Entertainment Wizard Trickster and Doomsday Knight are not Tuner monsters, so I can draw two cards! In addition, there is the effect of Entertainment Wizard Trickster, this card name once per turn, when this card is sent to the Graveyard, it can be activated by targeting an Entertainment Wizard monster in my Graveyard, and Special Summon that monster! However, the attack and defense of the monster special summoned by this effect become 0, and after that, I will receive 1000 points of damage! "

"What? !"

"I special summoned Entertainment Wizard Activate this effect on Trickster Joker himself, Special Summon Trickster Joker to the field in Defense Position, let me take 1000 damage, draw two cards, draw cards! ”

While speaking, Red Wai replenished his hand to five cards, but Red Wai's HP also dropped to only 700 points, which made Pegasus Night Walk frown, because none of Red Wai's HP that dropped by 7300 points was due to him.

“Very good! I activate the magic card, Thunder Dragon Fusion! This card name once per turn, return the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Thunder Fusion Monster from my field, graveyard, and excluded monsters to the owner's deck, and Fusion Summon that Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck! The Fusion Material requirement is three Thunder Dragon monsters, I return the Ultra Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon in the graveyard, the Thunderbird Dragon-Thunder Dragon in the excluded zone, and the Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon to the Extra Deck and the deck, and Fusion Summon! Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon! ! ”

“3200 attack power? It's still not as good as my Beast God Machine King Barbaros Ur, not to mention that it has no effect even if it surpasses the attack power! "

"But the purpose of my Fusion Summoning Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon is not to use Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon to attack! Magic card, Temptation of Darkness, activate! I draw two cards from the deck, and then banish a dark attribute monster from my hand! If there is no dark attribute monster in the hand, send all cards in the hand to the graveyard! Draw a card, I banish the dark attribute monster Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon, and then activate the effect of Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon, and add Thunder Dragon cards other than Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon, Thunderbird Dragon - Thunder Dragon from the deck to the hand! "

"Thunderbird Dragon - Thunder Dragon, the effect of changing the hand? ! "

Chapter 548 The necessity of carrying the ejection turtle when excluding the unlucky guy (five thousand)

"That's right! The effect of Hungry Crocodile Dragon Ancient Fish Dragon discards two cards in hand and can be activated by targeting a card on the field, and that card is destroyed! I discard Thunderbird Dragon and Giant King Spinosaurus in my hand and activate the effect targeting Thunder Dragon! ”

“You actually chose your own monster, could it be? !”

“The effect of Thunder Dragon, if this card is destroyed by an effect, you can banish two cards from my graveyard as a replacement. I banish Thunder Dragon and Dark Temptation from my graveyard, and Thunder Dragon is destroyed instead! Then I activate the effect of Thunder Dragon, return all three cards in my hand to the deck, draw three cards, and draw! Ah!! ”

Seeing Reid's painful expression, Pegasus Night Walker also breathed a sigh of relief and sneered.

"It seems that your luck is still as bad as ever. Even your so-called strong right hand can't help you!"

"Tsk! What if you have bad luck? I can still continue to develop. Watch me change your fate! Come out and guide the future circuit! The summoning condition is two or more monsters with different card names other than derivatives. I will use the Hungry Crocodile Dragon, Ancient Fish Dragon and Destiny Hero on the field. The Demon Man also has Link 2's Intertwined Sheep set to the Link Mark! Link Summon, show up, Link 4, Apollosa, the Bow of Summoning! ! Set a card, and then activate the effect of Phoenix Destruction, select the Thunder Dragon on my field and the set card I just covered in the backfield to destroy! Of course, I will activate the effect of Thunder Dragon, banish the Giant King Spinosaurus in the graveyard and Explosion Mode instead of destroying it! Then activate the effect of Giant King Spinosaurus, this card name once per turn, this card can only be activated when it is banished, and this card is Special Summoned! In addition, the attack power of this card Special Summoned by this effect increases by the number of my Dinosaur-Type monsters banned multiplied by 200 points! But the attack power and so on don't matter, I Special Summon Giant King Spinosaurus in Defense Position, and then stack Giant King Spinosaurus and Entertainment Wizard Trickster, two Level 4 monsters, and build a stacking network with two monsters! XYZ Summon! Come out, Rank 4, No.60 "Unknown Dugares! !"

"Link, Synchro, Fusion, XYZ, you bastard!"

"The effect of Unknown Dugares is activated. This card name is used once per turn. Remove the two XYZ materials of this card and choose one of the three different effects to activate! I remove the two XYZ materials of Unknown Dugares and choose the first effect to activate. I draw two cards from the deck, then choose a card in my hand to discard, and skip my next card draw phase! Draw cards, oh my god! ! ! It's finally here, so the formula for victory is complete. According to the effect of Unknown Dugares, I send this card, Fairy Legend Princess-Snow White, to the graveyard!"

Red grinned and showed the key card he had finally got, and sent it to the graveyard without hesitation.

"Level 4 monster card?"

"Don't underestimate Snow White, this is one of the core cards of my deck! I activate the effect of Fairy Legend Princess Snow White in the graveyard. If this card exists in the graveyard, I can banish seven cards other than this card from my hand, field, and graveyard to activate this card, and special summon this card! I banish the True Blood Prince in the graveyard. Vampire, Resurrection of the Dead, Intertwined Sheep, Fusion Fate, Sealed Golden Cabinet, Gray Flowing Beauty, and the Face of the Dead in my hand! Special Summon Fairy Legend Princess - Snow White in Defense Position! Then, activate the effect of the other Core Card Face of the Dead that was excluded. When this card is excluded, both duelists will each exclude five cards from the top of their decks! "

"What?! This effect?! "

"It's too late to react now! The effect of Face of the Dead has no limit on the number of card names! And my deck has a total of three Faces of the Dead! Pegasus Night Walk, do you think I can use the effect of Face of the Dead to exclude other Faces of the Dead!"

"Because it can't cause battle damage to me, are you planning to let me lose because I can't draw cards next turn? Unfortunately, although my deck has only 40 cards in total, I have only used 21 cards so far, and there are 19 left. Even if you banish 15 cards from my deck through the effect of Face of the Dead, I will still have 4 cards left. I can't lose because of your operation! "

"Is that so? Then, what if I tell you that the card that was just destroyed by the effect of Phoenix Destroyer and sent to the graveyard is a magic card, Chaos Realm!"

"What? !"

Pegasus Night Walk's face suddenly changed. Chaos Realm, Red Wai has used the graveyard effect of this card once before. Banishing the Chaos Realm in the graveyard can recover a Light or Dark monster that cannot be Special Summoned from the Banished Zone. The True Blood Vampire, which can send the top four cards of both decks to the graveyard, is also a Dark monster that cannot be Special Summoned!

In other words, Redwai only needs to banish the Chaos Field in the graveyard to recycle the True Blood Vampire that will be recycled by Fairy Legend Princess - Snow White, and then use the Level 8 Destruction Phoenix Man on the field and another Level 8 monster to completely clear his deck. In this way, even if Redwai cannot cause any battle damage to him this turn, he will lose the next turn because he cannot draw a card!

"It seems that you have already understood it!"

"What a joke! How could I lose like this? I don't believe you have such good luck! You should have quite a few cards in your deck, I don't believe you can just banish two Dead Faces!"

Pegasus Night Walk could no longer keep calm and could not help but roar.

Red Wai also looked at his deck. Since his deck was full of 60 cards and he had never had the chance to activate Neighbor's Mowing, even after the crazy deployment, his deck still had a lot of cards left. Therefore, judging from his luck in this duel, it is indeed possible that he could not banish the Face of the Dead, but, so what?

"Let's give it a try! The top five cards in my deck are: Compensation of the Left Arm! Neighbor's Mowing! Codex Obliteration! Shining White Dragon, Storm Winged Dragon! Harpy's Feather Sweep!"

"Hahahahaha!!! Without the other two Faces of the Dead, you're done, Red Wai! Destiny, after all, is on my side!"

"Solitary Vadokana!!"


"Did you forget that I still have two cards left in my hand! Now, I'm going to use the magic card you used before! Foolish Burial, activate! Send a card from the deck to the graveyard, and I'll send the second Face of the Dead from the deck to the graveyard!"

"But you shouldn't have a second Fairy Legend-Snow White in your graveyard!"

"Isn't this simple? Just send the Snow White on the field to the graveyard! Come out, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning condition is two effect monsters. I'll set the two effect monsters, Dugares of the Unknown and Fairy Legend-Snow White, on the field to the link mark! Link Summon, come out, link 2, predator plants Blue Lock Dragon Anaconda!! Then I activated Fairy Legend Snow White, which also had no card name count, and banished the Graveyard's Dugares of the Unknown, Gray Flowing Beauty, G of Proliferation, Psychic Reflector, Noh Punk Zeami, Noh Punk Tiaohu, and Face of the Dead, and Special Summoned Fairy Legend Snow White again! Then the effect of Face of the Dead was activated again, and each of us banished five cards from the top of our deck! Dark Dragon Collapse Star Serpent! One on One! Death Dragon's Thrill - Death Desire! Fairy Legend Snow White! PSY Skeleton Equipment·γ! Damn, this luck is amazing! "

"I've already said that you can't have such good luck! How about it, do you have a way to banish the third Face of the Dead as well?"

Tianma Yexing didn't dare to laugh complacently. It would be bad if he was hit every time he laughed like Cao Cao, so he could only ask cautiously.

"I don't believe it! Activate the effect of the Chaos Field in the graveyard, banish the Chaos Field, return the Dark attribute monster True Blood Vampire that cannot be Normal Summoned in the banished area to the Extra Deck, and draw a card! Draw a card!! Damn, what's the use of your left arm compensation at this time! Okay, you are awesome, I will try another way, right!"

"Change the way?! You?!"

"I didn't say that the only way I can defeat you is to make your deck zero! It's just that this method is more show effect. Since the dealer doesn't let me do the show effect, then I can only try another way! Okay, show up again, guide the future circuit! The summoning condition is two or more monsters with different card names. I will use the Fairy Legend Princess - Snow White and the Predator Plant of Link 2 on the field. Blue Lock Dragon Anaconda is set to Link Mark! Link Summon! Link 3, Dream Collapse·Unicorn!! Then the effect of Dream Collapse·Unicorn is activated. If this card is successfully Link Summoned, discard a card in your hand and activate it by targeting a card on the field. That card returns to the owner's deck! I discard the Left Arm of my hand to compensate and target the last face-up card in your backfield. I return that face-up card to your deck! Then the effect of Chaos Creator in my hand, this card cannot be Normal Summoned. If you banish one Light and one Dark monster from my Graveyard, you can Special Summon it! I banish the Dark monsters Predator Plant Blue Lock Dragon Anaconda and Light monsters Entertainment Wizard Trickster from my Graveyard! Special Summon Chaos Creator!! "

"Sure enough, there is another Level 8 monster, but, did you forget that my deck has increased by one due to the effect of Dream Collapse·Unicorn that you just activated? Now, even if you succeed in True Blood Princess, Vampire and the last Face of the Dead's effects can't clear my deck again!"

"Of course I know this, so I said I'd change my play style! Clearing the last face card in your backfield is just in case! Okay, it's time to show you Tamashi! I activate the effect of Fairy Legend - Snow White in the graveyard, and exclude PSY Frame Driver, Proliferated G, Knight of the End, Energy Punk Tunhu, Compensation of the Left Arm, Hungry Crocodile Dragon, Ancient Fish Dragon, and Catapult Turtle in the graveyard! Special Summon Fairy Legend - Snow White in Defense Position!"

"Wait! Catapult Turtle? ! You, what the hell is going on? ! "

Tenma Yaxing's face changed again, and he had a bad feeling. He didn't know the effects of other cards, but he knew the effect of Catapult Turtle. That was a monster that Yugi Muto had used countless times. How could he not study it if he wanted to target Yugi Muto?

"Have you forgotten? Because of your Treasure Drop from the Sky, I drew four cards from the deck, and because of the effect of G of Proliferation, I drew two more cards from the deck, and all these cards were sent to the graveyard by the effect of your Magic Textbook! The Knight of the End that was Special Summoned by the effect of Intertwined Sheep before, and the now banished Slingshot Turtle, are all cards that were sent to the graveyard by the effect of the Magic Textbook!"

"Gu! There is such a thing! But even if Slingshot Turtle is banned!"

"The effect of Chaos Creator, this Card name Once per turn, if this card is Special Summoned from the hand, you can activate this effect by targeting a total of three monsters with different card names from both banished monsters, and Special Summon one of them on my field! The rest are returned to the bottom of the owner's deck in the order I like! "

"You bastard! !"

"I activate the effect targeting the banished Bounce Turtle, Fairy Legend Princess - Snow White, and Death's Face, and return Fairy Legend Princess - Snow White and Death's Face to the bottom of my deck, and Special Summon Bounce Turtle on my field! "

"However, the effect of the ricochet turtle must also be effective when the monsters on the field have enough attack power! I have 8000 HP left. If you want to clear my HP at once, you must gather monsters with a total attack power of 16000!"

"16000 only! So easy! By the way, my ricochet turtle can only be activated once per turn, so what I need is not a monster with a total attack power of 16000, but a monster with a single attack power of 16000!"


"One last appearance, please , the circuit that guides the future! The summoning condition is that there are two or more effect monsters! I set the Fairy Legend Princess Snow White and Link 3's Dream Collapse Unicorn to the Link Marker! Circuit combination, Link Summon! Show up, Link 4, Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros! ! "

In the VRAINS area, everyone looked at him in surprise. The thirteenth card that Red Wai took out from the Extra Deck turned out to be the Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros owned by Revolver. But after carefully thinking about the effect of Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros, they all felt that this seemed normal.

"Attack power, 3000? No! The attack power is still increasing?!"

"The effect of Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros, this card's attack power will increase by the number of excluded cards multiplied by 200! Now, Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros's basic attack power is 3000. You have ten cards in your exclusion zone, and I have a total of thirty-seven cards in my exclusion zone, which means that Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros's current attack power is 12400! Of course, this is far from enough, so I use the level 8 Chaos Creator and the level 8 Destruction Phoenix Man to stack True Blood Male Vampire! Activate the effect of True Blood Male Vampire and send four cards from the top of each of our decks to the graveyard! Okay, Pegasus Night Walk, show the four cards from the top of your deck!"


"Huh? Evil God? Isn't this just right, the follow-up effect of True Blood Male Vampire, I will send your evil god to the graveyard Special summon the Avatar of God to my field in attack position! "

Instantly, a dark sphere appeared on Red Wai's field, emitting a terrifying aura, but due to the limitations of the arena, it did not affect Red Wai in the slightest.

In the audience, duelists who had seen the Winged Dragon of the Sun God also immediately understood that this so-called Evil God Avatar of God should be the Evil God corresponding to the Winged Dragon of the Sun God. After all, the three phantom demons correspond to the three phantom gods. Now it is not surprising that the three evil gods also correspond to the three phantom gods.

"The attack power and defense power of the Evil God Avatar of God will become the ability value of the monster with the highest ability value on the field plus one! So the attack power of the Evil God Avatar of God is now 12401. It's a pity that my ricochet turtle can only use the effect once a round, otherwise there is no need to continue! Well, although the True Blood Vampire only stacked one of the Dead Faces, it is enough! I activated the effect of the Fairy Legend Princess-Snow White in the graveyard again, and the True Blood Vampire on the field Vampire, Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon, Chaos Creator, Destruction Phoenix Man, Demon Man, Denier, and Flower Baroness in the graveyard are excluded! Then, chain Snow White's effect to activate Snow White's own effect again! "

"What? ! It can also chain itself? ! "

"Sorry! This is how powerful Snow White is! Wait, let me count the number of cards in the graveyard first, huh! Fortunately, there is not one missing this time, then, I will exclude the Dream Collapse Unicorn, Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon, Foolish Burial, Thunder Dragon Fusion, Emergency Teleport, Proliferated G and Death's Face in the graveyard! Special Summon Fairy Transition - Snow White! Then the effect of Death's Face is activated again, and we each exclude five cards. Tsk, didn't we exclude the last Death's Face? Forget it, it doesn't matter. Although you still have one card left in your deck, the number of cards in the exclusion zone is now as many as 71, which means that the attack power of Topological Logic Zero Ouroboros has increased to 17200! Evil God The attack power of the incarnation of God has also become 17201! The preparations are complete, I will go on without hesitation, are you ready to welcome the God Tamashi, Pegasus Night Walk! "

"Gu! ! ! "

"Gu, it seems that you are ready, then go on, experience the pleasure of launching God! Catapult Turtle, activate the effect, once a turn, release a monster on my field to activate, and give the opponent life value, the attack power of the released monster is half of the damage! I want to release the evil god with an attack power of 17201, the incarnation of God! Ikuzo! ! Kami! ! "

Chapter 549 Duel Mermaids Traveling Through the World (Two in One)

Pegasus Night Walk didn't even have time to react, and the huge black sphere was carried on the launch pad of the Catapult Turtle, and shot out at a terrifying speed, instantly coming in front of Pegasus Night Walk, and flew out with Pegasus Night Walk.


With his whole body pressed against the outside of the pitch-black sphere, Pegasus Night Walker showed a ferocious expression and roared unwillingly, but that was all. Whether it was to stop the pitch-black sphere from continuing to fly outward or to stop the rapid decline of health points, it was not something he could do now. This meaningless roar and expression could be said to be the limit of his ability.

On the other side, Red Wai completely relaxed. It was thrilling. He almost lost to Pegasus Night Walker, an opponent who was equivalent to using an acrobatic deck. He still couldn't underestimate any opponent. Moreover, luck or something, no, it should be said that the dealer is indeed the enemy of all duelists!

In the audience, DM area, Jonouchi smacked his lips.

"It's over already? Isn't it a bit too fast? Only one of the three evil gods has appeared, and it was even special summoned by Red Wai. The one called Pegasus Night Walk, is there something wrong with the deck composition?"

Yami Yugi shook his head: "It's hard to say about the deck composition, but it's mainly because Red Wai doesn't intend to give Pegasus Night Walk the opportunity to summon the evil gods, right?"

"That's right, as an opponent, it's natural to try to prevent the opponent's ace monster from appearing, not to mention the three evil gods. If it weren't for the evil god Eraser who could exert its power without playing, Pegasus Night Walk would have had a more difficult duel."

Jonouchi showed a sighing expression. After all, Red Wai didn't use a full soul deck like Mizunotsuki and RS, but played three copies of G and Gray Flow. Even if other cards are not counted, just considering these six cards is terrifying enough.

Kaiba on the side curled his lips. If the evil god, the annihilator, did not have the effect of annihilation that could be activated by being sent to the grave, then it was hard to say whether Tianma Yexing was still qualified to be called a boss.

Next door, Xiang Hongye sighed and breathed a sigh of relief. Although it sounded a bit contradictory, his current thoughts were indeed quite complicated.

After all, he had basically determined that Tianma Yexing's goal was to revive Pegasus in his world. Considering Pegasus's identity as the father of duel monsters and his relatively close relationship with the International Illusion Society, he was actually quite happy to see Pegasus resurrected, even if it was not Pegasus in his world.

However, Tianma Yexing's previous performance seemed a bit extreme. If Tianma Yexing really got the reward, he was really not sure what method Tianma Yexing would use to revive Pegasus. He might come up with a somewhat crazy and crazy operation to gain more benefits.

Therefore, for Tianma Yexing's defeat, he could only say that he was regretful and fortunate.

"Gu! This is how I lost! Is it equivalent to losing to the evil god himself? This is true! Ha! As expected, I still have only that one way!"

Getting up from the ground, Pegasus Night Walker did not show any angry expression, but laughed at himself, which made Red Wai feel uncomfortable. It was obvious that Pegasus Night Walker was the villain, but why did he feel like he had done something bad?

However, it was only limited to being uncomfortable. Red Wai was not so saintly that he would transfer the reward he had won with great difficulty to a villain he was not familiar with because of his kindness. Therefore, after taking a world admission ticket from Xingyuan, he also decisively left the stage, leaving Pegasus Night Walker on the stage to prepare for special punishment.

But Xingyuan was not very interested in playing a prank on Pegasus Night Walker. After all, there was no special plot about Pegasus Night Walker, and he did not have many roles in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh series, so he casually gave him a special punishment that was considered to be quite unpleasant, and sent Pegasus Night Walker away.

Then, the stage of the ring challenge entered the final random ring stage. The duelists didn't care too much about this stage, and even started to discuss who to invite as official members or ordinary audiences in the next stage of inviting people, until the woman appeared on the ring.

"Is this the world where the duelist arena is located?"

In the confused expressions of Yusaku and Ai, a mermaid wearing sunglasses appeared out of thin air in the magic circle opposite them, and did not even spend time to accept the information instilled by the arena, and directly said such words.

Then, before the person and Ai could react, the mermaid took off her sunglasses, took out a camera out of thin air, and pressed the shutter directly at Yusaku and Ai.


"Wait! What are you doing? How can you take pictures of us without our permission! You are infringing on our portrait rights!"

Ai immediately started yelling, but the mermaid just waved her hand.

"I think I understand. You don't want to reveal your identity, right? Don't worry, I won't spread the photos. I just plan to keep them for myself as a souvenir. After all, this kind of magical place can't be visited casually!"

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