In front of the screen, Amon showed a self-deprecating smile. There was nothing right in his position!

However, Judai pulled Yubel in front of the camera at this time and showed Yubel's card that he had just obtained: "Look, the power of Yubel that the forces behind you covet actually comes from the cards of Duel Monsters! Duel Monsters will not betray or let down the duelists! So, Amon, believe in your deck and work hard to become a powerful duelist, so that you are more likely to realize your wish!"

"The power of Duel Monsters..."

Amon was stunned. He really didn't expect that Judai meant to put the goal in the right direction. However, Yubel, the rumored three phantom demons, and the legendary three phantom gods, these powerful powers are indeed derived from Duel Monsters, but these are all extremely powerful existences in themselves, right? Can his deck also give birth to such existences? No, it should be said that his trust is enough to support his deck to give birth to such existences?

Amon lowered his head and took out the deck, and fell into deep thought.

"You are such a busybody! You even considered Professor Cobra and Amon!"

A speechless voice sounded, Judai turned around and saw that Manjome, who had never appeared, finally arrived at the scene with a box.

"Well, after all, we have prepared the strategy in advance, so we naturally want to get the best ending! Let's not talk about this, Manjome, that box, it should be that one!"

"Ah! I spent a long time looking for this in Tenjouin Senior's room, and I was almost regarded as a pervert by Tenjouin Senior's fanatical fans for this, really!"

Manjome threw the box to Judai with a look of disgust, causing Yubel to frown slightly.

"Judai, is this the next level you mentioned? But the will of destruction should be driven by the power of light, and what is emanating from it is clearly the power of darkness..."

"Well, Yubel, our final enemy is indeed the will of destruction, but the will of destruction is in the universe, and we don't know how long it will take for the next round of attacks we have to resist to reach the earth! For now, it is enough to just solve this for the time being! Come on, DARKNESS! It's time to start our final battle!"

Before he finished speaking, Judai opened the box, pointed at a card in the box, and decisively used the Millennium Bracelet's function to force the dark duel.

Then, before the will of DARKNESS hidden in the card could react, the power from a higher level forcibly dragged its will out of the card, and even the part of the will attached to Fujiwara Yusuke outside the Duel Academy and the darkness in other dimensions continued to flow here, gathering around the card as the core, and finally condensed into a skeleton in a black robe.

"DARKNESS?! What is this?!"

Looking at the picture that suddenly disappeared on the screen, and then at the sky that suddenly changed outside the room, Amon's face suddenly changed. He wandered in the room for a while, and finally walked out of the door and rushed to the area where Judai and others were.

At the scene, looking at the suddenly changed environment, Professor Cobra also felt a little uncomfortable. He always felt that what these students were doing was completely beyond his imagination.

"Yuki Judai, although I have long guessed that you might become an obstacle to me, I didn't expect that you could actually pull me into the duel in advance at this time. It's really beyond calculation!"

Being forcibly pulled into the dark duel, DARKNESS was not too excited, and still maintained a calm attitude, which was a bit of the boss's demeanor.

Judai wiped his nose: "Well, actually I was able to do this with the help of external forces. I feel a little embarrassed when you say that."

"You said that, but you have already unfolded the duel disk in your hand. It seems that you are really impatient! Well, even if I am awakened by you in advance, I will never be defeated by you. I represent the destruction of the future, and I am the truth and law of this world! Let me wipe out the last hope and give you the final defeat!"

"That's really sorry, I don't intend to let you do this! A duel is not something that can be won by talking big! Go, Yubel, let's start our long-lost side-by-side battle!!"

"Hehe! As you wish, dear Judai, no matter what kind of existence your enemy is, I will defeat it with you!!"


The duel began, looking at Yubel who cancelled the spirit posture behind the fully materialized incarnation, Li couldn't help but puff up his face.

Compared to Yubel, she and John, who were just watching around, were just redundant. Forget it. Think about it in a positive way. At least the Judai she was familiar with was not as completely integrated with Yubel as the Twenty-year-old next door, right?

But in this case, Judai is missing something compared to the Twenty-year-old. Well, the difference in hairstyle is not to be ignored, but the pair of heterochromatic eyes and the powerful super fusion card cannot be ignored! Although Judai should be happy to use these two things in exchange for the disappearance of those painful experiences, if it can be obtained out of thin air, it seems that there is no need to refuse, right? Otherwise, Judai will not be able to fight against the Twenty-year-old who has so many years of experience.

Well, Rei has completely ignored the DARKNESS in front of him and started to think about the outcome of the tenth and twentieth generations.


I don’t know when the cat touched the Pharaoh and the Daitokuji teacher in the body expressed their dissent at the same time. They cannot be forgotten.

"I will attack first and draw the card!"

Judai took the first strike without hesitation. Although it is embarrassing to say it, after receiving the intelligence support from Twentieth Generation, even if Judai did not deliberately adjust the deck to target DRAKNESS, it would be difficult for DARKNESS. It poses a threat to him. It can even be said that taking the first attack has already won the duel. Otherwise, DARKNESS is the least powerful BOSS in the Yu-Gi-Oh worldview.

The next result was not unexpected at all. In the turn of the first attack, Judai first peeked at DARKNESS's hand with a water wave dolphin and blew up the only monster in DARKNESS's hand, the Eye of Darkness, which had 0 attack power. A completely unsuppressive scene was created with a Lava New Universe and a Winged Man. If Judai had not equipped the Lava New Universe with a simple New Universe and covered it with the remaining three cards in his hand, Cobra would have The professor might even suspect Judai of match-fixing.

Then in the second round, DARKNESS's performance was also a bit indescribable. A field magic card directly pulled out five cover cards from the deck and placed them in the backfield. It was indeed very strong, but it was summoned immediately after being drawn to prepare for an attack. The monster had no resistance or last words at all. It was directly blown up by Judai using the effect of the fast-attack magic card to confine it, and he was ready to end the turn? Is this really a BOSS operation? Professor Cobra is not easy to rate.

And then? There is no more, the Lava New Universe has the effect of forcing the player to return to the extra deck at the end of the round. Although the Lava New Universe equipped with the Simple New Universe can choose not to activate this effect, it does not mean that he cannot choose to activate it. He chose to activate it without hesitation, and then triggered the subsequent effect of Lava New Universe, which bounced all the cards on the field back to the holder's hand, leaving both sides with an empty field. Then the effect of Simple New Universe specially summoned New Yuxia from the deck, while DARKNESS held a hand of cards but none of them could be activated in the end phase, so it could only silently discard the cards to end the round. Then came the third round. Judai slapped Winged Man on the field again, with a total attack power of 3500, plus the 500 points of effect damage from Dolphin Brother, which directly cleared DARKNESS's health, leaving no room for him to fight back. .

Of course, just like the original world line, DARKNESS, which represents the ruined future, cannot be completely crushed like this, and there is still the possibility of being resurrected in the distant future. However, it seems that it is because this loss was too embarrassing that DARKNESS continued to be defeated this time. He didn't leave a last word, and just left in silence, leaving everyone with an inexplicable sense of unreality.

"Is this the end? Is it too soon?"

Amon, who finally ran over but only saw DARKNESS exit, said it was a bit difficult. Others who watched it from beginning to end also didn't know what to say.

Judai scratched his head. It seemed that it was indeed too fast. Only one of the three cards he covered was activated, and the remaining two were bounced back to his hand. You must know that this is because he did not specifically target DARKNESS. The situation of modifying the deck of the deck, is this the so-called speed pass? I always feel a bit unworthy of the BOSS battle title.

Yubel's face also turned a little dark. Is this the final BOSS? She agreed to fight side by side but didn't even get a chance to appear. It was a waste of her feelings.

"Forget it, hurry up, hurry up. Since it's solved so easily, let me find something else to do! Jim Claudel Cook, if I feel right, you seem to have something The aura of power that built my counterfeit before!"

Jim was startled and quickly blamed him: "NONONO! I am only responsible for filling the three-dimensional images with energy. The action design and planning are all prepared by you, and it is none of my business!"

"In other words, there really is another me?"

Yubel looked at Judai with a smile, making Judai tremble.

"Well, Yubel, let's talk about how to safely and securely use the power of Overlord to create super-fusion cards with powerful effects. Without the power of super-fusion, we may suffer a lot in the subsequent duels! "



"Has anyone ever said that your technique of changing topics is terrible?"

"Ah this..."

"No one said that, isn't this just right! This proves that Judai-sama is completely inexperienced!"

At this time, Rei suddenly rushed over, holding Judai's arm and spoke excitedly.

John and the others all looked weird, so it seemed right to say so, but it felt a bit strange coming from Li's mouth, and was it really okay for Li to just pounce in front of Yubel's face like this? Judai is already sweating profusely, right?

Yubel glanced at Rei and said nothing. After all, she had completely returned to normal, so she was not obsessed with being alone with Judai, as long as Judai was happy.

Because of this, she was looking forward to the other Yubel. She wondered how the experience of the other Yubel would be different from hers.

Chapter 570: Continue Speedrun, Evolve Peacefully, Vector Muzan

In the comic version of GX, since the world line is completely different from the anime version, the experience and spoilers of the 20th generation can only be used as a pure reference. As long as there is no enemy who claims to be the will of destruction or DARKNEE suddenly appearing in this world, it is difficult for Yuki Judai and Manjomu Jun to refer to the experience of the 20th generation to do anything.

However, what they are worried about now is not whether such an enemy will appear in the future, but who the real BOSS is. After all, the students from the American Duel Academy seem a little strange, so they can't tell.

Fortunately, after developing in the arena for such a long time, their strength has been greatly improved, and even the power of the elves has become stronger, so in this case, they can be a little bolder.

Therefore, after getting the permission from Hibiki Momiji and Hibiki Midori, Yujo Judai and Manjome Jun took turns to check on Ed, John, O'Brien, Jim, and Amon from the American Duel Academy, and finally came to the conclusion that some of these people might have evil intentions, but none of them was the boss.

In this way, the situation is simple. From the performance of Riki and David before and the performance of Ed and others now, it can be known that there must be a problem at the American Duel Academy, but the students from there are not the boss, so there are only two possibilities. One is that the boss who occupied the American Duel Academy did not come to the Duel Academy in Japan, and the other is that the boss is actually Professor McKinsey who led the students to Japan.

In this way, Yujo Judai and Manjo Jun directly launched a duel with Professor McKinsey, catching Tragodia, who was possessed by Professor McKinsey, off guard. Before he could fully revive, he was killed by Yujo Judai and Manjo Jun, allowing the comic version of the GX world to successfully complete the speed pass, and Yujo Judai and Manjo Jun also gained new gains, and had a good grasp of the next round of the three-person team special cup.

In the 5DS world, looking at the New World team in the WRPG competition, Kro couldn't help but frown.

"What's going on? Why did those three still participate in WRPG?"

After successfully recovering his memory, Bruno still chose the name Bruno and spread his hands: "There's no way. With their personalities, they won't be willing to not have a good fight with you, even if we have other means to save the future."

"This is really, not surprising at all!"

The corners of Kro's mouth twitched twice.

At this time, Z-ONE also spoke with a serious face: "Not only that, Yusei, after the WRPG is over, we must also have a duel, a duel where both sides will try their best!"

Yusei was silent for a moment and nodded.

"I know."

"Hey, what do you know! Although it is normal for duelists to duel each other, the duel you two are talking about is obviously not normal, right?"

Kro successfully changed his job to the role of a spit-talker.

Z-ONE sighed: "This is my path to atonement. If there were no other means, the citizens who died in the zero-point reversal more than a decade ago, and the New Domino City that was supposed to be sacrificed soon, would all become the cornerstone of a brand new future, allowing the world to survive. For this reason, I voluntarily bear the sin of their death, and I must bear this sin! But now, since there are other means to save the future, I don't need to continue to bear this sin. It's not that I'm evading responsibility, but, rather than bearing the sin, I want them to return to this world and open up a new future with you! So, I will try my best to get the rewards in the arena, but with my strength, in a place like the arena, it may not be enough. Therefore, Duel King, Yusei, I will do my best to let you complete your new evolution!"


Yusei and Crow's pupils were shaking. Whether it was Z-ONE's words from the heart or the possibility of their parents returning, they couldn't help but care.

"Really? Don't be so sentimental all of a sudden. I can't help but be moved by my tough guy, Crowe!"

"Huh? Crowe, when did you get the title of tough guy?"

"Shut up! By the way, where did Jack go? I haven't seen him in the past two days!"

"Oh, Jack, he went out with Paradox and Mr. Judai."

"Huh? How did these three people get together?"

"Jack said he wanted to find more earthbound gods and print them into cards with the power of the burning soul. Mr. Judai traveled all over the world many years ago, so he acted as a tour guide and map. As for Paradox, he drove his D wheel as a driver. After all, his D wheel can travel through time and space, which is very convenient for traveling."

"Puff! Driver and tour guide, Jack is really willful!"


At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open with great force, which scared the people in the room.

"Wow!! That's right! Jack is so willful. How can he not take me with him when he goes around the world to find the Earthbound God? This is too much!"

Turning around, he saw Carly running in crying and throwing herself at the wheel of fortune left by Jack, followed by Qiu and Long Ke who looked helpless.

Jack: I want to be number one in the world, women are in the way.jpg

Looking at each other, Yusei and Crow could only pretend they didn't hear anything. It was not the time for them to talk too much at this time.

However, are they a little too harmonious here? The other worlds should all be busy fighting BOSS, right? Why is it that they have completely friendly exchanges here?

ZEXAL world, Monday, Vector, who transformed into Zhenzuki Rei, was walking on the way to school with his head lowered. He was racking his brains to think about how to gain a little bit of Yuma's trust, but suddenly heard a strange sound effect.

"Time erasure!"


"Re-Border Time!"


Vector raised his head in response to the second sound, and his eyes immediately widened, because he realized that he had been tied up into a caterpillar with a special rope, and even had a mouth ball attached to his mouth.

‘What’s going on? ! How could I suddenly be tied up like this? ! Is it the technology that Dr. Fika and Kaito Amagi mastered that can reduce the speed of time to one hundred thousandth? impossible! That kind of technology should have no effect on people who hold No. cards! So what is this? ! etc! Guy in armor? ! Is it the fault of these two guys? ! ’

Vector's brain was working rapidly, but he had no idea why he was like this. Then he saw two armored men coming in front of him, pushing him to the ground, and then the blue-black armored man caught him. His feet dragged him towards a car without saying a word.

‘Damn it! What on earth is going on! Who are these two guys? Have I been spotted by some supernatural kidnapper? what to do? Want to use the power of Balian to escape? Or should we just wait and see what happens? ’

As cunning as Vector was, he was a little overwhelmed. The main reason was that the gag operation was too coquettish. Not only did it embarrass him, but it also cut off the possibility of him getting information from the two armored men. It was really a trick. mentality.

Vector was still hesitating, but the two armored men had already led him into the car. Seeing this, Vector stopped struggling and prepared to take a look at the situation.

Then, half an hour later, the car stopped and Vector was dragged out of the car by a man in blue and black armor. Only then did he realize that they had arrived at an aquarium.

In this regard, Vector became more and more confused. What did he want to do in the aquarium? Feed him to the fish? Are aquariums in the human world already so wild? He even directly kidnapped students from nearby schools to use as fish feed? And what's going on with this empty situation? The door is open but there isn't even a tourist. It's not clearing the place just to feed the fish, right?

With this thought in mind, Vector continued to be dragged forward, and soon he came to a diving platform at the edge of a pool. As the height increased, Vector's face gradually turned green, because he had already seen the endless water in the pool. That swimming creature is a shark. These guys really intend to use it as fish feed!

At this time, Vector didn't dare to wait any longer. Although he, as one of the Seven Balian Emperors, shouldn't be bitten to death by a shark, it would still hurt if he was bitten, so Vector hurriedly The power of Balian was activated, and then.

"Ugh?? Ugh!!!"

Vector's eyes widened again, what the hell is going on? Balian's power was actually absorbed by the special rope that bound him? this! Is this a special rope made for Balian's power? ! That is to say! These two armored men didn't randomly select students as kidnapping targets, but they targeted him, Vector? !

"Arian Buddha (Balian Transformation)!!!"

Vector finally started to panic, and shouted inarticulately, causing the purple Balian power to quickly gather, but all of it was absorbed by the special rope, and not even a bit was left for him.

At this time, the blue-black armored man finally spoke with a voice that was clearly changed, and said with a sneer: "Haha! Balian transformed, one of the Seven Emperors of Balian, it seems that this time we I accidentally caught a big fish, but you better stop struggling. The special rope wrapped around your body is unknown, but it was specially researched by several scientists who have done in-depth research on the power of Balian. , no matter how much Balian power you gather, it will be absorbed, and you can't escape!"

Well, Lingya didn't lie, he just didn't go into too much detail. In fact, he specially ordered these special ropes from Dr. Fika and Amyrlin, and Dr. Fika and Amyrlin thanks to their Balian technology. With the help of Vector, it can be said that Vector has brought it upon himself to a certain extent.

Hearing this, Vector struggled more and more violently and wanted to question him, but it was completely meaningless. Not to mention the rope on his body, he couldn't even bite the ball and string in his mouth. In the end, he could only He could watch helplessly as the armored man carried him up to the platform, coated him with shark-specific bait, tied his feet with a rope and pushed him down into the pool, and began a pirate-like shark fishing activity.

In the audience seats around the pool, Yuma swallowed involuntarily as he watched the sharks jumping out of the water and heading towards Vector.

"Um, did Shark and the others go too far?"

Kaito was very calm: "Too much? Is that right? At least that guy hasn't planned to take the life of Mayu Rei, right? Of course, if you want to dissuade him, I have no objection. As long as you are not afraid of him causing trouble for you after waiting for half a month for an opportunity, just go ahead."

"Then forget it."

Yuma smiled and shook his head. Ryoga had waited for half a month before finally waiting for an opportunity to transform into a human form. It would be better for him not to provoke Ryoga.

"Okay, let's stop watching the show for now. Next, let's continue collecting No. cards. There shouldn't be many left. You should go to the place that Gektaki God Yuantao sensed today."

"No problem, wait, you guys?"

"Well! I won't go. The spaceship is ready. I have an appointment with that guy Mizael to fight on the moon."

Yuma immediately became nervous: "Wait! Kaito! The moon! You can?!"

Kaito's mouth corners slightly raised: "Are you stupid? Since I knew the situation in advance, how could I not make more preparations? This time, I didn't plan to go with only Orbital 7, I also brought several sets of space suits!"

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