
"I activate the card I just drew, the double upgrading magic - Power of Hope (original card)! This card targets the Hope XYZ monster with two XYZ materials. It will activate the monster that is one or two levels higher than Hope. Two XYZ monsters are specially summoned! Give them Hope's XYZ materials! I activate this Aka with Hope's XYZ monster as the target! Come on, XYZ Transformation! Concentric Weapons - The Dragon King Halberd! Use the spirit of never giving up to create everything! Dragon King Hope!"

"It turned out to be the heavy weapons Dragon King Halberd and Dragon King Hopeley!"

"It's not over yet! The card name of Dragon Suit Fusion Dragon King Hopley is used as CNo. 39 Hope King Hopley in the rules, so it is also the Skyward Counter of the Hope King Hop monster, Hope Country - Onomatopoeia Utopia. Increase it to two, and I activate the effect of XYZ Transformation Tactics again, paying 500 points of life! Draw a card! Then activate the effect of the alien heat concentric weapon-heavy weapon Dragon King Halberd, once per turn, turn one XYZ of this card It can only be activated by removing the material. Add a ZEXAL magic trap card from the deck to your hand! I remove the only XYZ material of the heavy weapon Dragon King Halberd, and add the magic card ZEXAL Catapult from the deck to my hand! Another magic card, Upgrade Magic - The Power of Different Heat!"

"I actually drew another level-up magic card?!"

"This can only be activated by targeting an XYZ monster on my field. A Hop Monster or a Concentric Monster that is one level higher than that monster is superimposed on top of the target monster as an XYZ Summon and is specially summoned from the Extra Deck. Select an Allother Heat Concentric Weapon Monster or an Allother Heat Concentric Servant Monster from the deck and place it at the top of the deck! I activate the effect with Hope Emperor Hopelet as the XYZ material! The extra deck summons the level 5 Hope King monster! Come on! The golden armor clad in the warrior's body shakes the earth with thunder and lightning! Inject the god-killing power into the warrior! Lion Hopley!”

Following the dragon-suited dragon king Hopley, the beast-suited lion Hopley wearing a true red armor also made his debut. As a result, the only Hop monster left in Yuma's extra deck is Hope. Genwang and Hope Shengmitsu have not appeared yet, and as for Hope True Emperor and Hope Dragoon, unfortunately, these two are No. cards that have not been recycled yet, otherwise Astral and Yuma In the extra deck, Hope will not be the only non-derivative No. card left.

As for the future emperor, don’t worry, Yuma is working hard!

"Hope for the Emperor's Super Hope, Dragon Suit Fusion Dragon King Hope, Fur Suit Fusion Beast King Hope, it's getting more and more interesting. My blood is boiling and I can't wait to fight with these two guys! Hey! No.96 Black Mist! It’s impossible for you to reverse the situation! How about you just admit defeat?”

Arit clenched his hands into fists and shouted enthusiastically, hearing the dark face of Heimao gritting his teeth.

"Shut up! I don't need to reverse the situation or anything like that! With the dozens of cards in the graveyard, I should be the one with the absolute advantage now!"

"But with Super Hope from the other side, no matter how many cards you have in your graveyard, they won't be able to affect the monsters on the ninety-nine games!"

"So what! If you can't affect that guy's field, I can also affect my own field!"

"The listed Vadokana!"

At this time, Yuma suddenly spoke, which shocked Kurogiri, but his experience in the arena still made him cautious not to say the word "Nani".

"Stop blabbering! There is no future emperor, Hope Dragon Emperor, and your Hope monster has no influence on my ability! I am not that easily fooled!"

Yuma's face darkened again: "Then just wait and see! The subsequent effect of the upgrading magic - the power of the different heat and concentricity! Select an allothermal concentric weapon monster or an allothermal concentric Servant monster from the deck and add it to the deck Place it at the top of the deck! I choose the Phantom Sage, the Servant of the Alien Heat, and place it at the top of the deck! Then I increase the number of Soaring Counters in Hope Country - Utopia to three, and finally launch the XYZ transformation strategy. effect, pay 500 health points, and draw a card! I activate another effect of the heavy weapon Dragon King Halberd, which can only be activated by targeting a Hope King monster on my field. This card on my field is used as attack power. Use the equipment card that has increased by 3000 to equip that monster! I activate this effect with the Hope Emperor Higan Super Hope as the target, and equip Higan Super Hope with the heavy weapon Dragon King Halberd, so that the attack power of Higan Super Hope increases again by 3000 points. , becomes 9000!”

"A fully resistant monster with an attack power of 9000..."

Seeing Hei Wu's face gradually turning from pitch black to dark green, Ling Ya couldn't help but sneer. If he could still use Dark Draw, such a shield would be nothing, but now, it would be a bit difficult for Hei Wu. Done.

“Then, I activate the effect of Beast Suit Fusion Beast King Hope. Once per turn, you can remove an XYZ material from this card to activate it, and choose a Heterothermic Concentric Weapon monster from the deck or extra deck as an equipment card for that effect and equip it to this card! I remove an XYZ material from Lion Hope, choose Heterothermic Concentric Weapon from the deck Equip the Lion Hopeley with the Wild Eagle Claw! Then, activate the effect of the Field Spell Card Hope Town - Onomatopoeia -. Once per turn, remove the two Soaring Counters on this card to activate, and Special Summon any one of the monsters among Shua La La, Me Me Me, Rumble Rumble, and Rage Rage Rage from the deck! I remove the two Soaring Counters on Hope Town - Onomatopoeia -, and from the deck - "

Halfway through, Yuma paused, looked at the field with only five Main Monster Zones and no Extra Monster Zones, and sighed. If there were Extra Monster Zones, he could directly XYZ Summon now, but now, he can only transfer.

"Special Summon Rumble Rumble Golem in Defense Position from the deck, and then activate the Spell Card, ZEXAL Catapult! This card name once per turn, Special Summon an Allothermic Weapon Monster or Allothermic Servant Monster from the hand, I have Hope King on the field If there is a Hope Monster, I can increase the Level of all monsters on my field to 4 or 5 stars! I Special Summon the Phantom Sage, the Heterocentric Servant in my hand, in Defense Position, and increase the Level of all monsters on my field to 5 stars! Then I activate the effect of Phantom Sage (Original Version). If there is a Hope Monster on my field, once per turn, I can draw a card from my deck! Draw a card! Then I use the Level 5 Rumble Rock and Heterocentric to stack this Phantom Sage! Use two monsters to build a stacking network! XYZ Summon! Heterocentric Weapon - Beast King Lion Armor! ! Activate the effect of Beast King Lion Armor. Once per turn, you can remove an XYZ material from this card. Eliminate, add a Heterothermic Concentric Weapon monster from the deck to your hand! I remove an XYZ material from Beast King Lion Armor, and add Heterothermic Concentric Weapon - Wind Elf Wing from the deck to your hand! Finally, activate the magic card I drew before, Downgrade Magic - Source Number Fall! ! "

"After using upgrade magic, there is still downgrade magic? ! ! "

"My duel is not just about continuous upgrades! Now let you taste the power of downgrade magic! The effect of Downgrade Magic - Source Number Fall (original version) selects a No. monster monster on my field to activate, and a monster with a lower rank than the selected monster is superimposed on that card for an XYZ Summon! I choose the card name to be treated as CNo.39 in the rules. Hope King Hope uses the tier 5 Dragon Suit Fusion Dragon King Hope, stacking tier 4 XYZ monsters on top of Dragon King Hope for an XYZ Summon! XYZ Transformation! "

"Here it comes? ! Hope Genwang!"

"I didn't say Genwang was going to appear now! Black Mist, you can regret using the effect of Full Armor XYZ to save the Ruler of Color! Show up, One-Eyed Skill Capture! One-Eyed Apprentice! ! "

"One-Eyed Apprentice? ! What is this? ! "

"Activate Beast Suit Fusion The effect of Hope the Lion, once per turn, if this card is equipped with a Heterothermic Concentric Weapon Monster Card, you can activate it by targeting an Effect Monster on your opponent's field. That monster's effect is negated and its attack power is halved! I activate this effect targeting the Judgement Demon on your field, making the Judgement Demon's effect negated and its attack power halved! Then activate the effect of One-Eyed Apprentice (Original Version), once per turn, remove one XYZ Material from this card, and select a face-up monster on your opponent's field to activate until the end of the turn. This card is used as a card with the same name as that monster, and it obtains the same effect! I remove one XYZ Material from One-Eyed Apprentice Materials, activate this effect. As for the monster I want to choose, of course it is the Color Ruler on your field!"


Kuromichi finally couldn't control his expression and changed drastically. Copy the effect of Color Ruler, and the One-Eyed Apprentice just happened to have one XYZ material left. He could figure out what Yuma would do next. He really regretted it now. Obviously, he still had a graveyard effect card like Impediment Tomato in his graveyard that could directly turn the effect damage to 0, but he gave up activating Impediment Tomato in order to keep Color Ruler and chose Full Armor XYZ. Now it has become such a consequence. How f*cking bad is this!

"It's too late to panic now! I activate the effect of One-Eyed Apprentice, which copies the effect of Color Ruler. Once per turn, I remove one XYZ Material from this card, and declare a type of Monster, Spell, or Trap to activate! Until the end phase of the second opponent's turn after this effect is activated, the effects of the opponent's cards of the declared type are negated! I remove one XYZ Material from Color Ruler, and the one to be declared is of course a Monster Card. This way, the effects of your Monster Cards, Black Mist, will also be negated until the end of your two turns! What do you think, Black Mist? This completely reverses the situation!"

Black Mist suddenly had an MMP look on his face. This situation was more than just a reversal. His deck did not have a magic card that could grant full resistance like Hope's Encouragement, let alone it would be meaningless. After all, he had Hope on his side. There is only one monster, Hope Emperor Hope V, which was born through Balian's power. Without the combination of an exceptional monster like the other side's Super Hope, it would be impossible for him to expand.

Not to mention the lineup on the opposite side, including the ant shield that blocks all effect damage, the one-eyed scholar who copies effects, the lion Hopley that negates the effects of monsters on the field, and the eagle's claw that negates the effects of trap cards on the field. , giving the other side super hope full resistance on the field, and if this other side super hope is coupled with the Beast King Lion Arms on the side, the attack power can even be increased to 12,000 points, which makes him unable to use monster effects. It's useless to fight with the head, no matter how many No. monsters there are in the extra deck!

"Hey! I'm speechless. It seems that you have finally realized the discomfort Astral and I felt before! Then, I will end this round like this!"

[Astral/Yuma: Hand: 3 →...→2, Covered Cards: 0, HP: 4400]

"That's why I asked you to surrender! The entire lineup is fully resistant, and the effect damage has been nullified. Apart from using combat to clear the field, there is no other way, right? But your monster's effect has to be nullified for two turns. , No matter how hard you think, you can't defeat the other side's Super Hope whose attack power has been increased to 9000, so you should surrender as soon as possible and don't waste our time!"

Alite urged with an impatient look.

On the side, Ling Ya and Li Xu looked at each other and shook their heads. The only way to clear the battlefield was through fighting. It was just that fighting was the easiest way to clear the battlefield. Others, such as the Winged Dragon of the Sun God - Spherical Shape, and the Lava Demon God The universal elimination method of the Bad Beast series has no effect this time. After all, the monster effects have been invalidated. Even Hope's Encouragement and Super Hope of the Other Side can only save the Hope monster and the cards on the field. The foodie series that has no special summons in hand is naturally no exception.

"Dama type!! It's just two rounds, look at how I can survive it easily!"

Kurogiri yelled back on the spot, but what he said actually showed his inner thoughts. Now that he couldn't use Dark Draw, he really didn't have the confidence to break through Yuma's formation, and could only think about how to survive Yuma. Fortunately, the only remaining cards in his deck now are the five monster cards recovered by the Pot of Greed. In addition, the dozen or so cards returned to the deck through the effect of Face of the Dead are basically all from him in advance. He had prepared magic and trap cards that could be used, so it shouldn't be too difficult to withstand Yuma's two rounds of attacks. Well, at least in Kurogiri's view, that was correct.

"Hey! Then let me see how long you can hold on!"

"Hmph! On my turn, I draw a card! This is it! I activate the magic card, The Beginning of the End! If there are seven or more dark monsters in my graveyard, I can only activate it by banishing five of them. I activate it from the card Draw three cards! Obviously, I sent most of my deck to the graveyard, and the number of dark monsters in the graveyard was far more than seven, so I excluded two evil-eating table knife ghosts and one evil-eating table spoon. Ghost, two Necromancers, a total of five dark monsters, draw three cards from the deck!”

"There are two other faces of the dead in the graveyard. It seems that you have also prepared a victory method like clearing my deck! But unfortunately, even the monsters in the exclusion zone are not immune to the dominance of color. The result is that the means you prepared in advance are completely ineffective!"

"So what! Kujiu Yuma, don't be too proud! Even without that method, I can still win! I activate the magic card, XYZ exchange (original version)! Put an XYZ on my field Activate by sending a monster to the graveyard. An XYZ monster with the same level as the XYZ monster sent to the graveyard by this effect is specially summoned from the extra deck. After that, this card is stacked under the XYZ monster specially summoned by this effect. XYZ material used!”

"It's useless! No matter how you special summon monsters, you can't avoid the effects of the Ruler of Color!"

"Stop blabbering! My purpose is not to avoid the effects, but to send the Dominator of Color to the graveyard!"

"Sending the Color Dominator to the graveyard? So it's to prevent me from replenishing XYZ materials for the One-Eyed Scholar and then copying the Color Dominator's effect again and blocking the effects of your magic cards or trap cards!"

"I will not make the same mistake twice! I sent the level 4 XYZ monster Color Dominator to the graveyard, activated the effect of XYZ swap, and reversed the level 4 XYZ monster No. 59 from the extra deck. The cook is specially summoned in defense position, and XYZ is swapped and stacked under the turned away cook as XYZ material!"

Yuma couldn't help but twitch his lips: "Even the Cuisine of Rebellion was brought out! But even the Cuisine of Rebellion can't resist the effect of the Ruler of Color, not to mention that the only cards on your field are Cuisine of Rebellion. This is the one for me!”

"You don't need to remind me of the effect! I activate the magic card, XYZ Gift (original card)! If there are two or more XYZ monsters on the field, you can activate it and draw two cards from the deck! There are seven XYZ monsters on the field now, so I draw two cards from the deck, draw cards! Tsk! I summon a monster in face-down Defense Position, change Death's Face and Black Blast to Defense Position, and then cover two cards to end this turn!"

[Black Mist: Hand: 0 cards → 1 card → 0 cards → 3 cards → 1 card → 3 cards → 0 cards Covered cards: 2 cards HP: 1000]

"You ended the turn so easily. It seems that you are at the end of your rope! In that case, I will not be polite! During my turn, draw a card! I activate the effect of the Spell Card ZEXAL Catapult in the Graveyard. This card name, once per turn, banish an Alien Heart Weapon Monster or Alien Heart Servant Monster and this card from my Graveyard. You can activate this effect by targeting a card on the opponent's field, and destroy that card! I banish the ZEXAL Catapult and Alien Heart Servant - Phantom Sage in the Graveyard, and activate the effect by targeting the face-down card on the right side of your backfield, and destroy it!"

"Damn it! You are so rude! Lock the effect of ZEXAL Catapult, I activate this selected face-up card, trap card, XYZ Coat (original card)! You can select an XYZ monster on the field to activate. This turn, the selected monster cannot be destroyed by battle or effects! I activate this effect targeting the Chef of the Chef on my field, giving Chef of the Chef resistance that cannot be destroyed! "

"It's useless! You must have forgotten that Hope the Lion on my field is equipped with the Griffin's Claw that can negate the effects of trap cards on the field!"

"Don't look down on me! Do you think I would forget such a thing! Link the effect of XYZ Coat, I activate it again Another face-up card, a continuous trap card, XYZ Conflict Rival! "

"What? !"

"Hmph! The effect of the Amur Eagle's Claw is that when this card is equipped, once per turn, the effects of the trap cards activated on the opponent's field are invalidated! This effect is forced to activate! In other words, as long as I chain the effect of XYZ Coat and activate other trap cards, the only trap card that will be invalidated is the subsequent one! Moreover, since XYZ Conflict Rival is a continuous trap card, its effect does not need to be activated to be continuously effective, so even if the effect is temporarily invalidated by the Amur Eagle's Claw, it will immediately restore the effect and will not be affected. !”

“But! The effect of XYZ Dispute Opponent is that as long as this card exists on the field, XYZ monsters with two or more XYZ materials on the field will not be destroyed by the effect, and the opponent's monsters that battle with XYZ monsters with two or more XYZ materials on the field will be destroyed after damage calculation! You don't have XYZ monsters with two or more XYZ materials on the field, so even if the effect of XYZ Dispute Opponent is not negated, it is just adding buffs to my monsters! ”

“So what! I just need to ensure that the effect of XYZ Coat can pass, as for the rest, it doesn't matter! ”

“Tsk! Additional resistance that can't be destroyed by battle or effects! "

Yuma smacked his lips and frowned. If the No. card in the Extra Deck had not been taken away, he actually had many ways to deal with such monsters, such as using the effect of No.11 Giant Eye to directly send monsters with destruction resistance, or using the effect of No.77 Seven Sins Spider to exclude resistant monsters. At worst, he could use No.23 Ghost Knight of the Underworld Lancelot to attack directly. But now, with only Hope monsters and a few non-No.XYZ monsters left in the Extra Deck, he really has nothing to use. Can he only look at the Main Deck?

Yuma turned his eyes to the Main Deck placed on the Duel Board. With the card he just drew, he can still change his hand. Maybe he can draw a counter card?

"Yuma, wait a moment."

Yuma was about to show the magic card in his hand, but Astral suddenly spoke at this time.

"Hey? What's the matter, Astral?"

"I have an important question for you. ”

Yuma tilted his head, his face full of question marks: "Is it a very important question? Must I ask it at this time? Okay, then ask it."

"Well, then I ask, Yuma, why do you want to defeat Kurogiri?"


Yuma was confused, asking such a question at this time?

"What reason?"

The bird beside him was also confused, and Arit and Jiragu were no exception. They couldn't understand why Astral asked this at this time. Only Lingya and Rio showed thoughtful expressions.

As for Kurogiri, well, his face was dark, and his fists were clenched tightly. Asking such a completely irrelevant question at this time, treating him as if he didn't exist, right? There is a limit to looking down on people!

"Well, what reason, for Astral you? After all, Kurogiri is part of your memory fragments, and Kurogiri also used this duel to give you pain, and even wanted to use this duel to take your life. Because of these, I can't lose no matter what! "

"What else?"

"Apart from that? Uh... revenge for myself? After all, that bastard Black Mist lied to me and forced me to merge with him. I can't lose to him just for that reason!"

"What about other than that?"

"Except? Um..."

Yuma fell into deep thought. Was there anything wrong with the answer he gave? Since Astral kept asking questions, there must be some imperfection in his answer, right? Why do you want to defeat the black mist...

As time passed, the duel was temporarily stalemate, until Kurogiri finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to roar loudly to urge and threaten, Yuma's eyes finally lit up with a familiar light, and he answered with a smile.

"I know! The reason why I want to defeat Black Mist is the reason why I want to defeat Black Mist. I figured it out! Astral, that reason is that I want to win! I just want to win! As a duelist, I want to Win the duel!"

Astral nodded, yes, wanting to win, this is the purest reason for all duelists to continue fighting. With experience in the arena, Yuma, as his partner, has not lost his heart to enjoy the duel and the smile that blooms during the duel. , it just needs to be awakened. No matter what kind of duelist you are, the desire to win is one of the most fundamental motivations. Even players who purely enjoy dueling like early Yuma and early Yujo Judai are the same. In this way, it is enough to wake up such Yuma with such questions.

"It seems that you have understood, then, Yuma, you can go ahead! Defeat the opponent who is a part of me in front of you! This will declare your future to formally challenge me!"

"Are you officially challenging Astral? Then don't blame me for surpassing you, Astral!"

"To be more precise, it would be more appropriate to start trying to surpass me!"

"Well! Everything is fine, then here I go! Activate the magic card, Magic Flowerpot! I send a face-up permanent trap card on my field to the graveyard to activate it, and I draw two cards from the deck. ! I send the Continuous Trap Card Ant Shield on my field to the graveyard and draw two! Come on, my future! Even the drawing of cards by the strongest duelist is inevitable! Create! Flash card!”

"Flash card draw?! Impossible!! Even though you are not in the ZEXAL combined state, you can still use flash card draw?!"

Kurogiri exclaimed in disbelief.

Astral shook his head: "Flash card drawing is not a skill limited to ZEXAL's combined state. As a part of me, you should know it very well! Duels in the astral world are all made up of flash card drawing!"

"How is that possible! This is just the Starlight Realm, has even Nine-Nine Yuma reached that realm?"

"Don't underestimate me! Activate the effect of Beast King Lion Armament, remove the remaining XYZ material of Beast King Lion Armament, and add the alien heat concentric weapon-Asura Sub-Arm from the deck to my hand!"

"Asura's secondary arm! Does it have a different-thermal concentric weapon that can attack all monsters once? However, the current betrayal cook will not be destroyed by the battle, so even if you attack multiple times, it will be meaningless!"

"So, so what! I summon the alien heat concentric weapon - Asura's sub-arm in attack position, and then activate the magic card, Fate Stacked Light (original card)! I can choose the face-up monsters on the opponent's field and mine. Activate the face-up monster above, and use the selected monster as XYZ material for XYZ Summoning! I select the level 4 Necromancer on your field and the level 4 Asura sub-arm on my field, and stack the two monsters! Let’s build a stacked network with two monsters! Come on, me, me, gunner!”

"Damn it! You actually used the monsters on my field to summon XYZ!"

"Black Mist! Are you ready? The effect of the gunner is activated once per turn. It can only be activated by removing an XYZ material from this card. Different effects are applied according to the representation of this card! Now I, I, I The gunner is in defensive position, so I remove one of my gunner’s XYZ materials and give you 800 points of damage!”

"Don't even think about succeeding! I activate the monster card in the graveyard to hinder Tomato - no luck! The monster effect in the graveyard is also sealed by the Dominator of Color!"

"That's right! So you can't activate the effect that hinders tomatoes!"


The gunman fired several times, causing Heiwu to cover his chest and take two steps back. His health dropped to 200 points.

"Gu!!! It's not over yet! I still have 200 health points left!"

"However, my summons is not over yet! Next, I will truly open up the future that belongs to me! I use my gunner and one-eyed scholar, these two level four non-No.XYZ monsters to stack Let go! Show up here, FNo.0! Get free now! This is my future! ! Me! Future Emperor Hope!”

Black mist's eyes gradually became dull: "Future Emperor Hope! At this time!"

"Ugh!!! Great!! It's finally my turn to recite this set of summoning words. I'm so touched!!"

At this time, Yuma changed his serious look before, jumping up and down excitedly, rolling his muscles and shouting. Everyone on the side looked at it and couldn't laugh or cry, but the Jindai brothers and Kotori all expressed understanding. After all, this The three of them also knew very well that Yuma had been sitting in the audience and watched how many people read this set of lines. Sometimes he even watched the opponent opposite him read this set of summoning words. Now that he finally got what he wanted, they were excited. It's not unacceptable.

"Okay, Yuma, let's wait until this duel is over to celebrate. Your future will be more than this!"

"Oh!! Then, I activate the magic card, ZEXAL Trust! This card name can only be activated once per turn by targeting any one of the Hope Emperor Hope, the Different Heat Concentric Weapon, and the Different Heat Concentric Monster in my graveyard. Then Add a monster to your hand or special summon it! I activate the effect of Asura's sub-arm in my graveyard, special summon Asura's sub-arm in attack position, and then activate the effect of Asura's sub-arm. It can only be activated by targeting a Hope King Hope monster on the field. I use this card from my hand or field as an equipment card with an attack power increased by 1000 to equip that Hope King Hope monster. I use Hope! Activate this effect as the target of Emperor Higan Super Hope, equip Higan Super Hope with Asura's secondary arm, increase Higan Super Hope's attack power to 10,000 points, and then activate the effect of Beast King Lion Armament, making Beast King Lion Armament become Equip the equipment card that increases the attack power by 3000 points to the Hope King Hope monster, Lion Hope! Then I change all the monsters on the field into attack position and enter the battle phase! This card will not have the effect of Future King Hope. Destroyed by battle, the battle damage to both parties caused by this card's battle becomes 0! Also, during the battle phase when this card is fighting, I gain control of the monster fighting this card! Hope attacks the rebel chef!"

"The one who started the cemetery——"

"It's useless! It's happened now! No matter what trap card you activate, it's useless! Future Emperor Hope's effect doesn't take the target, and activation of Skill Imprisonment can't protect your monsters! The Super Hope of the Other Side gives me all the cards on the field that are useless. The resistance affected by your card's effect, activating skill breakthrough or XYZ Bento cannot invalidate Future Emperor Hope's effect or change its form! Monsters will still be resisted by the effects of Super Hope! The outcome of the battle is already determined! Come on, Future Emperor Hope! "

Future Emperor Hope spun at high speed and rushed towards the back cook. He quickly swung his double blades and slashed the back cook continuously, causing the back cook to turn into countless light spots, and then re-condensed on Yuma's field. For entities.

Seeing this, Heiwu couldn't help but grit his teeth. All the tomb effect trap cards he might obtain were calculated by the opponent. Damn it, if he could obtain the Light-protecting Spiritual Sword, he could directly attack through the ban. He has blocked the opponent's attack, but as he is not a formal member of the arena, he has no redemption points to redeem cards. The previous reconstruction of everything has no spare time to create such a trap card that is purely used for defense. There is no possibility of obtaining it!

"Next, it's the other side's super hope's turn! Come on, the other side's super hope, launch an attack on Hei Biao! Hope's sword, the other side's slash!!"

"It's not over yet! I won't give up!! Activate the trap card in the graveyard to fully armor XYZ! Equip the frozen dragon in the graveyard to Hei Biao! Then let the frozen dragon be destroyed instead of Hei Biao!"

"Is there more than one fully armored XYZ prepared in the deck? However, one fully armored XYZ can only replace one destruction! The number of attacks of my monsters exceeds the number of your fully armored XYZs! Asura Deputy If this card is equipped, the equipped monster can attack all the monsters on the opponent's field once. Therefore, the other two monsters can continue to attack each other! Hope, target, cut off the devil! Hope's sword slashes from the other side!"


"The third target is the monster in defense position on the inside! Come on, Super Hope from the other side! Hope's Sword, three consecutive cuts from the other side!!"


"Right now, I activate the effect of the Allothermal Concentric Weapon Heavy Weapon Dragon King Halberd equipped on Super Hope of the Other Side. It can only be activated when the equipped monster destroys the monster in battle. Select any number of the Allothermal Concentric Weapon Monster Cards equipped to the equipped monster to be specially summoned. ! Now equipped with the heavy weapon Dragon King Halberd and Asura's Sub-Arm, I only have one free monster area left on the field, so I special summon Asura's Sub-Arm in attack position! , I merged with the lion Hope and launched the attack on Hei Biao! The Lion Hope Sword Chaos Beast King Slash!"

"It's not over yet! The effect of Full Armor XYZ has no limit on the number of card names! I activate the effect of the last Full Armor XYZ in the graveyard and equip Hei Biao with the Frozen Dragon in the graveyard again! Continue to let the Frozen Dragon replace Hei Biao to be destroyed! As a result, there is only one monster on your field that has not launched an attack: Asura's sub-arm. However, the attack power of Asura's sub-arm is only 1000 points, which is exactly the same as Hei Biao's defense power of ninety-nine! Yuma, the number of your monster attacks is indeed higher than that of my fully armored XYZ! But in terms of defense, I am better!"

Kuromichi's face was grim, and he laughed wildly with a full face.

Yuma, on the other hand, said the standard lines with a smile on his face.

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