"At this moment, the negative effect of the life-destroying treasure takes effect, Seto Kaiba, send the card you just drew to the graveyard!"

"Shut up! I don't need you to remind me!"

Kaiba's face darkened as he sent the card to the graveyard.

Outside the field, the duelists all looked at each other in disbelief. The negative effect of the life-destroying Baozha actually had one day to take effect? Simply incredible!

"Phew, I'll end this round like this!"

[Haiba: Hand: 0 cards → 1 card → 0 cards, HP: 1000]

Although it is dangerous to continue like this, Kaiba can only take a gamble. If Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon maintains the defensive position like this, as long as Kaiba draws the Dead Resurrection this round or uses the Dead Resurrection, he can Complete the victory puzzle, and if he changes the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to attack mode, he will have no hope at all, so he can only continue to gamble.

"My turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, the negative effect of the life-cutting treasure you activated also takes effect. Seahorse Man, you should also send the card you drew to the graveyard!"

"Hmph! Do you think I didn't calculate this? The card I drew was Hunter Blau of the Dark Realm! I sent this card to the graveyard, and then the special effect of Hunter Blau of the Dark Realm was activated. This card When a card is discarded from the hand and sent to the graveyard due to the card's effect, I draw a card from the deck and draw a card! Before it's over, I flip the Holy Magician on the field and activate the effect of the Holy Magician to send it to the graveyard. Add a magic card from the graveyard to your hand, then activate the Pot of Desire and draw two cards! Hahahahaha, it seems, The goddess of victory still doesn’t smile at you!”


"I activate the magic card to resurrect the dead! Although if I use this, I can resurrect Obelisk's Titan Soldier in your graveyard and completely cut off your hope! However, compared to Obelisk, I really I still want to resurrect this! Come on, I’ll use the attack gesture to revive the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

"Roar!!!" X3

Seahorse roared and opened his arms, and the dazzling beam of light rose into the sky behind him, allowing the roaring blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon to soar in the sky.

Seeing this, Kaiba's eyes lit up, as if he had seen the goddess of victory.

"Fight! Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, attack Kaiba Seto's Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon! Ultimate Explosion!!!"

Seeing that things were developing as he had planned, Kaiba clenched his fists and closed his glasses.

‘Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, in order to win, I beg you to suffer a little! ’


As Kaiba apologized, the Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon on the field was also completely blown to pieces by the white light. However, because it was a defensive gesture, Kaiba did not suffer any damage.

"Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, defeat it! Seto Kaiba, with this, you will also reach the end!"

"Hmph! Is that so? But you were so excited that you forgot to change the God of Ten Thousand Hands to defense position! The Holy Magician with only 300 attack points cannot clear my health!"

"That's not necessarily true! Have you misunderstood something? We can't use those miscellaneous fish monsters to deal with you! I activate a quick-attack magic card from my hand, fusion release (GX version)! Cancel the fusion of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon , revive, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”

As Seahorse Man roared, the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon also disintegrated in the light and transformed back into three roaring white dragons.

"The other card drawn was actually Fusion Release?!"

Kaiba's eyes condensed. If Kaibaman chose to activate Fusion Release first to make his Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon retreat, and then attack with Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon, he would definitely lose. Fortunately, Kaibaman did not do this.

"Hmph! Now you understand, Seto Kaiba, you don't have the next turn! After the fusion is released, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon can continue to attack, and that's not all! I still have a card in my hand, right? This one The card is a quick-attack magic card, instantly fused!"

Seahorse Man sneered and showed the instant fusion in his hand.

"Nani?! Fusion?! Do you mean?!"

"Hmph! That's right, instant fusion is equivalent to the quick-attack magic card version of fusion! After the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons attack, I can activate instant fusion again to turn them back into Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and then let Blue-Eyes Ultimate The dragon begins its third round of attacks! You are completely hopeless!"

"What a joke!"

Kaiba couldn't help roaring. He first attacked with the combined version, then disintegrated and used the disassembled version to attack, and then combined again and used the combined version to attack. It was fine to jump sideways repeatedly like this, but the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon had a full 4500 attack power. Ah, facing such an attack, even if he uses the magic mirror of the mechanical device to resurrect Obelisk, he will not be able to keep Obelisk alive until the next round. If he cannot allow Obelisk to survive until the next round, Even if he draws Soul Interlace, there is no point in it!

"Hmph! Can't you accept the reality? Then, go to hell with endless regrets! Blue-eyed White Dragons, launch a direct attack on this fragile man! Three bursts of destructive blast blasts!!! "

"Young! You are kidding me! Who wants to lose to you! Even if I can't win! I will never lose to you! This is my last struggle! Trap card, mechanical device's magic mirror! Activate ! This card can only be activated when the opponent declares an attack. The magic card I want to choose is this one! "


"Now, I don't have any cards in my hand, and you only have one card left in your hand! Because of the effect of the treasure from the sky, we all have to draw all six cards in our hands! But my deck only has one card left. With one card, there are only three cards left in your deck. Therefore, both sides will lose because they cannot draw cards from the deck. This duel is a draw!"

Amid Kaiba's unwilling roar, the triple burst blast bombs that were halfway in the air gradually disappeared, and the duel ended like this.

Seahorse Man didn't feel dissatisfied with this, he just looked at Seahorse calmly.

On the contrary, it was Kaiba, staring at Seahorse, his eyes full of unwillingness, anger, helplessness and other emotions. It was a standard fan diagram. There was no way. He also knew very well that Seahorse definitely did not try his best in this guidance game. He could even do it. It took a lot of effort, but he couldn't even defeat such a seahorse. He really didn't know whether to be angry at his own weakness or to be grateful for his future self's strength.

After a long time, Kaiba calmed down and looked at Seahorse Man coldly.

"In terms of duel strength, you are indeed stronger, both in terms of tactics and card drawing ability. However, in terms of desire for victory, you are far inferior to me, otherwise you would not be here now. This is the ending, so why is it because you have defeated the guy in the game?”

Seahorse Man's eyes fluctuated for a while, and he answered in a weird tone: "A small part of the reason is this. I did defeat, um, the Pharaoh guy."


Outside the court, Yugi and Yami Yugi were both stunned. They lost to future Kaiba from the future.

Seahorse Man: Even if you win one out of hundreds of games, you have won. Even if the winning rate is a few thousandths, you still have won!

Games/Dark Games:…

"A small part of it? What's the bulk of the rest?"

Kaiba frowned, wondering why his future self would be less eager to win.


Seahorse began to talk about him.

Xingyuan walked onto the duel field with a smile: "It's very simple, because he has a partner!"

"What?!" X2

Both Yugi and Yami Yugi showed incredible expressions.

"That guy Kaiba actually has a partner?! How is this possible!"

Jonouchi also exclaimed in disbelief. By now, they all knew that Kaibaman was the seahorse of the parallel world, so they were increasingly unable to accept this.

"Are you kidding me! You actually waste your energy on those boring things?!"

Kaiba rarely criticized Jonouchi's words, but looked at Kaiba with the same disbelief.

"Ha, idiot!"

Haima Xia's face darkened, and he decisively gave his evaluation of Haima. He now only felt that the guidance game he just played was meaningless.

Why is he playing this coaching game? It’s not just for the seahorse to grow! Isn’t it just to make Kaiba set his sights on the Blue Eyes White Dragon earlier! Only in this way can this seahorse encounter her in that world earlier! But now this guy Kaiba actually said that being with her was boring! Who do you think you are? idiot!

Fortunately, he also considered that Kaiba could not accept the defeat of the guidance round and deliberately led to a draw. Now he only feels extremely regretful, leading a Mao guidance round, leading a draw with Mao, and blasting with full firepower. Wouldn't it be better to give the seahorse a beating?

Chapter 95: Obvious betrayal, a date in another world

"Nani?! KISAMA!!"

Hearing Kaibaman's comments, Kaiba was naturally furious on the spot, but Kaibaman was too lazy to pay attention to Kaiba at this time and turned to look at Xingyuan.

"The founder of the arena, can you send me back to my original world now?"

Hoshihara looked at Seahorse Man with a subtle expression. After all, he did not win the Crimson King, so he could still see how much water Seahorse Man put in this duel, whether it was the life-killing treasure at the beginning or the Later, Obelisk resurrected the dead, and the specially explained Gaika electronic pot and the instant fusion of hand cards were all obvious and could not be more obvious.

It would be really speechless if this situation was still understood as a battle for Obelisk. After resurrecting Obelisk, Seahorse Man has not even used Obelisk's skills once, just treating it as normal. The monster is just level A, which means Obelisk's resistance still plays some role, otherwise Obelisk is really equivalent to a normal monster.

As for the fact that Kaima didn't draw a monster, given Kaima's ability to draw key cards at critical moments, is it difficult for him to draw a monster card or a magic card that specially summons a monster? It's just that Kaima didn't do that. If it wasn't for forcing Kaima to use the power of Blue Eyes to break his obsession with God, Kaima wouldn't have needed to use the Resurrection of the Dead. It would have been much better to use Soul Release to banish Obelisk directly, or to ambush a Destroyer Wheel and wait for Kaima to summon a monster and blow it up. After all, Kaima's HP at that time had already reached infinity, so there was no need to worry about being killed in an empty field.

So, Kaima's letting the game go was really obvious, but there was nothing he could do about it. Wishes and the like were really unattractive to Kaima.

Unlike Kaiba who specializes in technology in the Dark Side of Dimension, Kaiba in GX obviously has added points in the aspect of spirit power, otherwise he would not have put on the vest of Seahorse Man and pulled Judai and others into the spirit world. And under the premise of mastering the power of spirits, it is not difficult for Kaiba to go to the underworld. After all, the biography Yugi who also mastered the power of spirits was able to send Judai to the past time and space at the end of the GX plot. To say that Kaiba cannot go to the underworld is too much of an underestimation of Kaiba.

If Kaiba can go to the underworld through the power of the elves, he can naturally go to the underworld to play cards with Atum at any time, and his card addiction can be satisfied. He can even speculate that the few victories Kaiba has against Atum may be the result of a war of attrition. Atum probably can't hold on after playing dozens or hundreds of games in a row. After all, Atum's card addiction is not as great as Kaiba's, but as a duelist, he can't let go in the duel. If a war of attrition is carried out, Atum may indeed be less motivated than Kaiba, and then Kaiba's victory is not impossible.

In this way, although the winning rate is relatively low, Kaiba has indeed officially defeated Atum, and will no longer be so obsessed with Atum, his old enemy, and will not have any idea of ​​reviving Atum.

On the other hand, Kaiba had already met Kisara's reincarnation in the human world, so Kaiba didn't need to use the power of others to find Kisara's reincarnation. Even Kaiba and Keipi's common dream, Kaiba Paradise, was moving forward steadily. In such a perfect situation, there was really no need for Kaiba to have wishes.

"Well, it's a draw anyway. Neither of you will get any reward or be punished. Since you want to go back, I'll send you back."

"Wait! You bastard! Explain it to me before you leave!"

"Hmph! I have nothing to say to an idiot like you!"

After leaving these words, Kaiba Man disappeared into the golden magic circle, making Kaiba's face even gloomier.

On the side, Jonouchi couldn't help but sigh in amazement. He didn't have much to say about Seahorse Man from another world, because he could also see that Seahorse Man was letting him win. Although Seahorse Man's relationship with someone was not in line with Seahorse's personality, it was not abnormal. After all, he had some special ideas about someone. But Seahorse was too miserable. Facing another self who had let him win by a large margin, he tried his best to draw the game, and was even ridiculed by the other party and called an idiot. This was simply, what everyone likes to see.

And when he successfully defeated Bekas, Seahorse only tied with Seahorse Man who let him win. This was another point of ridicule. It was really, too happy.

Under Jonouchi's gloating eyes, Kaiba took a deep breath, glanced at Xingyuan, and finally turned around and walked off the stage. Although he wanted to find out the specific situation and knew that Xingyuan was definitely very clear about the specific situation, he did not win the duel after all, so it was better not to expect to get any information from Xingyuan. Even if he succeeded in getting some information, it might not be a good thing given Xingyuan's fun-loving personality, so he should shut up for the time being and try to win the next duel and win the reward!

Kaiba made a decision, and in another GX world where Kaibaman was, Kaibaman also made a decision.

"Yugi, I have something to do temporarily, so you should leave the work of guiding the younger generation to the mediocre!"



Yugi, who suddenly received the call, felt confused. Kaiba had clearly agreed to this matter, so why did he suddenly regret it? With Kaiba's personality, he should not do such a thing. Is there really something important?

After thinking for a while, Yugi tried to contact Atum in the underworld, intending to confirm whether Kaiba had gone to the underworld to play cards with Atum again.

Hearing such an inquiry, Atum in the underworld was also stunned. Kaiba? Ever since he asked Seth and Kisara about the reincarnation of Kisara and told Kaiba, Kaiba has not come to harass him as frequently as before. In the past month, he has not come once. He should be intoxicated in the gentle country. Even if there is something important, it should be a date with Kisara's reincarnation, right?

Yugi fell into deep thought again. This is not right. If there is really a date, how could Kaiba agree to enlighten Judai? For Kaiba, juniors can't compare to dating!

On the other side, at the Kaiba Corporation headquarters, looking at the Kaiba in front of them, Kisara's reincarnation, Kisaragi Cangyi, couldn't help but show a confused expression.

"Seto-sama, don't you still want to help Mr. Yugi enlighten a certain junior? Why did you come here in advance?"

After a short silence, Kaiba replied helplessly: "I just encountered something that annoyed me. If I meet that junior in that state, it will be difficult for me to enlighten him. I will only beat him into isolation."

Cangyi tilted her head: "So, I don't have to worry about it?"

Kaiba became more and more helpless: "Cang Yi, you should know that I can't be angry when facing you, right?"

Aoi smiled: "Yes, of course I know it very well. So, Seto-sama, do you need to advance the scheduled date?"

"... Of course, besides, I told you that there is no need to call me Seto-sama, right? Just call me Seto."

"Yes, Seto-sama."

"Huh, you..."

Chapter 96: The third game of the self-contest, another Yuma - Hatanaka Yu appears

Return to the arena.

Seeing Kaiba walking down the duel ring, Ling Ya also turned his attention to Yuma: "Yuma, you go up first or I go up first, which ring do you want to go to?"

Yuma wiped his nose and showed a confident smile: "Hey, I'll go up first. As for the ring, I'll choose my own ring."

Ling Ya frowned slightly: "Are you sure? In the current self-challenge, no one has succeeded in challenging it!"

"Okay, okay, if you want to say that, isn't Mr. Jonouchi the only one who succeeded in the BOSS arena? Compared to the BOSS, I really want to fight myself in another world more. As for that, If you fail, you may have your identity taken away, right? Even though you have people to bring in this time, you can still bring me back next time, so don’t worry, shark.”

Yuma waved his hand, looking relaxed.

Kaito glanced at Yuma and said calmly: "There's no need to wait until next time. After all, Lingya and I only have one person we want to bring in, so it's entirely possible for one of us to bring my brother and Ling Ya’s sister was brought in together, and the other one was used to pull you back. However, you started thinking about what would happen if you failed before the duel started. You are too disappointed!"

"Hey, Kaito, don't talk nonsense. I just said it casually, why did it become a thought!"

Yuma yelled again, making Ling Ya look helpless: "Okay, now that the decision has been made, you can come on stage! The two people from the 5DS world and the one from the ARC-V world haven't appeared yet. Well, don’t be beaten first!”

"That won't work. I've waited until now, and I don't want to wait any longer! So, Astral! Let's go! Soar into the sky, me!"

"At this time, shouldn't we be talking about us?"

"No, no, at this time, it's not us who should be talking about it, but you should be talking with me!"

Just like that, Yuma and Astral noisily jumped into the ego ring.

In this regard, both Yusei and Jack looked calm. They had no intention of competing with Yuma, a child who looked like a primary school student, for the chance to appear first. As for the A5 world, they had not yet decided who would appear. Because of the performance of other worlds, it is basically an unspoken rule that those who appear in random duels will no longer challenge the ring, so Yuto will not appear again in this round, but Yuya and Reiji will Everyone wants to play, but there is only one chance to play in the A5 world, which is very troublesome.

"Is this also a self-contest?"

A slightly tired voice sounded in Aoi's ears, which startled Aoi. When she turned around, she realized it was Yusaku.

"Playmaker?! Is your battle with Revolver over? Where are the Revolvers?"

Ai on the Yuzuo duel board put on a proud posture: "Of course he ran away. Under the joint attack of me and Playmaker, how could Revolver be able to stop it alone! In the end, he could only apply for early withdrawal from the competition. It’s time!”

Yusaku lowered his head and glanced at Ai, but his tone was not particularly happy: "But we didn't get much information from him."

"Hey, you already know his real name and the headquarters location of the Knights of Hanno, right? Isn't that enough?"

Ai looked at Yusaku speechlessly.

"Of course it's not enough. If you want to completely defeat the Knights of Hanno, more preparations are needed! But for now, let's watch the duels of duelists from other worlds first!"

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