"Give me a moment!! I don't have any objections to what you said about us having no monsters on the field and the main phase being skipped, but the negative effect of D-Power will only take effect when Blood Demon-D is on the field. Yes, and now, Blood Demon-D has long been sent to the graveyard, and the negative effects of D-power will naturally not take effect, and it is impossible to limit the card drawing of Judai! "

Ed immediately refuted Kurosaki Hayabusa's words. After all, his previous performance had been deceiving enough. If Kurosaki Hayabusa talks nonsense again, he would be deceived to the point that he couldn't even accept it. He had to explain clearly!

"Hey! You actually still have the opportunity to draw cards!"

"Phew! It's okay, okay, at least I can still draw cards. What's left is to clear out those 3800 health points? Then let me try it! In my turn, I draw cards!! That's it! Kurosaki! Yudou! Unfortunately, I seem to have drawn the key card! Next, it is my turn to perform! Due to the effect of time loss, my main stage is skipped and I can no longer activate the normal stage. Magic card, but the quick attack magic card can still be activated! I activate this quick attack magic card from my hand, Quick Attack Summon (original card)! I can normally summon a monster in my hand!"

"I actually drew a quick attack summons at this moment! This card drawing ability is indeed as powerful as ever!"

"Um, thank you for the compliment? Although I know what "business as usual" means, it still feels a bit strange! Forget it, let's continue! For the effect of the quick attack summon, I used the level 4 monster, the elemental hero Solid Man, from my hand. Summon in attack position! Then activate the effect of Solid Man. This card can only be activated when summoned successfully. Special summon a level 4 or lower hero monster from your hand! I summon a level 4 hero monster, Elemental Hero Flame, from my hand. Xia special summons in attack position!"

"Attack power, 1300 and 1200, surpass the defensive power of dust-stained robes and torn gloves!"

"It's not over yet! I activate the effect of Flame Man again, which can only be activated when this card is summoned or special summoned. I add a fusion card from the deck to my hand! I add a fusion card from the deck to my hand! Then, fight! Solid Man, Flame Man, attacks two Phantom Knights monsters in defense position!"


"Have you really been defeated? But, in this case, you have two monsters on the field!"

"I should have said, it's not over yet! Quick attack magic card, instant fusion, activate! Send the fusion material monster determined by the fusion monster from my field to the graveyard, and special summon that fusion monster from the extra deck! However, the monster specially summoned by this effect is destroyed at the end of the turn! I combine the two hero monsters with different attributes, the earth attribute hero Solid Man and the fire attribute hero Flame Man, to combine the calm power of the earth! The power of fire leads to the coming of fusion! Come on, Elemental Hero Sunrise!"

"Oops! There's actually an instant fusion!"

"Although you seem to be very nervous, I will not be fooled! If I remember correctly, there should be three unknown cards in your graveyard! If the main stage has not been skipped, I will not You will let those cards stay in your graveyard, but now, you can only fight them directly to consume those cards! Activate the effect of Sunrise Man. This card name can only be used once per turn. This card can only be Special Summoned successfully. Activate, add a Miraculous Fusion from the deck to your hand! Then chain the effect of Sunrise Man, and activate another effect of Solid State Man. Once per turn, this card will be sent from the monster area by the effect of the magic card. In the graveyard, it can only be activated by targeting a hero monster in my graveyard other than the elemental hero Solid Man. That monster is Special Summoned in defense position! Ed, borrowing your power, I special summon the Destiny Hero in the graveyard in defense position. Fearman, then add Miracle Fusion from the deck to your hand! Then activate the effect of Fearman, destroy the monsters other than the Destiny Heroes on my field, Sunrise Man, and special summon two Destiny Hero monsters from the graveyard!”

"How can you continue to activate the effect of Fear Man at this time! Since the dust-stained robe and tattered gloves were destroyed, there are no cards on our field now! Therefore, I activate the trap card, Infinite Bubble, from my hand, The effect of ineffective fear of people!”

"I haven't forgotten that you still have infinite bubbles on your hand, Yuto!"


"Chain your infinite bubbles, and I'll activate a quick-attack magic card from my hand, super fusion!"

"Super fusion?! How is that possible! You shouldn't have the experience of becoming the tenth generation of Overlord! Why are you still?!"

Judai wiped his nose and smiled: "The birth of super fusion is not the only way to sacrifice life! But it is not easy. Yubel and I have been studying for a long time before we developed the method to use my body The power of the darkness of the universe is used to create a super fusion method. Although the super fusion born in this way cannot fuse twelve dimensions at will like the one held by Overlord Tenth Generation, or even create a fusion within a fixed time! There is also a certain limit on the number of monsters, but I am already satisfied! ”

Both Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yu Dou showed astonished expressions. In this way, the existence of Judai Yujo possesses special power, which is similar to the power of Zach in their four fruits and vegetables, so using It seems that it is not incomprehensible to create a new hyper-fusion in this way?

In the auditorium, in the 5DS area, the 20th generation's eyes fluctuated and they smiled bitterly. Is there such a way to use the power in their bodies? What a pity. If Yubel could have known about this in advance... No, even if he knew about it in advance, it seems to be meaningless.

"Okay, let's continue! The effect of super fusion is to discard a card in my hand to fuse the monsters on the field, and the opponent cannot chain this effect! I discard the fusion in my hand and activate this effect! Put me on the field The Sunrise Man and the Dread Man on the screen will be fused together! In this way, the Dread Man will be sent to the graveyard as a fusion material before the effect of the Infinite Bubble is resolved, making the Infinite Bubble lose its effect and cannot affect the effect of the Dread Man!"

"There is such a method! But what can the fusion of Sunrise Man and Dread Man do? What's more, the effect of Dread Man will also destroy all monsters except the Destiny Hero Monster. Even if you fuse any new heroes, they will still be destroyed. It will still be destroyed!”

"Of course I know this very well. After all, it took a total of six cards in my hand to activate the effect: Quick Attack Summon, Solid Man, Flame Man, Instant Fusion, Fusion, and Super Fusion. How can I fuse it to create a powerful enough card? Only monsters can do it! Come on, the fusion summons! Come, the immortal hero, and destroy the Phoenix people!”

"Nani?!" X3

In the unanimous exclamations of Kurosaki Hayabusa, Yuto and Ed, Sunrise Man and Dread Man were swallowed into the super-fusion vortex that exuded terrifying power, making the heroes filled with a sense of power and beauty, The most beautiful rebirth, the Phoenix Man of Destruction, came to the field riding the flames.

"No, there is no need for you to be so surprised! The fusion materials required for Destruction Phoenix Man are Destiny Hero Monster and a hero monster of level six or above. Dreadman is a Destiny Hero Monster, and Sunrise Man also happens to be a level seven hero monster. This Doesn’t it just meet the requirements? As for not using the Inka rules and relying solely on the power of super fusion to create the Phoenix of Destruction, Yu Dou also used Zach’s power to offset most of the consumption of the Inka rules, leaving you with something. Is there any chance of using the Yinka rules for the second time? So there’s no need to be surprised!”

"No, that's not what surprised us."

"But the Phoenix of Destruction actually appeared in your hands."

The expressions of Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yuto were a little subtle, but Ed's expression was more complicated. The hero of destiny's ace monster was actually printed by Judai, which made him extremely confused about what to say!

In the OCG area, several people began to whisper. The Phoenix of Destruction has been printed. Doesn't it mean that a Destiny Hero monster will be added to the main deck in the tenth generation? Is this the rhythm of gradually rising from a Souls player to a Hell Caesar where victory is everything?

"Listening to what you said, it is indeed a bit strange, but since the seals have been printed, you can't control that much! After calculating the effect of the fearful people, I changed the Dutopia and Disc people in the cemetery to attack and defend respectively. Indicates a special summon, then activates the effect of Disk Man, draws two cards from the deck, and then destroys Phoenix Man and launches a direct attack on Kurosaki and Yuto! "

"What a joke! If we are directly attacked twice in a row, we will have no health left at all!"

"How can you succeed in attacking! Activate the effect of the magic card in the graveyard, Phantom Knights Shadow Blessing (original version)! This card can only be activated when the opponent declares a direct attack when the graveyard exists. The Phantom Knights Shadow Blessing in my graveyard It becomes a four-star dark attribute warrior-type normal monster with 0 ATK and 300 DEF. It is specially summoned in the monster zone as much as possible. Also, this card is used as a magic card! However, the card specially summoned by this effect is sent to the graveyard! Exception! There are two Phantom Knights Shadows in my graveyard, so I activate the effect of the first Phantom Knights Shadows and special summon the two Phantom Knights Shadows as normal monsters in defense position!"

"Sure enough, there are still means left, two wall monsters, but in this case, there will only be one unknown card left in your graveyard! Go ahead, destroy the Phoenix Man, and launch an attack on the Phantom Knights Shadow You on the right! Destiny newborn!!"


Under the attack of the Destruction Phoenix Man, the Phantom Knights Yingyu on the right were shattered in response. Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yuto showed surprised expressions. It was clear that the Destruction Phoenix Man still had a destructive effect that could be launched in the battle phase, but Ten The generation didn't start?

"Next! Twilight Utopia people, launch an attack on the remaining Phantom Knight, Yingyou! Twilight Utopia!!"


"Very good! In this way, all the wall monsters on your field will disappear!"

"But there are no monsters on your field that can launch an attack!"

"Don't speak too soon! The offensive to destroy the Phoenix People is not over yet!"

"What?!" X2


"Ah! Feel free to do it!"

"Then! The effect of destroying the Phoenix Man is activated. This card name is once per turn. It can be activated by both sides in the turn. Choose one card on my field and one card on the field to destroy!"

“This effect? ​​But it’s clearly not on my field—could it be that?!”

"That's right! All the cards I want to choose are our own! I choose the Phoenix of Destruction on my field and the Dusktopian on my field, and destroy these two cards! Destruction of Destiny!!"


The dazzling fireworks slowly rose, and the Destruction Phoenix people left the stage together with the Dutopia people who also belonged to the fusion camp, but Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yu Dou were not happy at all, because they had already guessed what would happen next.

"Then activate another effect of Destruction Phoenix Man. This card name is used once per turn. It can only be activated when this card is destroyed by battle or effect. In the preparation phase of the next turn, select a Destiny Hero monster from our graveyard to be specially summoned. ! And then, Ed!"

"Leave it to me! Activate the cover card, trap card, and illusion of destiny (original version)! It can only be activated when the monster with the name of the destiny hero on our side of the field is destroyed and sent to the graveyard. The monster that was destroyed this turn and sent to the graveyard will be activated. All monsters with Destiny Heroes in their names are Special Summoned on our side of the field! Due to the effect of Induction Wings last turn, the set Destiny Illusion was also invalidated, so the Dusktopians could not be resurrected, but now we can't. Same, the ineffective effect of the Wings of Induction can only last until the end of the last round, so let me take revenge now! The effect of the Illusion of Destiny is activated, and the Destiny Hero will be destroyed and sent to the graveyard. Monster, special summon in attack position! Revive, Dutopia! Destroy the Phoenix!"

"Because they were sent to the graveyard and then specially summoned from the graveyard, the status of Destruction Phoenix and Dusktopia has also been reset, allowing them to attack again. In this way, your remaining health points will be cleared! Take the move. , Kurosaki, Yuto! I use Destruction Phoenix to launch another direct attack! "

"At this moment, I activate the effect of the Phantom Knights Shadow Blessing in the cemetery!"

"Impossible! The unknown card left in your graveyard should be a card belonging to Kurosaki! How could it be the Phantom Knights Kageyu!"

Judai looked in disbelief, and Ed couldn't understand it. Could it be that Yuto had already given the deck of cards to Kurosaki Hayabusa as a betrothal gift before he married Ruri to the goalkeeper? But even if Yuto gives the deck to Kurosaki Hayabusa, given the level of dislike Kurosaki Hayato has shown towards Yuto before, it is impossible to add a card like Phantom Knights Kageyou to the deck!

Opposite him, Kurosaki Hayabusa's brows suddenly jumped wildly, feeling inexplicable malice, while Yuto quickly explained.

"Make no mistake! The Phantom Knights Shadowyou activated now is not the remaining card that has not revealed its true identity! Didn't you hear clearly before? The effect of Phantom Knights Shadowyou (original version) is to remove the phantoms from the graveyard. Knights of Shadows are very likely to be specially summoned! However, the Phantom Knights of Shadows will be excluded, but only the one that activates the effect! The other Phantom Knights of Shadows that are jointly special summoned will not be excluded, and Phantom Knights There is no limit to the number of cards you can use for Tuanyingyou!”


"It's really fake!!"

Judai and Ed both had angry faces. Does this effect mean that they actually played this kind of word game? Unfortunately, they didn't notice it before. Now it's humorous, and the killing can't go on!

Single chapter

Ahem, let me explain the situation. As expected, my body is in trouble again. But surprisingly, the problem is not the palm of my right hand that is bubbling because the rescue appliance has been exposed to sewage. The bubbles there unexpectedly have not spread. .

However, in the past two days, my neighbor's daughter was getting married, and it was not my turn to help. I went to eat two meals. A full quarter of the left hand, no, I should say the left arm, turned red. There is no reason at all, there is inexplicable redness and swelling, and it is uncomfortable to move.

I had no choice but to put the medicine on my left hand and leave it there, relying on my right hand to code. Although there were a few new red spots on my right hand because I went out twice, it was at least better than the left hand. But I only used one hand. , the speed of coding has naturally dropped seriously, and coupled with the uncomfortable feeling that interferes with my thinking, I can only say that I try my best to write, but the speed and progress cannot be guaranteed.

It’s really hard to stretch. Maybe it’s like you said, I really should pray to God, but if I go out, it may affect my skin. I...

Chapter 592: Tooth for Tooth, Advantage of 0 (5,000 words)

Seeing that the Shadow Knights of the Phantom Knights had indeed appeared on the field again as Yuto said, Judai and Ed also felt a little uncomfortable. It was really such a word game. This time they were in trouble. Although their There is another cover card on the field, but that card is a fast-attack magic card used to deal with monster effects. The effect of the card is blocked, but it can't help magic cards like Phantom Knights Shadow U (original version)!

Thinking of this, Judai also felt a little helpless. He shouldn't have chosen to use the effect of the Fear Man to resurrect the Disc Man for the sake of hand resources. If he had chosen not the Disk Man but the Ruler, although it would have led to the replenishment now The resource in your hand is reduced by one card, but if you exchange this for one more attack opportunity, it is more cost-effective no matter how you think about it.

But there was nothing I could do. I never expected to encounter this kind of situation before. The effect mask in the backcourt that was specifically aimed at monster effects was still getting ready to go out, but in the end, it ran into this kind of word game magic card that could be activated continuously. I can only admit it.

"There is really no other way! Destroy the Phoenix people, change the target of attack to the Phantom Knights Yingyou, and rebirth your destiny!"


In desperation, Judai could only let the Phoenix of Destruction defeat the Phantom Knights Yingyou again, in exchange for the opportunity for the Mutopians to directly attack. Thinking on the bright side, at least the Mutopians with higher attack power can cause more damage. of combat damage.

"Then there is a direct attack from the Twilight Utopians! Twilight Utopia!!"

"Ugh!!!" X2

The golden light bloomed again and fell on Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yuto. They were knocked away at the same time and groaned. Their health points also dropped from 3800 points to only 800 points, leaving the ARC-V area Everyone is a little worried. Although there is a saying that as long as the health value does not return to zero, it does not matter, but 800 points is still too few. It has reached the bottom line that can be cleared with just a little effect damage.

"As expected, it's still a little bit worse, but that's the end of it. Since the main stage was skipped by the effect of time loss, I ended the round directly."

[Judai \u0026 Ed: Hand: 4 → 5 → 2 → 3 → 2 → 3 → 1 → 3/3 Cards: 0 HP: 16000]

"Is it finally over? Then! It's our turn next!"

"There isn't even a cover card in the backcourt, and the ability to suppress the monsters on the field is almost non-existent. There is no reason why I can't break through this formation! In my turn, I draw a card!!"

"Don't speak too soon! At this moment, I want to apply the effect that Destruction Phoenix Man activated in the previous round. This card name can only be activated once per turn. This card can only be activated when it is destroyed by battle or effect. Next During the preparation phase of this turn, select a Destiny Hero monster from our graveyard to special summon! The one I want to choose is, of course, the Destiny Hero Fearman! Then the effect of Fearman will be activated!

"However, monsters resurrected from the graveyard cannot be placed in the extra monster area, and you only have one main monster area left, so the effect of the fearman can only resurrect one destiny hero monster in the graveyard!"

"One is enough. After all, the other Disc Man is still on the field. I will special summon the Disc Man in the graveyard in defense position, and then activate the Disc Man's effect, Ed!"

"Ah! The disc man's effect, I draw two cards from the deck, draw cards!"

"Is it possible that I specifically asked Ed to draw a card?! Falcon!!"

"I know!"

Kurosaki Hayabusa's face also became serious. After all, the magic card Yuto created using the Inka rules before was the card that was originally given to Ed by King Sai. It makes no sense that only latecomers like them can use it while the original card holds He had it but couldn't use it, so now he had to consider the possibility of fate being involved in Ed's hand.

Judai and Ed had mysterious smiles on their faces. Their arrangements were more than that!

"Then! I activate the effect of the Assault Raptor - Prosperous Vulture in my hand. This card name can only select one of the two effects to be activated at a time in one turn, and in the turn when these effects are activated, I cannot special summon monsters other than dark attribute monsters. Monster! I choose to activate the first effect of Prosperous Vulture. This can only be activated if there are no face-up monsters other than the Bird Beast type on my field. I special summon this card and an Assault Raptor monster from my hand! Special Summon the Assault Wing using the Prosperity Vulture in your hand and the card name as an Assault Raptor monster in defense position!”

"Prosperity Vulture and Raid Wings? With such a combination, I can't let you activate it successfully! To chain the effect of your Prosperity Vulture, I activate a cover card, a quick attack magic card, and an effect confinement (original card)! The opponent You can activate it when a monster effect is activated. That effect is invalid, and that monster is destroyed! I invalidate it and destroy your Prosperity Vulture!"

"Sure enough, it is an effect of confinement, but it is also in our calculation! I have not forgotten that the card you prepared before to deal with the rules of the You Dou Ink Card, the Prosperous Vulture, is just a bait! The real unfolding, Now it’s time to start! I activate the magic card and use the monster in our graveyard as XYZ material to XYZ summon the one XYZ monster in our graveyard! For the effect of XYZ, I stack the Phantom Knights Broken Gloves and Phantom Knights Dust Robe! Resurrection! Phantom Knights Broken Sword!

"It's actually at this time that the Broken Sword was summoned!"

"Ha! What, professional players, how are you going to deal with this move! I activate the effect of Broken Sword, once per turn, and remove one of the XYZ materials from this card, and use one of my cards and one of the cards on the opponent's field. It can only be activated when targeted, and those cards are destroyed! I remove one of the XYZ materials of the Broken Sword, and activate the effect on the Broken Sword itself and the Destruction Phoenix on your field, destroying the Broken Sword and the Destruction Phoenix!"

"A good tactic, but have you forgotten that we still have the monster Dusktopia on the field! Activate the effect of Dusktopia (original version) once per turn to destroy the monsters on the field. When the effect is activated, it can only be activated by targeting that monster. That monster will not be destroyed by that effect! I activate the effect of Dusktopia by targeting the Phoenix of Destruction, so that the Phoenix of Destruction will not be destroyed by the Broken Sword! Destroy! Restore the glory!”

The golden light once again turned into light clothes, protecting the Phoenix Man of Destruction and canceling out the power of the Broken Sword. However, Kurosaki Hayabusa was not surprised when he saw this scene.

"Sure enough, the effect of Dusktopia was used, but the effect of Dusktopia only protects the Destruction Phoenix, and Broken Sword will still be destroyed! Therefore, another effect of Broken Sword is activated, and the card summoned by XYZ is In case of destruction, it can only be activated by targeting two Phantom Knights monsters of the same level in our graveyard, and those monsters are specially summoned! Moreover, the level of the monsters specially summoned by this effect increases by one star. However, after this effect is activated, I cannot! Special Summon monsters other than dark monsters! I turn the Phantom Knights Torn Gloves and Phantom Knights Dust Robe in the graveyard into Level 4 and Special Summon them in Defense Position! These two monsters build a network of light! Use your dark eyes to reveal the truth! Use your sharp hooks to summon glory! Level 4, the Raptor-Force Owl! "

"Now! I activate the effect of destroying the Phoenix Man, destroying the sustainable magic card D-Power on our field and the martial owl on your field! Destruction of destiny!!"


The brilliant fireworks and the powerful forest owl exited the stage together, making Kurosaki Hayabusa's previous operations in vain. However, Kurosaki Hayabusa felt a sense of relief. The effect of destroying the Phoenix Man was also used up. In this way, Kurosaki Hayabusa felt relieved. Come on, the only things you need to worry about are the cards of fate that may appear in Ed's hands and the cards that Judai piled into the graveyard. Well, it seems that this is not the right word to use in this situation.

"This is the moment I've been waiting for! Activate the effect of the trap card in the graveyard, Raptor-Return! This card name is used once per turn. When the Raptor monster on my field is destroyed by an effect, remove this card from the graveyard. In order to activate, add a Strike Raptor card from the deck to your hand! I remove the Strike Raptor-Return from the graveyard, and add the Strike Raptor-Sanctuary from the deck to your hand!"

"This effect was not activated when Order New Universe activated the explosion effect?"

"Hmph! If I activate it at that time, there's no guarantee I'll get the card I need now! I'll summon the Raid Wings in attack position—"

"You performed a normal summons, right?"

"Sure enough!" X2

"That's right! Tooth for tooth! I also activate the effect of the magic card, Fate's Intervention (original card) from my hand. When a monster is summoned on the opponent's field, I can send this card from my hand to the graveyard and activate my hand. A normal magic card from my hand! I send the fate of the card in my hand to the graveyard, and activate another normal magic card from my hand, the Ghost Thunder String Trap! I can only activate one card with this card name in one turn, and discard two. A card in my hand can be activated by targeting a trap card in my graveyard. That card is set on my field. The card set by this effect can also be activated in the turn it is set. I discard two cards in my hand, Activate the effect on the trap card in the graveyard!"

"Through the intervention of fate, a normal magic card was activated, and then it switched to a trap card? But if there is a trap card in the graveyard, could it be the destruction of fate?"

"No! The trap card I want to choose is the trap card Judai sent to the graveyard through the effect of the card bombardier, the Alchemy Cycle!"

"Alchemy cycle?!" X2

Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yuto looked at each other, but their faces were filled with astonishment. Is the alchemy cycle they thought of the one that turns all the original attack power of their own monsters to 0? Why did Ed choose this cover to put on the field? Looking for death? The Destruction Phoenix Man, Dusktopia Man, and Terror Man on the opposite side are all in attack position. If their attack power becomes 0, aren't they waiting to be pierced to death by the Assault Raptor Monster? There must be something wrong here. Maybe this alchemy cycle is another version of the card unique to the GX world? Wait, another version of the alchemy cycle has appeared before, right? It seems to also reduce the monster's attack power to 0? So I don’t understand what this guy Ed is planning to do!

"I really can't understand your plan at all! But this is normal. If we can guess all your thoughts so easily, we can't be considered a qualified opponent! I activate the Assault Raptor-Pain Shrike (original version) in my hand ) can be activated by targeting a Raptor monster on my field. This card is Special Summoned from my hand. The level of this card becomes the same as the level of the target monster. After that, I receive an action! Damage to the target monster's attack power or defense value! I activate this effect on the Assault Wing whose card name is used as an Assault Raptor monster according to the rules, and Special Summon Pain Shrike in defense position and turn it into Level 4. , and then I received 0 points of damage from the Attack Team’s flying wing attack power!”

"0 o'clock, how can you still get stuck like this!"

Judai couldn't help but complain, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who told Kurosaki Hayabusa to use the original version of the Pain Shrike? The OCG version of the Pain Shrike couldn't target the Raid Wings, but the original version We can only let it happen.

"Is it a card bug? I don't mind using this kind of bug a few more times! I use the two monsters, the Strike Team Wing and the Level 4 Pain Shrike, to build a stacked light network! XYZ Summon! Fly again! Level 4, Swift Raptor - Armed Forest Owl!! Then activate the effect of Armed Forest Owl. Once per turn, you can activate it by removing one XYZ material from this card and adding a Level 4 Dark Beast-Type monster from the deck to your hand! I remove the XYZ material Strike Team Wing from Armed Forest Owl, and add a Level 4 Dark Beast-Type monster Swift Raptor - Screaming Shrike from the deck to your hand! Activate the effect of Screaming Shrike (original version). If there is an XYZ monster on my field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand. I Special Summon Screaming Shrike in Defense Position! Activate the effect of Strike Team Wings again. This card name is once per turn. If this card is in your hand or graveyard, you can activate this card by removing an XYZ Material from a Dark Attribute XYZ Monster on my field and Special Summon this card! I remove the remaining XYZ Material from Armed Forest Owl and Special Summon the Strike Team Wings in the graveyard in Defense Position! "

"That's it! I have three Rush Raptor monsters!"

"Just as you said! So, I activate the Spell Card, Rush Raptor - Sanctuary (Original Card)! This can only be activated if there are three or more Rush Raptor monsters on my field. I draw two cards from my deck! Draw a card! ! Great, that's it! I activate the Quick Play Spell Card, Swallow's Nest! This can only be activated by releasing a face-up Bird-Type monster on my field, and a Bird of the same Level as the released monster. Special Summon a Beast-Type Monster from the Deck! I release the Level 4 Beast-Type Bird Monster, Screaming Shrike, on my field, and Special Summon a Level 4 Beast-Type Bird Monster, Swift Raptor - Dark Shrike from my deck in Defense Position! Activate the effect of Dark Shrike. This card name is available once per turn. During my Main Phase of the turn this card is Summoned and Special Summoned, you can activate this effect by targeting a Swift Raptor monster on my field, and add a Swift Raptor monster of a different Level from that monster from your deck to your hand! I activate the effect targeting Level 4 Strike Team Wing, and add Level 3 Swift Raptor - Villain Eagle from your deck to your hand! Then use Dark Shrike and Strike Team Wing to XYZ Summon the last Armed Forest Owl, activate the effect of Armed Forest Owl, remove the XYZ Material Dark Shrike, and add the second Screaming Shrike from your deck to your hand. Cards!"

"Level 3 and Level 4, this combination can't be XYZ Summoned!"

"That's not necessarily true! I activate the effect of Screaming Shrike (Original Version) again, Special Summoning Screaming Shrike in Defense Position! Then I activate another effect of Dark Shrike in the Graveyard. This card name can be activated once per turn by banishing this card in the Graveyard. All the Levels of the Raptor Monsters on my field increase or decrease by one! I banish Dark Shrike in the Graveyard, lowering Screaming Shrike to Level 3, and then activate the effect of Villain Eagle in my hand. This card name can be activated once per turn. The monsters on my field can only be activated when there are Raptor Monsters. This card is Special Summoned from my hand! Obviously, I don't have any monsters other than Raptor Monsters on my field, so I Special Summon Villain Eagle in Defense Position! Then I use Villain Eagle and the Level 3 Screaming Shrike to build a stacked light network! Show up, Level 3, Raptor-Devil Eagle! ! Activate the effect of Demon Sculpture (Original Version) again. Once per turn, remove one XYZ Material from this card and activate this effect targeting a Special Summoned Monster on the field, dealing damage equal to the ATK of that monster to your opponent! I remove the XYZ Material Villain Sculpture from Demon Sculpture and activate the effect targeting the Special Summoned Twilight Man on your field, dealing 6100 points of damage equal to the ATK of the Fear Man! "

"Activate a face-up card, a trap card, and an Alchemy Cycle! Until the end of the turn, the original ATK of all face-up monsters on my field becomes 0! However, every time a monster with an original ATK of 0 due to this effect is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, I can draw one card from my deck! Due to this effect, the original attack power of the Destruction Phoenix, Dusk Utopian, and Disc Man on our field will all become 0, and the attack power and defense power of the Horror Man will become the sum of the attack power values ​​of other Destiny Hero Monsters. Now that the attack power of other Destiny Hero Monsters has become 0, the attack power of the Horror Man has naturally become 0, so the damage caused by the Demon Sculpture has also become 0! "

"It turns out that the Alchemy Cycle that turns the attack power to 0? !" X2

Chapter 593 Reverse Blockade, Hand Tomb Trap, the Victory and the Defeat Have Been Decided (Seven in One)

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