"Oh! That being said, where on earth should we use the reward?"

Yuma's brain began to crash. For a moment, he could not think of where to use the reward. Should he bring his missing parents back? No, no, no, with his parents' skills, there will definitely be no problem. He can just use the arena's pull function to pull them over. Then, just make a wish for Astral to recover all the No. cards and memories?

"Mr. Xingyuan, we should still have room to choose rewards, right? Do you have any recommendations?"

Astral did not plan to directly wish for the recovery of No. cards and memories, but asked Xingyuan for his opinion.

Seeing this, Xingyuan was also a little surprised: "Ah? Asking me? I don't have anything to recommend. Unlike others, your experience is extremely bumpy, but the ending is still good, so I don't have anything to help you make up for it."

"The ending is good."

Astral also remembered this sentence in his heart.

Chapter 109 Choice of reward, no punishment? !

Yuma raised his hand and objected: "Wait, you said the ending is good, it shouldn't be only me and Astral's ending that is good, right? Didn't Kaito die on the moon? Oh, by the way, Astral, if you don't plan to use this reward to recycle No. cards and memories, how about turning this reward into the ability to survive in the space environment for Kaito?"

Hatonaka Yuu hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't show anything.

And Astral looked at Yuma and laughed, it was really Yuma's style.

"Idiot! Don't waste the reward on me! Even if I really have to go to the moon in the future, I will prepare a few more space suits, so you don't need to worry about it! If you really don't know what reward to choose, why not strengthen your deck to enhance your strength! In our world, there are still these people waiting for you to knock down and wait for you to save!"

But Kaito was not happy and shouted directly.

"Ah, Kaito, if you don't want to accept it, then don't accept it. Why are you so angry? Forget it, since this guy is prepared, let's use this reward to recycle your No. Cards and memories for Astral."

Astral shook his head: "No, according to the rules of the arena, this reward should be equivalent to a personal wish at most, or even less. Therefore, the reward obtained from this duel should not be enough to help me recycle all the No. Cards and memories, so don't waste it."

"What? Recycling your memory is not only related to your personal wish?"

Yuma was confused again.

"If No. cards are ownerless, this reward may help me directly recover all No. cards and memories, but the fact is not so. Some No. card holders are not simple, so it is difficult to recover all of them with this reward. Therefore, instead of this wish, we might as well accept Kaito's suggestion, directly strengthen the deck to enhance our own strength, and then use ourselves to recover those No. cards." Yuma blinked, obviously not fully understanding: "Well, okay, since you said so, then it's like this, then, Mr. Xingyuan..., Can we apply for a strengthened deck as a reward? "

"Of course, then, which series do you want to strengthen? Your deck contains quite a few series, Demon Series, I I I Series, Rumble Rumble Series, Rage Rage Rage Series, Shua Lala Series, Onomatopoeia Series, Tomato Series, No. Series, C Series, Hope Series, Heterothermal Concentric Weapon Series, Heterothermal Concentric Series, Overlay Light Series, XYZ Series. These are the series you have in your current deck. "

Yuma immediately felt numb, and looked at Astral for help. There are so many series, which one should I choose!

Astral glanced at Yuma. If he considered it from his own perspective, there is no doubt that the No. series and Hope series of enhanced cards are more suitable, but from Yuma's perspective, these cards are not the most suitable, after all.

"Onomatopoeia series, this series should be a general term for the series such as the Me Me Me series, the Rumble Rumble series, the Rage Rage Rage series, and the Shua Lala series, right? For example, Yuma in another world uses the Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia Utopia."

"That's right."

"Then, Yuma, choose the Onomatopoeia series."

"Oh, then we will choose the Onomatopoeia series, Mr. Xingyuan, please."

"As you wish."

Xingyuan waved his right hand, and a card pack with a group of Onomatopoeia monsters appeared in front of Yuma.

Yuma couldn't wait to take the card pack and opened it, and saw five cards with different card faces, Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia Utopia, Hope Emperor Starlight Hope, Hope Township-Onomatopoeia Utopia-, Onomatopoeia Linkage, Onomatopoeia Selection.

"Two monster cards and three magic cards? These effects really connect the series of Me Me Me, Rumble Rumble, Fury Fury, and Shua Lala. It seems that our choice is not wrong."

"It seems to be a very useful effect, Astral, I can't wait to play again!"

"Go away, if you want to play again, go to the free arena and find someone to fight. Don't get in the way."

Xingyuan waved his hand in disdain and turned his gaze to Hatakenaka Yu.

Yuma showed a surprised expression: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot, there is also such a thing as punishment. Does that mean the other me has to be punished?"

Saying that, Yuma showed a somewhat tangled expression. If Hatakayu had remained in the same state as during the duel, then he would have absolutely no objection to Hatakasuke accepting the punishment, and would even gloat about his misfortune. However, Hatakasuke's performance after the duel was different. It was completely different, which made him a little entangled. Although his entanglement could not help Hatanaka Yu avoid punishment, he was still entangled.

"Punishment? What punishment?"

Hatanaka Yu looked at Yuma in confusion.


Yuma was confused on the spot, what happened? Didn't the arena inform Hatanaka Yu about the punishment? Wouldn’t that become the overlord clause?

Hoshihara looked at Yuma speechlessly: "You idiot, you must have forgotten the rules of the arena, right?"


Yuma became more and more confused.

Astral sighed and began to explain: "Yuma, as a duel arena that was drawn into the arena by the arena event, the only ones who need to be punished after failure are those in the BOSS arena. There is no punishment in the ego arena."

"That's not right. I clearly remember that there are punishments in the self-contest! Isn't that Mr. Wan Zhangmu from the GX world?"

"Those are duelists who take the initiative to challenge the ring activities, not passive duelists. In other words, in this duel, only if we lose, we need to accept the punishment. If you lose the other one, you do not need to accept the punishment. of."

Yuma immediately showed an expression as if he had eaten a fly, what an unfair rule.

Hatanaka Yu showed his dead eyes. He was forcefully pulled over by the arena. It would be unfair if he was punished for losing!

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking here. Mr. Hatanaka Yu, it's time for you to go back to your original world. Have a safe journey!"

Seeing the golden magic circle appear under his feet, Hatanaka Yu didn't intend to do anything else. He just waved to Yuma and Astral and said his final goodbyes.

"Yuma, Astral, goodbye!"

"Well, goodbye, Yuma from another world, Hatanaka Yu."

"Hey, goodbye, the other me with bad taste, wait, what's going on, it's just a goodbye, how can you say it's like goodbye forever!"

Astral and Yu Hatanaka both smiled helplessly, maybe they really said goodbye forever.

Chapter 110 The unfortunate Hatanaka Yu, the third BOSS arena match

The light flashed, and Hatanaka Yu found himself back in his original world, still at the original time, and still in the original lounge.

Looking at the duel plate in his hand, Hatanaka Yu fell into deep thought.

Although handing over this duel disk with a three-dimensional imaging system to the country should allow the country to achieve great development and allow him to receive many rewards, how can he explain the origin of this duel disk?

Tell the truth? In that case, as a person who has been to a place like the Arena, which can be called another world, he will not be directly dragged to be dissected by scientists, right? Calculating what does not involve anatomy, related research and investigation should be inevitable, right?

Hatanaka Yu shuddered and decided not to expose the duel disk for the time being. After watching too many tokusatsu dramas and movies, you will always have this kind of worry, not to mention that he has participated in the dubbing himself.

With this in mind, Hatanaka Yu put the duel disk away and continued today's work.

After work, when he returned to his home and faced his wife, Hatanaka Yu didn't hide anything anymore. His family was still trustworthy, so Hatanaka Yu was very excited and started to show off.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang! My dear, what do you think this is?"

"This is... a duel disk? Is it a gift from KONAMI?"

Senbongi Ayaka showed a puzzled expression. She still had a lot of knowledge about the works that her husband had dubbed, not to mention that her husband was a poker player himself, so she didn't fail to recognize Ninety-nine. Yuma's version of the Duel Disk, but has KONAMI made such a realistic toy? Or is it a new product?

"Although it is indeed a gift, it is not given to me by KONAMI. Just keep your eyes wide open and watch this shocking scene."

Hatanaka Yu enthusiastically picked up a piece of me, me, my sister and put it on the duel plate, preparing to let his wife experience the three-dimensional imaging system that spanned the ages.

Then, nothing happened.

Senbongi Ayaka:?

Hatanaka Yu was also stunned, with a lot of thoughts popping up uncontrollably in his brain. It took him a long time to remember one thing. Kujiu Yuma's version of the duel disk requires D-viewing glasses to see the three-dimensional image. Yes, without the interference of special abilities, the D-scope is an indispensable prop for duelists to see and come into contact with three-dimensional images. However, the environment of the arena is somewhat special, and the D-scope is not needed to allow monsters to Materialization made him forget this.

Moreover, it was not just a matter of forgetting, because the D-viewing goggles were of no use in the arena, and he was not used to wearing that kind of thing on his glasses, so he simply forgot about the D-viewing goggles in the special space without wearing them. The duel field, let alone bring it back to the world here!

Hatanaka Yu's face turned bitter for a moment, wasn't it? He should be so careless. He could accept other things, but he really couldn't accept this. Without D-sight, wouldn't his duel disk be just the same as an ordinary one? Got a tablet? This is too white!


Senbongi Ayaka:? ? ?

In a certain world, Senbongi Ayaka began to wonder if her husband had taken over the script of the Demonic Forbidden City. In the arena, Astral also followed the cheerful Yuma out of the duel field.

"Shark, it's your turn, come on! Win the duel as smoothly as I do!"

Slapping Yuma's hand on his shoulder away, Ling Ya replied casually: "You're not exactly fluent, and I'm not in a hurry. The people over there seemed to have finally decided who to play. , let them go first?"

Yuma glanced at the A5 trio next door in confusion, then looked at Lingya again: "Shark, you're not afraid, are you?"

Ling Ya replied angrily: "Who do you think I am! However, if you have to say so, if my next opponent is also a guy like you in the parallel world, then I can't be afraid. ”

Yuma:? ? ? Are you afraid?

Kaito chuckled and said, "The fear of being disgusted is also a fear, right?"

"Yes, that's exactly it."

Lingya smiled and answered, rarely reaching a consensus with Kaito.

"Ah!!! You two! How dare you call the other me disgusting!"

Yuma immediately wanted to accuse the two of them with righteous indignation, but if he thought about it carefully, Hatanaka Yu's performance in the duel seemed to be quite disgusting, especially his opponent.

"Forget it, that guy is indeed quite disgusting. Well, only the guy in the duel."

Next door, seeing several people from the Z4 world chatting lively and not seeming to intend to play consecutively, Yuya took a deep breath and took the initiative to walk towards the BOSS arena.

Although I don’t know why Ling’er gave him the chance to play, he can’t challenge himself rashly. After all, the relationship in his world is not very harmonious, even if it is not like the VRAINS world. They are clearly hostile to each other, and his relationship with Reiji and Yuto is still not much better.

Therefore, if he rashly challenged himself to the arena and lost to a parallel individual and had his identity taken away, he didn't think that Reiji and Yudou would pull him back into the arena again.

And if he can no longer have the identity of an arena participant, he will not be able to bring his missing father into the arena. Therefore, just in case, he still chooses the BOSS arena, which will not be taken away even if he fails. It is more appropriate to take the stage of identity.

"Sakaki Yuya, are you the next one to challenge the BOSS arena?"

"That's right! Mr. Hoshihara, and everyone else present, gentlemen and ladies, next, I, Sakaki Yuya, will present you with a performance called Duel!"

After entering the special duel arena, Yuya regained his composure and returned to his usual self.

Outside the field, the duelists were silent for a while. Is this the so-called social bull personality?

In the special duel in the self-contest arena, Hoshihara also twitched the corner of his mouth. If others talked about performances or performances, he would be happy to see them, but only Sakaki Yuya's performances and performances, he really couldn't look forward to. .

"Okay, then, let's meet the opponent chosen for you in the BOSS arena! Magic circle, unfold! Let's connect the world!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden magic array appeared again on the BOSS arena, blooming with light.

Then, in full view of everyone, a dark figure descended on the self-contest, releasing a terrifying aura.

Chapter 111 Sakaki Yuya VS Overlord Judai

"What a powerful spirit!"

"What's going on with this unparalleled sense of majesty?!"

"Although it is not as good as Obelisk who appeared before, his terrifying aura is the strongest among the duelists that has ever appeared. Even Seahorse Man is inferior?!"

As this dark figure showed its aura, the duelists outside the field couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

The two female duelists, Qiu and Aoi, couldn't help but start to retreat. Even the influence of telekinesis and avatars could not help them fight in terms of momentum.

Seeing this, Yusei decisively stood in front of Qiu, but Aoi could only look at the motionless Yusaku with a faint look.

"This guy! No! No! This is not the aura a duelist should have! This is the aura of a murderer, an executioner!"

Rarely, Kaiba did not refute the words that claimed that Haima Man was not as powerful as this figure. Instead, he looked at the figure solemnly. After all, Haima Company was also an arms company before, so he had come into contact with some special people. It exists, but whether it is the ace unit in the army or the murderous maniac in the prison, it is far inferior to this figure in terms of momentum.

Wearing black armor like a knight, with a red cape on his shoulders, and even his face was completely covered by the helmet.

Looking at the figure emerging from the golden magic circle, Hoshihara also began to add: "To a certain extent, what you said, President Kaiba, is not wrong. This person is indeed the executioner. After all, he has used The duel wiped out the souls of tens of thousands of duelists, but to a certain extent, President Kaiba, you are wrong again, because his identity is not a murderer or an executioner, but an overlord!"


Outside the arena, Linger looked at Yuya and Overlord with a serious face. He actually encountered such a troublesome opponent directly on the BOSS stage. Perhaps he should not give the opportunity to Yuya Sakaki for Yusho Sakaki's sake. His kindness may bring disaster to Yuya Sakaki.

On the side, Yuto and Kaito looked at Overlord solemnly. Yuto had seen those inhuman guys in the fusion dimension, and Kaito had taken away the souls of others in order to recover the No. card, but compared with the Overlord who had personally wiped out tens of thousands of souls, it was nothing.

"There are actually guys who use duels to do such things!"

Yuma couldn't laugh anymore, and couldn't help but clench his fists.

"What a joke! It's used to hurt people, erase the souls of duelists, etc. This is not a duel at all! You are not even a duelist!"

Relying on the anger in his heart, Yuya forcibly overcame his fear of the momentum released by the Overlord and roared.

"Questions and answers are useless! Strength is everything!"

The Overlord gave a cold answer, and the duel disk on his left hand also unfolded after spinning at high speed, as if saying that if you want to express your opinion, use a duel to prove it to him.

However, the words of the Overlord stunned the duelists present. This voice?

"Is it really like this?"

Yami Yugi frowned and looked at Judai, and found that Judai was stunned at the moment when the Overlord appeared, and Caesar and Manjo Mizuki also noticed something because of Judai's abnormality.

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