"What? Do you want to admit defeat?"

But Overlord couldn't be bothered to pay attention to Yuya's complicated mood. Seeing that Yuya didn't operate for a long time, he directly asked.

"No, although my mentality has changed, I have not given up the idea of ​​defeating you. However, next, while trying to defeat you, I will also try to make you laugh! Because I will use a duel belt Come smile!"

The duelists outside the field:? ? ? Wait, we didn't press the SKIP key, right? Why did you suddenly jump to this development?

Overlord:? ? ? There really is something wrong with this person's brain, right?

"Gentlemen! Ladies! I'm sorry that you saw the poor performance before! Next, please watch the official performance of entertainment duelist Sakaki Yuya!"

Duelists outside the field: Should we applaud at this time?

"My turn, draw cards! Here it comes! I activate the magic card and change the entertainment partner lineup! Reveal any number of entertainment partner monsters in my hand, return them to the deck and shuffle them. After that, I draw from the deck and return them to the deck. The number of cards is +1! I reveal the Entertainment Partner Raincoat Goat and Entertainment Partner Quest Hippopotamus in my hand, return these two Entertainment Partner monsters to the deck, and draw three cards! Phew, next is the card draw of destiny! Draw-card!”

Drinking loudly, Yuya performed an extremely exaggerated draw, as if he was tearing something in half, but such an action forced a shining arc of light on Yuya's chest. .

"Here it comes!!! Overlord, my magic show is finished! The cards I drew are Tokiyomi's Magician, Entertainment Partner Poker Witch, and Strange Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Overlord's eyes moved slightly. There were three Pendulum Monster cards. Is the purpose really still Pendulum Summoning?

"Come on, I will sacrifice the small boat water strider and the pendulum magician! The superior summons! The majestic and beautiful two-color eyes! The odd-colored eye pendulum dragon!!!"


Under Overlord's slightly surprised gaze, Yuya did not directly set the pendulum scale. Instead, he selected the small boat water strider and the pendulum magician as sacrifices, turned them into light, and guided a flightless A dragon with two-colored eyes descended on the field.

Well, among the four-dimensional dragons, he is the only one who cannot fly in his basic form, right? A walking dragon with strange eyes?

Pendulum dragon with heterochromatic eyes: (艹艹)convex

A certain red giant beast with a cliff sword: It’s okay. You’ll get used to it after being persecuted too much. Welcome to join our club.

Pendulum Dragon with Different Colored Eyes: ...But one of my vests can fly.

A red behemoth with a cliff sword: review! Review! Whoever recruited this guy, get out of here! Cliff Sword! !

Chapter 115 The pendulum fuses with the beast’s eyes, and the attack is invalid

After looking at the strange-eyed pendulum dragon with an attack power of 2500, and then at Yuu Dou, who had a similar appearance to Yu Ya, the duelists outside the field all roughly guessed that this dragon should be Sakaki Yuya’s trump card.

"Next! I will set the pendulum scale with the Poker Witch, the entertainment partner at scale 4, and the Tokiyomi Magician at scale 8!"


A trace of doubt flashed in Overlord's eyes. He clearly had no cards in his hand, but he still set the pendulum scale? By the way, the Pendulum monster was not sent directly to the graveyard when it left the field, but was sent to the extra deck. So, is this possible?

"The Poker Witch's pendulum effect can only be activated once per turn during my main phase and battle phase. I can use the monsters on my field for Fusion Summoning! I activate this effect to combine the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Telephone on the field. Longhorns for fusion!”

In Yuya's explanation, the Poker Witch waved the staff in her hand, releasing light containing four poker colors, which landed on the ground to form a colorful vortex, sending the Pendulum Dragon and the Telephone Longhorn to the ground. Devour.

Outside the field, the duelists were surprised. In addition to pendulum summons, did Sakaki Yuya also master fusion summons?

As for Hoshi Principle, he didn't have any special thoughts about what he already knew. He just reluctantly switched the BGM to Sakaki Yuya's exclusive BGM, Sakaki Yuya's のテーマ.

"Possessor of the power of the beast, it turns into dazzling light and resides in the dragon's eye! Fusion summon! Appear, the fierce-looking dragon with shining beast eyes! The beast-eye pendulum dragon!!"

As Yuya chanted, the two monsters that met the fusion conditions, the dark attribute dragon monster Pendulum with Odd Eyes and the beast monster Telephone Longhorn, also merged into one in the fusion whirlpool, and the incarnation increased a lot to look ferocious. A dragon with beastly characteristics, the beast-eyed pendulum dragon!

"It's not over yet! There are already set Poker Witch at scale 4 and Magician of Time Reading at scale 8 on the field. Now level 5 and level 7 monsters can be summoned at the same time! Of course, I don't have any cards in my hand now. However, when performing Pendulum Summoning, you can also Special Summon Pendulum Monsters from the Extra Deck that meet the conditions! Shake, Soul Pendulum! Draw an arc of light in the sky and Pendulum Summon it. ! Show yourself, my monsters!”

Yuya once again raised his right hand high and shouted loudly, causing a pink hole to appear in the sky between the two light pillars again, and two streams of light, one purple and one yellow, fell, which were the only two satisfactions in Yuya's extra deck. The two monsters required for summoning are the level 7 odd-colored-eyed Pendulum Dragon and the level 5 entertainment partner Drum King Kong.

Although the OCG version of the Magician of Time Reading has a negative effect, when there is no magician or heterochromatic eye card in the other side of the pendulum area, the pendulum scale will become 4, but the original version of the Magician of Time Reading does not have this negative effect, so the entertainment partner Poker Witch with a scale of 4 can also successfully complete the pendulum summon.


Yuya clenched his fists excitedly. Now he has Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon with an attack power of 3000, heterochromatic eye Pendulum Dragon with an attack power of 2500, and Drum King Kong with an attack power of 1600. Although the attack power is not as good as the 3500 of the evil hero Dark Demon, the special effect of Drum King Kong can increase the attack power of a monster by 600 points, so if Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon is used to attack, Dark Demon can be defeated.

When defeating the Dark Earth Demon, the effect of Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon will be activated, giving the Overlord damage equal to the original attack value of the Beast Monster that is the fusion material of Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon. The attack power of Telephone Longhorn as the fusion material is 1600, so in addition to receiving 100 points of combat damage, the Overlord also needs to receive 1600 points of effect damage.

Then, if you use Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to attack Wild Wind Demon, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's double combat damage effect can give the Overlord another 1200 points of damage, and finally add the 1600 points of attack power of Drum King Kong, which is enough to completely clear the Overlord's life value.

Now, the only problem is the Overlord's face-up card, but he has no other cards to deal with that face-up card, so he can only gamble!

"It's show time! Fight! Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Attack the evil hero Dark Devil!"

Shouting loudly, Yuya jumped directly onto Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon in the confused eyes of the duelists outside the A5 world and gave orders to Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

"You're courting death. Dark Earth Demon's attack power is higher than Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Dark Disaster!!"

"That's not necessarily true! The special effect of Drum King activates. Once per turn, when my monster declares an attack with the opponent's monster, it can be activated by targeting that monster. That monster's attack power increases by 600 points until the end of the battle! I activate this effect targeting Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon, increasing Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon's attack power to 3600, just surpassing your Dark Earth Demon! Go, Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Hellfall Explosion!!!"


Roaring, a blazing dragon head-shaped flame gushed out of Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon's mouth, swallowing the huge meteorite group released by Dark Earth Demon and attacking Dark Earth Demon.


After a loud noise, the dragon head-shaped flame exploded, engulfing the Dark Demon and the Overlord behind him, but for some reason, the flames near the Dark Demon and the Overlord all bypassed them and did not cause any damage to them.


Seeing this, Yuya also showed an incredible expression.

The Overlord coldly took out a card that popped out of the graveyard area of ​​the duel disk.

"Dead Guardian, the opponent can only activate by banishing this card from the graveyard during his turn. This turn, the opponent's monster's attack is only invalid once."

Yuya turned his head sharply to look at Judai outside the field. Dead Guardian, this is indeed a card that Judai used in the duel with Yugi, and it is not strange to appear in the Overlord's deck. In other words, the Take Over 5 that Overlord used before actually sent this card to the graveyard so accurately?

Yuya's face turned slightly ugly, but his mood was still stable. After all, the ineffectiveness of this attack only prevented him from defeating the Overlord in this round, and it did not mean that he would lose in this duel.

"Then! Heterochromatic Pendulum Dragon! Burn everything that enters your heterochromatic eyes! Spiral Explosion Death Light!!"

Chapter 116 Absolute Invincibility·Super Fusion! Reverse Scale Yuya and Resonance Yuto!

In an instant, Heterochromatic Pendulum Dragon jumped high, and a dark red spiral light spurted out of its mouth, blasting towards the Wild Wind Demon.

Although the Wild Wind Demon tried his best to control the power of wind to resist, the difference in attack power still made the dark red spiral light approach the Wild Wind Demon little by little.

"Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's special effect is activated. When this card fights a monster of level 5 or above, the battle damage dealt by this card to the opponent is doubled! Reaction power!!"

As soon as the words fell, the red and green gems on the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's body burst into light, and the light from the mouth of the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon was added with golden brilliance, completely crushing the storm controlled by the Wild Wind Demon, completely swallowing the Wild Wind Demon and burning it to ashes.

Then, the remaining aftermath spread to the Overlord, but the Overlord suddenly ignited a black flame, completely repelling the aftermath. Although the Overlord's health value still dropped by 1200, his majesty was not damaged at all.

"The attack power of the drum king is not as good as that of the dark demon, so I will end this round and let the performance come to an end for now!"

[Yuya: Hand: 2 cards → 3 cards → 0 cards → 3 cards → 0 cards Life value: 3300]

"My turn, draw a card!"

The Overlord's tone was still calm, but after seeing the card he drew, the Overlord's expression suddenly became serious.

"The clown's boring performance ends here!"

"What did you say?!"

Yuya was furious. Although he had played a clown before and didn't mind being called a clown, he couldn't accept his performance being called a boring clown performance!

"To defeat evil, you must become evil! In this world where the strong prey on the weak, only by dominating through power can you achieve your goal! The souls I took away carry the power of resentment! Let me show you!"


Yuya stared at the Overlord with wide eyes and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Outside the field, Caesar and Manjo Muzun couldn't help but look at Judai who was in a trance again. Such an optimistic and cheerful guy was forced to become like that. What on earth did that Overlord, Judai, experience?

"TAKE OVER 5's effect: Next time I activate this card, if this card is in the Graveyard during the Standby Phase, I can choose a card with the same name from my Deck, Hand, or Graveyard to banish this card together with this card, and draw a card from my Deck! I banish TAKE OVER 5 in the Graveyard and another TAKE OVER 5 in the Deck, and draw a card! Then, I send a card from my hand to the Graveyard and activate this card, the symbol of the strongest power created by the darkness in my heart! Absolutely invincible, release the ultimate power! Super Fusion!!"

Rarely, the Overlord's tone fluctuated, and he raised the card in his hand above his head and showed it to everyone.

And with the Overlord's actions, a pitch-black vortex that seemed to devour everything also appeared above the arena. Its huge volume that occupied everyone's vision continuously dropped golden thunder, leaving the duelists outside the arena without a doubt that if the environment of the arena was not special, those golden thunders would really have the potential to crush the things they hit and completely change the surrounding environment.

"Hyperfusion?! A new fusion card? But you only have one monster, Dark Devil, on the field, and you don't have any cards in your hand. Are you planning to fuse from the graveyard again?! Wait! What is this?!"

Yuya hadn't finished speaking when he found that the Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon on his field was being gradually pulled up to the sky by a huge black vortex, and it was completely unable to suppress its body.

"As long as there is a super fusion, I can fuse the monster card on my field with any card on the field!"

"What?! Any card?! There is actually such an effect! Damn, the Pendulum effect of the Poker Witch can only be activated during my turn, otherwise!"

"It's useless! Super fusion cannot be counterattacked! This is the power that leads to complete victory! In front of its power, everything is powerless!"

"Can't counterattack?! Can't even be chained?!"

Yuya couldn't help but widen his eyes again, and the duelists outside the field couldn't help but smack their lips. It can't even be chained. This is indeed a very powerful power!

"Come on! Super Fusion! Activate! I will fuse the evil hero Dark Earth Demon on my field with the beast eye spirit dragon on your field! Come out! Evil Hero Blade Death Demon!!!"

With the loud shout of the Overlord, Dark Earth Demon and Beast Eye Spirit Dragon were finally completely sucked into the dark vortex and merged into one, giving birth to a new evil hero, a demon with hideous spikes all over his body and wearing black armor like Beast Eye Spirit Dragon, Blade Death Demon.

"Beast Eye Spirit Dragon!! Damn!!!"

Looking at the Blade Death Demon with the characteristics of Beast Eye Spirit Dragon, Yuya finally couldn't restrain his anger anymore, clenched his fists, his hair began to dance without wind, and his deep red eyes even began to glow red.

At the same time, the Overlord immediately noticed Yuya's abnormality.

"Hmm? You are like a clown, but you actually have such a huge dark power hidden in your heart? So that's it. Using duels to bring smiles is just your rhetoric. In fact, you value strength!"

"Damalei!!! Stop kidding me! I don't value strength like you! Smiles, using duels to bring smiles! This is my philosophy! This is the philosophy I inherited from my father!"

Yuya roared involuntarily, and his eyes radiated red light like a robot.


Outside the field, before the duelists expressed their opinions on Yuya's current performance, Yuto roared uncontrollably like a beast, and his eyes also shone red light like Yuya, making other duelists confused.

"Hey?! Are you okay?!"

"Yuto! Calm down!"

Yuma, who had been chatting with Yuto for a while because they were both XYZ summon users, and Kaito, who reluctantly accepted Yuto through the duel, quickly came to Yuto's side, trying to control Yuto, who was obviously in a frenzy, and calm him down.

But before the two of them could do anything, Xingyuan snapped his fingers, and a colorful barrier was applied around the special duel field, cutting off the connection between Yuya and Yuto, making Yuto suddenly sober up, with a confused face.

"What am I doing?"

Yuma shook his head decisively. Even Yuto himself didn't know what was going on, so it was even more impossible for him to know.

Kaito's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Yuya, who was still in a frenzy on the field, and made a guess: "Although I don't know the specific reason, this should be the root cause of Xingyuan's advice to you not to duel with people who look similar."

Yuto quickly turned to look at Hoshihara, only to find that Hoshihara just smiled and said nothing. He immediately understood that this was not free information, so he could only step back a little distance and continue to observe Yuya's situation.

At the same time, Kaito turned his gaze to Reiji, who was silently pushing up his glasses, and suspicion arose in his heart.

Chapter 117 The Overlord’s Victory and the Overlord’s Rewards

The BGM calmly turned into a sad one, and the Overlord's aura was fully activated. He looked at Yuya with dark energy overflowing. Who was he trying to scare with that red gaze? It seemed like he didn't have any special powers. Similar.

"Shut up? Who do you think you are? You are not qualified to be arrogant in front of me! And if you want to deny it, you should just look at your current appearance! Neither your clown-like ideas nor your clown-like behavior can cover up your Dark heart!"

"Ah!!! I told you to shut up! Hurry up and continue the duel! I will completely defeat you!!!"

"Hmph! Even if you have a dark heart, are you still just a clown? With this posture, let me send you out as soon as possible! The special effect of the Evil Heart Hero Evil Blade Death Demon, this card name is once per turn, my main phase ability Activate, and destroy all monsters on the opponent's field with this card's attack power or less!"


Even in the reverse scale state, Yuya couldn't help but be shocked. The attack power of the Evil Blade Death Demon was 3000, and the attack power of the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Drumming King Kong on his field were 2500 and 1600 respectively. In other words, he The monsters will be completely destroyed under the effect of the Evil Blade Death Demon. Even if his Beast-Eyed Pendulum Dragon is not super-fused as a fusion material, such an ending cannot be avoided.

"Do it! Evil Blade Death Demon! Evil Blade Storm!!"


Roaring, the Evil Blade Death Demon controlled the armor he was equipped with and shot out countless sharp blades, shooting the heterochromatic-eyed Pendulum Dragon and Drumming King Kong into sieves and completely shattering them.

"Damn!!! But Lou, even if the Odd-eyed Pendulum Dragon and Drumming King Kong are destroyed, you can't defeat me! The evil blade death demon's attack power is 3000, and my health is still 3300. Next time In this turn, I will re-pendulum-summon the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Drumming King Kong to fuse and crush you completely!"

"Stupid guy! You don't have another turn!"


"The follow-up effect of Evil Blade Death Demon is that the number of monsters destroyed by the attack power increase effect of this card is multiplied by 200. There are two monsters destroyed by Evil Blade Storm. Therefore, the attack power of Evil Blade Death Demon is increased by 400 points. Become 3400!”

"No, how is this possible?!"

Yuya, who was in the reverse scale state, could not help but show an expression of disbelief again. He currently did not have any monsters or cover cards on the field, nor did he have any hand cards in his hand. There were only two pendulum cards on the field, but these two pendulum cards were also on the field. He does not have the pendulum effect to reach the attack. In this case, facing a direct attack from the Evil Blade Death Demon with an attack power of 3400, wouldn't his health points be completely cleared?


Deep in Yuya's soul, the part belonging to Zach once again began to roar angrily. Even if he could print cards, there was no way to reverse this situation. Without any cards in his hand, even he could not change the current situation. The situation is over, this idiot! !

"Just be unwilling and fall into the depths of hell! Disappear! Evil Blade Death Demon, launch a direct attack! The end of Evil Blade!!!"

In the Overlord's roar, the Evil Blade Death Demon quickly began to spin at high speed, and its entire body turned into a sharp blade tornado that seemed to be able to tear everything apart, and attacked Yuya.


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