The game was stunned for a moment, but he also reacted and smiled: "Yes, we don't believe in destiny or anything like that. Creating a better future is what we should do."

"Yes, no matter whether the result can be changed or not, the process can definitely be changed. In this case, we just need to make the process more perfect!"

Jonouchi responded with confidence.

"So, Jonouchi, are you interested in going to Duel Academy to be a teacher for a while?"

"Not interested!"

"Huh? Didn't you say you wanted to make the process more perfect?"

"I'm talking about us, not me! Yugi, you are too evil! I'm already semi-retired and you still want me to go to Duel Academy to be a teacher? If I have that free time, I might as well be with Wu Let’s go on our honeymoon together!”

"Although a honeymoon is great, there is no need for you to spend half of your time there on your honeymoon, right?"

"Anyway, we are not short of money now, and as a professional duelist of my level, I don't have that many games for me to compete in!"

"Then go be a teacher!"

"If you don't go, it's okay to help educate the children once in a while. If you educate the children every day, you'll be insensitive! You can go and do it!"

"But I still have to develop new games."

"That's none of my business. I won't work for that bastard Kaiba anyway."

...So this is the point!

Chapter 157 Interlude of the comic version of GX world

After chatting for a long time, the game still couldn't convince Jonouchi, so it was a pity that among these countless worlds, there was no way to add a unique GX world where Jonouchi went to Duel Academy to be a teacher. There was nothing interesting about this world in a short time. , continue switching to the perspective of the next world.

GX world No. 3, the GX world where the Overlord is.

Because the tenth generation of the No. 1 GX world is still working hard, the future of this world has not yet been determined, and it is more troublesome to create a time closed loop, so it is better to skip here for the time being and focus on the next world first.

In the comic version of the GX world, Banzhangmu and Judai, who had just returned from the arena, were still in a daze, but others did not notice anything was wrong.

After all, these two people had just finished their duel. Judai lost the duel, and Banzhangmu also defeated the powerful enemy who had defeated him with difficulty, so there would be nothing abnormal if he was in a trance.

At this time, Professor Kuronos also walked onto the duel field: "Congratulations, classmate Wan Zhangmu, you are the winner of this competition! Therefore, next, you, the victorious classmate Wan Zhangmu, will compete with the actual combat ranked No. Marufuji-san! Let’s duel at the Academy Crater, the symbol of Academy Island!”

In an instant, Wan Zhangmu, who had just returned from the arena, broke into a cold sweat.

"Are you kidding me? There is also a dueling ground in a place like that?"

Compared with the anime version of GX World, Asuka's treatment was much better and she became the Duel Academy Miss. She couldn't help but look shocked.

"You're going to die! You're definitely going to die!"

Shoya, who is fundamentally different from Sho Marufuji in the anime version of GX, is completely devastated.

"I don't's impossible!"

Misawa, who lost his Akarin characteristics and turned into a love brain, was also speechless.

The other students also looked at Principal Samejima in shock. Even Caesar in this world fell silent, not knowing what to say.

"Great, it's not me..."

Fubuki, who is no longer a funny character but still has a bad record and poor treatment, is extremely lucky. After all, he and Caesar are both chiefs, and it is possible that the winner of the competition will choose him as a duel partner.

Only Judai, who has a completely different brain circuit, feels handsome, but after all, he lost to Banzhangmu and did not have the right to duel with Caesar, so he could only entrust the victory to Banzhangmu with reluctance, while he was under the wing. Under the guidance of Li Ziqiu, he ran towards the location of Xiang Lu and Riki Mackenzie.

In the arena, the girl looked at Xingyuan with a strange expression.

"You shouldn't just be watching like this, right?"

The corner of Xing Principle's mouth twitched, how could he just look at it like this? It would be fine if he didn't notice it, but if he still looked at it like this despite having noticed it, even if it was just an individual in a parallel world, he would be ignored by the old man. Dad should be beaten to death! You know, my petty attitude is completely inherited from my father!

As a result, a portal constructed of a golden magic circle appeared out of thin air in front of Judai and Tsubasa Kuriko, and on the other side of the portal was Riki Mackenzie, who planned to force Hibiki into a dark duel.

Seeing this, Judai could not help but be stunned, but the situation on the other side of the portal made Judai wake up immediately and was shocked.

"Thank you, Mr. Hoshihara!"

Although it was unclear why Hoshihara came to help for no reason, Judai still thanked him loudly and rushed towards the portal without any hesitation. After all, the golden magic circle that constructed the portal had already exposed the identity of the portal. It's clear.

Then, with Mizuki and Hibiki's stunned expressions, Judai appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Seeing this weird scene, Mizuki didn't care about Hibiki Midori, and directly changed the target, dragging Judai into the dark duel.

Then, Mizuki was beaten up by Judai, it was a matter of course.

In the arena, Xingyuan sighed and began to explain himself: "It's okay, I didn't break the rules. After all, I was not helping Judai, but that person. This is just the compensation I gave her on their behalf."


The girl looked at Xingyuan curiously.

Xingyuan nodded: "Yes, compensation. In this big world view, many parallel individuals of my mothers are singles, so they will all receive compensation. After their own destiny is over, they can Get a life where everything goes smoothly.”

The girl's expression gradually became subtle: "Is this possible?"

"Don't get me wrong, this is not something my father did. Although he is indeed very stingy, it is difficult for him to do such a domineering thing."


"Yes, this is what my mother did together with several other mothers, so it is natural for me to give more compensation."

Xingyuan spread his hands helplessly.

The girl nodded to express her understanding, and then Hoshihara and the girl turned their attention to the scene on the other side, where Caesar was fighting Manzhangmu.

In the original destiny, Wan Zhangmu's battle against Caesar could be said to be a complete defeat. The ace monsters, the Dragon of Light and Darkness, were directly paralyzed by the electronic emergency call for help from their lifelong enemy. They themselves were unable to cause any harm to Caesar, so they lost like this. Lost the duel.

But Wan Zhangmu in this world line is different. With his increased knowledge in the arena and the dragon universal card "The Gospel of Resurrection" he obtained, Wan Zhangmu, who tried his best, finally managed to fight Caesar reluctantly. It became a draw.

After the duel, Caesar couldn't help but praise Wan Zhangmu. To be honest, before the duel ended, he had no idea that Wan Zhangmu could force him to a draw.

However, in the face of Caesar's praise, Wan Zhangmu's eyes flickered and he was not satisfied. He still needed to become stronger. Sure enough, the decision to choose the arena status as a reward was not wrong!

Without the experience in the arena, even if he obtained the card of Resurrection Baiyin, even if he had the experience of defeating another self, he would never be able to do this and would definitely be defeated by Caesar. , but now, the result is completely different.

He is really looking forward to the opening of the next round of arena. However, he cannot regard the arena as the only channel to become stronger. He must also work hard to become stronger outside of the arena.

Moreover, after the next round of competition, you can consider bringing Caesar into the game. The victory or defeat in the arena is not just a personal victory or defeat, but also a victory or defeat between the worlds!

Chapter 158: In the 5DS world, the super-fusion theater version opens ahead of schedule!

Therefore, the comic version of the GX world has also entered a stage of recuperation. Before the final BOSS arrives at Duel Academy, there is nothing to see. Let us continue to the next one, the 5DS world where Yusei and others are.

In just a blink of an eye, Yusei was back on the unfinished Daedalus Bridge, standing next to Godwin, the director of the Security Bureau, waiting for Godwin to explain the so-called truth.

Looking at Godwin beside him, Yusei's eyes flickered slightly. This is the last Dark Seal, Rex Godwin! If he could defeat Godwin in advance, would those sacrifices not happen?

Although such thoughts could not help but arise in his mind, Yusei did not take action immediately, because this was just his hope. In the arena, they had already come to the conclusion that even if they were defeated now Godwin, the other Dark Signers will not stop their actions, so they must choose the right moment.

Moreover, even if Godwin is defeated now, it will not change Godwin's identity as the director of the Public Security Bureau, and Godwin will still not be able to be convicted, and Godwin will not be convinced because of his incomplete state, so , we must not take action now.

In addition, Godwin is not an opponent that is easy to defeat. If you only get information from Qiu's perspective, the information you get may be imperfect, so you need to make more preparations. Now, let's listen to Brother Kan Devin's so-called truth.


Yusei was deep in thought when Godwin suddenly shouted and threw Yusei to the ground.

Before Yusei could react to what was going on, a white beam of light passed through Yusei's original position, blasting the entire first half of the bridge into pieces. If it weren't for Godwin, Yusei wouldn't be able to survive even now. It was not obliterated by the white beam, and it must have fallen into the sea along with Kan's fragments.

"Haha! You almost couldn't avoid my greeting, Fudo Yusei! I didn't expect you to be so careless now!"

At this time, sneers also reached the ears of Yuxing and Godwin.

The two quickly got up from the ground, looked seriously in the direction where the sneer came from, and saw a masked man driving a huge white D wheel suspended in the air.

"Who are you?!"

Godwin frowned and asked in a cold tone. The pride of the Taiyi organization should not allow a spoiler of this level to appear at this time. Or should I say, this guy is also a member of the Taiyi organization.

"Rex Godwin? This matter has nothing to do with you. What I'm looking for is Fudo Yusei! All you have to do is send Fudo Yusei's D wheel!"

The masked man glanced at Godwin and responded coldly.

"Are you coming for me? And, Wheel D, are you planning to have a duel with me?!"

Yusei looked at the masked man with a solemn expression. There is no doubt that this is a variable. In the information obtained by Qiu, this guy did not appear. Therefore, in the original destiny, this guy should not be here at this time. Appearing before his eyes, that is to say, has fate been changed? Obviously they changed their fate without doing anything, could it be because they had already entered the duelist arena?

When Yusei thought this, the masked man breathed a sigh of relief and did not immediately summon the elves of the Savior Dragon or the Meteor Dragon to attack. This was great. It seemed that Fudo Yusei at this period had not yet gained that much With terrifying abilities, he shouldn't need to continue traveling to a previous era.

Thinking of this, the masked man couldn't help but glance at Godwin again, and an urge to curse arose in his heart. Damn it, what the hell is this guy? The ability to let his opponents grow is too scary, right? A royal teacher?

Obviously in the original history, Fudo Yusei did not master any elven power until he completely defeated the Dark Seal. In terms of dueling, he only developed the Savior Star Dragon, and there was no shadow of the Meteor Dragon at all. But in this history, Fudo Yusei, who had just defeated the Dark Seal, actually called out the two elves, Savior Dragon and Meteor Dragon, in one breath, almost beating him to death, and if he hadn't run so fast, Maybe even the Space Transformer Dragon will come out. What did this guy do to make Fudo Yusei achieve such terrifying growth! How on earth did that guy in Apponia choose such an awesome talent?

"That's right, Fudo Yusei, let's duel. If you can win the duel, I can let you go, but if you lose, haha!"

He was cursing in his heart, but the masked man didn't express his thoughts at all. He finally found a time when Fudo Yusei was not so scary, so he had to put on a good show.

So, driven by the masked man's thoughts, the three mechanical dragons beside him also opened their mouths at the same time, and once again condensed the white light.

Yusei and Godwin's pupils shrank suddenly at the same time. Was the blow just released by the Electronic Terminator Dragon? If they were hit head-on by this attack, it would be absolutely impossible for them to survive now, but in such terrain, they would have no way to hide!

"Fudo Yusei, is that okay?"

Godwin asked seriously.

After glancing at the enemy who was still in disguise with a complicated expression, Yusei nodded: "No problem, just leave it to me!"

Godwin expressed his understanding, and immediately sent the aircraft carrying the Yusei to the location where the two of them were, and handed the Yusei, Yusei's exclusive D-wheel, to Yusei.

Then, Yusei put on his helmet, rode on the Yusei, and looked up at the masked man in the sky.

"I specifically asked Godwin to send my D-wheel here. You probably want to have a riding duel with me, but my D-wheel can't fly!"

"Oh, of course I know this, so I will condescend to land on the ground!"

With that said, the masked man also drove the D wheel and landed on half of the Daedalus Bridge.

Seeing this, Godwin's eyes flashed quickly. If it weren't for the fact that there was an Electronic Terminator Dragon in the sky, he would definitely let this guy experience an action duel!

However, just because he can't engage in action duels doesn't mean that he can't do other things. After these two people start dueling, the Electronic Terminator Dragon probably won't pay attention to him. At that time, he can contact the Public Security Bureau headquarters. Let’s think about how to give this guy a round of bullets without hurting Fudo Yusei! Since this guy took the initiative to attack them, there is no need for him to be polite!

Chapter 159 NMD.JPG, the Dark Sealers who came to help


Under the command of the masked man, the Sin Electron Terminator flying in the air launched an attack on Yusei's monster. Yusei immediately launched the Scrap Iron Scarecrow to deflect the attack, but the deflected attack hit the wall next to it. , directly blasting it to pieces, causing a violent explosion.

"Did the attack materialize?!"

On the other side, Godwin, who was always paying attention to the duel, suddenly shrank his pupils.

Yusei, who was in the middle of the duel, was more concerned about another point. This guy didn't seem to be trying his best? Are you planning something?

"Ha! Did you escape by luck? But you won't be so lucky after that! Fudo Yusei, start your last turn!"

Yusei frowned slightly. Although he guessed what the opponent seemed to be planning, based on the current clues, he could not guess the specific content at all, so he could only continue the duel.

"Then! On my turn, I draw a card! I use level 3 scrap synchronizers and level 5 scrap warriors to synchronize! The gathered prayers will become reborn shining stars and turn into a shining road! Synchro Summon ! Fly, Stardust Dragon!"

In Yusei's chant, the Stardust Dragon roared and appeared in the light and began to spread the starlight.

Seeing the appearance of Stardust Dragon, the masked man also smiled. Before Yusei could continue the operation, he decisively took out a blank card.

"What?! Blank card?!"

Yusei was immediately shocked.

Godwin on the other side also began to feel something was wrong, and decided not to wait any longer. He decisively contacted the people who were ambushing him and asked them to prepare for action.

Then, under their gaze, countless card projections flew out of the blank card in the masked man's hand, wrapping up the Stardust Dragon and binding it.

Then, before Yusei could react, the bound Stardust Dragon turned into light and cards and threw into the blank card in the masked man's hand, turning the blank card in the masked man's hand into a dark Stardust Dragon, while the card face of Yusei's Stardust Dragon turned blank.

"Impossible! Stardust Dragon was actually absorbed by that guy's card?!"

In Yusei's astonishment, the masked man controlled the D wheel to accelerate, came to Yusei's side, and sneered as he showed the dark Stardust Dragon in his hand: "Don't move Yusei, I'll take your Stardust Dragon! You will be destroyed along with this era!"

"What?! Hey, wait!"

Without any intention of answering Yusei, the masked man controlled the D wheel to accelerate further, intending to activate the time-space shuttle device to leave this era.

At this time, a huge black giant with blue patterns, like a mountain, appeared out of thin air in the sea water beside the road. It slapped the road in front of the masked man, breaking the entire sea road, forcing the masked man to brake suddenly.

"Earthbound God Kapak Apu?!"

The masked man couldn't help but doubt in his tone. Aren't the Dark Seal and the Earthbound God the enemies of the Dragon Seal and the Red Dragon? Why would this Earthbound God Kapak Apu intercept him? Although his actions did lead to the destruction of this era, it was not surprising that the Dark Seal and the Earthbound God attacked him in order to survive, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the Dark Seal and the Earthbound God should not know this yet, and it is unlikely that they would attack him because of this!

While the masked man was puzzled, a white-haired man driving a black D-wheel also appeared on the road at the other end, looking at the masked man coldly.

"Return the Stardust Dragon! Unmovable Yusei, and the Stardust Dragon, this is my prey!"

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