
Yusei's face suddenly changed.

"Hmph! Since your Nitrogen Warrior cannot cause any damage to you by attacking Chimera Fusion End Dragon, why should I choose Chimera Fusion End Dragon as the target of attack? Although I don't know what you are planning, as long as I don't let you succeed! That's why I said you are too young! Nitrogen Warrior, launch a direct attack on Yuki Judai, Explosion Fist!!"

Chapter 179 How can the Super Fusion Theater be without Super Fusion, the victim is still

Under Kaiba's order, Nitrogen Warrior finally raised his fist surrounded by green energy and rushed towards Judai.

After all, all the monsters on Judai's field have been blown up by the effect of the Deep Eye White Dragon, and Nitrogen Warrior's attack power has increased to 4300. If this attack can successfully hit, then Judai will be directly out of the field.

Of course, the premise is that it is successfully hit, and Judai obviously can't let this attack successfully hit himself, after all, he still has four face-up cards on the field.

"Quick-play magic card, Kuriko's Calling Flute, activate! Add a Kuriko or Winged Kuriko from my deck to the hand or special summon it on the field! I special summon Winged Kuriko from the deck in defense position!"

"Because Mr. Judai special summoned Winged Kuriko, the attack of Nitrogen Warrior was rolled back, and Dragon Ruler-Dragon Dictator can only decide the target of Nitrogen Warrior's attack, and cannot force Nitrogen Warrior to attack. Therefore, I stop the attack of Nitrogen Warrior and end the battle phase directly!"

Seeing that the attack of Nitrogen Warrior was rolled back, Yusei also hurriedly stopped the attack. He almost let his teammates down.

"Huh! Did you escape? Yusei Judai, it seems that you have grown a lot in these years!"

Judai smiled and rubbed his nose: "Hehe, with such a big scene, how can I leave so easily?"

"Sorry, Mr. Judai, I am really sorry for letting you use that cover card in advance."

The honest child Yusei apologized sincerely on the spot after letting his teammates down.

Judai waved his hands. What kind of a trap is this? Don't underestimate the job of trapping teammates!

"Don't worry about it. It's going to be used anyway. It doesn't matter if you use it early or late. Activating it early can also prevent me from drawing the Winged Kuriko Ball directly in the next round, right?"

Although Judai said so, Yusei didn't believe it at all. After all, he had seen how good Judai's card drawing luck was.

But now is not the time to worry about this. After all, we are still in the duel, so we should keep it in mind first.

"Then I'll face down three cards and end this turn. I'll leave it to you, Mr. Judai."

[Yusei: Hand: 6 cards → 7 cards → 3 cards Faced cards: 4 cards Life points: 4000]

"Leave it to me. It's my turn. Draw cards! I activate the magic card, Miracle Fusion! Banish the Fusion Material Monsters determined by the Elemental Hero Fusion Monsters from my field and graveyard, and Fusion Summon that Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck! I banish the Elemental Heroes Elite and Clayman from the graveyard! Fusion Summon! Elemental Heroes Thunder Giant!!"

As Judai operated, the phantoms of Clayman and Elite appeared on the field at the same time, standing back to back and spinning at high speed, turning into lightning and soaring into the sky, allowing the sturdy heroes in armor to descend in front of Judai.

"Huh? Thunder Giant?"

"Yes, that's it! Thunder Giant's special effect can only be used once per turn during my main phase. I can discard a card from my hand and choose a face-up monster on the field with a lower attack power than this card to destroy! Thunder Giant's attack power is 2400, while Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon's attack power is 3000, so I can't use Thunder Giant's effect to destroy Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, but Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator's attack power is only 1200, Thunder Giant can completely deal with it! Come on, Thunder Giant, I discard a card from my hand, activate the effect, and destroy Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator! Evaporating Lightning!!!"

Instantly, Thunder Giant rushed towards Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator, placed his right hand above Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator, and prepared to release lightning to destroy Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator, but before the lightning could appear, Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon suddenly swung its tail and smashed Thunder Giant directly out.


"Hmph! Destruction tactics won't work over and over again! The special effect of Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon means that cards on my field other than this card cannot be destroyed by the opponent's effects! Therefore, your Thunder Giant cannot destroy my Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator!"

"Is there such an effect? ​​It's really troublesome. If that's the case, then there is no other way! Mr. Kaiba, I'm sorry!"

After saying that, Judai suddenly put his hands together and apologized very sincerely.


Kaiba suddenly had a bad feeling.

"I activate the Quick Attack Magic Card, Super Fusion! Discard a card in my hand and fuse the monsters on the field, and the opponent cannot chain this effect!"

"Super Fusion, is that right?!"

Kaiba's face gradually turned black.

"I choose the Elemental Hero Thunder Giant and Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon to fuse!"

"You bastard!!"

"That's why I apologize in advance, Mr. Kaiba. I really don't have any other way to deal with your formation with the cards in my hand now. I can only use Super Fusion!"

Judai put his hands together again.

Kaiba took a deep breath and decided to let Judai go reluctantly and not argue with Judai. After all, compared to several other people, Judai was very polite, and the fusion material Judai chose was only the Blue Eyes Jet Dragon. That’s it, it’s nothing.

"Hmph! Then let me see what kind of monster you can fuse with my Blue Eyes Jet Dragon!"

"Oh! Then, I will discard a card in my hand, Thunder Giant, and fuse it with Blue Eyes Jet Dragon! Fusion Summon!"

After Judai finished speaking, the Thunder Giant and the Blue-Eyed Jet Dragon simultaneously turned into golden light and merged into the super-fusion vortex that released powerful pressure, allowing a new hero with a sun disk behind him to arrive in front of Judai. .

"Come out! Elemental Hero Flash!!"

After taking a look at the new hero who was printed out of thin air and landed on the duel plate, Judai also shouted excitedly.

"Hmph! Flashman?"

"Flash Man's fusion material requires an elemental hero monster plus a light attribute monster. Blue Eyes Jet Dragon is a light attribute monster! Then, Flash Man's special effect increases the attack power of this card. The number of my eliminated elemental hero monsters is multiplied by With a value of 300, the monsters I eliminated were Clayman and Electro, so Flashman's attack power increased from 2600 to 3200! Moreover, because Blue-Eyed Jet Dragon has retired, there are no other blue-eyed monsters on the field, Kaiba. Sir, you can no longer use the effect of Dragon Ruler-Dragon Dictator to change the attack target of our monsters!"


Kaiba snorted coldly and said no more.

Paradox, who had been silent for a long time, gritted his teeth and said: "However, the Flash's attack power is only 3200, but my health is still 4000. You still can't defeat me!"

"That's not necessarily the case!"


"I haven't done a normal summon this turn yet! I'm summoning New Spaceman Earth Mole in attack position!!"

Chapter 180: Caesar begins to interfere. Is gaining a reliable partner considered growth?

"Earth Mole?!"

Paradox's expression suddenly changed. He had forgotten that Yujo Judai had previously retrieved a new Spaceman Earth Mole through the effect of the Cross Carrier. The Flashman had an attack power of 3200 and the Flashman had an attack power of 900. The Earth Mole, isn't this just beyond his health? Could it be that Yujo Judai had planned this in advance? Impossible, how could this guy know what kind of cards hyper-fusion can print?

"Hey, Paradox, it's time for you to withdraw! Fight! I use-"

"At this moment, I activate the trap card, another chance!"


Judai looked at Hellkaiser Ryo in shock. He actually chose to activate the trap card at this time? What does Caesar want to do? Didn't he have little interest in Paradox?

From Judai's expression, Hellkaiser Ryo also judged Judai's thoughts and sneered: "Hehehehehe! Judai, I really have no interest in Paradox, but Paradox... It’s better for me to keep the target on the field!”

"Are you trying to say that me, Mr. Yugi and Yusei will join forces and you will be at a disadvantage?"

Judai's complexion gradually became subtle.

Hell Kaiser shook his head decisively: "No, although I don't know much about Fudo Yusei from the future, I can still see his character, and it is absolutely impossible for you and Duel King Muto Yugi to be the same. You bully duelist! What I want to say is that as long as Paradox can stay on the field, it will definitely draw your attention and energy, forcing you to take actions that prioritize defeating Paradox. In this way, I can gain the corresponding advantage, so Paradox cannot be defeated now, at least, not by you!"

Hearing this, Judai couldn't help but glance at Yami Yugi, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. So, is this the plan to delay Paradox's defeat until Mr. Yugi's turn? After all, Mr. Game's condition is still too good, which is very detrimental to Caesar who wants to win the final victory.

After seeing Judai's actions, Yusei, Yami Yugi, and Kaiba all understood, and Paradox was even more relieved.

But at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, Paradox couldn't help but feel ashamed. He actually fell into a situation where he needed to be protected by the duelist who took away the ace monster from him, and it wasn't just once. He was immobilized. Yusei has been protected, he was protected by Seto Kaiba, and now he is protected by Ryo Hellkaiser. Will he be protected by Judai Yujo and Yugi Muto in the future?

"But, to activate another chance, which card in the graveyard do you want to use?"

After coming to the conclusion, Judai couldn't help but frown slightly. Another chance. This card was born and was first used and promoted by Mr. Jonouchi. Because Mr. Jonouchi was very lucky, he used this card. Time can play a magical role, and his luck is also very good, so he also pays attention to this card.

As for Caesar, he probably used this card purely based on the card drawing ability trained in the Electronic Flow Dojo. Therefore, Caesar should not be gambling purely based on luck, but have a specific goal.

"Hehehe! Trap card, another chance (original card), this card will randomly select a card in my graveyard. When a monster card is selected, that monster will be special summoned to the field regardless of the summoning conditions. Select a magic card Or a trap card, you can directly activate the effect of that card, and what I plan to use is a magic card in the graveyard, come on! Another chance, the effect will be activated!

Drinking loudly, Hell Caesar picked up a card that popped up in the graveyard. The green arc flashed through the air. It was a magic card.

"Hahahahaha! This is it, come on! I activate the effect of this card, the magic card, the crazy summoning gear (original card)!"

"Crazy Summoning Gear?! Isn't this the card that Professor Chronos used? When exactly was it? Wait, the dead are reincarnated?!"

"That's right! Crazy Summoning Gear, this is the card I discarded into the graveyard when I activated Reincarnation of the Dead! This normal magic card can only be activated by selecting a face-up monster on the opponent's field, and the opponent will select it from the deck. Two monsters of the same level and type as the selected monster are Special Summoned. After that, I can Special Summon a monster with an attack power of less than 1500 from my graveyard, and remove the monster with the same name of that monster from the deck or hand. , all in the graveyard are Special Summoned in attack position!”

Yami Yugi frowned, is it similar to the effect of hell's rampage summons?

"I activate the crazy summoning gear effect on the Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator on President Kaiba's field. President Kaiba, you don't have any other Level 4 Magician-type monsters, right?"

"Hmph! Who do you think I am? I special summon the level 4 magician monsters Dragon Dominator and Dragon Witch-Dragon Guardian from the deck in defense position!"

"Hehehe, I really made the right choice! Then, to resolve the subsequent effects of the crazy summoning gear, I special summoned the electronic phoenix with an attack power of 1200 from the graveyard in defense position, and then special summoned the other two from the deck in attack position. Electronic Phoenix!”

"Three electronic phoenixes? Caesar, these monsters can't stop me from attacking Paradox!"

"Of course I know this! But with this card, it's different! I activate the cover card, the continuous trap card, and the electronic stealth technology (original version)! This card can bring the name on my field to Send electronic mechanical monsters to the graveyard to destroy the attacking monsters and force the battle phase to end! Judai, how do you deal with such a defense? "

Judai couldn't help but take a deep breath. Normally, such a defense would only need a quick-attack magic card, Tornado, to solve it, but his deck did not carry the Tornado card at all. Caesar must have known this too. He must have just set up such a defense line, but now he is in trouble. Before entering the combat stage, he had many ways to solve this defense line, but Caesar waited until he entered the combat stage before activating the trap card. This was not a way to survive.

"Mr. Judai, let me help you solve this problem!"

Yusei volunteered to speak.

"Oh? Yusei, can your Gaika solve this problem?"

"That's right, now it's up to me to make up for my previous mistakes!"

"Then, it's up to you, Yusei."

"Leave it to me! I activate cover cards, trap cards, and panic waves (original card)! You must destroy a card on my field to activate it. This turn, all face-up magic cards and traps on the field will be activated. The effects of cards and monster cards are invalid! I destroy the Junk Destroyer on my field and invalidate all the face-up cards on the field. In this way, Mr. Caesar, the electronic stealth technology on your field is invalid!"


Following Yusei's explanation, the scrap Gundam-like Destruction King exploded as if pressing 2887, turning into circles of shock waves that swept the entire place.

Seeing this, Hellkaiser Ryo couldn't help but fell silent. Perhaps, getting a reliable companion can be considered a kind of growth for Judai?

Chapter 181: Paradox exits, the real melee begins, a dark game of fishing

Thinking this way, Hell Kaiser lowered his head and glanced at his permanent trap card Electronic Stealth Technology. In addition to the effect he explained before, the Electronic Stealth Technology actually has another effect. It combines this card with his own on the field. A mechanical monster with "Electron" in its name is sent to the graveyard, and a monster on the opponent's field is destroyed.

Because it is not restricted to be activated when the opponent's monster attacks, this effect can actually be activated by chaining the panic wave effect. But in that case, it would be putting the cart before the horse. After all, his goal is to win the final victory by sacrificing an opponent. It is completely unnecessary for me to use the Continuous Trap Card which is quite useful to keep Paradox until the next turn, so I might as well let Paradox be eliminated by Judai.

"Heh, Judai, this time, I'll consider you qualified."

"Oh? Don't you plan to activate another effect of the electronic stealth technology? Thank you very much! However, I say it's qualified, but in fact, it's Yusei who breaks through the defense line you set up, right?"

"Oh, the power of your companions can also be regarded as your power. Of course, the premise is that you can make good use of that part of the power."

"...That's right. Thanks, Yusei."

"No, I am the one who should say thank you. After all, Mr. Judai and Mr. Yugi both participated in this duel to help me save my era."

"Haha, there's no need to worry about this. Even if you, Yusei, weren't here, Mr. Yugi and I would never sit idly by. Okay, let's get back to the duel, Paradox, it's time for you to leave!"

"Damn it!!!"

Paradox's face immediately became extremely ugly. Didn't he make it through this round in the end?

"Come on, Earth Mole, launch a direct attack on Paradox! Mole Drilling!!"


"Then, it's the final blow, Flash, direct attack, Visual Storm!!!"


With Judai's shout, Flash rose into the sky, spread his arms, and released a dazzling light from the sun wheel behind him that seemed to dispel all the darkness, causing Paradox to scream again, and retreat with the D wheel, which means that this duel was not serious, otherwise Paradox would have really died now.

After a while, the light faded away. Under the gaze of the crowd, Paradox's health finally dropped to 0. He withdrew from the six-man melee at the eleventh round with an excellent result of only maintaining two rounds.

But there was no way. In this six-man melee, Kaiba, Yusei, Judai and Yami Yugi all took him as their primary target. Although Hell Caesar Liang did not take him as his primary target, he did not mind pitting him. In this case, if Kaiba and the three duel kings did not belong to different camps, he would not even last the eleventh round, so this result was actually very good.

"Win! What an interesting duel!"

Seeing Paradox's health return to zero, Judai breathed a sigh of relief and habitually said his catchphrase, which stunned Yami Yugi, Kaiba and Yusei.

Hell Caesar Liang's mouth twitched: "Judai, you said it too early! This duel is not over yet!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I was a little careless, but the duel is not over yet, but you, Paradox, are over. You shouldn't break the agreement, right?"

"Nonsense! Are you looking down on me? Since we have made an agreement, I will naturally not break my promise! Do not move Yusei, your Stardust Dragon, and Hell Caesar Liang, your Cyber ​​End Dragon, I will give it back to you!"

Paradox showed the card with a cold face, released the Stardust Dragon and the Cyber ​​End Dragon, and turned the blank cards in the hands of the two back into the cards of the Stardust Dragon and the Cyber ​​End Dragon.

Hell Caesar Liang didn't care too much, after all, he had more than one Cyber ​​End Dragon, and Yusei immediately smiled.

"Stardust... Great, but, Paradox, we agreed on more than just this."

"Hmph! After your duel, I will go to different eras to release those monsters, and then go to your era to see the so-called Duelist Arena! I want to see if the so-called Duelist Arena can help us save the future world!"

"Well, the Duelist Arena will definitely meet your expectations!"

"Hehe, that's all for later. Now, let me see which of the five of you can win the final victory!"

Paradox sneered, causing Yusei, Judai and Yami Yugi to fall silent. From then on, there was no talk of companions. As duelists, it was natural to want to win the final victory.

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