After leaving such a difficult sentence, IV collapsed to the ground, unable to hold the three cards in his hand, and fell.

On the other side of the building, Rio, who was about to go downstairs, saw this scene and couldn't help but fall into a daze. He knocked IV down with one punch. When did Lingya's fighting ability become so strong? And this level is no longer a problem that can be solved by simple fighting ability, right? Where did Lingya learn some force skills?

"I should have said that I would avenge Rio."

Rubbing his fists, looking at IV who struggled on the ground for a long time but couldn't get up, Lingya couldn't help but sigh that Yuto's skills were really powerful.

IV fell into silence and just continued to struggle. After all, with such a reason, he really had nothing to say.

"In this way, we are temporarily even, but I have no right to control how Rio treats you. However, IV, I still want to advise you that revenge on Dr. Fika will not help your father return to his original appearance."

"What do you mean?!"

Hearing this, IV could no longer remain silent, and looked up at Lingya in shock and anger.

After all, revenge on Dr. Fika was the last hope that the three brothers could think of to return their father to his original appearance. Now that it has been denied, he can't bear it at all.

"It's just what it means, but, IV, if you really want to know the details, how about coming to hang out with me? In that case, I can tell you more information."

Lingya still looked at IV with a playful look.

In the base of Yuzuo's side, Yuzuo's face darkened when he saw Lingya on the screen. He hadn't started to implement the plan to turn Lingya into his chess piece, but Lingya actually poached him? What a joke!

"Ryoga! You! There is a limit to joking!"

"Yeah, let's stop joking here. Even if you really mess with me, I can't change your father back to his original state. After all, I don't have the infectious power of that idiot!"

Speaking of this, Ryoga couldn't help but reveal an expression of emotion. After obtaining information from Kaito, he actually considered personally defeating Yuzuo and Dr. Fika, but after returning to this world, he calmed down. After all, neither Yuzuo nor Dr. Fika were opponents he could deal with.

Of course, this inability to deal with is not a problem of strength, but a problem of bond and infectious power. If he fights, he is fully confident that he can defeat Yuzuo and Dr. Fika, but it is limited to defeating. If he wants Yuzuo and Dr. Fika to repent, he still has to rely on Yuma and Kaito. Yuma is because of his special infectious power, and Kaito is because of the father-son bond with Dr. Fika.

Therefore, he, who has neither special appeal nor special bond, has given up the idea of ​​solving the Ancestral Throne and Dr. Fika by himself. However, if Yuma and Kaito take the initiative to invite him to fight together, he will not refuse, especially when facing that Barian in the end.

"That idiot?"

IV keenly noticed that something was wrong. Ryoga was saying that a certain idiot could help his father return to his original state?

"Nothing, you keep working hard."

Ryoga turned around decisively and stopped the conversation. Although Yuma should have been targeted now, he didn't need to further increase the level of attention to Yuma, right?

"Wait! Ryoga! Explain it to me!"

IV couldn't help shouting, but Ryoga had no intention of answering IV at all. He waved his hand and disappeared in front of IV.

Seeing this, IV could only grit his teeth, try his best to get up from the ground, grab the three cards that fell on the ground, and chase after Ryoga.

But Lingya's abdominal punch was too fierce, and it took IV a long time to recover. Therefore, when IV ran to the entrance of the building, Lingya, who had reunited with Rio, had already disappeared.

Seeing this, IV finally calmed down. Since Lingya didn't want to say it, it would be useless for him to chase him. It would be better to discuss it with III and V later. He couldn't guess who the idiot Lingya was talking about, but it didn't mean that III and V couldn't guess it.

Of course, this doesn't mean that his IQ is not as good as the other two, but that the information he has is insufficient. In the past period of time, in addition to paying some attention to the Kamishiro brothers and sisters, he was busy hunting No. cards and providing fan services. He didn't know much about the people around Lingya, so it was impossible for him to guess the identity of the so-called idiot, but III and V were different, especially V, who had much more information than he did. As long as he discussed with them, he would definitely be able to come to a conclusion.

Moreover, even if he could not come to a conclusion, he should not bother Lingya right now, but should go back and prepare, defeat Lingya in the next duel, and snatch this piece of information from Lingya.

Thinking of this, IV took a deep breath, turned back to the building, and completed his mission again.

Although he also wanted to do more important things right away, the throne who had been watching him would not allow it.

As for whether the information revealed by Ling Ya will also be known to Amy Zuo who is monitoring the three brothers, there is no need to worry about this. After all, the efforts of the three brothers to change Amy Zuo back to its original appearance have never been hidden. The Amyrlin Seat was all about it, so it wouldn't be a big deal if the Amyrlin Seat knew about it. He could even be sure that the Amyrlin Seat must have known the information revealed by Ling Ya, but just ignored it.

And just as IV guessed, the Amyrlin in the base also showed a thoughtful expression: "Idiot, do you mean Nine-Nine Yuma? As the son of Kazuma, he is indeed an idiot like that guy. Well. Since Kamdai Lingya said so, then let me see your appeal, Yuma."

As he said that, a trace of expectation appeared on Amy's face for no apparent reason.

Then, time passed like this, and the WDC competition finally officially started.

Yuma, Lingya and even Risu, who had just been discharged from the hospital, all started the WDC schedule smoothly, but things didn't go so smoothly for Kaito.

Because during this period of time, neither Dr. Fika's side nor Amy's side could find any trace of the brothers Kaito and Haruto, so on the day Kaito showed up with Haruto and Orbital 7 to participate in the WDC competition, Fei A large number of people sent by Dr. Ka and Mr. Xinyuan surrounded them, and even the three brothers of Amyrlin were watching in the dark.

Of course, such a big movement did not cause panic among ordinary people, because the excuse used by these people was to catch thieves. Apart from attracting the attention of some duelists and related people, the other effects were completely negligible.

"Human sea tactics, you don't think this method can work on me, do you?"

Kaito looked at the crowd around him with a cold expression, which made many people's expressions collapse. They had been Kaito's colleagues for a while, so it was impossible for them not to know that the human sea tactic was useless against Kaito. But if they want to continue messing around after being given an order from above, they will have to take action.

"Can't you help yourself? Forget it, then, Orbital 7, let's help them!"

"As you command!"

Track 7 responded immediately and opened the time stop venue.

As a result, the crowd that surrounded Kaito and the others stopped moving, and only a few people squeezed out of the crowd and came to Kaito.

"Hey, Kaito, long time no see!"

The red-haired man with a strong body and known as the left arm greeted him boldly.

Next to him, the tall woman with blue-purple hair known as the right arm looked at Kaito with a complicated expression.

"Left arm, and right arm, do you also want to stand in front of me?"

Kaito's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes still had a trace of fluctuation.

Zuo Bao smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, Kaidou, although I am very interested in dueling with you, I am not interested in bullying the minority with more!"

The right arm also nodded and said: "Yes, although we also obtained the No. card, Mr. Xinyuan did not force us to attack you together. We only served as a guide to bring these opponents to you. "

Kaito sneered, didn't he give a forced order? It seems that Mr. Xinyuan also guessed that such a mandatory order would not allow the left and right arms to use their full strength, so he did not issue such a wasteful order! However, a guide...

"In other words, these guys are my next opponents, right? Dr. Fika and Mr. Xinyuan are really willing to give it up!"

Kaito looked at those figures with a bad expression who also maintained mobility in the time-stop field. There were seven of them, that is, a total of seven No. cards. Counting the left and right arms, there were a total of nine. .

"Really willing to give up."

Zuobao nodded in agreement. Even he had to admit this. It seemed that Yoto who was taken away by Kaito was indeed very important to Dr. Fika and Mr. Shinzono. They were all anxious to this extent. .

"But that's okay. Since you are a duelist with the No. card, you should have participated in this WDC competition. I will take away the No. card from you and at the same time, I will give you the pieces of your heart. Take it away and advance directly. Come on, whoever comes up first will die!"

Kaito swept towards the group of seven with great momentum, but failed to have any impact on the group of seven. Instead, they all sneered.

"What a naive young master!"

"Why do you think we will abide by the one-on-one rule?"

"Your time-stopping venue can't limit the type of duel, right?"

"As long as we can defeat you in a duel, just take away the No. card you have and the kid behind you! I don't care about any one-on-one restrictions!"


The group of seven began to taunt each other, causing both the left and right arms to show disdain. How dare such a guy say that he is a duelist? Even if these people say that they barely accept the rules of melee, just using the more to bully the less is simply a scumbag. It is a complete shame for them to team up with such a scumbag. That means they haven't repaid Mr. Shinzono's kindness yet, otherwise they will definitely jump back to Kaito and let these scumbags see what justice means in the back.

"Did you make a mistake?"

"What?!" X7

"I didn't give you a chance to choose! Come on, Super Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!!"

Kaito decisively took out the Super Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon that he had printed in the Duelist Arena, summoned the Super Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's spirit, and made the Super Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon stare at the seven people on the opposite side with a ferocious look.

The faces of the seven people were all frozen. Is there something wrong with this situation? They haven't turned on the AR system yet, and Amagi Kaito hasn't used the Duel Disk. How come the Duel Monster just popped up?

"Are you going to let me hunt your souls one by one, or are you going to be sent to hell directly by the Super Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon? Make your own choice!"

Kaito said mercilessly, and the Super Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon also cooperated to spray a low-power light bullet, blasting a big hole in the ground, making the seven people shudder.

On the side, the left and right arms were also in a daze. What is this monster? When did Kaito master such a terrifying power? And with such a terrifying power, Kaito, why are you still running with Youdou? Just go to their door. Dr. Fika and Mr. Xinyuan can't do anything to you. They can only let you slaughter them!

Behind the scenes, Vector, who called himself Barian, was also confused. This power seemed a bit like the Barian power he put into Amagi Youdou's body, but could that little power do this? Just kidding, it's not impossible for that power to make Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon evolve into Super Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but it also made Super Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon gain the ability to materialize in the real world. Isn't this too outrageous? If that little Barian power could really do this, the Astral World would have been completely destroyed by the Barian World long ago, and why would it have to drag it until now! There is definitely something wrong here!

Vector came to a conclusion, but the seven people sent by Dr. Fika and Mr. Xinyuan to deal with Kaito still had to go on the field one by one, fighting Kaito in a round-robin battle.

Although they normally have an advantage in a round-robin battle, Kaito's strength is obviously not at the level they can touch, otherwise they would not have to think about bullying the minority with the majority. Now that the tactic of bullying the minority with the majority is no longer needed, they can only be defeated by Kaito one by one, and their No. cards and souls are taken away by Kaito one by one.

After a while, all seven people were defeated, and Kaito had seven more No. cards out of thin air, and successfully advanced in the WDC competition.

Seeing this, the left arm and the right arm also took the initiative to say goodbye to Kaito, went back to report to Dr. Fika and Mr. Xinyuan, and planned to participate in the WDC competition.

On the other hand, Yuma, Ryoga, and Rio's WDC competition schedule was also steadily advancing. In the end, all three of them entered the semi-finals and successfully met Kaito. At this time, several people also received a notice that the Duelist Arena would be opened again.

Ryoga and Kaito couldn't help but frowned. It's only been a few days, and the second round has begun?

Yuma was very happy. He could finally let his sister and grandmother see their parents again, and finally he didn't have to be urged by his sister every day.

Chapter 200 A5 Interlude, the truth and wedding photos, two couples (three in one)

The ZEXAL world has completely entered a state of preparation. Whether it is the WDC rematch or the second round of the arena, the three warriors need to prepare well. Moreover, III has temporarily given up the idea of ​​attacking Yuma because of the news brought back by IV. Therefore, there is nothing to watch in the ZEXAL world for the time being. Let's go to the next world.

In the ARC-V world, after returning to the original world, the eight people who entered the arena gathered at the Lion Duel Academy controlled by Linger.

After all, Linger and Yuya and Yuto had an appointment to tell them the truth after returning, so Yuya and Yuto naturally came to find Linger immediately after returning, while Yuzu and Gongenzaka, as well as Ruri and Kurosaki Hayabusa, these two groups of people were worried about Yuya and Yuto coming alone, and they were also full of doubts about the so-called truth, so they followed Yuya and Yuto.

"Okay, Ling'er, everyone is here, it's time for you to tell the truth! What kind of connection do Yudou and I have, and why did I fall into that rampage, can you explain all of this?"

After everyone was together, Yuya couldn't wait to ask.

Ling'er pushed his glasses and answered calmly: "I don't know."


Yuya was stunned.

"You guy."

Yudou also frowned. He said he would tell the truth in the arena before, but now he pretends not to know?

"I did say I would tell you the truth, but this question is not included in the truth I know."

"Then what about your performance in the arena? When I lost my balance, you reminded me, but after I went completely crazy, you didn't say a word. And according to what Kamishiro Ryoga said, the way you looked at me was not like the way you looked at your companion. Why did you give me the right to appear?"

Obviously, Yuya couldn't believe Ling'er's words so easily, and he said all the things that Ryoga had mentioned.

"First of all, I didn't treat you as a companion, at least for now. I gave you the right to appear only because of Yusho Sakaki."

"My father?!"


Yuya, Yuzu and Gongenzaka all showed surprised expressions.

"Yes, Sakaki Yusheng, although it was his own initiative, I still have part of the responsibility in it. Therefore, to a certain extent, I am ashamed of you. I gave you the right to appear. It is precisely In order to compensate you, but unfortunately, after being qualified, you not only failed to win the victory and rewards, but even made Sakaki Yusheng lose the possibility of entering the arena, which was completely beyond my expectations. "

Yuya clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "This is indeed my responsibility, but what about my father's own decision? Why do you feel ashamed of me?"

Reiji crossed his arms and said: "This is part of the truth that I want to explain today. In fact, your father's disappearance three years ago was not because he was afraid of a duel with the strong Shidao and became a coward, but because he went to Fusion Dimension intends to prevent my father from launching an invasion of the XYZ dimension.”

"Your father?!" X3

Yuya, Yuzu, and Gongenzaka looked shocked again.

The trio from the XYZ dimension were not surprised. Even Kurosaki Hayabusa added with a gloomy expression: "That's right, the one who controlled the Duel Academy of the fused dimension to invade our homeland was this guy's father, Akama. King Ling, the reason why I came to this basic dimension where you are is to capture Chima Ling'er, the son of King Chima Ling, and retrieve Liuli from King Chima Ling. But I didn't expect that Chima Ling. However, I have different opinions from King Chima Zero. As a result, my plan will naturally come to nothing. However, fortunately, Liuli is back now, and we don’t have to think about any plans. We will return to the XYZ dimension to help our companions soon. Continue to resist the invasion of the fusion dimension."

"But, in that case, wouldn't Liuli be at risk of being captured again?"

Yuzu looked at Ruri with a worried expression.

"This time, we will definitely protect Liuli!" X2

Kurosaki Hayabusa and Yuto made declarations at the same time.

Liuli forced a smile and showed a firm expression: "Even if there is a risk of being caught again, I cannot leave my companions and home alone. Moreover, I believe in my brother and Yu Dou."

Seeing this, Yuzu could only stop talking, and Yuya didn't say anything more about duels being used to bring smiles to people. He was not completely brainless. In this case, the one who wanted to persuade was obviously not the XYZ dimension party. , but the side of the fused dimension. After all, in the face of the invasion of the fused dimension, people in the XYZ dimension should not be able to laugh even if they want to.

Liuli turned his gaze to Yuya again: "In addition, I have actually heard of this name, Sakaki Yusheng."


Yuya looked at Liuli in shock.

"My good friend Sayaka once told me that a teacher at the Plum Blossom Duel School she attended was named Yusaki Sakaki. That teacher also taught Sayaka and the others the concept of using duels to bring smiles. He should be Your father."

"Using the duel to bring smiles, it is indeed my father, but why, in the XYZ dimension? Didn't it mean that my father went to the fusion dimension?"

Yuya looked at Reiji in confusion.

Reiji pushed up his glasses again: "This is what I call Sakaki Yusheng's self-assertion. Three years ago, I informed Sakaki Yusheng of King Akama Rei's intention to invade the fusion dimension, and hoped that he could take command. The Lancers, a combat force that I established to stop King Akama Rei, but he thought that he, who had created the stereoscopic imaging system and action duel with King Akama Rei, could have an equal conversation with King Akama Rei, and used words to stop him. King Akama Zero. So, he semi-forcefully used the unfinished dimensional mobile device developed by my research team and went to the fusion dimension. There was no news about him at first. After all, the fusion had failed. Dimension still invaded the XYZ dimension, but now it seems that the imperfect Dimension mobile device may have made a mistake and sent him to the XYZ dimension instead of the fusion dimension. "

"So how is my father doing now?"

Yuya looked at Liuli again, causing Yudou to stop in front of Liuli involuntarily, preventing Yuya from getting closer. After all, Yuya and Yuto looked the same. Watching Yuya approaching Liuli, Yudou always felt weird.

Seeing You Dou's actions, Liuli couldn't help but smile, but quickly stopped her smile and continued to explain helplessly: "It's been a while since I was arrested, so I don't know what the specific situation is now. , but before I was captured, the news I heard from Sayaka was that Sakaki Yusheng volunteered to stop Ed Phoenix, the commander-in-chief of the fused dimension, and then disappeared. Everyone else thought that Sakaki Yusheng was. He escaped, but judging from the information you mentioned before, his outcome should not be an escape, but something worse."

"Ed Phoenix, was my father arrested by this guy?"

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