Kui suddenly froze, but still managed to remain calm and continued to operate the light screen: "It's nothing, it's just a paper, brother, you don't have to worry about it."

"Thesis? The paper you wrote?! Let me take a look."

Aoi Akira immediately reached out to Aoi's thesis and reflections, but after delaying for such a short time, Aoi finally completed the submission, letting the thesis and reflections turn into light before being touched by Aoi Mae Akira Gone.

Akira Aya stopped and looked at Aoi suspiciously. Is that really a thesis? Why didn't he even let his brother take a look?

Revolver glanced at the siblings without commenting, while Ai on Yusaku's duel plate couldn't help but snicker.

In the 5DS area, Yusei was about to discuss the time-traveling experience not long ago with the two Yusei Judai from the GX area and the comic version of the GX area, but the lights suddenly hit the central duel field, and then, a man wearing a red suit and a top The man with the airplane haircut appeared in the spotlight.

"Hello, gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the duelist arena. I am the host specially hired by Mr. Hoshihara. All duels from now on will be narrated by me."

Listening to this voice and looking at this man, all the duelists and the audience showed astonished expressions, especially the 5DS people.

"Who is this man?"

"Wait a minute, isn't this guy the commentator for the Destiny Cup?"

People from other worlds and people from the 5DS world each expressed two different doubts, and then unanimously turned their attention to Hoshihara and the girl who appeared in the special auditorium.

Xingyuan spread his hands: "After all, I also embodied this arena. It's too bad for a big BOSS like me to be the host all the time, so I found a suitable commentator to replace him. Can you guys Don't underestimate him, he is one of the most dedicated commentators in countless worlds. In addition, everyone in the 5DS world should not be surprised, he is indeed the commentator you know, but he is in the same place. The world is not the world you are in, but another parallel world."

After hearing this explanation, the expressions of everyone at 5DS were a bit subtle. That aircraft head was actually rated as one of the most dedicated commentators in countless worlds. It's really hard to tell what a person looks like.

People in other worlds continued to look at Xingyuan with doubtful eyes. The explanation was that there was no problem, but why is there an extra person beside you?

Sensing everyone's doubts, Xingyuan couldn't help but darken his face: "What, my girlfriend is coming to watch the game, do I need to explain to you in particular?"

Everyone looked away silently, but my girlfriend was okay.

After looking away, people like Kaiba silently lowered their evaluation of Hoshihara. Well, in terms of the level of duelists, after all, poker players don't choose partners. Guys like Hoshihara who show off their girlfriends in public must be very strong. Not going anywhere.

People like Yugi and Judai who could distinguish the identities of elves silently expressed their admiration for Hoshihara. He actually chose an elf to be his girlfriend. He was so powerful and worthy of being the founder of the Duelist Arena.

"Ahem, fellow duelists and audiences, please look at the big screen. According to Mr. Hoshihara's explanation, in the last round of duels, two duelists received punishments equivalent to after-school homework. Now, we will divide the two duelists. The punishment completed by each duelist is projected on the big screen for all duelists and the audience to appreciate, and Mr. Hoshihara will make an evaluation. "

"No way!!"

"No!!" X2

Yuya, Yuzu, and Aoi screamed at the same time. It was enough for Hoshihara to watch alone, but now everyone present had to watch. This was too torture!

Hearing the screams of the three people, the duelists from other worlds looked at Yuya and Yuzu with incomprehensible expressions. It was normal for Blue Angel to scream, but why did Sakaki Yuya and Hiiragi Yuzu scream? How about barking? Isn't it You Dou who wants to take wedding photos? Isn't this too weird?

"Aoi, could it be that this is the paper you just mentioned?!"

Akira Saizen looked at Aoi with a subtle expression. If it would cause real harm to Aoi, Akira Saizen would definitely be anxious now, but if it was only to this extent, there was no need for him to be anxious.

Aoi nodded with a despairing look on her face.

"Oh, Mr. Hoshihara just sent the news, saying that the essays and reflections are just pure words, nothing interesting to read, and they are directly judged to be qualified, so we only have to admire the wedding photos brought by Mr. Yu Dou."

"Nothing to see..."

Kui's face suddenly darkened. She had gone through so much trouble to write the thesis and review, but this guy didn't even bother to read it, and directly judged it to be qualified. It was too much. If she had known that this would happen, she would have directly I randomly searched for a similar article online and copied it down.

Akira Saimae said helplessly: "Aoi, isn't it nice not to have to show your paper and your reflections? Why are you even more unhappy?"

"It's nothing, I just feel like my efforts have been wasted."

"How about I come and appreciate it?"

"No! That's unnecessary! It's just an ordinary paper, an ordinary review, nothing interesting!"

Aoi's face became more and more unhappy. This person was really having fun, but he wanted to scare her like that, and he had to wait for her to admit it to her brother before directly judging her qualified. Couldn't she have said it earlier? Now that she is being questioned like this, it's really quite vulgar!

"When you say that, I'm even more curious. Besides, you just talked about the paper. What are your thoughts after watching it?"


Aoi chose to remain silent.

Caiqian shook her head: "Forget it, if you don't want to say it, I won't ask further. Anyway, no matter what kind of essay and reflections it is, it is better than wedding photos or something like that!"

Aoi nodded calmly, which was true. If her punishment was to take wedding photos, she would not be able to find anyone who could take wedding photos with her.

"Okay, let's enjoy the wedding photos brought by Mr. You Dou! Please look at the big screen!"

So, under the gaze of everyone, wedding photos began to appear on the big screen.

Although Yuto is very handsome in various wedding attires, and Ruri is also very beautiful in various wedding attires, and the two people in the photo are also full of tacit understanding, they did not arouse any exclamation. It can only be said that An excellent level among ordinary wedding photos.

Until, Yuya and Yuzu started to appear in the photo with expressions of reluctance.

"Wait a minute? Kotori, am I dazzled? Shouldn't the hairstyle of these two people be Yuuya Sakaki and Yuzu Hiiragi instead of Yuto and Kurosaki Ruri?"

Yuma looked at the bird next to him in confusion.

Xiaoniao said helplessly: "It's useless for you to ask me. I'm not familiar with them, and the hairstyle doesn't mean anything. Maybe they changed the look on purpose?"

Ninety-Nine Future smiled slightly and said: "No, you can tell from the temperament and expressions that these two are completely different from the previous two."

"Forgetting the expression, can you also tell the temperament?"

The bird looked confused.

"Yes, you can also see the temperament. Yuuto and Kurosaki Ruri, these two act like a real couple getting married, while Sakaki Yuya and Hiiragi Yuzu, these two are still at odds with each other. stage, well, if you still don’t understand what I’m saying, you can only experience it yourself when you get married.”

Ninety-Nine Future still has a gentle smile on his face.

"Go and experience it when you get married?!"

The little birdie was dumbfounded.

"Wait, Mom, what are you talking about!"

Yuma was suddenly in a panic.

Mirai 99 looked at Yuma with interest: "Ara, is there anything wrong with what I said? I just said you should experience it when you get married, and I didn't say who you married."

Kujiuma also laughed: "Hahahahaha, Yuma, you are just asking for it!"

Hearing this, Kotori couldn't help but blush, and looked at Yuma with strange eyes. Even Lingya, Risu, Kaito and others also looked at Yuma with subtle eyes.


Yuma's scalp instantly went numb and he screamed like a groundhog. He felt so embarrassed that he almost dug his toes out of the three rooms and one living room.

Next door, in the 5DS area, unlike other viewers, Qiu was looking at the wedding photos with great interest, and even began to think about whether she would receive such a punishment for losing in the duel.

But after thinking about it carefully, Qiu gave up this plan. Instead of giving up the reward in exchange for such a punishment, she might as well speak out herself, not to mention that she might not be able to get such a punishment.

However, she doesn't have the courage yet to speak up herself.

Qiu began to worry.

Next door on the other side, in the ARC-V area, Ling'er pushed up his glasses again.

"Sure enough, what I did was correct. Ordinary wedding photos alone are indeed not enough to gain high praise. Yuya Sakaki and Yuzu Hiiragi, your sacrifices are worth it."

Both Yuya and Yuzu looked at Reiji with disgust and were too lazy to talk to Reiji.

Yu Dou and Liu Li held hands in tacit understanding, looked at each other and smiled, saying that if the XYZ dimension was not still in danger, they would not care much about rewards or anything.

However, the tacit smile between the two people could not last long, because in the row of seats behind them, Kurosaki Hayabusa was staring at Yu Dou with his faint eyes, which made Yu Dou couldn't help but flinch. Chill on back.

On the big screen, the photos continued to play. After Yuya and Yuzu appeared, pictures of the four people taking photos appeared one after another, but this did not cause any special reaction until the last photo appeared.


Kaito, who had applied for a bottle of water and was drinking it, immediately gushed out. His image was completely lost, and he looked at Yuto with a shocked face.

The duelists and spectators in other worlds were all the same as Kaito. Only Ninety-Nine Horses and Nine-Nine Mirai looked like they were watching the show.

"Are you willing to go to this extent to save the XYZ dimension? Yudou, this time I am convinced!"

Looking at the picture on the big screen, Yuya couldn't help but show an expression of admiration.

Yuzu nodded in agreement. Compared with this, she even felt that her and Yuya's sacrifice was nothing.

After all, what was displayed on the big screen was Ruri, who looked dashing in the groom's uniform, and Yuto, who was wearing a wedding dress and lying in Ruri's arms!

However, when everyone was admiring Yu Dou, Yu Dou suddenly exclaimed: "Wait! What's going on with this photo? Why don't I remember that we took this photo?"

"Huh?!" XN

The duelists and the audience were stunned. The person involved didn't remember taking this photo? Could it be that it was made with Photoshop? But if that was the case, there should be no need for the person involved to expose it, right? What was going on?

Linger crossed his arms and showed a proud expression: "This is my suggestion. Since we want to improve the evaluation as much as possible, we must naturally use all possibilities!"

Kurosaki Hayabusa made a faint voice: "This is the clothes I helped you change that night. Since Liuli has made such a great sacrifice to help you complete the punishment, it is only right that you make some sacrifices for the reward?"

Lili smiled and said: "Yudou, I also agreed. Don't you think this is also interesting?"

Yudou opened his mouth, completely speechless.

The duelists and the audience all understood for a while. So that's why Yudou, wearing a wedding dress, was lying in Liuli's arms. It turned out that the photo was taken when Yudou was asleep.

Yuya patted Yudou's shoulder sympathetically. Although it was not voluntary, it was also great.

Well, Yuya meant it, but after patting Yudou's shoulder, he couldn't help but turned his back and laughed wantonly.

Yudou's face suddenly darkened. What's so funny? This guy, did he forget that they actually look the same? If this photo is put in front of people who only know Yuya but not Yudou, those people will probably think that Yuya and Yuzu took it together. In this case, this guy can still laugh. He is really brainless.

Some people fell into deep thought. Good guy, even such a killer has been taken out. If it is their turn to be punished by taking wedding photos, how can they get high evaluation? The same method, the evaluation obtained when used for the second time is definitely not as good as the first time!

In different thoughts, Xingyuan and the girl beside him applauded together.

Then, Xingyuan made an evaluation.

"Yes, although the comment on the wedding photos is just average, the two additional ideas are satisfactory to me, so, Yuto, I will give you an excellent evaluation."

Yuto's eyes lit up: "Thank you for the compliment. So, Mr. Xingyuan, what kind of reward can you get for such an excellent evaluation?"

"Well, I will give you two the rewards you really need, the dark prop Millennium Bracelet, and the sober gloves, which are specially used to remove brainwashing. That's all."

After saying that, Xingyuan snapped his fingers, and a golden bracelet and a silver glove appeared in front of Yuto.

After taking the bracelet and gloves, Yuto was also puzzled. Why is it a bracelet again? The reward Kaito received was a bracelet, and the reward they received was also a bracelet. Does Xingyuan have any special hobby for bracelets?

Xingyuan: Simply put, this is tradition!

Chapter 203 Revolver vs Kaiba, True Relic vs Forbidden Card (Three-in-One)

"So, Mr. Xingyuan, what is the function of this so-called dark item Millennium Bracelet? And the sober gloves, although I know it is used to remove brainwashing, how to use it specifically?"

Liuli looked at the two items in Yudou's hand in confusion.

"It's very simple. The dark item Millennium Bracelet is actually a replica of the seven Millennium Artifacts. Although it has no additional functions, it still has the most basic function of the Millennium Artifact, that is, the function of opening the Dark Duel!"

Hearing this, Yami Yugi also showed an expression of understanding. Sure enough, it was related to the Millennium Artifact as he thought.

"Dark Duel?!"

And Yuya's face changed, remembering the words mentioned by Tyrant Judai before the duel began.

"Don't get me wrong, Yuya Sakaki, Dark Duel is not just about gambling your life, that's just the most basic Dark Duel! In fact, everything the duelists have can be used as a bet in the Dark Duel, including wealth and even souls. But for you, the most important thing is not these, but the ability to force the other party to keep their promise."


"For example, one of your companions was captured by the enemy, and then you found a member of the enemy and asked him to take you to the location of your companion. The other party said that they would use a duel to decide the winner. If you can successfully defeat the other party, the other party will take you to the location of your companion. This development is normal, right?"

The duelists all nodded, it was indeed a normal development.

"However, such a normal development usually does not lead to the results you want. In other worlds, whether it is DM, GX, 5DS, or in the worlds of ZEXAL and VRAINS, the enemies defeated in the duel will generally keep their promise and take you to your destination. However, in the world of ARC-V, I don't know if it is because of some problem in the structure of the world, or because the average moral quality of the duelists in this world is relatively low. In short, a large number of duelists in this world will have a high probability of not keeping their promises after losing the duel. That's why I specially gave you this reward, a dark item that can start the dark duel, turn the agreement into a bet, and force the other party to keep their promise."

Hearing this, the duelists from other worlds all looked very strange. They didn't even abide by the agreement they made before the duel. Are they really duelists? If they were just playing word games and taking advantage of loopholes, it wouldn't be unacceptable, but it would be too much if they just didn't abide by it. Moreover, there were still quite a few duelists who would do this. No wonder Xingyuan suspected that there was something wrong with the world structure or that the average moral quality was relatively low.

The people in the ARC-V world were also confused. Their world actually had such a situation? This was embarrassing to other worlds. Who were so uncultured?

"Then there's the method of use. Both items can be opened very simply. The Millennium Bracelet only requires the wearer to think that the duel will be a dark duel before the duel, while the Sober Gloves only require the wearer to punch the brainwashed person with the hand wearing the glove to remove all brainwashing."

"Punch someone..."

Yudou couldn't help but twitch his mouth. The opening method of the Millennium Bracelet was fine, but the opening method of the Sober Gloves, was it a physical way to remove brainwashing? If the person who explained it was someone else other than Xingyuan, he would definitely think it was a joke.

"Yuto, lend me both props after you go back so that I can study them."

Linger spoke decisively, and Yuto did not refuse. After all, it was Linger who contributed to the acquisition of these two props, so there was no need for him to refuse.

In other worlds, Kaiba, Yusei, and Kaito also had the idea of ​​borrowing the props to study them. After all, the effects of these two props seemed to be quite useful to them.

"Okay, the penalty time and reward time are temporarily over, let's start the random duel."

"Then, duelists, audience, the first random duel of the second round of the duelist arena is about to begin. Now, please look at the big screen!"

Seeing Xingyuan finish the explanation, the host with the airplane head immediately raised the microphone.

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