Ai scratched his head: "I would actually die for Playmaker. I can't imagine such a scene at all."

Zaizen Aoi smiled and said: "After all, that is you in the future. The relationship between you now is definitely not as close as in the future. However, if this is the reason, it is easy to solve. As long as we catch the Light Ignis in advance and prevent all that from happening, other Ignis will not be sacrificed, and humans and Ignis will not be in opposition because of the commotion."

Zaizen Akira pondered: "That's right, and it's not just the Dark Ignis. If the Wind Ignis hasn't taken action against its prototype yet, we can also wait for it by its prototype, catch it, and find a way to restore the tampered program and data."

"Naive, do you think the Light Ignis is so easy to catch? With you, you don't even know where to find the Light Ignis! What's more, we can't be sure that these guys will develop along that route!"

Looking at the Zaizen brothers and sisters in the audience, Revolver said expressionlessly.

Aoi decisively chose to put eye drops on Revolver: "Oh? Are you doubting that what Mr. Xingyuan said is false?"

Revolver's mouth twitched. This woman is so sinister.

"I didn't say that. There is no need to doubt or anything. However, the original destiny is like that, but it does not mean that the current destiny is still like that! The moment we entered here, destiny and the future have completely changed!"

Xingyuan said playfully: "Good explanation, I believe it, but to prove that what I said is true, let's take a look at the video record. Everyone, please look at the big screen."

Revolver's heart condensed. Is he suspected? Damn, it's all that bad woman!

Even if he thought so in his heart, Revolver still looked at the big screen with others helplessly. After all, this is the relevant information of the future. It is naturally not a bad thing to be able to spy more.

Then, two men who were dueling against each other appeared on the screen. The two men also had two link monsters with an attack power of 2300, Dark Knight @Ignis and Decoder, on their fields respectively.

One of them was, of course, Yusaku, Playmaker.

But the other party was completely unrecognizable. Fortunately, a flashback flashed across the screen, allowing the audience to confirm the identity of the other party.

"Dark Ignis, no, Ai, could that be your true image?"

Aoi looked at Ai on Yusaku's duel disk with a look of astonishment.

"Hey? Do I still have that image?"

Ai was also surprised.

"Playmaker... am I a good partner to you?"

On the screen, Ai, who was a little embarrassed, asked this question.

"You are my best partner!"

Playmaker, who was also a little embarrassed, also answered solemnly.

"Ah!!! So embarrassing!!! It's like my dark history is exposed in front of everyone!"

In the audience, Ai on Yusaku's duel disk couldn't help but hold her head and twisted it.

Aoi, who was standing by, couldn't help but look black. You call this a dark history?

"Really? Great! Dark Knight, attack Decoder!"

On the screen, Ai smiled when he heard Playmaker's answer, but eventually he straightened his face and declared an attack.

Then, two monsters with similar figures jumped up, swung their blades, and slashed at each other.

"At this moment, I activate Quick Attack Magic, "Ai" Hit Attack! The controller of the monster destroyed in this battle will be damaged by its original attack power! Farewell, Playmaker!"

"I activate the effect of the Continuous Trap Code Invasion in the Graveyard. When a Code Talker monster fights, by banishing this card, the opponent's magic trap activation is invalid, and the Code Talker monster's attack power increases by 700!"


"Decode - End!!!"

With Playmaker's shout, the Decoder Talker, whose attack power increased to 3000, directly split the Dark Knight @Ignis in half, and Ai was also knocked away, and the remaining 100 life points directly dropped to 0.

After rolling on the ground for a few times, Ai finally stopped. Seeing this, Playmaker hurried forward and hugged Ai in his arms. As for the posture, it should be considered a knee pillow.



"If you don't launch an "Ai" attack, you win."

"From the time you summoned the Decoder, I guessed that you probably had a back-up plan. How should I put it? Suddenly I felt that it didn't matter even if it was so, because I couldn't choose anyway. As I said just now, in the simulation, I didn't fight against you, but at that time, when I personally experienced the simulated future... I saw it, the future that my existence led to... the future that you were involved in and sacrificed in the end... that kind of future... I couldn't choose it."

As Ai explained, Ai's memory flashback also appeared on the big screen, allowing everyone to see the scene where Yusaku sacrificed because of Ai.

'Playmaker is actually Yusaku? ! '

Aoi's eyes widened, but she was tactful enough not to scream out in surprise.

Yusaku and Ai didn't care about their identities being exposed, and just stared at the screen.


"As agreed, I will return everything."

As he spoke, a large number of light balls flew out of Ai's hands on the screen, and then Ai's hands began to glow with golden light, and even his whole body began to glow with golden light.

Seeing this, Ai smiled again: "I'm going to disappear. I feel like I'm getting scared. One day, everyone will forget me. Is that so? If we are connected, won't we be forgotten?"

"I won't forget you."

"Can I ask you a question at the end? My name is Ai. Although you just picked it at random, I really like it. If this name has any meaning now, what do you think it means?"

Playmaker answered with tears: "Ai is love that gives love."

"I think so too. At this moment, I seem to understand its meaning a little bit. Goodbye, Play...Yusaku. I love you..."

After saying that, Ai completely turned into light and disappeared, and the picture on the big screen ended.

However, with these last words, strange changes also occurred in the audience.

Originally, the audience was basically still immersed in this sad atmosphere. Even the softer girls such as Kyoko, Shizuka, Carly, Kotori, and Ruri began to shed tears. Professor Chronos and Yuma, who were more emotional, couldn't help crying, but with the last sentence, the entire audience froze, and everyone couldn't hold it anymore.

"Really!!! Love love love... It's actually love!!!"

In the GX area of ​​the comic version, Yuki Judai couldn't help but shout out in surprise.

The girls also stopped crying and looked at Yusaku and Ai with strange expressions, and some even started to imagine it directly.

Yusaku looked at Ai with a complicated expression and fell into silence. He was still very moved at first, but after the last sentence came out, he was only moved.

And Ai crashed on the spot, and had no idea how to deal with the current situation.

Aoi complained in a low voice: "I say, Ai, if you want to date Playmaker and Yusaku, you shouldn't choose that image. Although the beautiful relationship between men is also very good, Yusaku obviously can't accept that. Isn't it better to choose the image of a beautiful girl?"

"We are not in that kind of relationship!! Don't make a mistake!!" X2

Yusaku and Ai roared at the same time, but the expressions of Aoi and other girls became even weirder.

Zaizen shook one hand to hold Aoi's head to stop Aoi from continuing to speak, and covered his face with the other hand, which seemed to be unbearable to look directly at.

On the duel field, Revolver also closed his eyes. That one man and Ignis were actually in this kind of relationship. It seems that it is unlikely to let Fujiki Yusaku give up the Dark Ignis.

However, if Dark Ignis really has such a personality, then there is no need to rush to eliminate it immediately. At present, the most important target is Light Ignis, which must be erased. As for Wind Ignis, it depends on whether it has attacked the prototype and whether there is a way to restore the tampered program data. As for Dark Ignis and others, there is no need to rush.

In addition, judging from this video record, it seems that I don’t have to worry about being hated by Xingyuan. After all, this video record is obviously aimed at Fujiki Yusaku, just like the video record that killed Caizen Aoi last time, it is obviously due to Xingyuan’s fun-loving attributes.

"Okay, Revolver, this video record should be able to prove that what I said is true, right? Or do I need to put some additional video records to prove it?"

Xingyuan asked with a joking face.

"No need!!!" X2

Yusaku and Ai shouted again at the same time, and then stared at Revolver with fierce eyes.

"Ahem, Mr. Xingyuan, it's really not necessary. I said before that I have no doubts about what you said. I just doubt the Ignis. Let's stop here."

Noticing the murderous eyes of Yusaku and Ai, Revolver also gave a sensible answer. Although he didn't care about the anger of this pair, there was no need to completely anger them, right? Besides, he didn't plan to continue watching.

"Okay, in this case, then the special reward session ends here. Let's move on to the special punishment session. Kaiba, Revolver, the special punishment you get is the same, and its name is, the King of Facial Art!"

Hearing this, Kaiba and Revolver both felt nervous, because the name of the King of Facial Art didn't sound like a good thing, and they didn't forget how bad the punishment called the King of Flipping that Jack Atlas got in the last round was, so it was naturally impossible to take this type of punishment lightly.

"As we all know, in the history of duel monsters, Yan Yi is also an existence that is inseparable from the duelist. Superior Yan Yi can further enhance the excitement of the duel, and even have the effect of giving the opponent a sense of oppression. , so your punishment is to imitate the facial expressions of the five facial expression kings that have appeared in the history of Duel Monsters. So, first of all, let’s take a look at the most basic facial expressions, please watch the big screen.”

Xingyuan snapped his fingers, and a photo appeared on the big screen. Everyone was stunned, and then they looked at Jonouchi in the DM area.

"It's actually me?!"

"elder brother?!"

"Within the city?!"

Everyone in the DM area was a little confused.

"Yes, it's Jonouchi, but it's not you, but Jonouchi from another parallel world. The expression he shows in the picture is the most basic facial expressions."

"Well, it really should be the basics. After all, this facial art is quite easy!"

Jonouchi in the audience tried to imitate it, and then easily imitated Yan Yi in the picture, so he made this comment.

"Poof!!" X2

"Oh, brother, don't make such an expression on purpose, it's too funny!"

Both Mai and Kyoko couldn't help laughing, and Shizuka couldn't help laughing either.

Yugi, Yami Yugi, and Honda were also smiling, but Keppei couldn't laugh at all, because if this was just the most basic Yanyi, how terrible would Kaiba's punishment be?

Keppei couldn't help but look at the central duel arena, and found that Kaiba and Revolver's expressions were indeed dark, and he had obviously thought of this.

"Haha, it is indeed quite easy. After all, there have been many imitators of this Yan Yi, otherwise I wouldn't call it the most basic Yan Yi."

With a playful smile, Hoshihara snapped his fingers again, and then a photo of Honda, Kyoko and Jonouchi doing this Yanyi together appeared on the big screen.

"Pfft! Hahahahaha!!!"

Jonouchi laughed out loud on the spot. It was okay for him to do this Yanyi himself. Honda could accept this Yanyi, but when Kyoko made this Yanyi, it looked weird!

"Within the city!!!"

Honda couldn't help but laugh, but Kyoko was different. She still cared about her image, so her face immediately turned black and she roared at Jonouchi.

"No, don't yell at me. This is none of my business. You did it yourself. No, it should be said to be your own choice in the parallel world! Hahahaha!!!"

Jonouchi couldn't help but continue to laugh, and Kyoko was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.

"Don't worry, it's not just Honda and Kyoko who imitate this look. There are many people who imitate this look in countless worlds, and there are even people who specialize in COS to imitate this look. "

Following Xingyuan's words, COS people who were doing this Yanyi in Chengcheng also appeared on the big screen, making everyone in the city and even the DM area confused, while people in other worlds looked strange. The so-called beauty art has actually become a fashion?

"Okay, that's it for the most basic Yan Yi. Next, let's take a look at the Yan Yi of the five Yan Yi kings. First, there is the dark personality of Malik Isildar from the DM world."

Pictures of Yan Yi began to appear on the big screen, and the audience couldn't help but sigh, is this the King of Yan Yi? It's too strong!

However, this kind of sigh did not last long, because the subsequent Yan Yi was not just a Yan Yi, but even an eye artist. This made the audience completely sluggish. This is really human. An expression that can be made? Can you do this with just your eyes? No, after all, how did this person survive with only his eyes left!

"Yi Yu, Malik, isn't he the guy who won the sky dragon by you, and then secretly approached us with malicious intentions and was discovered by you? Although I know he is a bad guy, I can't see that he has such a crazy side at all. !”

Jonouchi felt a little numb.

The game is also a little dull: "Probably because we are only facing Malick, and what is on the big screen is Malick's dark personality."

Peacock Dance shook his head: "If I remember correctly, Malik should also be a duelist who successfully advanced to the top eight in Duel City. Now he can have some fun."

"Then the second one is Takuma Sai from the GX world!"

Everyone in the GX world was dumbfounded. There was actually someone in the world they were in? But who is this king?

"It seems that he is Ed Phoenix's agent? But he doesn't seem as crazy as in the picture, right?"

Looking at the picture on the big screen, Caesar said with some uncertainty.

"Maybe it's also a dark personality?"

Wan Zhangmu made a guess.

"Then should we contact Ed and ask him to be careful?"

Professor Chronos said with some concern. After all, Ed Phoenix is ​​a new freshman this year and can be considered a member of Duel Academy.

Judai shook his head: "No, we have no way to confirm whether Ed Phoenix is ​​working with Saiou Takuma. It's better not to act rashly for the time being and observe Ed Phoenix's situation first."

Hearing this, Caesar, Professor Chronos, and Principal Samejima all showed complicated expressions. Could Judai have been able to think so calmly? The pressure brought by the Overlord really made Judai grow a lot, but they didn't know whether they should feel relieved or distressed about such growth.

"Next is the third one, Paradox from the 5DS world!"

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