The allocation of opponents is still Dark Malik vs. Kaiba within the castle.

Then, during the duel between Dark Malik and Jonouchi, the trajectory of fate finally began to change.

Dark Malik, who started the Dark Duel, still called out the Sun God and entered the God Phoenix mode, burning all the lightning warriors in Jonouchi. Even Jonouchi himself was burned like a Super Saiyan, with his hair Standing up, he screamed again and again.

It wasn't until Dark Malik believed that Jonouchi's spirit had been burned to ashes by the fire of the Sun God that the Phoenix returned under Dark Malik's order. However, at this time, Jonouchi, who was still standing, appeared from the smoke. , allowing Dark Malik to once again show off his incredible facial skills.

And it wasn't just Dark Malik, Kaiba who was watching the battle was also shocked, unable to believe that Jonouchi's spirit could survive the god's attack.

But no matter how much they couldn't believe it, the duel continued. Jonouchi tenaciously started his own round, drawing the Iron Knight Kya Freed, cutting the empty Dark Malik in two, and sending him into the darkness.

After all, Jonouchi was originally a model of being a mortal on par with the gods. In his original destiny, he successfully withstood the attack of the Phoenix God, and almost gave Dark Malik a fatal blow, even scaring Dark Malik. He almost vomited it out, but now, with the blessing of the enemy's willpower aura on Dark Malik, it was natural for Jonouchi to successfully complete the final blow.

As for Dark Malik, just when he was about to be buried in the darkness, he finally understood the true meaning of the so-called enemy's willpower halo. What a year, it was completely a cover. In fact, this so-called The enemy's willpower aura only needs to take effect once during the duel between him and Jonouchi.

After understanding this, Dark Malik's soul was finally buried in the darkness unwillingly. Of course, only most of Dark Malik's soul was buried, but don't forget that Dark Malik still lives on the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom. Malik's soul fragment.

But unfortunately, as most of Dark Malik's souls were buried, the souls of Pyo Malik, Peacock Dance and Dark Tapiryo also returned. As a matter of course, Dark Tapirung took back his Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, and then , the Rabbit-eared Demon King ate the soul fragments of Dark Malik hidden in the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom as a tonic. It can only be said that Dark Malik is not qualified to play soul parasitism under the nose of the Rabbit-eared Demon King. This is also the reason why Xingyuan said that An Malik is the one who delivers food to the door.

If Dark Malik had used a thousand-year-old prop to parasitize his soul, he wouldn't have been so miserable. After all, he didn't only have a thousand-year wheel of wisdom in his hand, but he also had a thousand-year tin staff, right? But in order to reduce the noise as much as possible and avoid being noticed by Xingyuan, Dark Malik finally gave up the thousand-year-old tin staff inserted on his lower back and chose the thousand-year wisdom wheel that was completely covered by clothes, which also led to Dark Horse Leake's tragic end.

As a result, Dark Malik ended like this, and Jonouchi, his opponent, also fell completely after defeating Dark Malik. However, with the blessing of Dark Malik's halo, Jonouchi was not burned as badly as his original fate. , still retained his breathing, and coupled with Jonouchi's strong recovery ability, Jonouchi successfully recovered before Kaiba and Yugi could decide the winner, and thus caught up with the finals against Yugi.

The result of the final was also very obvious. Jonouchi obviously couldn't defeat Yami Yugi. Even if the Sun God's Wing Shenron recognized Jonouchi's will, he still couldn't change the outcome. Therefore, the duel king is still Yugi.

However, facing this result, Jonouchi was satisfied enough. At least he was the runner-up, and Kaiba was only the top four, right? Therefore, even if the good luck in this city is not as good as that of the world next door, which is directly in another parallel world city where he became the Duel King during the Duelist Kingdom period, it is still pretty good.

Well, the story of the parallel DM world ends here, let’s return to the arena.

After winning the reward for defeating Dark Malik, Yuma and Astral returned to the auditorium, and then Kaito immediately walked to his own arena.

Seeing this, the duelists from other worlds have no intention of competing with Kaito for priority. After all, the ZEXAL world had a bye in the previous random duel, and it is normal for them to appear first now, not to mention that competing for priority is completely meaningless. That’s it.

"I see, after Kujiu Yuma and Astral, Amagi Kaito, who is also from the ZEXAL world, also plans to be the first duelist to challenge himself in this round of Arena Challenge? Then? , What kind of duelist will Amagi Kaito's opponent be?"

Before the host of the aircraft had finished speaking, the figure that appeared in the golden magic circle had already shown its true appearance to everyone. It was none other than another Kaito who had exactly the same appearance and clothes as Amagi Kaito.

"Did you really meet me in a parallel world?"

Amagi Kaito, who came from the ZEXAL world, was not surprised, but looked as expected.

On the other side, Kaito, who came from a certain ARC-V world, looked shocked.

"Duelist Arena! A reward that can grant wishes! There is such a place in this world! So, as long as I can win, my family, and everyone in the XYZ dimension who are also killed, will Can it be resurrected?"

"XYZ dimension?"

Amagi Kaito raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the ARC-V area of ​​the audience.

"Kaito! Are you Kaito from our XYZ dimension?"

Yuto couldn't help but shout.

Kaito came back to his senses and looked in the direction of the voice. His pupils shrank suddenly: "Yuto?! Haven't you already?!"

Yuto was stunned, and then showed a helpless expression: "You have merged with Yuya, right? It seems that you are not Kaito from my world, but Kaito from another parallel world."

Yuto didn't feel strange after saying this. After all, there have been several parallel worlds with the same development.

"Parallel world? So that's how it is. Not only is he fine, but he also knows the future in advance, and even rescued Kurosaki Ruri. Is this what you got after entering here? It seems that your luck is much better than the Yuto I know. So, for the remaining hope, I must win no matter what! The other me in the parallel world, I will definitely defeat you here!"

Speaking of this, Kaito also looked at Amagi Kaito with a fierce look. After all, he didn't have many chances like the people who had already entered the arena. He only had this one chance, so he must not lose.

And Amagi Kaito had a calm face: "First of all, let me make one thing clear. I am not Amagi Kaito who lives in the XYZ dimension, but Amagi Kaito who lives in the ZEXAL world. Therefore, although I am you in the parallel world, I don't have the same experience as you."

Kaito was stunned again. There is actually another parallel world of myself with a completely different life experience? This is really, enviable!

"Secondly, let me explain another thing. At present, I don't have the same reason as you to win, but as a duelist, I will not let you down and will definitely go all out!"

Kaito sneered: "That's right, I want to take the reward and victory from you, how can you not go all out!"

"Finally, there is no need to explain, the one who will win is me!"

Amagi Kaito made a high-spirited declaration and confronted Kaito.

In the audience, in the VRAINS area, Yusaku's eyes suddenly lit up. Could this be a new believer of the Three Points God Church?

In the ARC-V area, several people from the XYZ dimension were entangled. Amagi Kaito had always gotten along well with them, but the opponent was Kaito from another parallel world who wanted to save the XYZ dimension. Who should they cheer for?

In the ZEXAL area, everyone except Yangdou was not much better. They couldn't help but want to cheer for Kaito. After all, for Kaito Amagi now, rewards are not particularly necessary, while Kaito is in urgent need of rewards. The contrast is too obvious.

"Lord Kaito, there are actually two Lord Kaito?!"

As a loyal servant of Kaito Amagi, Track 7 couldn't think so much at this time, because the simultaneous appearance of two Kaitos had already caused Track 7 to crash a little.

"Then let's talk about it with a duel! The duel rules directly use the most basic rules!"

Kaito decisively unfolded the duel disk.

"Humph, as you wish! Duel mode! Photon conversion! Ha!!!"

In Kaito's stunned eyes, Kaito Amagi suddenly shouted loudly, and then Kaito Amagi's clothes quickly changed from black to white, and a blue-green pattern appeared on his left eye. Of course, the half-moon blade-shaped duel disk was also unfolded.

"Oh, it's easy to tell them apart now. White Kaito is our Kaito, while Black Kaito is the Kaito who has companions and a world to save."

In the audience, Yuma nodded with satisfaction, and naturally gave the two Kaito convenient nicknames, White Kaito and Black Kaito.

Aside, Ryoga couldn't help but twitch his mouth. It's because White Kaito is on the ring now, otherwise he would definitely cause trouble for you. Wait, why am I also using the nickname White Kaito?

"Huh? There is such a move!"

"Heh, it's just a habit, it doesn't matter! Now, let me hunt! Together with your soul!!"

Kuro Kaito's eyes turned cold: "Hunting? What a disgusting word! Before I complete revenge and salvation, I will never let anyone hunt!"


"Duel!!!" X2

"First attack belongs to me! I activate the magic card, Fusion! Fusion summon the two photon lizards in my hand! Appear! Photon two-headed lizard!"

"This development again?!"

Yuto in the audience couldn't help but change his face, but considering that this is not the relevant rules of high-speed duel and skills cannot be used, he temporarily rested.

And Kuro Kaito's eyes became more and more unfriendly. Another self in the parallel world actually used fusion!

Chapter 222 Galaxy Eyes Civil War, Photon VS Light Wave! (Three-in-one)

Of course, Shiro Kaito also noticed the look in Black Kaito's eyes, but he didn't care. After all, Black Kaito and Yuto both came to this XYZ dimension, so it was normal for them to reject the fusion.

"The special effect of the Double-Headed Photon Lizard can release and activate this face-up card on the field, and special summon the fusion material monster in my graveyard that is used for the Fusion Summoning of this card to my field! I Activate this effect to free the two-headed photon lizards and summon the two photon lizards in the graveyard in defense position. Come on, photon lizards!"

"Are you using this method to gather XYZ materials?"

Black Kaito's eyes softened slightly. Although he had seen Sakaki Yuya and others using fusion, it was still difficult for him to accept that he used fusion in the parallel world. Now if he just collects XYZ materials, he can barely accept it.

"It's not over yet! The photon lizard's special summon can only be activated by liberating this card. Add a photon monster below level 4 from the deck to your hand! I liberate a photon lizard on the field, and add a photon monster with level 4 or below from the deck. Add Photon Destroyer to your hand!"

In the auditorium, Yu Dou couldn't help but be stunned. This time it was level four? Are you not going to use the No. monster as a shield? I was originally thinking whether Black Kaito would directly use the effect of Galaxy Eye to defeat White Kaito's No. 1 monster.

"Then, the special effect of Photon Destroyer. This card cannot be normally summoned. If there is a Photon Monster or Galaxy Monster on my field, it can be Special Summoned. Moreover, I can only Special Summon Photon Destroyer once per turn! Now, I have a Photon Lizard on the field, so I special summon Photon Destroyer in attack position! Then, another effect of Photon Destroyer can only be activated when this card is successfully special summoned, and I remove a Galaxy Eye from the deck. Dragon is added to the hand! Come on, Galaxy-Eyed Photon Dragon!”

Shiro Kaito quickly picked up the Galaxy-Eyed Photon Dragon that popped up from the deck. Upon hearing this, Yuma and Astral in the audience also showed clear expressions. This Photon Destroyer should be Shiro Kaito's. This is one of the enhanced cards obtained at once. After all, Shiro Kaito originally didn't have any cards that could retrieve the Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon in this way.

"Then, I liberate another Photon Lizard on the field, and add the Level 4 Photon Charger from the deck to my hand! I usually summon the Photon Charger, and stack the Level 4 Photon Charger and Photon Destroyer. Let’s build a stacked network with two monsters! Come on, Glow Dragon Photon Explosion Dragon!”


As Bai Kaito shouted, the two monsters quickly turned into a stream of golden light, causing the blue light dragon in white armor to appear, spread its wings of light, and roar.

"The special effect of Glow Dragon Photon Explosion Dragon can only be activated when the XYZ summon of this card is successful. Special summon a photon monster from my hand! The one I want to special summon is of course this monster! Shine and Darkness The one in the middle, become the light of hope and come here! Galaxy-eyed photon dragon!


With the roar of the Glow Dragon Photon Explosion Dragon, the iconic emblem of the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon also appeared in Bai Kaito's hand. Bai Kaito shouted and threw it out. It began to rotate in the air and gathered light, condensing into The Galaxy-Eyed Photon Dragon, with the Milky Way shining in its eyes, also began to roar.

"Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon, is this your trump card?"

Black Kaito's expression was a little subtle, and he was surprised. He didn't expect that White Kaito's ace Galaxy Eye was not an XYZ monster, and he didn't expect that White Kaito would actually make such a throwing action when summoning Galaxy Eye.

"Oh, magic card, superior draw card! You can activate it by liberating a level 8 or above monster on my field, and draw two cards from the deck! I liberate a level 8 Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon on my field, and draw a card! "

"What?! The ace that I finally summoned is actually released like this?!"

Black Kaito was stunned. He really didn't expect this move.

"Heh, you'll know the reason right away. I cover two cards and the round ends!"

[White Kaito: Hand: 5 cards → 2 cards → 3 cards → 2 cards → 3 cards → 2 cards → 3 cards → 1 card → 3 cards → 1 card, cover card: 2 cards, health value: 4000]

"Are you going to show off? Then, for my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, I activate the special effect of Glow Dragon Photon Explosion Dragon! Once during the opponent's turn, remove an The target can be activated, and that monster is specially summoned! I remove an XYZ material, activate this effect, and come again, Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!"

"It turns out that there is such an effect. No wonder you took the initiative to send the Galaxy-Eye Photon Dragon to the cemetery. However, no matter what, my victory will not be shaken! The special effect of the light wave double jaw machine, the opponent has several weapons on the field. If there are monsters specially summoned from the Extra Deck and there are no monsters on my field, this card can be Special Summoned from my hand! The Glow Dragon Photon Explosion Dragon on your field is the monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck. Therefore, I special summon the Light Wave Jaw Machine in attack position!"

In an instant, a blue light dragon wearing purple armor descended on the field. However, although it was an armored light dragon like the Glow Dragon and the Photon Explosion Dragon, the Light Wave Jaw Machine was not a dragon-type monster, but a mechanical-type monster. .

Seeing this, Bai Kaito couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Wasn't it a photon, but a light wave?

"Next, the special effect of Lightwave Flying Machine (original version) can only be activated when a Lightwave monster is Special Summoned, so I Special Summon this card from my hand! Lightwave Flying Machine is undoubtedly a Lightwave monster, so I Special Summon Lightwave Flying Machine in Defense Position! Then, Lightwave Flying Machine's other effect can only be activated once per turn by targeting a Lightwave monster on my field, and that monster's Level becomes 8! I activate this effect targeting Lightwave Flying Machine, and Lightwave Flying Machine goes from Level 4 to Level 8!"

"Change the level? But Lightwave Flying Machine should be a Level 6 monster, right?"

"Then So what! Another effect of Lightwave Twinjaw (original version), when this card is used as material for XYZ Summon of Lightwave XYZ Monster, it can be used as two materials! I stacked Lightwave Twinjaw as two monsters! Galaxy shining in the dark, host the ghost of revenge, and become my servant! XYZ Summon! Descend, level eight! Galaxy-Eyes Lightwave Dragon!!! "

"Roar!!! "

In the roar of Black Kaito, the light dragon with the same shining galaxy in his eyes, which is very similar to Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but with more spacious light wings behind it, descended and roared angrily.

"This summoning word? !"

"It seems that Kaito has experienced a lot since we left the XYZ dimension."

Yuto and Kurosaki Hayabusa were both stunned, looking at Black Kaito with some guilt. If these two main forces had not left the XYZ dimension, Black Kaito would not have become so angry.

"Oh, after Kaito Amagi from the ZEXAL world summoned Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Kaito from the XYZ dimension followed suit and summoned Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon. Which of these two similar Galaxy-Eyes monsters, Photon Dragon and Light Wave Dragon, is better?"

The host with the airplane head, who was ignored by the two Kaitos before he even had time to announce the start of the duel, finally found an opportunity to speak.

"Hmph! They correspond to each other, but they are not completely similar?"

"That's right! Your Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is just an effect monster, while my Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon is an XYZ monster! This is a very obvious difference!"

"Then, let me see the power of Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon!"

"As you wish, but after seeing the power of Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon, can you still maintain such confidence! Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon's special effect, once per turn, remove one XYZ material from this card, and can only be activated by targeting a monster on the opponent's field, invalidating that monster and taking control of that monster!"

"It turns out to be such an effect! However, explaining the effect in advance, it seems that you don't intend to pour your anger on me!"

"Ah, I don't have that plan, and there is no need for that! After all, you who have not experienced all that is the existence I want to become!"

"Is that so? Then I really disappoint you, and I have a lot of trouble on my side! But now, let me return the favor first!"


"Radiant Dragon The last effect of Photon Blaster, as long as this card summoned by XYZ exists in the Monster Zone, monsters with 2000 or more ATK on my field will not be targeted by the opponent's effects, nor will they be destroyed by the opponent's effects! So, if you plan to use Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon to take away my Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, then I can only say sorry! "

"I see, but the attack power of Luminous Dragon Photon Blaster is only 1800, so the effect of Luminous Dragon Photon Blaster cannot be applied to itself! Come on, I will activate the effect of Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon, remove the XYZ material, negate the effect of Luminous Dragon Photon Blaster, and take control of Luminous Dragon Photon Blaster! Light Wave Projection! ! "

Instantly, the golden light ball surrounding Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon merged into the body of Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon, and Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon's light wings released colorful light towards Luminous Dragon Photon Blaster, making Luminous Dragon Photon Blaster turned into light and moved to Black Kaito's field, transforming into another somewhat illusory Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon.

"What?! Shining Dragon Photon Blaster has turned into Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon?"

"The monster whose control is seized by Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon is used as Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon by its card name, and its attack power becomes the same as Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon!"

"In other words, two Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragons with 3000 attack power?"

"Not over yet! I activate the Continuous Magic Card, Light Interference! As long as this card exists on the field, if I have two or more Light monsters with the same name on the field, once per turn, double the attack power of one of the monsters during the battle! That's it! Entering the Battle Phase, I use Shining Dragon that has transformed into Galaxy-Eyes Light Dragon Photon Burst Dragon attacks your Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, and at the same time, the Light Interference effect takes effect, doubling its attack power to 6000! Take it, Light Jet of Annihilation!! "

"Don't underestimate me! At this moment, I activate the Face Card, Continuous Trap Card, Photon Transformation!"

"What? !"

In the astonishment of Black Kaito, a Continuous Trap Card, Photon Transformation, which is obviously based on White Kaito as the No. Hunter, suddenly appeared on the field of White Kaito.

In the audience, Yuma couldn't help but complain: "That picture is obviously Kaito! I bet that card is definitely the enhanced card that Kaito got from the enhanced card pack!"

Kotori couldn't help but roll his eyes at Yuma. You don't even need to say this. No one will bet with you on this matter.

"Photon Transformation, once per turn, this card can send a Photon Monster or Galaxy Monster on my field to the Graveyard, and choose one of the two effects to activate! And if the monster sent to the Graveyard is Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, you can choose to activate both effects! The first effect, special summon a Photon Monster with a different original card name from the monster sent to the Graveyard from the deck! The second effect, add a Photon card other than Photon Transformation from the deck to your hand! I send Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to the Graveyard, special summon Photon Ghost (original card) from the deck in Defense Position, and add Photon Sublime from the deck to your hand!"

"Using this method to escape the attack of Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon? How naive! Smash Photon Ghost, annihilation wave spray!!"

As Black Kaito roared, the shining light stream also completely engulfed Photon Ghost.

"Next, it's Galaxy-Eyes Light Wave Dragon's direct attack!"

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