"I will cut off the possibility of the basic dimension invading the fusion dimension in reverse, and if the synchro dimension has the idea of ​​reverse invasion, I will also stop it. As for the people in the XYZ dimension, if they do not intend to attack innocent people, but only want to take revenge on the people in the academy, then I will not stop them."

"Even if the chain of hatred may trigger a new war?"

"If that happens, I will stop everything. This is my responsibility as the son of Akama Zero King!"

"Oh? Aren't you worried that the basic dimension will be involved in the war?"

"No, when I say stop everything, I am not saying it as a resident of the basic dimension, but as the son of Akama Zero King! Fusion The invasion of the XYZ dimension by the Fusion Dimension was caused by Red Horse Zero King, and the chaos in the Fusion Dimension was caused by me. No matter the people of the XYZ dimension or the Fusion Dimension, they all have reasons to hate me! In this case, let me be the target. Just as I will not stop the people of the XYZ dimension from taking revenge on the people of the Academy, I will not refuse the revenge of the people of the XYZ dimension and the Fusion Dimension against me. I will go to those two dimensions alone and accept their challenge! As long as you don't defeat me, don't even think about starting a war! "

Zero'er answered very firmly. It is natural to take revenge for friends and family, so he will not stop revenge, but he will never allow a new war to start!

Hearing this, the audience also showed admiration for Zero'er. Even though many of them did not agree with Zero'er's approach, they had to admire Zero'er's responsibility.

"Well, it's a good answer. I'm quite satisfied with it, so I'll take note of it for now. "

"Hmm? Taken note of it?"

Zero'er was stunned.

"Don't be confused, didn't I say I'm a fun person? So, if you answer me well, you'll get a reward. But it's not good to send it out directly. So, just write it down and add it to the next time you get a reward. Of course, this doesn't mean you'll get two rewards next time, but the quality will be improved."

"I see. Thank you very much."

Zero thanked him again. He didn't expect that one answer could improve the reward. The character of a fun person is really unpredictable.

Xingyuan waved his hand and looked at IV.

"Then, it's IV classmate. You don't have a reward or a punishment. Do you have anything else to say? If not, I'll send you back to your original world."

"Huh, there is indeed one thing that needs to be explained. Please give me some more time, Mr. Xingyuan."

"No problem, go ahead."

"......Ryoga! Please! This is my lifelong request!"

In the audience, everyone looked at Ryoga in the ZEXAL area.

Lingya raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Okay, I will use this invitation opportunity on you, but you owe me a favor, okay?"

IV breathed a sigh of relief and nodded solemnly.

"Of course, but it's not one favor, but two."

"Hehe, whatever you want."

"...Huh, that's it, Mr. Xingyuan, I have nothing else to do, thank you for your help."

"It's not a big deal, but I'll give you a friendly reminder, become stronger, IV."

"I understand."

Nodding again, IV also disappeared in the golden magic circle.

"Shark, do you really want to use the invitation quota on IV?"

In the audience seats, ZEXAL area, Yuma asked hesitantly.

Lingya laughed: "Of course, why wouldn't I want a favor for free?"


"Have you forgotten? According to the information obtained by Kaito, you defeated Yuzu and persuaded her, and IV's goal was just to make Yuzu return to her original appearance. In other words, whether he joins the arena or not, Yuzu will be changed back to her original appearance by you. After all, if you can do it under the original destiny, then you can definitely do the same thing now. In this case, why shouldn't I accept this favor that I have sent to my door?"

"Ah this..."

Yuma showed a strange expression, and didn't know what to say.

Risuo shook his head: "You are really cunning, Lingya."

Ringya's face darkened: "Who do you think I am avenging, Sister Shark?"

"I told you not to call me that!"

Yuma's mouth twitched, and he looked away calmly. After all, he was the one who called out the nickname Sister Shark, so it's better not to care too much, otherwise, the war might burn him.

"What do you think? Don't you think there's anything wrong with Akama Reiji's idea?"

At this time, Kaito suddenly asked.

Yuma was stunned and smiled helplessly.

"Ah, of course I think there is something wrong with his idea. Whether it is revenge with a duel or simple revenge, it will never bring happiness to anyone. However, preventing others from taking revenge is also called It's not correct. If the people of the XYZ dimension are really harmed by the fusion dimension, forcing Chima to prevent the people of the XYZ dimension from taking revenge will only make Chima the enemy of the XYZ dimension. Not being a utopian, it is naturally impossible to force Chima to do such a thing, even if Chima himself has already planned to become the target of the fusion dimension and XYZ dimension. "

Hearing this, Xiaoniao couldn't help but look in astonishment.

"Why, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Sensing the little bird's gaze, Yuma felt uncomfortable all over.

The bird pondered: "I'm just surprised that you still use the word utopian."

Yuma couldn't help but a tic-tac-toe appeared on his forehead: "What do you mean by that! Is it weird that I use the word utopian? You think I'm an idiot!"

Xiaotiao pretended to be surprised: "Isn't Yuma an idiot?"


"Ah!! Idiot, don't pounce on me!!"

Looking at the quarrel between Yuma and Kotori, Kaito stopped talking. Sure enough, Yuma is still the same Yuma, but when it comes to matters related to revenge, Yuma can't change anything, right? Akama Reiji The choice to prevent war rather than revenge may be the most appropriate answer.


On the side, Asrral's eyes were still on Yuma. Kaito didn't see it, but he sensed it. Yuma, who was having a fuss with the bird, was determined in his heart. Just because he couldn't stop revenge didn't mean he couldn't. Eliminating the causes of hatred, at least, in this place, it is possible to do that kind of thing, so Yuma decided to practice his beliefs, even if Yuma did not know the victims of the XYZ dimension, even if those XYZ The victims of the dimension did not know Yuma, and Yuma also planned to use the rewards he received later on those people.

It's not the Holy Mother or anything, but because this is Yuma's belief, this is the path Yuma believes in.

This is what is called not being a utopian.

Thinking of this, Astral looked at Yuya next door. Unlike Yuma, facing the returning Akama Reiji, Yuya, who also disagreed with Akama Reiji's choice, wanted to say something but hesitated. Unable to speak.

It's not that Yuya is unwilling to use the rewards on the victims of the XYZ dimension, but Yuya has never thought of that aspect at all. The rewards of the arena competition can only be used on individuals. If you want to save all the victims of the XYZ dimension, just You must win the Special Cup Competition and use the rewards of the Special Cup Competition winner. However, in this arena with all kinds of powerful duelists, the probability of winning the Special Cup Competition is too small. Well, at least that was the case for Yuya, who had already lost to Overlord Judai once, so Yuya didn't think about that aspect, but was struggling with how to persuade Reiji.

Astral came to the conclusion that this may be the reason why Sakaki Yuya is not a qualified entertainment duelist. Sakaki Yuya does not lack the idea of ​​protecting his companions. Sakaki Yuya also has the idea of ​​making everyone laugh. He does have it, but Yuya Sakaki just wants to make people laugh and doesn't know what to do to make people laugh. He obviously hasn't received the right guidance.

While Astral was brainstorming, the next duelist to step into the ring had already been decided.

"Hey? Wait, Wan Zhangmu, are you going to give me the opportunity to appear? Is this really good? I have already received a reward, but you have not received any rewards yet."

"What a shame! If I ask you to do it, just do it quickly!"

Banjomu pushed Judai out with an impatient look.

Seeing this, Judai could only walk towards the ring in three steps.

Caesar asked calmly: "You should have repaid a lot of the kindness Judai brought you into the arena again in your original world, right?"

"Hey, how can that little thing be enough! That idiot needs strength now! Moreover, the three series of XYZ, Disruption and Arms are enough for me to digest for the time being. I don't need new strength for the time being!"


Chapter 229 Red appears crookedly, hero VS Yin Xiong (three-in-one)

"Oh, what a surprise. After Akama Reiji, Yujo Judai from the GX world came on stage. Unexpectedly, he also chose to compete on his own. Starting from Amagi Kaito, this has been a continuous This is the third duelist to choose the self-competition! The self-competition is really popular!”

On the arena, Judai looked at the golden magic circle opposite him silently. Is he popular in the arena? Not necessarily, even he was a little worried about the situation like Yuma met Yu Hatanaka. However, if he wants to meet the Overlord, he has a greater chance of success if he challenges himself in the arena, right?

In Judai's thoughts, a figure also appeared in the golden magic circle, but to Judai's disappointment, the figure that appeared was not the Overlord, but a figure exactly like him.

"Is it really not that easy to meet the Overlord? Forget it, being able to duel with yourself in the parallel world is a very good experience. Come on, let's have a wonderful duel."

Judai adjusted his mentality and smiled again.

On the other side, a completely different voice sounded, which scared him.

"Duel Arena? When did Duel Link have such an area? Did I trigger some hidden activity? Brothers, have you seen this activity?"

In another world, a certain minotaur who was broadcasting DL asked in confusion.

A row of question marks immediately floated in the live broadcast room. Duelist Arena, when did DL have such an activity?

"What is this?"

Judai looked at the airplane head commentator in confusion, and after finding that the airplane head commentator was also confused, he immediately looked at Xingyuan again.

"Ahem, don't worry, Judai-san, that's not you in the parallel world, it's just that a duelist used your appearance as the image of a virtual character. This time, it was his character that was pulled in, so he is still controlling this character with electronic devices in another world. As for what he said just now, he was just broadcasting live."

"Using my appearance as the image of a virtual character? This is really unexpected, but shouldn't virtual characters be like Playmaker and Revolver? Why is this one different?"

Looking at the VRAINS area in the audience, and then looking at the virtual character opposite that looks exactly like himself, Judai is still a little confused.

"Well, the technological development level of different worlds is also different. At least the technological level of the world where this duelist lives is not as good as that of the VRAINS world, so he can't let his will be pulled along with the character like Revolver and the others. But you don't have to worry about the other party. If the other party wins, I will naturally pull the other party's body over to ask what reward the other party needs. Now, you should concentrate on the duel."

"I want to concentrate on the duel, but the other party doesn't seem to start the duel immediately."

Judai looked at the other side with a bit of a smile.

"Wow, Yugi, Yusei, Yuma, Yuya, Yusaku, all the audience are familiar faces, plus Judai as the opponent, this is the six generations of Duel Kings gathered together! It seems that the hidden event I triggered is not simple, could it be the hidden main plot of DL? But why is there Judai on the field, and another Judai in the audience? And there are actually two Manjome in the audience?"

In front of the computer, a certain minotaur looked at the audience on the screen and sighed, and there were more question marks in the live broadcast room. What kind of hidden event is this?

"Six generations of Duel King..."

It's okay for the few who have already confirmed their identities, but the companions beside the other few can't help but look at the seafood. This guy is also one of the Duel Kings?

Xingyuan also showed a helpless expression: "Okay, don't worry about what he says, open the duel disk, and he will naturally start the duel. But before starting the duel, you need to enter a special space, because the rules of the duel environment where his character is located are close to the rules of high-speed duel, so you also need to adjust the deck and choose skills."

Judai nodded to show that he understood, and then walked into the portal decisively. Of course, in a blink of an eye, he walked out again and opened the duel disk to a certain minotaur.

"Oh? Is there a time limit? Then let's start, brothers, let's let Judai taste the elemental Yinxiong deck!"

With these words, Judai's virtual character on the other side also opened the duel disk.

"Elemental hero? It turns out that the common point is not just appearance? There is also the same deck... Wait, did I hear it wrong? Elemental Yinxiong?"

After sighing, Judai suddenly found something wrong and looked at the opposite side in a daze.

"Ahem, don't worry about it. We'll know in the duel. Host!"

"Oh! Got it! Then, let's start the third round of the self-contest, with Judai Yuki vs. RedY! The duel begins!!!"

"Sure enough, even in a hidden event, the host is still this airplane head. Is he the exclusive host of Yu-Gi-Oh?"

After the duel began, RedY, who was assigned to attack first, did not start to act immediately, but sighed again.

"You actually called me airplane head?!"

The host of airplane head, who didn't know that he didn't even have a name in most worlds, suddenly widened his eyes.

"Well, don't worry so much."

At this time, it was Judai's turn to comfort the host of airplane head.

"Then, let's go too! I'll attack first, right? Then I'll cover one card, cover two cards, cover three cards, cover four cards, and the turn ends!"

[RedY: Hand: 4 cards → 0 cards Covered cards: 3 cards Life points: 4000]

Looking at the four covered cards on the opposite side, Judai was dumbfounded again.

"Is this an elemental hero?"

In the audience seats, in the GX area, Caesar's face was a little solemn: "It seems that Judai heard it right, it's not an elemental hero, but the so-called elemental Yin Xiong, right?"

Next door, in the parallel GX area, Yuki Judai shuddered: "I don't know why, I suddenly have a bad feeling."

"Bad feeling?"

Many Zhang eyes frowned slightly, what on earth is going on?

"Well, it seems that this time we should be able to see a deck that we have never seen before. So, I'm welcome to do it! For my turn, draw cards!"

"Damn it, there are new lines? When did K Club become so conscientious?"

Judai couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. The feeling of being treated as a game character by others is really wonderful. However, judging from the other party's reaction, the communication between the two parties must have been partially blocked by Xingyuan. They are here to prevent everyone from free After obtaining too much information, the other party should be thinking about the other party's safety, right?

"Come on, I summon the elemental hero Flame Man in attack position!"

At the beginning of the game, Judai took out the new card he obtained last time and let a flaming hero appear in front of him.

"The special effect of the Flame Man can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned. Add a fusion card from the deck to the hand! I activate this effect and add the fusion card to the hand! Then, I activate the magic card to fuse , fuse the elemental hero Wingman and the elemental hero Hot Girl! My favorite card, the elemental hero Flame Wingman!

"It's the Flame Winged Man in the beginning? That's too painful. I can't let you attack. I'll activate Gaika!"


"Trap card, bottomless pit! It can only be activated when the opponent's summon, reverse summon, or special summon of monsters is successful. Those monsters will change to face-down defense position. Furthermore, monsters that are changed to face-down defense position due to this effect cannot be turned into face-down defense position. Representation changed!”

So, under the eyes of Judai with a toothache, the Flame Winged Man just appeared on the scene, and before he showed any heroic appearance, he lost his ability to fly and fell into a pothole, and was forced to change into a defensive position from the inside.

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