However, after being happy, Judai found another problem.

Although he got the hero series of linked monsters, his duel disk did not match. It was okay in the arena. The power of the arena would help their duel disk match various situations according to different rules, but after leaving the arena, there would be no such good thing. Whether it was the lack of extra areas on the duel disk or the restrictions of the rules, he would have no chance to summon the special hero Hell Crack Demon.

Although it was a bit of a headache, Judai finally smiled and put the card away. It was just an extra compensation and a gamble he chose. It was good to be able to use it in the arena. What's more, the opponents he met in the arena were basically stronger than those he met in reality.

"Okay, the preparations are complete. Next, please ask Mr. Xingyuan to pull O'Brien in."

"Okay, then it's as you wish."

As soon as the voice fell, the golden magic circle appeared in front of Judai again and began to operate, allowing a strong figure to appear in front of Judai.

"Huh?! What is this place?! Where is Overlord City?! Judai?!"

After arriving at the arena, O'Brien immediately showed a look of doubt, and then looked at Judai in front of him with wide eyes. It was obvious that as a temporary member, O'Brien did not get the knowledge instilled in the arena like other members pulled from the arena.

Judai smiled and stretched out his right hand: "Hello, O'Brien, I am Yuki Judai, um, Yuki Judai from another world."

"Yuki Judai from another world?!"

O'Brien's expression became more and more surprised, and Judai directly pulled O'Brien to the audience. Although O'Brien was only a temporary member, O'Brien would not leave here as long as he did not complete the arena challenge, so of course he would not let O'Brien start challenging the arena immediately. Whether it was to increase O'Brien's chances of winning or to get information from O'Brien, he would let O'Brien stay until the end before challenging.

After confirming that O'Brien had no intention of dueling immediately, the duelist who had already been confirmed to appear also began to act. Well, it was Yusaku in the VRAINS area.

So far, there are still 1.5 spots left in the DM area. Yugi and Jonouchi have not appeared yet, so the two are still discussing who will go on stage. Well, it's not that they are competing for the spot, but the two are being humble to each other.

In the GX area, there is only one spot for the challenge match, and Judai has just appeared. As an extra person, O'Brien does not plan to go on stage now.

In the parallel GX area, there is also only one spot. Obviously, Manjome has made it, but he has no intention of going on stage immediately. Instead, he looks at O'Brien who is communicating with Manjome and others next door with curiosity.

In the 5DS area, because of Jack's victory, they naturally have two spots, but the remaining number of people is Yusei, Qiu and Kuro. Kuro, who has not appeared yet, will naturally go on stage. Qiu and Yusei are also being humble to each other, but facing Qiu's firm attitude, Yusei should find it difficult to say no.

In the ZEXAL area, there are a total of two spots. Yuma and Kaito have already appeared, so now they are just watching the show.

In the ARC-V area, Yuya is also the winner, so they also have two appearances. Reiji, who did not appear in the last round, has just appeared. Next, they plan to let Kurosaki Hayabusa, who has not appeared yet, appear. However, since Reiji challenged the self-stage, Kurosaki Hayabusa can only challenge the boss stage next.

The last VRAINS area also has 1.5 appearances. It has been decided before that Yusaku will appear, and Yusaku has now taken action. As the only one of the six generations of duel kings who has not appeared, and as the undefeated duelist mentioned by Xingyuan, Yusaku naturally attracted everyone's attention as soon as he made a move.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Yusaku walked towards the self-stage with a calm face.

"After seeing RedY's deck, he still plans to choose the self-stage? Isn't he worried about meeting a similar opponent? He is really brave!"

In the ZEXAL area, Yuma couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Niao poked Yuma carefully: "Hey, Yuma, RedY and Yu Hatakenaka, if you have to choose, who do you want to fight more?"

Yuma's face froze. If possible, he didn't want to meet either of these two opponents!

Chapter 233 Cat Brother is here, Burrito Cat VS Yusaku \u0026 Ai

In the duel of the self-arena, ignoring the chatter of the audience and the commentary of the host with the airplane head, Yusaku quietly looked at the golden magic circle on the opposite side and prepared for the duel.

"Playmaker, do you think our opponent will be us in the parallel world?"

Ai carefully found a topic. Because of the previous confession video, the relationship between the two of them has become very awkward, and even talking has become a problem.

"Shut up, just watch honestly."


As Ai answered helplessly, a strange figure appeared in the golden magic circle. Yes, it was not them in the parallel world as Ai guessed, but a man he didn't know at all.

"Dueler Arena? OK~! It seems that I am also a lucky person. Very good. It is rare to have such luck. I must take a reward back. Let me see who my opponent is... Hmm?! Playmaker?! The ruthless tights card player?!"

The strange man looked at Yusaku opposite him in astonishment.

Seeing this, Ai also threw away his previous thoughts. He was originally wondering if it would be the same as the voice of Rei and IV before, but now it is obviously not.

"Yes, your opponent is me, Playmaker!"

"Uh, introduce yourself? Although it is a bit stressful to have you as an opponent, it is also an honor to be able to duel with you! My name is Burrito Cat, please give me your advice!"

The strange man, no, the man who called himself Burrito Cat, looked at Yusaku and Ai, and then looked at the audience around him, showing an excited expression.

Ai immediately looked puzzled: "Burrito Cat, this name sounds like it should also be the ID name of a virtual character, right? Could it be the same as the previous one? Hey, Burrito Cat, do you know RedY?"

"What? Niu Bao has been here before?"

Burrito Cat was shocked. You know, when he was pulled here, he almost thought he was the son of luck. He didn't expect Niu Bao to be here before him.

"No, no, it's not Niu Bao, it's RedY."

Ai, who didn't know what nicknames Red Wai had, corrected him seriously.

Burrito Cat explained with a smile: "But Niu Bao is also one of RedY's nicknames."

"Huh? Is that so?"

"That's it."

Yusaku looked at the man and AI with a subtle look. He didn't expect that the man and AI seemed to get along well and chatted happily.

"Ahem, Burrito Cat, Ai, that's enough of the chat. The duel should begin. Burrito Cat, please choose the rules for this duel, and then go to the special space to get the duel disk and deck!"

The Airplane Head commentator reminded helplessly.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, as for the rules, let's just follow the rules of the Master Duel."

"Master Duel? Got it."

Yusaku nodded, walked directly into the special space to read the rules and adjust the deck.

Seeing this, Burrito Cat immediately walked into the space portal beside him.

Soon, the two sides returned to the duel field again. It seemed that because the opponent was Yusaku, Burrito Cat also specially selected the corresponding deck and duel disk.

Seeing this, Xingyuan also showed a sympathetic expression. Choosing the corresponding deck is nothing, but choosing the corresponding duel disk is very problematic. After all, the duel disks in the VRAINS world are duel disks that can only be used in the VR space. Even Yusaku's duel disk only replaces the virtual cards with real cards, and there is still not much difference in function.

Therefore, if the burrito cat takes this duel disk back as a prize for participating in the competition, he will not be able to use it at all, just like Yu Hatakenaka before, or even worse. After all, the duel disk in the ZEXAL world lacks the D-viewing mirror and can only see the physical monsters. It can still be used, and can even be used as a tablet. The duel disk in the VRAINS world is really nothing without the AR space.

"Then, now let's start the fourth round of the self-contest, with the burrito cat player against the playmaker player, Duel——"

"Hey, don't ignore me! I'm here too!"

Ai shouted indignantly.

"......The burrito cat player vs. the combination of the playmaker player and the Ai player, Duel Strat!!!"

The airplane head host rolled his eyes, but still added it to the declaration as Ai requested, and Ai nodded with satisfaction.

"Duel!!!" X2

However, at this time, Yusaku simply ignored Ai's declaration of the duel, and the burrito cat could only follow up.

"Ah!!! You two, you didn't even wait for me!"

"Shut up! Watch honestly!"


The burrito cat looked at the man and Ai on the opposite side with a strange expression. Yusaku was still as rude to Ai as always. Even if he came to this place, there was no change in this. However, judging from the audience around, the others should have changed a little, especially the two unlucky guys Judai and Yuto. It seems that the owner of the arena has done a lot of good things.

"OK~ I will attack first! I summon with attack, debug ladybug girl! Ah!!! I have been thinking about doing this for a long time. Sure enough, it is really cool to duel like this! Come on, debug ladybug girl!"

The burrito cat excitedly took out a card from his hand and threw it out. The card immediately materialized, and a monster with a ladybug shape appeared on the field.

"Debug Ladybug Girl, Cyberworld Clan, as expected..."

Yusaku showed a look of understanding. Since it was not his parallel self, and he had nothing in common with him, then it was naturally a similar deck.

The Burrito Cat smiled and rubbed his nose. Although he knew a lot of decks, this was a duel with the tights player after all.

"Hey, since I'm dueling you Playmaker, then it's best to use this set! To adjust Ladybug's special effects, this card name can only be used once per round. It can only be used when this card is summoned or special summoned successfully. Activate and add a level 3 Electronic World monster from the deck to my hand! I add a level 1 Microcode Coder from the deck to my hand!"

With that said, Burrito Cat also took out the card that popped up from the deck and showed it.

"Then, Microcode Coder's special effect, once per turn, uses this card's name to use the Electronic World monster on my field as the link material for the Code Talker monster, and this card in my hand can also be used as the link material! The Debug Ladybug on my field is an Electronic Realm monster, so show up! The summoning condition is two effect monsters! I will microcode the Debug Ladybug on the field and the card in my hand! Members set the link mark! Link call! Code Talker!

Chapter 234: The story of Link Card Group is so long, the eldest sister appears

In Call of the Burrito Cat, all the debugging ladybugs and microcoders immediately turned into two whirlwinds, one golden and one purple, and were set up on the link loop, allowing all code talkers to link to the monster's original form, code talk. The one flew out of it and landed on Burrito Cat's field.

"Another effect of Microcode Coder. This card name can be activated once per turn. This card can only be activated when it is sent to the graveyard from the hand or field as a link material for the Code Talker monster. A computer network is removed from the deck. The magic trap card is added to the hand! I add the continuous magic card Computer Network () from the deck to the hand, and then activate the special effect of the card in the hand, this card name once per turn. , can be activated by targeting a face-up monster on the field. This card is Special Summoned from your hand. The target monster's attack power increases by 1000 points until the end of the turn. However, the turn that is Special Summoned by this effect. The card cannot attack, and I cannot special summon monsters other than the Electronic World monsters from the Extra Deck. I activate this effect on Code Talker, which increases the Attack Power of Code Talker by 1000 points and special summons it in defense position. Use force and strength!"

"Zombie? Have you added this kind of plug-in card? Mr. Playmaker, it seems that his deck is still quite different from our deck!"

"I'm talking about you, you are obviously an AI, but you don't remember anything at all? You should have understood the difference between the opponent's deck and our deck from the previous debugging of Ladybug Girl."

"Ah, after all, debugging Ladybug Girl is not a series of cards."

"It's such an enviable feeling, but I can't just look at it like this, so let me continue the link summoning! Appear again! Guide the circuit of the future! The summoning condition is that there are two or more effect monsters! I will The Zhanjijiawu and the code talker of Link 2 set the link mark! Link summon! Come on, link 3!

“Are code talkers followed by code talkers?”

"Yes, Code Talker is also a member of my pure electronic world clan army! Moreover, at the moment when Code Talker is specially summoned, the encoding and decoding effect of the Sustainable Magic Card Computer Network () is activated, and Code Talker When a monster is Special Summoned from the Extra Deck to my field, I can only activate it by targeting that monster, and a Cyber-Type monster with the same attributes as that monster is added to my hand from the Deck. However, this turn, I will. I can’t use the computer network () codec to add monsters with the same attributes to my hand, and after using this effect, I can’t special summon monsters other than Electronic World monsters from the extra deck!”

Ai couldn't help but complain: "If your deck is really a pure electronic world deck, then the latter restriction will have no effect on you at all!"

"Hey, Code Talker's attribute is the earth attribute. Therefore, I activated the codec effect of Computer Network () with Code Talker as the target, and added the Earth-attributed Electronic Realm monster Codex member from the deck to my hand. . Then, the special effect of Transcode Whisperer can be activated once per turn by targeting an Electronic Realm Link monster with Link 3 or lower in my graveyard, other than Code Whisperer. That monster will be used as Transcode Whisperer. The Whisperer Link area is Special Summoned to me, and after this effect is activated, I cannot Special Summon monsters other than the Electronic World type. I activate this effect, and put the Code Talker, the Electronic World link monster in the graveyard, under the Transcode Whisperer. Monster area special summons."

Ai was suddenly shocked: "Wow! Link 3 and Link 2, are we going to link 5 so soon?"

"No, no, no, it's not that fast yet, but don't forget the coder member I just added to my hand. This card name is also used once per turn. When using the Electronic World monster on the field as a Code Talker monster, In the case of link materials, the code members in my hand can also be used as link materials. Therefore, let’s show up for the third time! The summoning condition is two or more electronic monsters! Code Talker and Code Student members are directly linked! Come out! Code Talker!

Then, the green code talker monster with arms equipped with shield-claw-like weapons also came to the field.

"The special effect of Code Whisperer, this card name is used once per turn. When this card is successfully linked and summoned, only the unused main monster area with the number of monsters in the designated extra monster area can be activated. The designated area is on the face of this monster. It means that it cannot be used while it exists. I activate this effect, specifying the area of ​​your main monster directly above the transcode speaker, and then chain the effect of the remnant code speaker and activate the effect of the computer network () codec again, because the remnant code is activated. The Whisperer is a wind-type monster, so I added the wind-type Electronic Realm monster from the deck to my hand, and finally linked it with the effect of the Codec of Computer Network () to activate the code-born member I just sent to the graveyard. The effect of , this card can only be activated when it is sent from the hand or field to the graveyard as a link material for the Code Talker monster. Send a Cyber-type monster with an attack power of less than 1200 from the deck to the graveyard. I will send it from the deck to the graveyard. The deck will send the electronic monsters with 0 attack power to the graveyard.

In this way, Burrito Cat unilaterally carried out three chains, which made Ai turn purple. When will it be their turn to play Yu-Gi-Oh?

"Then, after the three chain settlements are completed, I activate the special effect of the dot jumper just sent to the graveyard. It can only be used once in a duel. It can only be activated when this card is sent to the graveyard. This card is special Summon, I will special summon the Dot Jumper in defense position. Then, I will show up for the fourth time to guide the future circuit! The summoning condition is two or more monsters! Playmaker, don’t blink, it’s coming!”


Ai couldn't help but be stunned, and Yusaku's eyes moved slightly.

"I will set the link mark on the Transcode Whisperer and the Dot Jumper with link 3 on the field! Circuit Union! Link Summon! Wow! Firewall Dragon!!"

As Burrito Cat shouted, Fire Dragon, who was castrated and returned to prison as the eldest sister, rushed out of the link circuit and spread its wings in the air.

"Ah!! This guy actually has our ace firewall dragon?!"

Ai was immediately shocked.

When Burrito Cat heard this, he showed a strange expression, "What?" Firewall Dragon is your trump card? Shouldn't your trump card be the access code talker? Oh, right, at this time, you probably haven’t visited Code Talker yet, and Brother Firewall Dragon probably hasn’t been jailed yet, which is really interesting.

Chapter 235 The invincible U-shaped lock? The simplest solution (2-in-1)

"Shut up and don't make a fuss. This kind of thing has been expected a long time ago."

"Really, Mr. Playmaker, can't you panic a little!"

"Ahem, let's stop the flirting between the two of you. Now I'm going to start doing bad things!"

"What are you flirting with? Don't talk nonsense! Wait, do something bad? What are you going to do?"

"Hey, at the moment when Firewall Dragon is specially summoned to the field, I activate the special effect of Parallel Transcendence Dragon in my hand. This card name is once per turn. This card exists in my hand and can only be activated when my link summon is successful. This card is Special Summoned on my field in the zone that that link monster is linked to. Therefore, I will Special Summon Parallel Overriding Dragon in the main monster area to the right of Firewall Dragon in defense position. Then, Parallel Overtaking Dragon will have another effect. This card name is also activated once per turn. It can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned. Therefore, I special summon another parallel transcendent dragon in defense position. "

"Huh? The level, attack power and defense values ​​have all dropped?"

"Oh, this, this is the third effect of Parallel Transcendence Dragon. The card specially summoned using the effect of Parallel Transcendence Dragon becomes level four, and its original attack power and defense power are also reduced to half, but this is not the point. Appear for the fifth time and guide the circuit of the future! The summoning condition is that there are two or more effect monsters! I will set the link mark on the remaining code whisperer and the parallel transcendent dragon! Link Summon! Accesscode Talker!


"Code Talker..."

Yusaku and Ai looked at each other. Could this be a new trump card that they haven't obtained yet? A front stock barrel dragon similar to a revolver? But this shouldn’t be considered a bad thing, right? Although it is a bit strange for the opponent to summon the ace card that he has not yet obtained in advance, but it is not a bad thing at all.

"The special effect of Firewall Dragon. This card name can be activated once per turn. It can only be activated when the monster linked to this card is destroyed by battle or sent to the graveyard. Special Summon an Electronic Realm monster from your hand. Then chain Firewall Dragon's effect activates the codec effect of Computer Network (). Since Access Code Talker is a dark attribute monster, I added a dark attribute Electronic World monster from the deck to my hand. Finally, I linked Computer Network (). The effect of Codec activates the effect of Access Code Talker. If this card is Link Summoned successfully, it can only be activated by targeting a Link Monster that is the Link Material of this card. This card's attack power increases by that monster's. The number of link tokens is multiplied by 1000, and I activate this effect with the remainder of Link 3!"

When the Burrito Cat performed a self-chain again, Yusaku and Ai fell into deep thought. When did the effect of Firewall Dragon have a limit of once per turn for this card name? Was the Firewall Dragon version of the other world weakened compared to the Firewall Dragon they had?

"Last come first, settle the chain in reverse order, and increase the attack power of the Access Code Talker to 5300! Then, I added the dark attribute Cyberseries monster Dream Collapse Evalis from the deck to my hand. Finally, through the effect of Firewall Dragon, I Special Summoned Dream Collapse Evalis in Defense Position. Then, the sixth appearance, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning condition is two Cyberseries monsters! I will play the Dream Collapse on the field Ivalice and the remaining Parallel Transcendence Dragon set Link Marks! Link Summon! Code Talker·Flip! "

"Oh! Is it a Light attribute this time! The possibility of Code Talker is really high!"

"Now is not the time to be happy. The special effect of Code Talker·Flip, this card name can be activated once per turn. When this card is successfully Link Summoned, a Cybers monster from hand is Special Summoned to my field linked to this card. Then link the effect of Code Talker·Flip to activate the effect of Cybernet () Codec. Because Code Talker·Flip is a Light attribute monster, I will add a Light attribute Cybers monster from the deck to hand. Finally! Psunlaymaker, Ai, and Collapse, this bad woman who is in the way, is given to you. Take it well, don't thank me! "

"What? !" X2

"Link the effect of Computernet () Codec to activate the Dream Collapse Ivalice's Graveyard effect, this card name once per turn, this card can be activated when it is sent from my field to the Graveyard, and this card is Special Summoned in Defense Position on the opponent's field. Therefore, I Special Summon Dream Collapse Ivalice in Defense Position to the Main Monster Zone in the center of your field. Then, to resolve the other two effects, I add the Light-attributed Cyber-Type monster Cyber-Tool from the deck to my hand, and then Special Summon Cyber-Tool in Defense Position to the Monster Zone to the right of Code Talker Flip Link. "

Seeing that the operation of the burrito cat was finished, Ai also began to check the effect of the collapse girl in confusion: "You are so kind to send us a monster? Let me see the effect of this monster. Well, in addition to the activated Graveyard effect, there are two effects. The first one, When this card is successfully summoned, you can activate this card by targeting a Link Monster in your Graveyard. That monster's ATK becomes 0, its effect is negated, and it is Special Summoned on the field that is to be linked to this card. Second, as long as this card exists in the Monster Zone, the controller of this card cannot Special Summon monsters other than Link Monsters. What? There is nothing wrong with these effects. Why do you say that this monster is a bad woman who is in the way and send it to our field on purpose? "

"Could it be? !"

Yusaku's pupils suddenly shrank, and he thought of a troublesome scene.

"Hehe, Playmaker, maybe it's the Could it be that you think of, but now, let me continue to expand! The seventh appearance, the circuit that guides the future! The summoning condition is two or more Cyberse monsters! I set the Link Marker of Link 2 Code Talker Reversal and Cyberse Tool on the field! Link Summon! Shootingcode Talker! ! ”

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