Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 199 Anchor Hall

Chapter 199

Perhaps because of the alcohol, the reaction of the young man in front of him was half a beat slower than usual.

He froze for a while, blinked his eyes dully, and then his eyes fell on the man who had just made a sound. He seemed a little uncertain, the tail sound rose, and it merged into a vague and chaotic muttering, dripping into the darkness.


The other party did not answer.

In just a few short moments, the shadows that suddenly expanded unknowingly filled the room.

The atmosphere was stagnant, like a fragile string that was about to break.

Wu Zhu stood in the depths of the shadows, his figure was almost completely hidden in the darkness, his skin was as cold and pale as a stone statue, and his iris had an inhumane metallic texture, giving him a creepy sense of alienation.

Even if he presents the same face as a human being, but even just a glance, one can realize that he is some kind of primitive existence that is completely different from human beings.

The complete opposite of him is Wen Jianyan, who is standing under the light and shadow not far away.

His clothes were scattered, his cheeks were wet from the neckline, his cheekbones were red from the residual heat made by alcohol, his posture was slack, the residual fragrance of the wine, warmed by body temperature and hot water, steamed into a warm, hot water vapor, a mass of close to him.


The sight from the darkness fell on him, like some kind of cruel taste

Wen Jianyan knew that he was wrong.

After all, when the dungeon of the Ping An Sanatorium was about to end, it was him and Wu Zhu who made the three chapters of the law, so that the other party could not arbitrarily exert control, forcibly invade, or drag him into a strange environment as before, but to act like a human being. Normal contact - in theory, of course.

After all, humans don't need to communicate with each other through branding.

As a result, it wasn't Wu Zhu who breached the contract first, but Wen Jianyan himself... and he ignored it because he was too indulgent in his play.

This is really detrimental to the "cooperation" they have just started.

The temperature of the lower abdomen is hot, and the lines that penetrate deep into the skin are burning, as if conveying some kind of unpleasant message.

He laughed dryly twice:

"Haha, if you really have something urgent and I don't have time to respond, you can give me a dream..."

Wu Zhu lowered his eyes and looked at the young man not far away.

There was neither joy nor anger on his face, and he could not see any emotional fluctuations, only the dark shadows rolled around him, like silent and invisible waves.

"You did not sleep."

He says.

Wen Jianyan choked: "..."

He recalled it carefully...it seemed to be true.

His itinerary for the past few days is basically a series of transitions, and there is almost no time to rest. In fact, before entering the nightmare, he was very accustomed to this extremely chaotic schedule. Since entering the nightmare , at the beginning of these uncertain times, after the bizarre dungeon, his problem of continuous rotation became even more severe.

As long as he stays awake at all times, his energy will always be plentiful.

Not to mention sleep, not even a nap.

He laughed dryly "haha" and forcibly changed the subject:

"Human vacations are like this..."

Wen Jianyan raised his hand in surrender, blinked obediently, and looked innocent.

"Not in the future, I promise."

Wu Zhu's fingertips on his side moved slightly.

He has seen this human being mocking and sarcastic, tit-for-tat, with a burning fire in his eyes, as if he is about to bite a bite of flesh from the enemy's wound, and he has also seen him pretend to be flattering, with a sweet belly and a sword, with a soft and docile appearance Do camouflage, just to hide their unruly and wild.

But never seen it like this.

Familiar and comfortable, affectionate and courteous.

The eyeballs hidden under the slender eyelashes were rubbed with moist light and shadow, and the sleepiness and laziness seemed to be soaked in the bones, exuding a kind of laziness.

This guy who was always disrespectful and arrogant, but now suddenly approached, like a small animal rubbing his ankles with soft fur.


At that moment, the deeply suppressed, fragmented memories were about to move, screaming silently, and an unknown, unrelievable itch spread out from the chest and abdomen to the fingertips.

"Ah, so...it's actually in my dream now??"

Thinking of the conversation between the two about sleep just now, Wen Jianyan thought of something, touched his chin thoughtfully, and asked.

According to the current power comparison between Wu Zhu and Nightmare, even if the opponent's strength increases, it is still very difficult to intrude into the system space openly and openly, and then it is related to Wu Zhu's ability to invade dreams, and...

He really drank a lot this time, and it was the only time he went back to his room to rest for several days, so it was very likely that he would sleep in the bathroom directly.

While talking, Wen Jianyan turned her head to look at the bathroom behind her, and asked inquiringly, "I just fell asleep?"

Wu Zhu: "Yeah."

He uttered a short monosyllable, confirming Wen Jianyan's guess at the moment.

"In other words, are you really not here?"

The young man shrugged, a small smile on his lips.

"Ah, that's a pity."

"If you come into a nightmare next time, or return to the real world, I can show you how to have fun and experience how human beings enjoy themselves."

He blinked frivolously.

Wen Jianyan has a kind of magic power on him, as if he can easily shorten the distance with anyone, feel at ease and intimacy, let the other party let down his guard, and create an illusion of being valued by him.

"Speak up,"

Wen Jianyan suddenly thought of something, and he blinked:

"Have you not had fun?"

Wu Zhu stared at the daring human being who was testing his bottom line.

"None of them?"

Wen Jianyan leaned over slightly, lifted his eyelids, and looked at Wu Zhu in front of him. The thin, neat lines of his eyes were dizzy in a chaotic red, and there was a slight smile on his lips. meaning.

Wu Zhu raised his eyes suddenly.

The pale fingers hanging in the shadows suddenly retracted, as if they were about to be clenched or rubbed to relieve the sudden fiery itch.

In fact, after being summoned by this human last time, Wu Zhu realized that the memory in that soul fragment might bring some inexplicable and incomprehensible effects.

He didn't like the feeling of being out of control.

Therefore, although the power of the soul fragments has been completely integrated into the body, the memories of those fragments were not assimilated without any grudges like last time, but were discarded and forgotten by the master, and even suppressed to a certain extent. .

But at this moment, some chaotic, bottom-sinking pictures rolled up.

Some kind of restless, chaotic mood churning.

Mixed with an unexpressed hunger, they clashed left and right, clamoring to destroy or loot something.

However, the human who evoked this strange feeling seemed to be unaware of it.

"Okay okay, let's get down to business."

He straightened up as if nothing had happened, and lightly brought up the topic.

"Anyway, what do you need me to do this time?" He bowed gracefully, gentle and submissive, and his attitude was so good that he couldn't pick out a single fault, "I'm happy to serve you."


Wu Zhu left.

Wen Jianyan's eyelids moved, he hesitated, frowned, raised his hand and pressed his forehead.


He raised his eyelids with difficulty, and looked around drowsily.

Sure enough, he was lying on the floor of the bathroom now, the faucet was still clattering on, and the steaming steam filled the entire bathroom, making it difficult for him to breathe.

It seems that he did fall asleep while washing.

Wen Jianyan stood up and turned on the faucet.

The clatter of water stopped.

Wen Jianyan raised her hand and wiped her face, called out her little assistant, and exchanged her points for sobering pills - in the system mall, items cannot be exchanged and used, but these ordinary daily necessities have absolutely no restrictions. Even more efficient than the real world.

After taking the sober medicine and taking a brief shower, Wen Jianyan regained her energy.

He carefully recalled the simple confrontation with Wu Zhu just now.

Great, basically everything is under control.

The deal remains in place, not voided by his previous disregard and default.

And gave him the next task.

As for the other side...

Wen Jianyan raised her eyes and swept towards the void.

This time, he deliberately prolonged the time after Wu Zhu appeared. After all, the intrusion of the other party was a great good thing for him. The more you have to pay attention to his suggestions and cooperation.

This is a silent and invisible tug-of-war, but as long as the nightmare has more ways to control and influence the current witch candle, it will never allow Wen Jianyan to take advantage of the loophole and take a bite of meat from himself.

The stronger the witch candle, the more uncontrollable it is...

Nightmare has fewer options left.

Should be soon.

Wen Jianyan waited patiently.

Before that, he has more things to do.

Wen Jianyan took the phone, glanced at the unread messages, and raised a smile on her lips.

The other side is almost the same, you can close the network.

He changed his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

Outside, Su Cheng and Ji Guan were still resting, their door was tightly closed, and Wen Jianyan, who had not slept for several days, seemed to be unaffected at all, and walked towards the door non-stop, as if she had a useful tool. Endless energy.

Before the goal was achieved, he was as tireless as if he had been wound up.


Soon, Wen Jianyan arrived at the address in the message.

Luce, who had been waiting there for a long time, stood up and greeted warmly, "Ah, you're here, we've been waiting for you for a long time."

With that, he turned around and introduced another person sitting not far away.

The man was tall and sullen.

Luce said: "Introduction, this is..."

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes, laughed, and took the lead:

"Qi Qian, vice president of the Dark Fire Guild, right?"

He stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards the other party, as if he had no awareness of having cheated on the Dark Fire anchor several times before, and deliberately ruining the reputation of the other party's guild.

The white and slender palms were hanging in the air, waiting to shake hands with each other.

"I have long admired the name."

Qi Qian, one of the vice presidents of the Dark Fire Guild, an A+-level anchor.

"No, I am."

The other party smiled and held Wen Jianyan's hand.

His three subordinate anchors, Kong Shixing, Kong Laoliu, and Li Zongze, all had a "one-sided relationship" with him.

To be precise, they have all been scammed, cheated, sold...

There are countless feuds with him.

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