Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 216 Prosperity Building

Chapter 216

"Sha... Shasha..."

A faint sound of electric current came from the pitch-black recorder, and the power supply struggled to flicker twice, then went out.

In the next second, all the radios remaining in the shop fell silent.

The power lights of the radio were all turned off, and they squatted lifelessly in the shadows on the shelf as if they were just ordinary goods.

All the whispers, laughter, and sighs, as if a switch had been flipped, disappeared immediately.

Only the faint smell of corpse still wafts in the shadows.


The last bit of strength that he held up was lost from Wen Jianyan's body. With a blank face, he held the shelf with one hand, and felt the urge to vomit for a while.

However, since most of the body has been turned into a corpse, and the disabled physiological functions are resisting the psychological nausea, Wen Jianyan couldn't spit it out, and could only lean on the shelf with a tangled expression, revealing a distorted expression expression.

The nursery rhyme on the side turned to "look" in the direction of Wen Jianyan

She has used her talent so many times that her eyesight has barely worked, and she can only barely judge where Wen Jianyan is now with her hearing.

"Did you make it?"

she asked cautiously and hopefully.


Wen Jianyan leaned against the shelf in collapse. After these two words blurted out, it brought an unparalleled sense of ease.

"We made it."

He let out a long sigh, relaxed his overly tense spirit, and felt exhausted like never before.

Wen Jianyan lowered her head and checked her body. .

The corpse spots have spread to the chest and neck, only one step away from completely infecting the body and brain, and almost lost the perception of the limbs.

Compared with a living person, his current state is closer to a corpse, and he has almost lost his ability to move.

The good news, though, is that this state is reversible as long as the person is breathing.

In the darkness, under the guidance of Wen Jianyan, Nursery Yao walked over gropingly and put him on his shoulders——

Then he stumbled and nearly fell over.


This little girl who looks thin and weak, why is it so heavy to hold up?

Is it because of your physical strength?

Just when the nursery rhymes were doubting life, the other party's slightly apologetic voice came from the ear: "Sister nursery rhyme, are you alright? Is your physical condition still not recovered, or call others—"

"Need not."

The nursery rhyme shook her head and interrupted Wen Jianyan's words.

Although she couldn't see with her eyes just now, just relying on her hearing, she could know how dangerous what just happened.

And besides the positioning at the beginning, I hardly helped too much.

You must know that the area where she just "looked straight" and her eyes bleed, but the other party had to personally step in, so she lost her ability to move like this.

After the other party has done the most dangerous thing, does he not even have the strength to carry him away?

How does this work!

Tong Yao gritted her teeth, propped up Wen Jianyan's heavy and cold body, and straightened her waist.

"Don't worry, you are very light, I am enough alone."


As an adult male with an actual height of 1.8 meters, Wen Jianyan couldn't help but fall into silence.

No, it's really not your problem that you can't carry me.

There is really no need to speak out of conscience.

The two walked forward along the aisle. The radios on the shelves on both sides had become ordinary living things, and they no longer had the ability to spread the curse. They lay quietly in the dark, like a prop without danger. .


There is one thing Wen Jianyan is very curious about.

From this position, I took the radio again, then, will there be a new radio to be added? Or, will that spot be vacant all the time?

Wen Jianyan thought so, and subconsciously glanced at the location where she had just taken the curse source radio.

His eyes suddenly stopped, and his pupils shrank violently.

Behind that small blank space was the shadow of the counter, and under his helpless gaze, a hand slowly stretched out from the darkness.

The hand was blue-black in color, showing a dull luster like a dead man, and it was covered with corpse spots.

However, the hand was very slender, as if it was a woman's hand.

The scarlet Kodan was painted on the nails, like fresh blood that has not yet solidified, and it looked particularly eerie in the dim light.

Could it be that……

Is this how the store "restocks"?


The hand from the corpse dropped something on the shelf, and then again, slowly and rigidly, disappeared into the shadows.

"Wait, wait a minute." Wen Jianyan hurriedly stopped Tong Yao's actions, "Don't go yet."


Under the guidance of Wen Jianyan, Tong Yao supported him and slowly approached the shelf.

"What's wrong?" asked the blind nursery rhyme, "is there something wrong?"

Wen Jianyan lowered her head, stared at the only blank area on the shelf, and couldn't help but startled slightly.

In the middle of countless radios, there was a small key.

Made of copper, it seems to be a few years old, and it is covered with blackened rust marks. It looks like dried blood, exuding a coldness.

At that moment, a picture flashed in Wen Jianyan's mind.

There is a locked door at the end of the shop.



The oil lamp that was welded to the table also returned to normal, the wick that was burning fiercely shrank a little bit, a faint yellow light shone through the lampshade, the burning sound of "chichi" disappeared, and it became calm again.

There was a sudden silence, as if everything was back to normal.

Several people at the door were stunned involuntarily.

They looked at each other and saw the same surprise in each other's eyes.

Is this... the end?

Did they make it through?

Qi Qian was the first to react: "Quick, block the door to block the light."

Outside the door, the pale, sluggish corpses were like lines in the darkness. Although they had already disposed of those who walked in the front, there might be more corpses approaching.

Now that the crisis is lifted, they no longer need to continue fighting recklessly.

The phone did not ring like on the first floor, that is, the turnover that wanted to leave the second floor and enter the third floor, they were not done, that is, the next customer could arrive at any time.

However, they don't have the energy to deal with it for the time being.

After dealing with this wave of crises, their entire squad continued to have some breathing time to adjust its state, rather than immediately welcoming the next customer.

Under the captain's order, several people moved quickly and quickly sealed the glass door again, blocking it, preventing any light from leaking out of the store.

Outside the door, footsteps could still be faintly heard wandering, but as the radio outside the door stopped calling, the inexplicable attraction disappeared.

The footsteps gradually dissipated.

Several people were relieved for a long time.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the aisle, and I saw Tong Yao and Wen Jianyan walking out of the darkness together.

Both of them looked extremely miserable.

Although Wen Jianyan is not exactly what he looks like now, the erosion on his body will also be shown one-to-one on the appearance. The girl's slender and white arms and calves are now a blue and white, covered with The traces of decay, although the influence of nursery rhyme is much smaller than that of Wen Jianyan, but at this moment, her eyes are closed, and the two scarlet blood tears have dried up on her pale cheeks, which is very shocking.

A few people were all taken aback, hurried forward to meet them, supported the two with all their hands and feet, and carried them into the counter, which was shrouded in bright oil lights.

As the dim light covered his whole body, Wen Jianyan could feel that the coldness on his body was slowly fading, and the blue-black spots on his skin were also disappearing little by little.

Su Cheng nervously stood beside him, staring closely at Wen Jianyan's current situation.

Not far away, Qi Qian and the others took care of the nursery rhymes, and now they are walking towards Wen Jianyan.

Qi Qian: "Are you okay?"

Wen Jianyan moved her arms and legs and nodded:

"Well, it's alright."

The joints have regained flexibility, and the fingers have become conscious. Basically, there are no sequelae.

"Where's the nursery rhyme, how is she?" Wen Jianyan asked.

"She's less cursed than you, and she recovered before you, but her talent is overdrawn. Although her eyesight will not be greatly affected, I'm afraid she won't be able to use her talent for a long time." Xin sighed and said.

Wen Jianyan turned her head to look in the direction of the nursery rhyme.

Her skin also returned to normal, and the blood and tears on her face were wiped away. With the help of restorative props and the care of her teammates, her face didn't look as scary as before, but her eyes were still tightly closed.

"The nursery rhyme just told me what happened," Qi Qian said, "It was hard work just now."

Wen Jianyan: "It's nothing, I'm just doing my best."

On the side, Zhang Yu stood in front of the counter and seemed to be checking the amount of oil in the lamp.

In the dim light, his face looked pale, even worse than before Wen Jianyan left the counter. Although he was still holding on to his actions, everyone could see that he was in a bad state. deterioration.

"Right, one more thing."

Wen Jianyan thought of something, and took out the copper key he had picked up on the shelf from his pocket.

The few people in front of them were startled: "This is..."

"After I took the radio away, it appeared in the blank." Wen Jianyan stared at the rusty old key with a thoughtful look, "I guess it should be able to open the door at the back of the store. Door."

If a simple and rude backup method is adopted, even in the end, the shelf where the source radio is located will also be cleared, preventing the continued escalation of the crisis, but because the entire shelf is emptied, the store's "replenishment" mechanism cannot be triggered, and this key will not be used. Will appear at the location where the radio was taken.

So, obviously, this key is specially prepared for the team that can "break the rules and take away the curse of the source".

It's like... just like proving your qualifications.

Qi Qian turned his head and looked at An Xin, with the same cautious expression on his face.

Obviously, there is an unknown crisis hidden in that door, but there are also additional rewards hidden in it.

As the lamp oil was consumed in large quantities, Zhang Yu's condition gradually deteriorated.

The importance of a spare coin to them is self-evident.

"Let's go, let's try." Qi Qian decided immediately.

This time, Zhang Yu and Tong Yao, who were in poor condition, stayed at the counter, while Qi Qian, An Xin, Wen Jianyan and Su Cheng picked up another spare oil lamp and walked towards the back of the store.

From the previous experience, they knew that the warehouse on the back side was dark, and they could not enter without lighting. However, the lights also awakened a certain existence inside, which brought a great crisis.

Therefore, this time they were extremely cautious about the use of oil lamps.

"Be careful after entering, no matter what you encounter, don't let it get close to you," Qi Qian urged, "Take care of the oil lamp, if something goes wrong, we will retreat immediately, don't be greedy, rather return empty-handed than take your own life adventure."

Several people nodded.

After confirming that all preparations were made, Qi Qian took a deep breath, slowly inserted the copper key in his hand into the lock hole, and then twisted it hard.


After a slight metal collision, the door in front of him slowly slid inward.

A stench with a sweet and strange smell rushed to the face.

Under the cover of the spare oil lamp, several people cautiously walked towards the warehouse.

Unlike imagined, the area here is almost several times that of the downstairs, but it looks extremely empty.

The thick darkness was dispelled by the light of the oil lamp.

The huge room was empty, with only one dressing table quietly placed not far from the door.

"Don't get close yet." Qi Qian said, "See if there is anything else elsewhere."

After a few people carefully probed around, they finally confirmed one point.

In this locked room, there is indeed only this dresser.

Other than that, there's no cargo here, no corpses... nothing.

Now, in front of a few people, there is only one last option left.

They looked at each other vigilantly and cautiously approached the dressing table not far away.

Wen Jianyan looked at the dead object that was so close at hand.

On the wooden dresser, the scarlet paint was mottled and peeled off, as if it had been for some time. In front of it was the same scarlet wooden stool, that dazzling, blood-like color.

Wen Jianyan felt a chill down her spine, almost immediately recalling the red nails smeared on the dead man's hand.

There is a small bronze mirror on the dressing table, the mirror surface is blurred, and the faint light emitted by the oil lamp can be vaguely seen.

Several people were reflected on the mirror.

one two three four……


and many more……

Wen Jianyan's pupils shrank suddenly.


There were only four of them who came in!

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