Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 259 Prosperity Building

Chapter 259

The light of the oil lamp enveloped the counter, and Qi Qian and his party waited anxiously.

The Tangerine Candy team took the red candle, Wen Jianyan took the candlestick, and their team's spare lamp oil was also added to the oil lamp. It can be said that they no longer have any movable light source in their hands.

Even if there were, they would not have many people who could move them.

All Qi Qian and the others can do now is to wait.

In the dark and dead shop, every minute and every second passed extremely long.

Because the sight was blocked, every sound and mutation that occurred not far away tightly affected their nerves.

I don't know how long ago...

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps came from the darkness.


Everyone was shocked, and quickly turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, only to see two people rushing in one after the other, crashing straight into the counter.

It was Wen Jianyan and Acropolis.

The two of them were pale and panting, as if they had experienced something extremely dangerous and terrifying.

A few steps after rushing into the counter, Wen Jianyan, who was running at the front, seemed to have lost his strength and stumbled to the ground.

"Wenwen! Are you alright!"

An Xin was startled, and hurriedly reached out to support him, so that he would not fall straight to the ground like this.

"..." Wen Jianyan propped up her body with the other's hand, and shook her head out of breath, indicating that she was fine.

Under the light of the oil lamp, his face was completely bloodless, as pale as paper, much worse than before he left, as if he had lost half his life.

"Great, you're still alive."

Qi Qian let out a long sigh of relief.

You know, before leaving the counter, Wen Jianyan had already been a sacrifice. Although it seemed that he had regained his mobility, anyone could tell that he was pushing hard. Not only was his face as white as paper, but he even Walking three times, going to the vicinity of the incense burner in this state, as a second sacrifice, it is very likely that he will not survive.

Even if the mission is not completed, it would be extremely difficult to simply come back alive.

not to mention……

Qi Qian raised his head and looked into the shop in front of him.

I don't know since when, the darkness shrouded in front of me began to gradually dissipate, and the outline of the store began to gradually become clear.

The burning rate of the oil lamp gradually stabilized, and the slightly dim light diffused, dispelling the darkness.

It seems that Wen Wen and the others have indeed completed the task.

Su Cheng rested behind the counter for a while, and now he is in a better condition. He climbed up against the wall, helped An Xin help Wen Jianyan with weak legs to sit behind the counter, and thoughtfully put him a bag of energy drinks .

While Wen Jianyan was being helped to rest, the others looked at the Acropolis, which was in better condition, and began to carefully inquire about what just happened.

Acropolis summed up everything that had just happened, from when they found out that the "customer" was not following, to splitting up to reveal the spell, and finally throwing the candle.

Qi Qian frowned: "The orange candy and Zhang Yu..."

Acropolis shook his head, with a worried expression on his face:

"I don't know the captain and they—"

While several people were exchanging information, an irritable voice came from not far away:

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Everyone was startled and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

The brightness in the shop gradually increased, and gradually returned to the normal level.

In the darkness, two figures, one tall and one short, limped towards this direction.

It's Zhang Yu and Tangerine Candy.

Both of them looked very bad, with a state of weakness that was different from usual. Tangerine Tang evaded and took a big step to the side, showing an extremely disgusting expression on his face, while Zhang Yu awkwardly withdrew his preparations to help. Holding the opponent's hand, he showed a wry smile.

"Captain!!!" The people in the Orange Candy team were refreshed and hurried up.

"Don't cry, I'm not dead."

Tangerine Candy rolled his eyes, as if he didn't appreciate the excitement and concern of his teammates.

The members of Qi Qian's team also surrounded Zhang Yu and asked him about his condition nervously and concernedly.

As the darkness dissipated, the rancid and cold smell in the air gradually disappeared, the huge shop looked very empty, and the figure of the "customer" had completely disappeared.

The atmosphere relaxed after a long time.

Wen Jianyan leaned against the wall and poured several bags of energy drinks one after another. However, perhaps because the consumption was too great this time, the extraordinarily empty and cold feeling in the depths of the body did not ease much.

After this encounter, his current physical condition is close to the limit.

Wen Jianyan raised her hand and wiped her face vigorously, trying to expel that dizzy feeling from her body, but it didn't do much.

At this moment, a footstep sounded, approaching in this direction.


Wen Jianyan looked up.

It's orange candy.

"You look ugly as if you were going to die."

The other party stood a few steps away from Wen Jianyan, looked down at Wen Jianyan's face, and said in a mocking tone with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern." Wen Jianyan responded with curly eyebrows.

Tangerine Candy: "I didn't—"

She seemed to realize something, and suddenly stopped her voice, frowning tightly.

"Anyway, what are you doing here with me?" Looking at the other person's eyes that seemed to be able to fly out of knives, Wen Jianyan changed the subject sympathetically, and turned his eyes around Tangerine Candy's face, which was not much better than himself, and said, "It seems that the unmasking spell should also pay a certain amount of vitality, and you should also need to rest."


Tang Tang reluctantly pouted, raised his hand, and threw the blue-black spell over. Because it was too light, it landed lightly at Wen Jianyan's feet not far away.

Seeing the other party stretch his arm hard enough, Tangerine Candy bluntly made a mocking sound.

"..." Wen Jianyan ignored this painless provocation with adult politeness.

He took the blue-black spell in his hand and looked at it carefully.

After using it once, the original scarlet and blood-like texture became gray and dull, and it was obviously impossible to use it a second time.

Wen Jianyan turned the spell over to the back, with a strand of hair sticking behind it—thin and soft jet-black long hair.

Looking a little familiar.

"I guess it's your hair," Tangerine added coolly.

After all, among the two teams, Wen Jianyan is the only "female" with long hair. Although Tangerine Candy also has long hair, as the top ten on the ranking list who hates other people's closeness, The difficulty of getting her hair was too high to be considered.

Wen Jianyan glanced at the long silver hair hanging on his shoulders.

Since the activation of the Holy Infant prop, his hair has become the current color, and the color of the hair in his hand is black. After thinking about it, only when he was kidnapped at the beginning, it is more likely that he passed out of a coma. .

Wen Jianyan looked at the spell and said:

"It seems that the use of black charms is not only to lead customers to other stores, but also to attract monsters if they have something in their hands."

It's an excellent tool for the yin.

"He really wants you to die."

Tangerine Candy looked at the girl in front of her with a strange look.

She rolled her eyes and added with a smile: "Of course, maybe it's not just you."

Their negotiation in the corridor did not shy away from others. Although Mu Sen hid his figure with some props and found a new shelter, he must also know that the two teams had reached a cooperation.

This move is not only aimed at Wen Jianyan, but also at Tang Zi Tang and his party.

Obviously, the previous threat from Tangerine Candy gave Mu Sen a strong sense of crisis.

After realizing that the cooperation between the two sides had broken down, Mu Sen's escape in the melee did not only mean that he knew the current affairs and slipped fast, but he probably still had the idea of ​​​​starting first and eliminating the roots to avoid future troubles.

If it wasn't for Wen Jianyan's understanding of the copy of [Prosperity Building] to a level that no one else could imagine, otherwise, Mu Sen might have been able to succeed.

Although a redundant customer will not pose too many threats, it can smoothly reduce their vitality and existing resources. In such a difficult dungeon, the damage caused by useless work is the most terrifying. If Mu Sen If it was really successful, they probably didn't even know how to destroy the group.

It's really chilling.

Tangerine Candy wrinkled her nose with a look of disgust.

"It looks like that guy is really not going to save his life for the next instance."

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, paused in front of Wen Jianyan, and said with a smile:

"Well, you can hire me."

Wen Jianyan: "Huh?"

"Although I can't tell, I'm actually very professional, and I rarely take two orders at once - especially those from opposite sides." Although Tang Zi Tang's face was still pale, the expression in his eyes was full of With a little bit of madness, she said with a smile, "But that guy really annoyed me. So, I'm willing to make an exception for him."

She tilted her head: "How about it? Do you want to hire me to kill him? I'll give you half a discount."

[Integrity First] Live Room:

"!! Good guy, it's the first time I've seen Tangerine take the initiative to ask to be hired!"

"Me too... I remember that basically everyone else was rushing to hire her. How could I see them taking the initiative to promote themselves!"

"The main thing is that Mu Sen has done a great job. Of course, there is another point. Although it is estimated that Orange Candy will not admit it, she actually has a good impression of our anchor!"

"Woooooo, team cooperation, kill Musen! I support!"

Wen Jianyan: "No."

His answer was so neat and eloquent that there was silence for a few seconds in the air.

[Integrity First] Live Room:



Tangerine Candy: "..."

She narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "Hey, do you know how hard it is to hire me? Don't toast, eat and drink fines."

Wen Jianyan leaned against the wall weakly, raised his head with a smile, and replied, "I know."

"But..." He narrowed his eyes, his pale irises were like molten honey, revealing a fox-like cunning, "Even if I don't hire you, you won't let him go, right?"

"So, I want to change the proposal."

Wen Jianyan's smiling brows and eyes curved, raised her hand and pulled her long silver hair behind her ear, "I don't need you to kill him, I just need a prop on him."

"Remuneration, it's not points either,"

Wen Jianyan analyzed:

"Killing Mu Sen, the relationship between you and the oracle may also be deadlocked. I know that with your strength and style of action, in most cases, you don't need a prophet, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of ten thousand. one."

"As a reward, as a teammate, I will have the next instance with you for free."

The girl's face was pale and fragile, but her eyes were clear and bright, and she said with a slight smile, "We have the strongest prophet here."

[Integrity First] Live Room:

"Sounds fair, but it's not quite right!"

"Wait, you're not a prophet either! So rounding it up, wouldn't it mean that you bought a prop for free and hired someone to download a copy for free!"

"...I understand, it's not that the anchor doesn't want to hire, it's that he doesn't want to spend money to hire! You're too good at saving points!"


"I would call it crumbs!"

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