Some did not dare to look directly into Xia Ming's eyes, Sakura Airi nodded hesitantly: "Um..."

"It's such a pity..."

Xia Ming's sigh aroused the girl's curiosity: "...What a pity?"


Putting away the gaze that wanted to look at the girl, Xia Ming tried his best not to put the pressure on the girl's sight.

Although it is not something to be happy about, he has certain experience in how to get along with the timid: "The landscape photos taken in Xiao Ai are very beautiful. I like it very much, so I can’t help thinking. , The character photos taken by Xiao Aili must be beautiful too, right?"


Without hearing the reply, Xia Ming didn't say anything again, looking at him in front of him with a relaxed expression, without turning his head to know that the girl must be lowering her head at this time.

She is not shy, but the sunset's blush must have crawled onto her cheeks.

The faintly visible light and dust in the air are scattered on the orange-red pikes in the field of vision-this scenery, in the morning, will reveal an ethereal and fairyland-like feeling?

Although the twilight feeling at the moment is also very good, but I always feel a little bleak.

However, this is a somewhat bleak scene, if it is paired with a character, it will show a different kind of beauty, right?

In the photo, the emotions of the characters can easily penetrate into the scene, which can give people a completely different feeling. If it is yourself, then it is probably a very warm photo? After all, this is the expression on his face.

As for the girl who is slightly behind half a step...

Some heart-wrenching beauty?


......Perhaps only oneself would think so, after all, this scene......

I couldn't help but think of some familiar scenes in my mind-the same is the setting sun in the west, a man and a woman, the boy also walked forward without squinting, and the girl lowered his head slightly.

The difference is that they held hands in memory and walked a little fast. The condensed expression on the boy's face made them look like they were escaping from something.

What's behind them?

Xia Ming couldn't help but shook his head slowly-past events are no longer important.

Moreover, pinning emotions on another person is the normal state of his ridicule.

"...If you take photos of people...I also took them..."

Just when Xia Ming couldn't help but laugh at himself, Sakura Airi's cowardly voice sounded, making him come back to his senses.

"Really? Is it Xiao Ai Li himself? Or someone else?"

Hiding the memories in her heart, Xia Ming turned her head slightly and asked with interest.

"That... has..."

Sakura Airi said in a shining tone.

"May I see it?"


Seeing the girl hesitating, Xia Ming smiled: "If you don't want to, forget it, I'm just a little better..."

"Do not--"

The timid girl shook her head in a panic and waved her hand. She said anxiously, "No, it's can give it to Xia Ming."

The girl's impatient and shy appearance made Xia Ming laugh dumbly: "You don't have to force yourself, I'm not a terrifying villain."

"Student Xia Ming is so gentle, he is not a big bad guy...whoop!"

The words that he blurted out made the girl who was later aware of it shy, Sakura Airi involuntarily covered her face and lowered her head, standing in place with a small exclamation.


The footsteps did not stop, and Xia Ming turned his head again dumbly to prevent the girl from seeing the smile on his face. He admitted that being gentle is indeed attractive, but people will treat them differently. Who doesn't have a gentle side?

However, it’s also right. It’s really good to praise gentleness-[Student Xia Ming looks good, has the first grade in school and can help me with my homework, and I heard that the family is still super rich, I like him so much. 】


...It's okay, but it's better to use the rotten gentleness.

"It turns out that in Xiao Ai's eyes, I am such a person. To be honest, I am a little happy."

There shouldn’t be any doubts about what Sakura Airi said.

Although Xia Ming didn't feel like he was right, but Xia Ming didn't have any burden. He would be happy if he was praised by others. Moreover, if you talk to a timid person, you should admit the other person's point of view without a trace. If the other person shows obvious emotions, It should be even more so.


Sakura Airi, who shrank his shoulders through his fingers, saw the figure walking ahead. Although it was a bit far away, he still saw clearly—the silver hair with hanging shoulders rippling slightly as he walked slowly, and The rays of the sun sprinkled in from outside the window mirrored each other, making the air around him seem to be shining like dots of light.

The boy's straight and straight walking posture did not look solemn, but revealed an opposite sense of laziness. The shallow but bright twilight gave his back a little poignant beauty.

'What a nice view……'

The scene in her eyes made Sakura Airi feel as if she was watching the person walking in the painting, and the illusory beauty that came on her face made her involuntarily raise her hands that had been put down unknowingly.

The girl who loves photography quickly grabbed the digital camera hanging on her chest. She couldn't wait to press the switch and lifted the camera to her cheek.


With fixed focus fine-tuning, the emotional Sakura Airi skipped the last step and took several shots in succession.


There was a faint shutter sound, and Xia Ming stood in front of him, turning his head in doubt.

‘Ah, this expression is also great. ’

The girl who has fallen into inexplicable fanaticism feels good looking at everything.

"Xiao Aili, are you photographing me?"

Some curiously looked at the girl who held the camera to shoot, Xia Ming smiled and said.

‘This this this! today do not! It's really worth coming to this school! ’

Thanking the gods from all walks of life in my heart, Sakura Airi still kept capturing Xia Ming's expression.

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