"Strength, longevity," Arcado grinned: "Isn't this what the group of humans who desire to degenerate into monsters, and the monsters that have fallen, can't ask for?"

"Ha ha--"

Xia Ming shook his head and sighed: "Anything is good, I will be led by a dead thing, really..."


emmm, the protagonist clicked on the template of the black hand behind the scenes. I remember that I have been vaccinated before, right?

Chapter 45 The Late Day After (?) Talk

[Twin Gardens] In Xia Ming's room, Xia Ming, who had just returned, was greeted by someone's eyes.

"Wait to come back?"


Handing the suit jacket to Chaoyang behind him, Xia Ming looked at the black-haired **** the sofa with a smile, and said: "It's all so late and the girl is waiting for my return. Why am I willing to spend the night outside? You? Say yes? Senior Sister Sha."

"Will there be fewer women waiting for you at night?" Hei Yusha sipped her lipstick tea lightly, revealing the shortness of the scumbag in front of her as if it didn't matter to her: "Aren't they in the same room? Are they not willing to be outside? If you stay overnight, do you plan to run all night?"

"Let’s not say that they have already gone back. It’s too late today. They should all be asleep?" Although they were run on, but this drizzle, someone has long been used to it, and he was quite calmly paralyzed. Sitting on the sofa, he mumbled: "What's more, they are not alone in the vacant room, but unlike the senior sister, you are easy to think wildly."

"Oh? What do you mean..."

Hei Yusha's eyes turned weird: "Could it be that she has realized her conscience, and is willing to let it go?"

"whispering sound--"

Xia Ming curled his lips and said, "Touching your conscience and saying, am I that kind of person?"

Touching your conscience? That is probably the end of the world will not change, right?

Hei Yusha couldn't help but shook her head: "Then how did you manage them? The characters of those little girls are troublesome, right?"

"Is it okay to let them do something?" Xia Ming rolled over with a pillow, and said lazily: "Fanbo is in class B, Rihe is in class C, and the ring tone is in class D. Don't worry about them. Something happened."

"What do you mean if it's not just guarding the vacancies? Did you get them together?"

"I'm not that stupid, okay?"

Xia Ming curled his lips and said, "Fanbo don't worry too much, and she has Little Chihiro...you don't care who is Little Chihiro."

"Rihe is the one who doesn't need to worry about anything except Fanbo. Recently, I got close to Yibuki in the same class. I gave her some ideas and taught her how to deal with girlfriends, so I don't have to worry about her being too idle."


Hei Yusha accidentally choked on the tea, she couldn't help but twitched her mouth and said, "Beauty girl? Don't you teach people to pick up girls?"

"It's okay, I'm a person here, I don't know how to dig my own grave."

Xia Ming grinned, Lily, when he didn't have this face in his previous life, he had both NTR. Although he didn't do anything at the end of his conscience attack, but in this life... the ghost knows when his conscience was brainwashed by Sakayanagi Yusu Gone.

"As for those in the class...tsk."

He has to admit that, compared with his own scumbag style, the troublesome children in class D are not much less troublesome.

"I asked Hui to help me take care of Ai Li. Well, I told them separately. According to their personalities, I don't have to worry about big problems."

Although Karuizawa Megumi didn't say it explicitly, Xia Ming was not blind. Naturally, she could see how extreme her attitude towards other people was. It would be no surprise that she would do something extreme if she was not there and didn't tell her specifically.

Because of this, he will put her together with Sakura Airi, who is the weakest temper, but is working hard to change. After all, strictly speaking, they are quite alike, and it feels like a punch on the cotton. It's not too pleasant.

"So," Kuro Yusha raised her brows: "Did you put the girl you hooked up with and Horikita's sister together?"

"Why not?" Xia Ming said leisurely: "Although the two of them are born at odds, they are also people who like to bury the key things in their hearts. As long as they find a way, it is not difficult for them to [get peacefully together]. Then they will gradually get used to it."

"Method? What did you do?"

"Senior Sister Sha wants to know?" Xia Ming turned over again, and lay on the sofa looking at Hei Yusha, the pillow covering the weird smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's okay to tell you, but the movement is a bit big, huh. , Just so, sister Setsuna fell asleep too... come together?"


"You really dare to say anything," Hei Yusha couldn't help shivering. She twisted and shrank behind the sofa: "What the **** did you do to them?"

whispering sound.

He buried his head in the pillow again, and Xia Ming said dullly, "Didn't you make up several different scenes? Why did you ask me why?"


"What you can think of, I can think of it without a lower limit, and what I can think of, naturally there is a way to do it," Xia Ming raised his head and said with a smile: "Although I like to be lazy, I have always performed well. , Isn't it?"

"You are just talking to yourself," Kuro Yusha said blankly, "just like your self-care behavior."

"Well, I never like to force others, but that's mine, isn't it?" With one hand on his chin, Xia Ming squinted lazily and said, "What's more, I don't have so much time... …Before leaving, there is always something left."


Hei Yusha was silent for a while: "Then what about me? Why are you looking for me?"

"Senior Sister..."

With his head hung upside down on the armrest of the sofa, Xia Ming looked at Hei Yusha who was upside down in his field of vision, admiring the attractive pair of crystal jade legs, and said with a slight smile, "Don't you want to leave with me?"


"Let me guess, you want to go home, right?"


Putting the teacup on the chassis, Hei Yusha folded her legs, and didn't care about Xia Ming's blatant tofu-eating behavior-don't think about getting out of your body when dealing with this guy, not to mention, this is not the first one. Second, how else would he tell himself so many things?


"Sorry you guessed wrong."

It's rare for him to make a real mistake, but I'm sorry for the depression he has always been. The guy who cares about it should be burned to death, Hei Yusha thought with a bit of resentment.

"Huh...?" Xia Ming turned over, tilted his head and looked at Hei Yusha and said, "Senior sister is really a bit wicked by accident?"

Hei Yusha's face stretched: "Be serious, we are discussing business."

Xia Ming blinked and didn't reveal: "Then I guess I didn't guess wrong? Why is it half right?"


Half of it was wrong, Black Yusha whispered.

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