"WerGottvertraut, bautgut!..."


Amid the roar of artillery fire, Xia Ming faintly heard a vague but crisp singing, waving his arm blades, and once again swept away the rain of bullets in front of him. He squinted his eyes slightly to look at the aircraft carrier that was about to arrive, waves of heat. After the twisted air, a long-haired woman holding a gun on the deck caught his eye.

"Jetztauf! InBergenund Klüften..."

After focusing and getting closer, the singing was clearly audible. As the heat wave dissipated, the appearance of the long-haired woman became clear. She was a freckled woman with Western aesthetics. After seeing her, Xia Mingneng She felt a sensation very similar to the previous Tobarucaine-a bad smell, which is inferior even as a smell.

Well, even though this is amazing, in Xia Ming's mind, such a completely wrong description indeed emerged.

Closer to home, judging from the musket held by the freckled woman on the deck, she should be the shooter of the magic bullet. Look at the shape of her mouth between the opening and closing of her white teeth. Needless to say, the one in Xia Ming’s ear The beautiful singing is also from her.

"Hmm...? Singing on the battlefield...No, this is an opera? What is this hobby?"

He accumulated a lot of miscellaneous knowledge in the school library. Xia Ming quickly recognized the songs sung by women. He raised his brows and whispered in wonder: ""Magic Catapult"...it really fits this. Ability songs, they can be sung nicely, but..."

This has nothing to do with myself-but it is not impossible to be a devil...


Life-threatening blow-the purple light on the blade of the hand sword circulated, and Xia Ming, who was already quite close to the warship aircraft carrier, shot a beam of light towards the huge hull in front of him.


Amid the huge explosions around, a sharp gunshot sounded, accompanied by a burst of white gunpowder, and the magic bullet shot out from the long rim, towards the purple translucent beam of light below.

Quietly, the tangible and qualitative magic bullet once again melted the solid sharp light, and shot straight towards Xia Ming along the beam of light in an unstoppable posture.

The corners of his mouth behind the purple crystal visor cocked, and Xia Ming grinned: "I caught you—"

The smaller magic bullet in the slender beam of light trembled slightly as if it felt something. It seemed to be swaying rapidly around but unable to escape the prison, bringing out layers of fuzzy phantoms, both During the collision, the magic bullet continuously melted the surrounding purple light, but it was besieged by the streamer that filled it up one after another.

Neither retreat nor traverse as before, the magic bullet that only has one way to go can only strike towards the sharp edge of the blade along the beam of light.


The ending is undoubtedly the victory of Xia Ming, who has begun to become proficient. At the same time, Xia Ming, who was delayed by the intensive artillery fire for more than half of the time, finally brought the warship into his attack range.


With a mechanical voice command that had no emotional tone at all, Xia Ming made a leap. The black armor that was originally suspended and rushed quickly flew upwards, and soon he passed the railing.

"Yo, hello, Sagittarius, this should be the seventh shot, so go to **** with peace of mind-Caspar."

On the black sword blade overflowing with cold light, a total of sixteen purple starlights flickered, condensed into a sword light between the rotations and attached to the blade's edge.

The slender humanoid body is waving with both hands staggered-cross cut, cross cut after stab, slew cut, turn to cut, cross cut, cross cut, cross cut, slash and slash, the splendid and continuous streamer slashes in the air form a magnificent The sword net shrouded the prey in front of them.

——Close to Zhan must die, the freckled woman who has already embraced this kind of consciousness, looking at the dazzling sword lights, her face that panicked and laughed hard, paralyzed with her familiar singing, finally stiffened. A certain moment.

Click! Snapped--

As soon as the slender palm wearing white gloves loosened, the musket in the woman's hand fell, and she herself was shattered into pieces of meaningless flesh and blood...

"Um... people often say violence aesthetics, violence aesthetics, but this thing actually looks..."

The scene in front of Xia Ming, who was the instigator, frowned uncomfortably: "It's still as disgusting as before—"

Xia Ming shook his head slightly and turned around, and called the ACD person with the contact device hanging in his ear. The streamer on the blade of his hand was spinning again and again, ready to give other enemies a sixteenth at any time— —Although it feels a bit disgusting, he is still barely able to accept it now.

"Well, even though Kaspar is dead, my Samier's appetite is not as small as in the opera..."

Chapter 72 The Major

"Dead, the lieutenant is dead—"

In a huge dim room, a neatly dressed fat man wearing a white suit and white army coat is sitting on a red single sofa with Erlang's legs up.

The corners of his mouth were exaggerated and looked like madness. Looking at the image on the big screen in front, he grinned and said: "Good, good, very good, this level of power, this level of monster, the lieutenant is really amazing. Things that have been lost—Doctor, how many of these things are on that ship?"

The man standing behind the fat man with his hands on his back bowed slightly, and he replied in a respectful voice: "Sorry, Major, only a few of our cadres successfully sneaked into the ship, according to the last news they sent back. Look, it can only be expected that about one in ten people have special abilities, and the exact number and intensity are unknown."

"One tenth? It's not good, no, not enough, not enough," the fat man pushed his glasses and grinned, "It's only one ten thousandth, and this level is far from enough...The Hall of Fa Kings How's the situation on the side?"


The man called the doctor raised his head. He was wearing strange multiple glasses on his face. A total of six lenses reflected the massacre on the big screen. However, the man said with ease, as if he didn’t care, “Thirteen Betrayers. The commander of the class, Maxwell of the main combat faction, has been officially promoted to the position of archbishop yesterday. At the same time, he also served as the commander-in-chief of the secret army. Regarding the composition of the secret army, please wait a moment— —"

After the doctor’s words, he rummaged for a while, and took out the latest information to continue: "Kurland Swordsmen Order of Monastic Order, 340 people, Karatokabanuye Knights, 118 people, Saints The Knights of Tfano, the Legion of Tuscany, 257 people, the Knights of Malta, 2,457, and 58 elite troops of the Thirteenth Division of the Betrayers."

"Oh, horrible, horrible, horrible," the tone was full of mockery, and the major said with emotion, "What do our lovely believers want to do when they gather so many people? Do you have a banquet? Crusader Banquet? Ah, is this the ninth or tenth time?"

"Strictly speaking, this is the ninth time, Major."

"Oh-it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," the major slowly waved his hand: "Three thousand monsters annihilated the troops, one thousand man-made monsters, three hundred strange special abilities, more than one thousandth of the number... Do not--"

The golden pupil behind the lens reflects the image on the screen. A peculiar slender human-shaped armor is waving an arm blade and slaughtering monsters in the cabin. gap……

The major grinned again: "Enough is enough, it's superfluous. You don't need to care about other people anymore. This one out of three hundred people is enough."

"Major, shall we continue to send people to destroy that ship?"

"Do not--"

The major shook his head and said, "There are more than one monsters on that ship. We and human power alone cannot stop them."


The doctor was a little embarrassed, on his side... it seems that there is no human being, right? Well, of course he can only hold back such words in his heart: "Then we now...?"

"Go to Britain," the major said with a faint smile: "Prepare a great gift for our triumphant Mr. Arcado."

"Big gift..." The doctor couldn't help taking out his handkerchief and wiping the sweat off his face. He wondered whether he was excited or scared and asked, "Is it going to launch a general attack?"

The major nodded slowly and smiled: "Ah, the actors are ready to be in place, and even some unexpected guests have come. Then we shouldn't make people wait in a hurry."

Click, hum——

A mechanical noise rang, and the floor under the sofa rose slowly under the support of a mechanical arm.

"Doctor, inform us who are outside and let them do it--"

The major stood up and cast his eyes down and glanced at the neat rows below. Then, his gaze returned to the image of the aircraft carrier caught in the flames of war. He cracked a mouthful of neat white teeth and said slowly: " Alright you guys, I'm bringing you back to this **** hell-let's start, sound the crazy horn, for them, for us, Achtung!"



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