"So what about your daughter's weakness?"

After Xia Ming’s complete explanation, Hei Yusha did not hear the information she wanted. She had already seen these things when she was fighting Altaïr. What she wanted was what she didn’t see. Direct weakness.

"Her biggest weakness is already GG."

Regarding Shimazaki Setsuna, Xia Ming directly mentioned it. He actually doesn’t want to mention her: “So strictly speaking, Altaïr has been weakened now. She is incomplete. This incompleteness is reflected in her spirit and At the spiritual level, the most intuitive expression is now that she has been influenced by Cthulhu."

Cthulhu’s spiritual pollution is actually not so incomprehensible thing, it will be conveyed to the gods, it is based on the performance of the Cthulhu worldview.

The world view over there is not the setting of spiritual resistance, and all the stories in it happen to ordinary people, not to mention that it is a horror novel, and it is not surprising that it will create an invincible image of an evil god.

But if Cthulhu is moved to Xia Ming's side, let’s not talk about anything else. As for the characteristics of mental pollution, Xia Ming feels that he is still quite special, but it is undeniable that he is a rookie, even he Can withstand the influence of Cthulhu to a certain extent, so those other people who can slap him to death must have their own methods of resistance, right?

Altaïr who can match the Kurohasa wearing a [black water lily], let alone Altaïr?

Even if he took another 10,000 steps, Cthulhu's current goal was Xia Ming, and those irritating and irritating voices were still buzzing in his ears.

Moreover, if the octopus head can control Altaïr's level of combat power, when on the ship, no, before the ship sailed, it would have already controlled other people.

Still need to exploit the loopholes to influence the current Altaïr?

"What about other weaknesses?"

Kuroba asked: "You two have discussed such a semi-invincible ability. Will you always add a corresponding weakness to her? Doesn't it mean that Shimazaki doesn't like a crushing setting that doesn't go away?"

"Uh... well, um... I think Altaïr is a real person, we can't use settings to see her? So we can't..."

"Oh huh--?"

Xia Ming made the black Yusha in the armor squint her eyes slightly, and her tone was a little dangerous: "I said you, could it be that you have caused some troublesome weakness, right? Say...I didn't set it at all?"


"So that's the case, it seems to be the latter."

"Ahahaha, I still understand me love," Xia Ming said with a haha, "It was already very late at that time. You have been lying in bed for so long. I was afraid that you were hungry, so I ran to make it for you. It's dinner!"

"Thank you so much."

Left to right him, his tone was erratic, his eyes were still guilty, and he was aiming around on this guy, which meant that he had no intention of concealing the fact that he was lying.

However, this guy is generally quite measured, and now he will not hide and pinch in this situation. It seems that he really doesn't know, otherwise he won't try to pass the level.

Although it doesn't look cute at all.

"Then do you know what she plans to do now?"

The two had actually been communicating for a while, and Altaïr hadn't moved during this time, which made Kuro Yusha involuntarily have the doubts that normal people would have.

"This question is a good question, I don't know."

Although it was a character set by herself, to be honest, even if Altaïr's current abilities were similar to those set by Xia Ming and Shimazaki Setsuna, Xia Ming was not sure that her abilities were the so-called [Sen Luo Wanxiang].

After all, before the two of them added abilities to her, Altaïr actually existed behind Setsuna Shimazaki, and looked at her completely by setting...something too unreasonable.

And apart from this, Xia Ming and Altaïr have not really been together for more than an hour. It would be too difficult for him to understand what Altaïr plans to do now.

"Are your abilities useless to her?"

Hei Yusha thought of Xia Ming's [emotional perception].

"It's useless—"

Xia Ming shook his head and said: "At the level of an individual like you and Altaïr, if it weren’t for not fortifying me, then my abilities wouldn’t have much effect. I can only roughly feel something very simple. thing."

Altaïr is guarded against Xia Ming. This is why Xia Ming said that Altaïr would be affected by Cthulhu. In fact, it was due to her own contribution. She was only mentally and spiritually incomplete. Doesn't mean she has no resistance in this regard.

"Isn't simple and direct things not enough? Haven't you been good at this kind of things before?"

"Of course it's not enough, it's better to say the opposite," Xia Ming rolled his eyes and said: "[Emotion] can't represent everything. Let's put it this way, I can feel that others want to kill me, but if there is no other information, I It’s impossible to know how others plan to kill me."

Hearing this, Hei Yusha couldn't help but shook her head slowly as if speechless: "It's really a shame that you could use this ability like [Mind Reading] before. Sure enough, your daughter is right. You guys are born. Scheming bitch."

"She never said such a thing! And the gender is wrong! I am a male!"

"Then green tea bitch."

"What's the difference?!"

"Tsk, the dead house **** asks so much."


What the **** is this? New kind of bitch? Create words on the spot?

Looking at the stunned expression on Xia Ming's face with her mouth slightly open, Hei Yusha felt relieved.

It's not good to be upset, I'm doing it with real swords and guns outside, this guy actually opened his mouth to gank himself, and he didn't say insults, and he didn't retaliate against the non-gentleman.

Um? Wrong gender? what is that? Can you eat it?

"whispering sound……"

Rolling his eyes at the prudent woman again, Xia Ming turned his eyes and looked at Altaïr, who had been standing quietly for a long time in the distance, and said: "Can't you get on? If you don't get on, you will be replaced? Violet special--"

"Change your head--"

Hei Yusha snorted softly: "Violet is of the ability to attack type. Wouldn't she be squashed when she went up? Why don't I go up and continue to chop."

"Then you can't both guard me? This is to watch her prepare for something like a big move? Can't you go up and interrupt her reading?"

Xia Ming said helplessly. Among the few people present, he was the most capable of hardcore. He would be cut across the board at any time. Hei Yusha and Violet had to be protected by one. he.

"Why interrupt her? She would expose more things like this." Kuro Yusha said leisurely: "--Isn't that just what you want?"

"...Fighting big moves is very dangerous, I'm not afraid that one of you will have an accident."

Xia Ming shrugged, and immediately, he blinked his eyes and laughed: "Sure enough, it's my dear. I don't need to say that I know what I am thinking, and my heart is in love with each other. Give you a comparison~~~"

"Come on, who do you think is the credit? I have been scammed by you too much, huh!"

"I see."

"You know what a shit!"

Happy May Day, and the reasons why the recent update is unstable will not be repeated, which is a bit disturbing.

But don't worry, I haven't planned for eunuchs yet, so the overall number will not be small.

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