In the town of Nerluc on the banks of the Rhone, after hearing that the villagers had been persecuted by the evil dragon Tarasque, they decided to kill the dragon. In the end, Marda, who confronted the dragon, surrendered the evil with her mercy. Dragon, saved the villagers.

Marda, who appeared as a follower, is just like she is depicted in the New Testament holy books, holding the holy staff given by the savior and wearing holy clothes. She is a sacred girl full of gentleness and indomitability. The merciful saint.

Yes, the (physical) saint of mercy--

"The kid [he] is so cute! I didn't expect to see [him] in this state, it must be...yes, a gift! This must be a gift!"

"...This is disrespectful!"

Unlike the initiative in Sweet Time, Xia Ming, who was bored in broad daylight for the first time, pushed away the Wen Ruan Yuxiang that was close to his entire face, and his nostrils could not help but let out two breaths as if they were blocked.

The exhaled heat hit Malda’s chest, and before the lady of the saint did not know whether it was due to excitement or shyness, she raised her head as if to stare at her before her blushing cheeks. Xia Ming repeated viciously to Marda, whose breath was about to hit her face, "This is disrespectful!"

There are still times in this life when a woman chokes on her chest!


"If I really are'that person', what you should do is to offer your pious faith and respectfully worship!"

‘That person’, [him]-the person Marda treated with her younger brothers and sisters, and the person who bestowed her with the scepter, in a nutshell, it is recorded in the holy book as the son of God and the savior.

The name taboo has a special meaning in this world, and most of the heroes' release of treasures requires the liberation of their real names, that is, shouting the names of their treasures.

And because of the existence of the magic base plate and the need to increase the mystery, magicians will also pay attention to the symbolic [noun] when using magic and making props and materials.

Therefore, whether it is to maintain the mystery of'that person', or to have a fear and yearning for the old, it is rarely mentioned by magicians who are not ordinary people.' That person's name will usually mention some deeds in the conversation, and then use the pronoun to reflect the person.

But from Malda’s perspective, he would use [he] or ‘that person’ to refer to it, probably out of respect for [him], right?


"This is - disrespectful!"

Xia Ming repeated angrily again.

To be reasonable, of course he welcomes welfare and other things, but, yes-now is not the time for loneliness!

I'm a meat eater!

Lixiang has been tempting me since that time. If he has the ability, he will take me to a remote place to live alone!

I can make you cry with my eyes closed!

Finally relying on having a relationship with Matthew and Mary...I mean talking about daily life, and finally relying on chatting with two small freshmen to soothe the impulse. After being interrupted by Marda, who has natural flesh, Xia Ming always feels My own anger seems to have a tendency to break through the suppression of rationality and reflect on the body.

It's a shame to be stunned and not vented!

"I... I also think Miss Malda is too... Besides, Xia Ming is also Senior's friend, he should be a peer of the same age, boy."

Ma Xiu turned his head away with blushing blush, and the purple eyes floating on Xia Ming and Malda from time to time showed the master's mind faithfully.

"Hey, it seems that Miss Malda likes Xia Ming very much, and I also think he is very cute."

Marie Antoinette, a natural healing idol, beautiful, gorgeous, happy, and straightforward living lady, in other words, is a natural dull with a lack of threads in her head.

Like is like, dislike is not like, there is no ambiguous attitude, but it is such a natural and straightforward, but it can often cause misunderstanding by others.

Just like now, Mary followed her own words very honestly, pounced directly at Xia Ming and hugged him, rubbing her cheeks filled with joy like a pet.

"Um~ soft and slippery~ so cute~"

"Right? Yes, right!"

Marda, who had just been summoned back to God by Xia Ming's "great disrespect" for three consecutive years, once again showed fiery eyes, and moved her hands and feet to Xia Ming again.


Can I open the Eighteen Forbidden Route? ? ?

Holding a sigh of breath, Xia Ming couldn't help it anymore. He sighed for a long time, relaxed and let the two women rub themselves like toys.

——This world has a lot of cool abilities, and there are also some things that seem to be crooked, or simply spoof.

For example, the crow flies in a plane...ah no, I mean Astorfo, the cute JK (male) riding a handsome eagle, can even rely on one of his treasures [Magic Universal Guide Book] in his ability panel Scribble on.

The so-called things that make people want to be crooked...Malda and Mary are one example.



Career: Ruler

Career skills:

To the magic: EX

The powerful anti-magic power exerted by the unshakable belief heart...In fact, it is simply avoiding magic attacks.

Retaining skills:

[The Saint by the Water]: B+

Drifting on the boat, probating (physically) the evil dragon Tarasque's Malda has a close relationship with the water. When she realizes that she is at the water's edge, her attack power will rise... in short It’s going to cheer up when you’re at the water’s edge.

[Natural flesh]: A

After taking off the holy clothes, Maldach's body is perfect as a creature. Although this is a skill that shows the absoluteness of the body, it also has the effect of fascinating others...In short, it will be very powerful after undressing.


【Marie Antoinette】:

Career: Rider

Retaining skills:

[Charming Bell]: C

The natural beloved voice can be used as a charm magic for the opposite sex, but as long as it is able to defend against magic, it can also reduce its effect without the meaning of resistance to magic. It also symbolizes the declaration of the exercise of royal power, as a symbol of royal power. Mary, her singing can attack the enemies of kingship with magic power.

[Beautiful Princess]: A

The charm of attracting people around you can attract a knight who protects you just by being there.

[God's Grace]: B

The best beauty and body are the skills that symbolize the ‘beauty of royal power’.

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