Turning around the corner and cursing people, he has forgotten that the common sense given to the follower will also include some historical information and myths...

"Well, I can still tell you that you are still human, not to mention that you are not so noisy."

Shut up obediently, otherwise it will turn you into a monkey—that's probably what it means.

The acquainted Xia Ming shrank his shoulders and stuck out his tongue, and ran to Lixiang to help her take care of Matthew.

"Isn't it the failure of the follower?"

Although it is already a fact in fact, Lixiang still has not figured out the key points. She frowned and said, "I remember, even if it is the most similar to the follower, there is no follower. How to use the Servant's Treasure, right?"

"Well, even though it is the same failure as the Shadow Follower, the Skeleton Follower...just call it that for now."

Skaha turned his head, while finishing his long hair soaked in river water, he continued to explain: "The shadow follower is a spirit body that has not been able to become a hero, or it is due to the lack of strength of the summoner and the defects of the summoning formation. The life forms that are called by other reasons and are most similar to the servants, so they cannot use treasures, and this also includes the reasons for this."

As for the specific reason, that is another topic. I will skip it now-the woman with long hair is careless, and the casual look and tone of the woman express this meaning.

"As for the skeletal follower—"

Skaha's words stopped and brought the topic back to the bone follower: "That is another kind of failure, eh, that kind of situation is quite common now, right? The failure before success is also There will be all kinds of directionality...it's similar to this situation."

Lixiang nodded thoughtfully. Although she didn't have the detailed information like the shadow follower just now, she knew a lot about this matter herself, and it was not difficult to understand the meaning.

The shadow follower is a failed product that can use the skills of the follower. The bone follower who is different from the failure direction of the shadow follower...

"In other words, is the Skeleton Follower a failed product that can release the treasure?"

Skaha nodded appreciatively: "Although the situation just now is a little different, in terms of the facts, what you said is really correct-and although the skeleton follower can release the treasure, it is only under ideal conditions.' Accidentally, in fact, due to the low basic values, the skeleton followers are generally a group of elite fish with more martial arts skills than ordinary skeleton soldiers...maybe not even that level."

Elite trash fish.

Shaving Matthew wheel's eyes...Ah, hey, Xia Ming, who was massaging his temples to soothe the spirit, cast a weird look towards Lixiang upon hearing this.

As expected of you, your ability to corrupt people's hearts is as strong as ever, shouldn't it be time to take out the collections to preach...

Xia Ming, who was thinking of all the messy things in the past, did not mention it, while massaging Matthew and tidying up her hair.

Lixiang is fairly adequate in terms of the basic knowledge of the follower, and she has her own understanding of Skaha's explanation.

After all, from a realistic point of view, the skeletal follower who just seemed to be able to fight Skaha in close combat did not seem to have a low basic value.


"It's ideal to be able to release the treasure...by accident?"

Lixiang, whose mind was constantly running, suddenly had a look on her face. Her eyes lit up and she blurted out, "Is it an imaginary treasure?"

Scarha was taken aback, and chuckles somewhat unexpectedly: "Yes, although bone followers can release treasures, in fact, they are not true followers, so it is naturally impossible to use real treasures."

"Imaginary treasure—"

Skaha looked at Matthew, who had been lying on Xia Ming's lap without knowing when, and then involuntarily fell on the slender hands that didn't look like a man at all-she was observing the movements of those hands.

‘This little devil combs his hair...how does it seem to serve people well? ’

I was surprised that someone with Xia Ming's personality would actually serve people, but Skaha had no plans to stir up things other than this kind of topic.

She shook her head slightly, shook off the water droplets stuck to her hair, and at the same time suppressed the little surprise in her heart.

"Although it is not the same as Matthew's situation, the treasure of the skeletal follower can indeed be called an imaginary treasure."

Lixiang nodded clearly.

The servant’s treasure is something released by chanting his real name. For special reasons, the former Matthew successfully, or half-successfully, took part of the treasure without knowing the real name of the treasure. The power is released.

And the skeletal follower who just encountered...


There is absolutely nothing wrong, that is the chant of the real name of the treasure.

Although there is a lot of difference in power, if it is an imaginary treasure according to the explanation just now, it will work.

—It is not a treasure that is imaginary through intuition without knowing the real name of the treasure, but a imaginary treasure that is forced to simulate the effect when the real name is known.

Although the latter is what anyone can imitate as long as the appearance and effect of the treasure is known, in fact, it is something that only skeletal followers who are failed followers can do.

Because of the directionality of its failure, it is taking the path of "specializing" the release of treasures. In other words, it can only release degraded versions of treasures. Otherwise, it may not even be regarded as an elite miscellaneous fish. .

Well, that can only be done under ideal conditions... In that case, is it that even a imaginary treasure might not be considered?

Although Matthew didn't know the real name of the treasure before, after special training, he was able to use the treasure freely, even though it was only a small part of the power of the real treasure.

However, that is better than the skeleton follower just now.

There is also only a small part of the power that Matthew can use freely, but the skeletal follower can only do it under ideal conditions, even when it is evaluated by Skaha as "may be used by accident." Degree.

As for the power of the sky shaking and knocking down that large piece of land in the cave just now, it was purely due to the venue.

Just as the cause of avalanches often does not require much external force, the main reason is the chain reaction plus the snowball.

"The skeletal follower with the long spear just now, the reason why it can fight you for so long, is because its treasure is the strengthening state, or the reason for the blessing of other special states?"

The treasures of the servants are not the same. Weapons, skills, powerful wide-area strikes, and even special state blessings, may become the treasures of the servants, or one of the powers of their treasures.

It's just that in general, special state blessings will be classified as skills for use, and state blessings that can truly become treasures are relatively rare.

However, considering that the Skeleton Followers are inclined to be able to use treasures as a product of the failure directionality, Lixiang had to overturn his initial guess-the blessing of the follower's skills.

During the battle between Skaha and the Spear Skeleton Follower, Lixiang thought of the Shadow Follower who could only use the degraded version of the skill, not the treasure.

After all, she has been in contact with the shadow followers many times, and the understanding of them is not bad. When it comes to the failure of the followers, she thinks of the familiar shadow followers—all of them. What a failure.

Therefore, at that time, Lixiang subconsciously thought of the blessing of the servant's skills, but now it seems that it should be a treasure of state blessing.

With that kind of treasure, you don’t need to chant the truth—

"That's a skill."


Suddenly Xia Ming made Lixiang show a dazed expression.

Chapter 39 Territorial Privileges

"Do you know if it is a treasure or a skill?"

Lixiang tilted his head and looked at Xia Ming suspiciously.

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