It's just that it's a refuge, but it's actually more likely to leave the mystery of the gods.

Among them, Britain is a special existence.

If the planet is compared to a human body, then the British Isles is like a belly button, and for creatures still living in mystery, it is like a heart.

It is a relic of the age of mythology, and it may also become a fulcrum for subverting the world.

If someone wants to "return" the mystery, then there is no doubt that one of the focuses of that person's work must be on the island.

Speaking of it, in the last singularity, Lixiang and the others seemed to have encountered a crown-level existence, probably because of this.

Therefore, in order to prevent the world from being subverted, it is like nailing that possibility firmly to the ground. It serves as a pillar to protect the primate and an anchor to stabilize the world. The body of the holy spear is also Stand here.

But of course, it is not an existence that can be confirmed with the naked eye, and the "invisible" referred to by Merlin does not mean simply seeing with human eyes.

However, even though Britain itself is special enough, it cannot prevent the dissipation of mystery and the spread of humanity.

Rather, it is precisely because Britain is special enough that it will become a relic of the old era and the last stop of the new era.

Because of this, she was entrusted with the Holy Spear.

However, even if it is sacred, something that will make people subconsciously worship, it does not mean that it will bring good things.

The change of times is often accompanied by **** storms, not to mention the unspeakable but obviously incomparable changes of mystery and humanity.

Although the times have become more and more suitable for mankind, in the earlier replacement period, that is, when dealing with the mysterious loss, people who are groping for how to survive in the future must have paid an unimaginable price.

Compared to the continent where the island was the first to change, she didn't know the details of the specific situation there, but she had heard of the appearance of things like magic circuits.

It was a mystery that was more suitable for the human age that was explored by a human magician, and it was also a product of a group of stubborn guys who gave up the original path.

Judging from the magician's temperament, it is enough to see the tragedy.

The exploration period is always very difficult, she knows this very well.

Thanks to this, Britain, as the "terminal", may seem calmer when it breaks down.

But that does not mean that it can be easily accepted.

Not to mention the invasion of the foreign barbarians, after the mainland empire that originally ruled Britain was reorganized, it also planned to send troops to bring Britain back into control.

Even without mentioning these external factors that can be expelled, Britain itself has very serious problems.

In Merlin's words, the island, which is not very rich in resources, was still "repelled" in that era.

Compared with the mainland, the British Isles is a special place—it is also a "foreign body".

The invasion is not only about foreigners, but the land itself is also changing.

While becoming more suitable for human survival, it also means that the original crops will become difficult to grow varieties.

This alone is very bad for people, not to mention the original idea that "As long as you defeat the humble king, you can drive away the foreigners."

The death of the Lord of Scourge did not end the dark age of Britain, and the appearance of the King of Radiance failed to respond to people's expectations. The smiles on the people's faces were even less than when they were enveloped by the terrifying shadow of the humble king.

Now she could understand that it was a matter of course, and instead of being in a state of fear and getting used to it, despair when hope is shattered is the real weapon.

However, although she was not as mature as she is now, she did not say anything discouraged because of this.

After all, she had seen the "future" at that time, but still chose to draw the sword-if this country is doomed to perish, then she will let the country "sleep".

The problem of food can be explored slowly, and Camelot's surroundings can also be sheltered while she is still there, but the invasion of foreign enemies is urgent.

At that time, with firm eyes, she turned on her horse and galloped in battle after war.

Military meetings and windy meals have become her daily routine.

In order to protect the island, she had to squeeze small villages to prepare military rations. In order to drive away the looting alien races, she had to abandon the villages she had saved.

Although the villagers have been arranged to emigrate, she is also the one who ordered the villagers’ hometown to be burned in order to prevent the aliens from respite.

"This is for future victory, I hope everyone can bear with me."

Squeezing the people and destroying their hometowns, even if she said this, it would be difficult for her to gain everyone's approval.

Especially for the upright knight.

"King Arthur, I don't understand people's hearts."

The Knights of the Round Table who whispered these words left her side.

Soon afterwards, several knights also left her and returned to their own territory.

She didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and she didn't feel that they had betrayed herself, and she had been busy with the war and handled government affairs in a fair manner, and she did not have the spare power to punish the knights.

What's more, the knights can also play a role in hiding in their own territory——

The purpose of the aliens is resources and land. The difficult aspect is that one can only guard the homeland, while the other side can rely on looted materials or occupy the village as a temporary stronghold to run around.

The fighting methods of the two sides were not equal, so she ordered the burning of the village to disrupt the rhythm of alien aggression.

But after all, it is not a strategy to determine the outcome, and there are not too many alien races that can be eliminated at once.

Therefore, in order to further improve efficiency, strive to eliminate all the barbarians from outside as soon as possible, and the trick to lure the enemy came into being.

And the place that can be the decoy...If you have the knights to rectify the defense, you should be able to support yourself to arrive on the battlefield with reinforcements.

This strategy led to a further rebound.

"King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts."

"The man just treated us as pawns."

"The king who can solve everything by himself can't treat us as companions."

However, this did not have much impact on her. She still tried her best to handle government affairs to a staggering degree and judge the people's right and wrong impartially.

Therefore, her isolation has become a matter of course.

But she was not moved by this.

Because this is the "future" that has already been seen.

Wang is not a human being. With human feelings, there is no way to protect people-even now, she doesn't think that is wrong.

Just thinking back to the past, she couldn't help but want to know what was wrong with her, no, she wanted to know why it turned into that cruel ending, it was just such a simple idea.

So, apart from pulling out the sword, is it really a [gun]? In order to protect the people of Britain, the [gun] was given the last blow to Britain.

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