According to Orange, as Karina's death made the situation more complicated, the increasingly chaotic situation attracted a lot of people.

However, those who are said to be incredible are actually just like detectives.

Although it was a very ridiculous profession for a magician, even the person who came was an amateur, but considering that the person was one of the twelve monarchs (Lord), the people present showed a little cooperation.

Then, things came to the bottom.

It is through the person's inferences about the whole picture and the understanding of his own personality that Orange can understand what he has done without memory.

Silver Princess and her maid managed to escape from Izeruma after that, but not in the form of fleeing, but after the matter was resolved, they were taken away by the clock tower in the form of assisting in the investigation.

As for the final outcome, it is not that Orange can know, or that she is no longer interested, so she doesn't know.


Karina murmured blankly with her head down.

Qingzi curled her lips indifferently. The fate of the two women...

"They will probably be preserved by Baru Yereta. After all, the chaotic state of affairs is also a terrible ugly state for magic. The nobles who like face will squeeze their existence value, so although it will suffer. Point, but it's more valuable than death.

As for the use as a bargaining chip for marriage, you don’t care about this kind of thing anyway, just assume that they are still alive, so you can feel at ease, right? "

Karina: "..."


Qingzi: "..."

Blinking his eyes, Xia Ming looked at the three of them innocently and said, "Why are you looking at me?"

Orange gradually narrowed his eyes, and the seductive smile on his face looked a little, no, it was very dangerous.

"You really are not dead."

Although the look in Orange's eyes looked like a snake staring at a frog, Xia obviously didn't care.

"Is it surprising? The three of you have been staring at me for so long. I thought you all could see it. I would have pretended to be a while if I knew it."

The frost-like Qingzi's expression was stiff and said: "Oh? Why?"

Xia Ming, who had a nonchalant face, suddenly smiled, and peeked at his white and tender paws.

"Of course I want to have more contact with Sister Qingzi, well, it's a fighting style, so flexible."

"……Ha ha."

Qingzi with a calm face suddenly smiled, and the temperament he showed in an instant was even more coquettish than that of Orange!

It is also more dangerous!

The magician's slender right arm glowed with a light like a circuit board. This was not the kind of bluffing on the leg before, but the light emitted by her own engraving circuit when it was running!

A magician who has inherited a family line will have certain organs on his body that will be engraved by the magic of the transplant family, and the place where Qingzi is transplanted and engraved is her right arm!

Although she can't use magic now, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have any fighting power!

She, who had been destroyed by her close contact with her expertise, used engraving magic to strike directly.

"Although I just caught you just in case, but now it seems that I really did the right thing. Don't try to run away, but I hold you tightly tightly——!"

The entire right arm was lit up with a murderous light, Qingzi looked at the innocent Xia Ming in her arms with a sunny face, and made a sound of death.

After thinking about it, I should finish writing in one breath and send it again, and then it's now... it is a job that is prone to sudden death, and it is hard to adjust the sleep time...

Chapter 71 In fact, I am also a melee expert (laughs)

"It's really enthusiastic, as expected of Qingzi."

Xia Ming was stunned. Even if the dragon grasping hand, who thought it was a matter of innocence, could not let Qingzi let go, it would make her head down for a while, and then she could slip away by herself.

Unfortunately, the tighter body told Xia Ming that he was thinking too much.

Unlike most orthodox magicians, Qingzi, who was born in a magician's family but halfway through the family, walks a bit wild. Even if it is the fifth method to get rid of the mystery of the gods, her magic system is also very suitable for violence. .

The quality and quantity of the magic circuit are not good, and the composition is extremely simple. What can be called the advantages are the rotation speed of the magic circuit, durable structure, magic quality and utilization rate.

Simply put, it is the kind of person who performs mediocre on complex things, but is so good at simple things that it is beyond the norm.

Thanks to these advantages, before her magic is powerful, the ‘fast’ release speed is more noticeable.

Then, coupled with her magical characteristics that tend to destroy [magic power release], she is good at chanting offensive magic at high speed with infinite rotation and fear, well, a humanoid self-propelled cannon was born.

To be honest, Xia Ming felt very stressed when faced with this woman who was judged to be able to contend positively with followers and when it would be called ‘Eula’.

It's different from the creepy water-milled tofu of oranges.

Both sisters are troublesome women. No wonder they are so beautiful and still single all the time.

Xia Ming, who was trying to break free from Qingzi's bondage, couldn't help but break his thoughts in his heart.

"Don't struggle, I still have a little research on the structure of the human body, you can't do it now."

Qingzi's voice with a charming smile on her face sounds quite cheerful. If it weren't for the engraved circuit on her right arm that kept turning and accumulating energy, and locked her own power joints, Xia Ming wouldn't mind just laughing with her like this. Last whole day.

Well, smirking is fine, he is not the kind of Xiaobai who indiscriminately put all kinds of strange labels on people who smirk.

Xia Ming glanced at Karina, who had calmed down from the panic, and Orange, who had never panicked from the beginning to the end. Seeing that they didn't want to move away or even intend to intervene, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

"You are so relaxed and don't move your hands and don't leave. What are you doing here?"

"Save it, brat."

Orange took out the crumpled cigarette box in her pocket and popped one out again. She was chased by Xia Ming for eighteen streets. She just wanted to relax now.

"It's sly like old fritters, I don't believe you don't know what we are doing."

Xia Ming blinked.

[Cinderella] The time limit has passed, and Karina can ignore it if she doesn't explode.

Orange's big leather bag...I almost thought it could change its tentacles forever, but now it seems that I think too much.

Is that charging?

Glancing curiously at the ordinary-looking leather bag at the magician's feet, Xia Ming thought about it slightly.

"Well, although it's nice to have three beautiful big sisters with me, but I don't want to die, and there are quite a few people waiting for me to go back."

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