The silver-haired boy who seemed to work part-time as the **** of death raised his eyes, and a strange brilliance flashed in his beautiful blue eyes.

When the three people on the opposite side had fully recovered and fully guarded his strange behavior, he opened his mouth and read the spirit of death.





It seemed that the incomplete speech whispers made people horrified. After the three Qingzi shook their bodies subconsciously, a wisp of transparent white mist gushed out of the death sickle.

The white mist of light smoke spread at a speed that seemed to be slow and fast, but within a few blinks, it swallowed all the areas near a few people.

After a few breaths, the surroundings were shrouded in a hazy white mist, like an early morning in the mountains in the countryside.


As the only real combat chicken present, Karina swallowed with some difficulty. She looked at the enemy shadow standing in the hazy mist, and by the way combined the translucent shadows floating around him. Earned the fund.

No, it's not just around the enemy, even around, in this area covered by a strange white mist, ghostly phantoms are also appearing everywhere, making the entire fog area look abnormal. Weird.

All of a sudden, it changed from a quiet country forest to a ghost forest in a horror movie!

"This... is not good, right? This kind of thing can drive it?"


Orange took a deep breath and exhaled white smoke into the air.

Powerful individual envoys, skillful to terrifying melee combat skills, coupled with the present, instantly transform the surrounding environment into a field beneficial to oneself, and then summon the ability of multiple visible spirits.

Well, now she doesn't bother to say that the other party is a monster.

It's just that the endless'hole cards' are really enough to make people break down. It is clear that to reach his level, whoever studies it will start in ten years, right?

Even if you are a born ‘superpower’, the scope of this is too broad.

"Well, it's okay to face multiple high-level magicians, but it seems that we can no longer protect you anymore. No, it should be said that we should pray for each other, and hope to last longer. "

So I can die slower.

Of course, if the visible spirit body summoned by the other party doesn't continue to increase...Forget it, it's because I think too much.

Orange sighed, bent over and picked up the big leather bag on the ground.

Compared with Karina, who has no power to bind a chicken in this situation, she can still struggle as a crown magician, and this environmental condition also greatly increases the magic attire she uses now. become.

Everyone is a horror movie...

Thinking of this, she greeted the two companions next to her, separated them without hesitation, and said that they all acted as bait.

After all, it was either a conscious cumbersome who died once, or someone who even thought about whether to take the opportunity to stab each other after working together, there is no need for the three of them to be hypocritical.

In general, ask for your blessings.

At the moment when the three of them had just separated, Xia Ming, who had originally stood still, flew towards Qingzi at an extremely fast speed!

This is his first goal!

Xia Ming flashed to Qingzi's body with the faintly visible ghost shadows around his body. He raised the death sickle in his hand and twisted his waist along the trajectory when he raised his hand and raised the weapon!

Cut diagonally up and down!


The huge and sharp blade flashes with cold light, and the cold light condensed on the tip of the blade is getting closer and closer to Qingzi's neck, and his head can be taken off without even breathing!

The speed has become faster!

The pupils of the surprised Qingzi shrank, just as Xia Ming just raised the sickle in her hand, she quickly mobilized the magic power in her body to strengthen her limbs, stomped her right foot forward, and left her left foot off the ground, shifting her center of gravity back to dodge!



However, Xia Ming, who missed a hit, did not give up.

I saw that he was petite, as if being pulled by a huge scythe, his body turned involuntarily but gracefully.

Then, with the heavy weapon in his hand as the center of gravity, he drove his body to bend his legs like a monkey and jump up on the ground with his toes!

The harvesting tool in Xia Ming's hand turned half a circle, with the force of rotation and the kinetic energy of the whole person falling, the blade tip fell towards the back of Qingzi's head!

Accompanied by the whistling sound of the wind, the death god's sickle seemed to have reached the target!

However, Qingzi, who landed the first step, looked stunned, she didn't retreat but moved forward!

Avoiding the blade on one side of the body, the right arm with magic light clenched into a fist and swung towards the long handle of the sickle in Xia Ming's hand!


At the moment before this short and heavy thunder rang out, Xia Ming, who was holding the sickle tightly, seemed to have been hit by a heavy truck, and flew involuntarily in the direction of Qingzi's fist.

The silver-haired **** of death was like a golf ball being hit, and he was forced to rush into the white mist with a scream!

If this blow hits the flesh, the consequences can be imagined.

Before Qingzi who had just shot Xia Ming into the air in a hurry, her face suddenly changed!

A magician who is proficient in melee combat just spins up and kicks without thinking! A leg whip that was stronger than the boxing force just now, with a howling wind slammed to the top behind her!


The heels shining with pale blue light slammed on the chin of the tall phantom behind him!

The huge force and the magical impact poured out like a flood, and immediately beat the ghost of the skeleton behind to be attacked into rb...Ah, no, it knocked the whole head of the despicable ghost all at once. Its body also dispersed into mist and floated away.

The unending kick was when the bent leg was retracted, the airflow that was driven up blew a small stale wind along the trajectory, causing the white mist in a small area to unnaturally agitate.

It still seems quite obvious, well, Qingzi's evaluation of a head-to-head hand-to-hand battle with the follower is not just a guess.

Even if she can't use magic now, she is definitely not an opponent that can be underestimated.

In the same way, Xia Ming is not the monkey Zhengtai who likes to sell cute and stupid!

call out!

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