"Huh? This is a long story..."

Xia Ming raised his head when he heard the sound, he looked around and found the big cross shield that had been left not far away.

He ran over and picked it up barefoot while ‘cracking, cracking,’ while talking about the things he had done before.

Of course, it also includes his wave of surfing in the open sea.

Altria was silent, she stared at Xia Ming with calm eyes for a while, and asked indifferently.

"In other words, you made the tsunami just now?"

Huh, huh, huh...

Xia Ming held the bottom of the big cross shield in both hands, and fanned it forward like a giant fly swatter, trying to shake out all the fine sand hidden in the junction.

Looks quite happy.

He nodded, confessing to his crime.

"Yeah, I did it, although I didn't expect it to become so big."

Competing with the water on the sea is the most stupid thing. Under the condition that he can use his brain to solve it, Xia Ming will not waste unnecessary physical strength to show off his strength.

Although the waves on the sea can shake tonnage-level steel behemoths, it does not mean that they are all suitable for surfing.

If the wave is not high enough, you can only experience the swaying sensation of "shaking and shaking".

Maybe you will get seasick.

Therefore, the witty Xia Ming decided to make some surfing waves by himself.

The follower has magic power to release, he has coding, no, thick fog releases.

That thing is his current panacea.

It was a good thing from [she] ‘eat’ a lot of ghosts last night.

Use magic fog-because the essence is white fog formed by magic, so let's just call it that for the time being.

Xia Ming has no experience in how to roll up waves with magic mist, and neither has [she].

Therefore, Xia Ming, who didn't have to worry about running out of energy, tried all the way back with great pride.

The number of bumps and falls in the middle is not mentioned because of the face of the teenager.

All in all, when he faintly saw the shadow of the island, with very strong eyesight, he was already unable to go up and down in the huge tsunami wave.

You won't die if you fall, but Xia Ming doesn't like the feeling of being rolled around, like in a drum washing machine.

After fainting, people will say whether the morning sickness is good, especially when he grows up like this.

It's just that Xia Ming, the clever ghost, always likes to think of bad ideas.

Although he generally restrains himself from reducing the number of deaths, the effect is obvious to all.

Therefore, he was obliged to add another fire, who felt that the waves were not fast enough.

No, it's just an extra effort.

Anyway, he didn't follow the ‘original road’ to return, he deliberately deviated from the track and stayed away from the stronghold, so he didn’t have to worry about spreading to Lixiang and the others.

As for the others, are they worried that the followers will be beaten to death by such waves?

It's just fainting at most, it doesn't matter.

After a blink of an eye, Xia Ming had to change his original thoughts.

"Unexpectedly, there are really people..."

It was too late to do anything, Xia Ming spit out his tongue, his eyes rolled, his ankle twisted very realistically, and he fell into the tsunami.

He is a good, serious and responsible boy, and he will take the initiative to take responsibility if he does something wrong-just listen to this.

In fact, if he is safe and sound, he will lack the confidence to be right and confident.

After all, this can be regarded as sharing weal and woe, isn't it?

——Of course, these words cannot be said.

I don't know how many Xia Ming the three of Altria saw, and they explained their actions very candidly.

Remove the frank and refined version of the last mental activity.

"It's just... a mess. It's a shame that you can rush back all the way like this? It's really hard for you."

Altria took a sigh of relief and looked at Xia Ming with an expression that looked like an idiot.

It is also commonly known as caring eyes.

She had played against Xia Ming and didn't doubt that Xia Ming could do this kind of thing.

After all, if she could change back to her black state, with ‘infinite’ magic power as a support energy, and give her a little time, she could also do this kind of thing.

Even though Xia Ming had only demonstrated outstanding martial arts skills at that time, the final blow he cut off her head was not just martial arts.

The weird white mist and the phantom, Altria is still vividly visible today.

In retrospect, there was even a slight phantom pain in the neck.

The knight king's fingertips slowly brushed his neck, and he raised his eyes to calmly stare at the silver-haired death **** who was still shaking the sand.

"You rely on this shield to surf?"

It is one thing to be able to create a tsunami, but another to surf with a shield that is obviously not used for surfing.

Being strong doesn't mean you can do everything.

Even if it has magical power like panacea, if the shape of the shield does not change, there is no way to make it suitable for surfing.

This is not a question of whether it is strong or not, but a question of appropriateness and inappropriateness.


Xia Ming nodded, finally shaking out all the sand in the shield, he inserted the big cross shield diagonally on the ground to support it.

Hearing Altria's question, he quickly understood what she was thinking.

"It's very simple, just do it like this—"

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